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Dems Betray Authoritarian Impulses With Reaction to DeSantis Migrant ‘Stunt’

Posted on Thursday, September 22, 2022
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

The reaction by the left-wing legal establishment, the media, and partisan Democrats to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s move to transport 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, an ultra-wealthy liberal enclave off the coast of Massachusetts, underscores a basic truth about the left that became all too clear during the Trump years: if you threaten their grip on power, every cultural institution and even the legal system will be weaponized to silence you, effectively criminalizing political dissent.

On Tuesday, news broke that a civil rights law firm had filed a class-action lawsuit against DeSantis for the act – the second legal action against him in as many days after Javier Salazar, a sheriff in Bexar County, Texas, with a documented history of supporting Democratic politicians announced that he was also launching a “probe” into whether or not the migrants were “lured under false pretenses” to one of the wealthiest zip codes in the country.

A number of legal experts have already suggested that the lawsuits against DeSantis are legally dubious at best. But as the country has seen with the never-ending string of litigation against former President Donald Trump and his family, the point is not to achieve a conviction – it is to distract from a real issue that Democrats and the media are ignoring (illegal immigration) and delegitimize a political figure who poses a threat to Democrats’ grip on power.

For the left, whether DeSantis actually broke the law is beside the point. By exposing their hypocrisy on immigration and “sanctuary cities” – not to mention their contempt for poor border towns who have had to deal with thousands of migrants, not just 50 – DeSantis has committed the unforgiveable sins of forcing Democrats to confront the consequences of their own policies and making them look foolish to the American people.

The lawsuits were matched by a hysterical response from elected Democrats and the left-wing media, who demanded that DeSantis be arrested and jailed immediately for “kidnapping” and “human trafficking.” Former CNN correspondent Keith Olbermann tweeted that DeSantis’s actions were “federal crimes” and “the sentence is five years – per victim.” One MSNBC guest called on Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland to “bring the full weight and power of the federal government down on [DeSantis].” California Governor Gavin Newsom similarly called for a DOJ investigation into DeSantis. Following news about the lawsuits, Charlie Crist, the Democrat nominee running to unseat DeSantis this November (and currently trailing him by nearly five points in the latest RealClearPolitics polling average) issued a tweet celebrating the investigation, asking “Who else agrees it’s time for Ron DeSantis to get what he deserves?”

The vastly different response to similar actions taken by another Republican governor – Greg Abbott of Texas – illustrates the left’s fear of DeSantis. While DeSantis transporting migrants to Martha’s Vineyard has garnered most of the headlines, Abbott engaged in a similar move last week as well, dropping off two busloads of migrants on Vice President Kamala Harris’s front yard at the Naval Observatory in Washington D.C.

In many respects, Abbott’s move was even more symbolically powerful and embarrassing for Democrats – Harris is ostensibly Biden’s “border czar,” and just last week claimed that “the border is secure.” Moreover, Abbott has been busing thousands of illegal immigrants to self-described “sanctuary cities” like Chicago, Washington D.C., and New York City for weeks with relatively little media fanfare.

To be sure, Abbott has received his share of negative coverage, and even a few lawsuits of his own (although most have been directed at the state of Texas, not Abbott himself). But the vast majority of left-wing outrage has undoubtedly been reserved for DeSantis, who is considered by many to be the most high-profile Republican governor and a future presidential hopeful. Bashing any Republican is fair game for the media, but DeSantis is an especially dangerous threat because he has embraced Trump’s brand of America First politics and has now forced the left to talk about issues they need to hide from the public to have any chance at electoral success this fall.

The lawsuits against DeSantis and breathless media claims that he is a “threat to democracy” and nothing short of a human trafficking mastermind are thus unlikely to subside anytime soon. Just like Democrats have used the sham “January 6 Committee” and now the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid to desperately avoid any mention of inflation, gas prices, crime, or any number of other crises that their policies have caused over the past two years, we might now expect that the discussion will turn to potential criminal convictions of DeSantis to avoid discussing the fact that an estimated 4.9 million people have crossed the border illegally since Biden took office.

But largely thanks to Trump exposing the attacks against him as baseless conspiracies concocted by Democrats and the liberal media – from the fake “Russian collusion” narrative to made-up claims about Vladimir Putin putting bounties on U.S. troops – most Americans look unwilling to buy the media spin. Try as they might, people just aren’t going to believe the line that sending migrants from a third-world country to a posh island paradise that claims to be a “sanctuary jurisdiction” is somehow a human rights violation.

