Yes, drug prices may be about to come down, and if they do – you can thank President Trump. While vocal Democrats – those who delivered the abomination of Obamacare, ever-escalating premiums, pointless penalties, and sanctimonious speeches about socialism – failed, the President has succeeded.
Yes, he managed in a first swipe, to end the unconscionable penalties. But he has now done more – he has proposed scrutinizing billions of dollars in annual rebates from drug-makers to Medicare middlemen, which allow those middlemen to keep drug prices high. This really matters.
Leading experts, from policy makers to economists, suggest Trump’s move may force drug prices – to tens of millions of average Americans – down. The White House, Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Inspector General (IG) of that department are targeting the dark practice, as many believe it keeps costs high, “where states contract with insurers to deliver benefits.”
What exactly is the point? If rebates are to be given, they should ultimately benefit patients, not benefit managers. In some ways, Trump’s executive decision is a shock, like ripping a bandage off the system. But sometimes that is the only way to restore truth, justice and the American way. More seriously, the world of confidential rebates for high-priced branded drugs – money held from patients – would end.
So, how significant would this be for patients – like you and me? Well, do not expect mainstream media outlets to tell you. They have long been more silent than vocal on this issue. But the Trump Administration is all over it, driving yet another alligator from the DC swamp. “This proposal has the potential to be the most significant change in how Americans’ drugs are priced at the pharmacy counter, ever …” said the HHS Secretary.
That is about right. Here is why. Tens of millions of Americans – many in older demographics – buy drugs at a pharmacy each month, and these tend to be priced in ways not easily explained. As the Wall Street Journal bluntly put it: “Rebates between Medicare plans and drug manufacturers have long been permitted because they aren’t barred in statutes prohibiting kickbacks to secure federal business,” adding “the new proposal could eliminate that protection by potentially subjecting the rebates to review under anti-kickback statutes.” After all, rebates that do not make it to consumers, sound like kickbacks.
So, here is the nub of it. Who passed those statutes? Congress. Who is unlikely to change them? Congress. What does this President stand for – Average Americans. What matters more than access to life saving prescription drugs at an affordable price? To many Americans, there is nothing that matters more.
And guess who is on it? President Trump. I know, you may think he is fighting the good fight to get that wall built to protect Americans from an onslaught of illegal immigrants – and you are right. But he is also fighting another “good fight,” one that the media pays little attention to. It is for you, for the average American in their daily life – who struggles to make ends meet, and to stay as healthy as possible in the process. So, yes, drug prices may be about to come down – and you can thank, President Trump.
Democratic corporate cronyism. The Democratic party is the primary reason for the demise of the Middle Class in America. Would be great to see the Republicans get off their lazy backsides and act like this is a fight for the country, which it is.
I sure would like to be able to just click “print” for my husband who does not use a computer.
MAY come down is just a possibility article not a fact.
Hats off to President Trump, hope this action will bring drugs prices down!
Good job ?
You will see many Congresscritters and Senators, both democrats and a few republicans come out with all kinds of phony and fake reasoning why Congress should fight the President on this.
But none will ever mention they get huge benefits (including bribes and fully paid for ‘vacations’) and campaign donations from Big Pharma and the middlemen dealers to keep these $BILLIONS flowing into thier bank accounts.
Finally we have a President who has sacrifized his lifestyle to fix our country. He is a President “For the People and Love of Country” . All these changes in just 2 years in office, in 6 years this will be America Great Again…
I just hope that whoever comes next, will not undo it.
What is currently barred by statute is Medicare (the largest purchaser of drugs) being allowed to negotiate drug prices with the drug companies. This prohibition was enacted by Congress and can only be undone by Congress. The President can’t lift this prohibition by Executive Order.
If we really want to take a bite out of drug prices, Congress needs pass legislation for the President’s signature to allow the CMS (a/k/a Medicare) to negotiate drug prices with the drug companies.
I thought for sure President Obama would cut drug prices, at least for Medicare and Medicaid programs — but I’m convinced President Trump is FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS. YAY, Donld. I’d definitely vote for you again.
There is always hope to be optimistic that both the President and Congress will work to make life better for the American people, Having drug prices more affordable for average everyday citizens, especially those on fixed incomes would truly be a positive outcome. Putting an end to kickbacks to Pharmaceutical companies and contracts arrangements with Medicare should be stopped. It is the right thing to do. Thank you for staying on top of this important issue. We will all be a better for it if and when it is addressed.
I want to share this but it is written in a way I can not. You see, I have friends on both sides of the political aisle. In fact, I will forever be a registered independent because neither party truly represents me well enough. Therefore, I try to only post facts without political bias. Unfortunately, this article was written with too much political bias for my circle of friends to accept.
Hooray! God Bless President Donald Trump!
