
National Security , Newsline

Doctors Go Woke, Urge Removal of Boy and Girl From Birth Certificates

Posted on Thursday, August 5, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by: Aaron Kliegman


The left’s war on reality keeps reaching new levels of absurdity. Now, even the concept of assigning a sex to newborn babies has become unpalatable to liberals, as the American Medical Association (AMA) recently announced that biological sex should be removed from all birth certificates. According to a resolution from the AMA, the organization will “advocate for the removal of sex as a legal designation on the public portion of the birth certificate and that it be visible for medical and statistical use only.”

The announcement will undoubtedly come as a shock to most Americans who, until a few years ago, had probably never even heard the term “trans.” The concept of malleable gender identity — the idea that anyone can self-identify as male, female, or neither— is understandably foreign to most people. Until relatively recently, journalists weren’t writing about it, lawmakers weren’t legislating about it, and medical professionals weren’t thinking about it.

How quickly things can change. A recent report from the AMA expanding on the aforementioned resolution now says that gender must be removed from birth certificates “to protect individual privacy and to prevent discrimination.”

It’s no surprise given radical stances like these that the AMA has increasingly become a fringe organization made up largely of academics and lobbyists, not practicing doctors, that Democrats often use to provide their policy stances with a façade of “expertise.” In fact, less than 15% of active physicians were dues-paying members of the AMA as of 2019, and rank-and-file doctors have long criticized the AMA for acting as if it speaks for every physician.

But that hasn’t stopped AMA Board Chair-Elect Sandra Adamson Fryhofer from issuing sweeping statements suggesting that every doctor and hospital should follow their proposal anyway. “Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity,” she said recently. “This type of categorization system also risks stifling an individual’s self-expression and self-identification and contributes to marginalization and minoritization.”

One can agree or disagree, but the fact is that 48 states and the District of Columbia already allow people to amend their listed sex on their birth certificate to reflect their individual gender identities. If someone is trans, there’s nothing stopping them from changing the designation on their birth certificate from male to female or vice versa.

Why, then, is the AMA’s resolution even necessary? One reason the AMA board cites in its report is that only 10 states allow for a gender-neutral designation — typically “X” — on a birth certificate. In other words, the AMA, a professional association and lobbying group of physicians and medical students — supposed experts — is explicitly endorsing the notion that gender is not a biological reality but is rather a social construct that must be dismantled. It’s unclear what a designation of “X” on a birth certificate actually means, biologically or medically.

If all medical professionals were to embrace the AMA’s recommendation, the only logical outcome would be a fundamental reversal of how our society views gender. The AMA has already supported efforts to provide children under the age of 18 with “gender affirming” medical treatment. But even then, the idea was that babies would be assumed to be their biological sex until they are old enough to choose their own pronouns. Now, the AMA wants every American parent to instead assume that their child might be trans straight from the womb.

Although you won’t see opposition to the AMA’s resolution from any mainstream news outlets, many in the medical community have expressed concern about the implications of the statement. Robert Jackson, an MD from the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, recently told WebMD Health News, “We as physicians need to report things accurately… All through medical school, residency, and specialty training we were supposed to delegate all of the physical findings of the patient we’re taking care of. I think when the child is born, they do have physical characteristics either male or female and I think that probably should be on the public record.”

If someone gets older and wants to change their gender and update their birth certificate accordingly, that’s one thing. But eliminating sex distinctions from the very beginning of life ignores the most basic science — indeed, a fundamental, objective truth of biological life. This begs a troubling question: If we’re disagreeing about such clear objective truths, then how can we as a country ever hope to unite socially and culturally, let alone politically?

More concretely, the AMA’s decision poses a real medical risk. In 2019, a transgender man — a biological female who identified as a male — birthed a stillborn baby because nurses didn’t consider checking if the patient was pregnant. Such cases are only more likely to occur if birth certificates don’t specify one’s sex.

With the support of our major institutions, from the media to Hollywood, corporate America, and now the medical establishment, wokeness is on the march. And the gender issue is at the tip of the woke spear.

If such forces, including the AMA, have their way, soon enough parents won’t be asking whether it’s a boy or a girl. They’ll be calling their child an it, until he or she chooses a gender — or no gender at all.

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3 years ago

Wait. What? Medical Doctors? Let me quote, “in the beginning He made them make and female…:

3 years ago

The AMA stated “…gender must be removed from birth certificates to protect individual privacy and to prevent discrimination.” Privacy? Discrimination? Okay, then what about removing the birth weight and the child’s name? No opportunities for baby-switching there!!