For Republicans elsewhere – including in Congress – the media and Democrat panic over DeSantis’s actions shows that he’s struck a nerve. Just like Trump’s hardline immigration stance helped him secure the White House in 2016, immigration can again be a winning issue this year. As alarming as it may sound, the new rule for Republicans seems to be that if your Democrat opponents are threatening to throw you in jail for exposing their hypocrisy, you are probably winning the debate.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Send more migrants to VT ME MA DE RI CT

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

“Cancel Culture” enthusiasts and practitioners provide a valuable insight into the workings of the minds of liberals who are determined to impose themselves and their foolish beliefs upon the rest of the population who are not them–dispicables, deplorables, deniers and the rest of us human trash obstructing their path to total social and political domination. And, if they know how to read a ballot, wonder for which party they adhere to at the voting booths?

2 years ago

When you have the dems by the balls, because they have been caught out in their hypocrisy and they are screaming, the only thing left to do is squeeze ever harder until they beg for mercy. It will take a long time since a democrat NEVER ADMITS THEY WERE WRONG. CRUSH them if you have to.

Really I would prefer a nicer way, but since the democrats have gone insane and are no longer resasonable on any topic. ( can you now one?)It has to be done.

They have made the situation that requires a drastic solution.

As for the illegal aliens issue They should ultimately be packed up and send back.

Every person entity and corporation and NGO involved with the blatant breaking of our law should be Investigated, arrested prosecuted, and jailed.


Deborah Beard
Deborah Beard
2 years ago

I recall the Biden administration flying immigrants in the dead of night to American cities. He should also be charged with kidnapping and such. The hypocrisy is ridiculous.

2 years ago

As usual, the Dems are just trying to deflect the public’s attention from the real issues at hand. They FEAR Gov. DeSantis as much as Pres. Trump

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
2 years ago

gotta love the duplicitous Democrats and media- The Biden administration has been flying illegal immigrants to cities all over the country for 2 years.

Darius Dickison
Darius Dickison
2 years ago

Lying hearts, minds, and souls! Full of hate. Manipulating the weak, ill, and ignorant.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

How can they, “….bring the full weight of the law down on Governor DeSantis….”, when the clown in the Oval Office does the very same thing with these criminal invaders except it’s done during the dead of the night?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Has anyone expected anything different? Could anyone imagine hysteria had they been dumped in Beverly Hills? Let the unwashed deal with the mess and there still are enough fools to vote them in

2 years ago


2 years ago


J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

People take my advice, Never, Never, Never, vote for a Democrat of any kind, sooner or later they will go stupid on you,
Make sure your Son or Daughter never disgraces your family by never marrying a Democrat!

John Davis
John Davis
2 years ago

What makes a sheriff elected to defend TEXAS think he is in charge of a Florida. This is is typical democratic overreach.
He needs to clean up TEXAS first.


2 years ago

dems use “democracy” as a punch line; the right (appropriately named, and also a proper synonym for “correct”) use these words as the backbone of lives spent defending America 

2 years ago


2 years ago

Compassion of the left goes as far as “not in my backyard, not in my town”. That’s who these frauds are.

2 years ago

Wealthy Democrats love the concept of providing “sanctuary” to the poor and downtrodden as long as it is provided by somebody else at some distance to their rich, liberal enclaves.

2 years ago

Men who stand behind their beliefs. Commendable for leaders to show the American people who the bad guys are and that their words mean nothing. There allegiance is to keeping their power to rule over the many. This was done to show their true colors and DeSantis and Abbott are using their abilities as leaders to do what they where voted in to do. Protect and manage their States. Thank you for being an American and the protector of the people.

2 years ago

Before I pass judgement: Would like to know if migrants sent to Martha’s are being taken care of with housing & food ? Will they stay there & become US citizens or are they going to end up pawns in a political move by DeSantis. It is my understanding that most of these people were from Venezuela & DeSantis brought them from Texas & then flew them to Mass.

2 years ago

Picture yourself as a Venezuelan migrant that has just spent 2-3 months of travel to escape the Communist rules in his country & then after finally reaching USA …. he is put on bus to Florida & then flown to Martha’s Vineyard where they are in middle of bunch of Millionaires. Not a good feeling is it? And Tucker Carlson racist comments (FOX) on these migrants last week is someone I hope does not represent the majority of Americans.

2 years ago

The Dems are “out there” for sure. Crossing every line with ridiculous charges against those who have the guts to stand against tyrany….their TYRANY. We know what they are full of and where they can put it. They need more “in the face” and reality checks. The evidence of their traitorous and inhumane actions is growing.

2 years ago

If those polls are true and filth like crisp can be within five points of desantis we’re done as a country. It means a combination of ny transplants and welfare trash are within striking distance of a man who has supercharged Florida. Desantis should be twenty points ahead. Of course the polls may be cooked up.