Exactly right! Thank the PEOPLE’s President, President Trump, for, as the article says, “ripping off the bandage” to reveal the rot within. A fundamental premise of obamacare is, ostensibly, that adding layer upon layer of additional, costly and ill-informed bureaucracy will somehow improve the quality and lower the price of healthcare. This concept is so absurd it can only make sense to a progressive.
It’d be one thing if the bureaucracies did anything worthwhile. We have massive regulation and tens of thousands of regulators. Yet we regularly hear of drugs causing previously-unknown problems, rogue doctors abusing patients, and on and on, ad nauseam. I offer that not only are the regulators and middle men not helping they are a contributing factor to the proliferation of problems. People visit doctors, they take medications, they eat foods, safe in the knowledge that big government is watching out for them and keeping them safe. Except of course they are not. If people realized it truly is the Wild West out there, they might become more careful, thoughtful and active about taking care of and advocating for themselves.
Thank you President Trump! Keep up the good work!
I hope this will bring down insulin prices!
Who specifically does this change affect; only certain income levels?
Something has to be done and done quickly for many of us to benefit. I am a Type 1.5 diabetic on two types of insulin. also hypothyroid and needing medicine for that, with carotid artery blockage, with several allergies that cause respiratory problems, who just happens to be osteoporotic, and definitely about the most healthy-looking and active eighty-year-old you’ll ever see. Not ready to hang anything up about my life, but I was scammed the slow and very painful way a few years ago. I need HELP, so let’s get these drug prices–especially in my case for insulin and Dulera–down as soon as YESTERDAY.
Down with Big Pharma! Victory for the little guy! Keep America Great 2020!
Good job Trump
Having a friend to the American Worker in Washington DC in my lifetime has been sparse. I’m in the 85 yr range. Pres Trump is a welcome and needed President thank you Jesus
Kudos to President Trump. I want to see the fat cat politicians who work only for their own benefits while claiming to be working for their constituents brought to their knees by this president. Drain the d***** swamp.
Hmmm… I didn’t hear any of this from the “unbiased” media – just a lot of talk about Trump colluding with Russia.
He has a little more than just two fires to put out , and not only ripping a bandage off has to put boot to a** on some of these blood sucking people . How bout the smirking kid who was charging two to three times what his medical pen cost . How about the people helping the elderly and sick and yes even the illegals charging outrageous rates and saying those are the going rates but give care like it’s just a job . They outta get a Real Job!!
God bless you, President Trump! You are just the man our country needs in office!
I will believe it when I see it! The guy in charge of this now is the former head of Lilly so there is little chance anything will change. Just another lie by the orange man!
Something needs to be done…I have a dog with a condition that requires meds 2Xs a day. I bought his first prescription at a Drug store and it cost me $221a month….I found a pet pharmacy for the next month, and it cost $18 for the SAME, identical bottle. This is insane.
I think that is great that the drug prices come down, but at what cost for example where are the drugs made, here in the USA or in China where two of my medications have been recalled in the last few years because of poisonous toxins in them i.e. jet fuel that causes cancer. How do we guarantee that the drugs we get come from the US and not from a country that could care less about our well being like China? That worries me more than the cost. Two years ago I had some problems and the doctor gave me a prescription for two medications, the first one was $700 plus dollars, I looked at the pharmacist and said you can keep it I can afford that one, and the second one was over $300 for a 30 day supply. Those two medications would have cost me over a thousand dollars a month. Now tell me how you can pay for those.
The american consumer or patient is picking up the cost for all the peoples of the world so they can get their meds for practically nothing and we pay through the nose.
But I want to be assured that what I am getting is safe to take, not loaded with jet fuel, or maybe after being on a medication for a year all of a sudden I have cancer, or bowel problems that cause a great deal of pain and suffering.. now how do we fix this dilemma.?????
I see first hand how the high cost of drugs are financially crippling the American people. This is a must have conversation that should be addressed for 2020. I know this is a hot hot topic in my world. It’s a hot mess when you can’t afford your medication.
Thank you President Trump!!!
Hang tough Mr. President, drain the swamp and build the wall.
As one of those he speaks of I think it’s past time for something to be done for the drug cost to senior citizens who pay out the ya zoo for our drugs
I hope you do a follow-up story when this actually takes place — don’t want to post a “may about to come down” when it is yet to be a reality.
Just a suggestion to the Republicans that want to be reellected in 2020….. You had better advertise your success on drug prices and healthcare costs! Otherwise I fear that they and the President will be looking for another job in November. Don’t fall for the side shows that the Democrats present but dwell on the issues that concern the taxpaying citizens!
Democrats will go nuts. They simply cannot tolerate Trump getting credit for another MAJOR win. It will kill them. Just like them demanding that Trump cave on the shutdown.