Give me a break. I’m so sick of this tiny fringe of lunatic “woke folks” turning acceptable standards upside-down and determining what’s best for the vast majority of “normal” Americans. I think we’ve spent too much time looking in the mirror during this pandemic. Maybe getting back to work will help us prioritize what’s really important in this country.

3 years ago

OKAY? Now I guess we will have to petition the AMA to determine the GENDER of our new born?
Until that selective determination is made my child will be a “What’s it????”
Obviously they have sidestepped what God has determined?
“WOKE” does Not mean awake….. just stupid!

Dave Donaldson
Dave Donaldson
3 years ago

Gets more ridiculous every day.

3 years ago

What happened to TRUTH?!!!
Totally Stupid!

3 years ago

It’s like the world has been turned up-side-down. Surreal.

3 years ago

Most asinine de decision i have ever seen.Even the Dr.s are walking in the dark.No science in this decision

3 years ago

No opportunity for fraud there, right? Why not just hand out blank forms. SMH

Peggy Lymburner
Peggy Lymburner
3 years ago

The left constantly lectures everyone to “follow the science”…blah, blah, blah. Well…isn’t BIOLOGY a science?

3 years ago

Satan has sunk his claws deep into America, but Christianity always wins in the end.

3 years ago

The medical profession has gotten stuck on stupid.

3 years ago

How about drivers licences? Marriage licences? How about draft registration? School registration? When you open a can of worms you are going t have to put up with a lot of worms.

“Those whom the Gods would destroy they first drive mad.”.
Euripides predicted that eons ago. Guess he was right.

3 years ago


George Carter
George Carter
3 years ago

How about we remove their medical license, I don’t think they have enough sense to be a doctor!
I’m missing Trump more & more.

3 years ago

Do Ben the AMA now retreat from their own declaration A few months ago, that sex and gender are not the same thing?

Everything I can find says that sex is the chromosomes you have…gender is which sex you want to be, how you see yourself.

3 years ago

Great. Now the AMA is a political organization. SMH! >: |

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

As a proud XY chromosomal type I am outraged, irate that that info would not show up on my certificate of birth.
The,LGBTQ and woke wackos are good now and then for comic relief, but this is serious stuff.
I couldn’t finish the article without gagging.
The LGBTQ community should consider allowing the marriage between queers and oak trees. They’re both nutty!

Robert Tomsak MD PhD
Robert Tomsak MD PhD
3 years ago

I am a practicing physician-scientist and I am appalled by this madness. Science has become pseudoscience over the last year, and now when I read a medical article I assume upfront that it is based on bullshit. Reagan once said: “Trust, but verify” in regard to the Soviet nuclear capability. My motto now is : “Don’t trust, but verify” when it comes to anything related to C-19 or Wokeness

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

Genesis 1:27 “So God CREATED man in His own image, in the image of God CREATED He him; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED He them.”
There should be no further question regarding gender. This whole issue is ungodly and totally ridiculous. Let’s get back to the Truth of the Bible, the absolute truth. Boys are boys, and girls are girls. End of discussion.

David Brown
David Brown
3 years ago

OK then, just add a third box to check- “freak”

Delilah Patrick
Delilah Patrick
3 years ago

This is ludicrous! Genesis 1:27, says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Irv C
Irv C
3 years ago

It’s enough to make one VOMIT. Creepy our world has become. Why designate a species doctor? Suppose the kid wants to be a parasite when it grows up. I mean the left wants everyone on welfare or some creature close.

Len Tippett
Len Tippett
3 years ago

The American Medical Association had already lost at least eighty percent of their credibility, now they have lost the other twenty percent.

Len Tippett

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

Idiots. Sounds like Psaki mind speak. Trump said something that covers all this Democratic propaganda: “I think they’re disgraceful, I think WOKE is a loser’s philosophy.”.

3 years ago

Maybe we should remove the term “Doctor” from their degrees and licenses, if they fail to understand one of the basic principles of biology, and human anatomy, and physiology? I for one would not want to be treated by someone who did not understand whether I need a prostate exam, or a pap smear. So unless they can make a return to the basic facts of human anatomy and physiology they should have their medical licenses. permanently revoked, they should be capable to handle the question “would you like fries with that?”

Carla Anderson
Carla Anderson
3 years ago

I went on Sandra Adamson Fryhofer’s facebook page and told her what a sick human being she is!! This BS needs to stop. GOD HELP US

3 years ago

Learning of things like this should send us to our knees. Help me pray! They are weak and powerless against God Almighty, who created 2 sexes, no more.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The AMA lost over 60% of it’s membership as to their stand on gun ownership. I know physicians who concealed carry. They left the stupid AMA. That ‘clun’ is in BIG trouble if they cave to this.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Contact those LOONS about this at the AMA. They need to be put in their place.

3 years ago

Stupidity knows no bounds.

3 years ago

Where is Forest Grump when you need him?

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
3 years ago

So the AMA and their minority of useful idiots have decided that we shouldn’t be listing the sex of a new born child as male or female? Perhaps we need to be looking into medical schools to see if they are still teaching the difference between male and female patients. And then maybe we should be having a peer review to see if these medical practitioners should still be allowed to practice medicine.

Norvil Brown
Norvil Brown
3 years ago

God created them male and female. Thank God for the difference!

3 years ago

AMA, American Moron Association, has become depraved as the rest of the Socialist Fascists. A child is born, either male or female, so says The creator God in his finished publication The Holy Bible and moreover in their created form. Furthermore, There is no such thing as the mental mutation called transgender.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

I have one more comment to make, this is the epitome of audacity.

3 years ago

Give me a break. Either at birth you have a penis or vagina.

3 years ago

This is utterly RIDICULOUS!!!!!

Peter K
Peter K
3 years ago

First and foremost, the AMA represents far fewer M.D.’s than people arel lead to believe because as with ANY trade organization it is nothing more than a self-serving organization. It certainly doesn’t speak for doctors in general or the medical industry as many believe. The yhave little credibility among those that know the facts and are nothing more than political parrots of the woke because they want to be loved. Aw, isn’t that sweet? Ask YOUR M.D. if they are a dues paying member, because that’s all it takes. Paying the fee to play and go to conferences aka mini vacations. Every industry has them and in large part, they are all the same….useless.

3 years ago

And now you are telling me to talk to my doctor about getting a vaccine?!

Larry W
Larry W
3 years ago

What happened to the AMA ? Where are the level headed leaders that we used to have? Evidently you have to be an idiot to be elected as head of an organization these days. Has everyone gone off their rocker in this country?

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

I can’t believe it stupidity have even hit the Medical, Profession, I am just a dumb old farm boy, but even a dumb old farm boy knows that god made two genders MALE OR FEMALE.
You were not born a TWEENER an either – or, you were born one or the other and no matter what you call yourself you will be one or the other tell the end of your days, they can whack on your privates all they want, you can dress in any type of cloths you want, you can be eligible to play on the football team but talk like you are one of the cheerleaders and I suspect you are still a male. You cannot be something other than what you were born God did not make us with inter-changeable parts.

Joe M
Joe M
3 years ago

The AMA is just as disturbed as those who are “woke!” If it wasn’t so sick and sad it would be laughable !! That means the AMA is no longer credible !!!

Dennis Phillips
Dennis Phillips
3 years ago

This country had better hit their knees and turn back to God before satan gains total control. The party running this country obviously does not care about it.

Dennis P

3 years ago

I would not pay the hospital or the doctor until they boy the biological sex on the certificate. and I would start a protest with the other mother and dads and family member and protest outside saying that the hospital staff are so stupid that they cannot tell the difference between a boy or girl and need to be sent back to school,

3 years ago

These “woke” people need to find an island for themselves and leave normal people alone!!!! And how is it that the media is actual listening to these ITS, THINGS,WHOEVERS, WHATEVERS, THATS, NO SENSE, MINDLESS BUSYBODIES!!!!!!! Get off of the drugs that you are on and come back to normal civilization. And I hope that your child is in the locker room when a boy or man that falsely identifies as a woman stares at your child and starts touching themselves in front of your child, you never think about that scenario do you!!!!

3 years ago

they aren’t woke they are stupid and asleep – parents you go right ahead and add that to your child’s birth certificate – a boy or a girl

3 years ago

common sense people don’t want this – who died and left the idiot brigade in charge

3 years ago

this is all bullshit PERIOD

3 years ago

Since last year we’ve been hearing politicians and the MSM telling us to “follow the science.” Now the AMA wants to have gender removed from birth certificates. Didn’t they learn that everyone is born with either XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes, neither of which can be changed no matter what kind of hormone treatments or surgery one might have to try to become something different than what God created. This is truly asinine as medical exams, tests, and treatments are necessarily different between males and females since they are prone to different diseases or conditions, so wouldn’t every doctor want to know which one they are treating?

3 years ago

Doctors who urge removal of boy or girl on a birth certificate should lose their license to practice medicine. OMG

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