2 years ago

What we’re seeing is the left gearing up to do to DeSantis what they have done to date to Trump. All the left are waiting for is to hear from Trump after the midterms whether he is running in 2024 or not. If Trump says no, then the left will turn their full attention to trying to burying DeSantis before the first 2024 primaries begin. You’re already seeing the left calling for criminal charges and non-stop investigations against DeSantis for doing absolutely nothing wrong. This is what the left does to try and cut the legs out from underneath anyone that they view as a threat to the system. So far DeSantis is holding firm. Lets hope he continues to do so. The one advantage Trump has over DeSantis is Trump is a billionaire and can afford all of the lawyers and legal fees associated with fighting back on multiple fronts against the left. DeSantis isn’t a billionaire, so he faces real exposure on that front. The left likes to bankrupt their victims to send a message to others seeking to fight the left’s agenda.

As a side note, to all of you out there that said they wouldn’t back Trump in 2024, because he was too much drama (the left was making too much of stink with all their lies and false accusations against him and you just wanted “peace and quiet”), well I can hardly wait to see how long before some of you are saying we shouldn’t back DeSantis either for the same reasons. The sunshine patriot crowd. Here’s a truism for you: If the left is NOT throwing everything they can at a Republican candidate running for POTUS, then that candidate is a RINO who will do nothing for the country once he or she is elected and will actually end up helping the Democrats like all RINOs do. So grow a spine and stick with either of these two men, if they are the nominee.

2 years ago

IF Americans get out and vote in the midterms and there is indeed a red wave…watch closely the democrats that suddenly become centric and right leaning within the party. Should be a screaming flashing blue light warning as to who they really are. Will be extremely entertaining.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

I’ll let everybody else get complicated and just the Democrats consistently demonstrate they are hypocritical scum.

2 years ago

Considering how the NYS DA is constantly filing lawsuits of various types against Trump, these tactics have become tiresome and just wasting the judicial system time. What they are totally forgetting is that they need to provide actual facts to prove their conception of what they are suing/accusing the accused of doing. Hurt feelings are not an actionable reason. Only one profiting here is the lawyers.

2 years ago

The democrats will continue to file lawsuits trying to confuse the American people into thinking they are winning every voter instead of losing a great many, I strongly believe that this BS takeover is going to erupt very soon and it will start by who knows which side, I further believe the people will again fight family and or friends just as happened in what is known as the civil war. Being a pretty old (83) person I fear for our people, our Flag and our country the many gave their all for.

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
2 years ago

You hit the nail on the head with your comments, Mr. Harris. Great article!

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

The balls on these hypocrite Democrats calling Desantis a human trafficker. It is the Democrats failure to enforce immigration law that encourages white slavery, prostitution, drug smuggling and abuse of minor children in the caravans.

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
2 years ago

I agree that it is time for DeSantis to get “what he deserves” — the Presidency of the United States. Trump did a mostly excellent job as president (which totally surprised me), but DeSantis is not nearly as egocentric, is just as dedicated to actual freedom and even more common sense. And, the continued impact of Trump hatred concerns me about the chances of replacing the Democrap in the White House in 2025. Ron DeSantis for President.

2 years ago

The “Authoritarian Impulses” is a soft deceptive way to the point I’ve been making for years … The DemocRat Party seeks to RULE the Nation, not just and only GOVERN the Nation (a Communistic governance key guidance). IMO the DemocRat Party is becoming a greater threat to this Nation’s Constitutional Democracy than any foreign hostile Nation (e.g., Russia, China, Iran, etc.)

2 years ago

It would seem that the most humanitarian journey these individuals could take would be to a “Sanctuary” city where they would be cheerfully accepted, provided with humanitarian assistance, and shown Christian generosity, and love.

2 years ago

The GOP has struck several nerves in the Democratic Biden Administration & should not stop now with showing the practices of the party in power – This NOV should be the turning point in Congress . WAKE UP AMERICA & Begin Taking The AMERICA That We Knew Back from the brink of collapse – GOD BLESS AMERICA — ONE NATION UNDER GOD — LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE

2 years ago

Counter sue everyone on a personal basis for filing a frivolous lawsuit. Take everything they own from them.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

It is about time the GOP starts playing hardball.

2 years ago

Nice article Shane Harris. The truth shall set us free. Keep pushing, keep showing the truth and keep America free and great again.

2 years ago

What we see now is no leadership in the Repub party. None. Desantis is trying to get there. He is a presidential candidate. Give him credit. There is no DC repub who is leading. We are the party of whimps and will be unless we get Trump back in power. And the Dims know it.

2 years ago

GOP really stands for Gab Only Party! . . . Talk is Cheap as the old saying goes and that’s exactly what we’ve been hearing from Republican Party Leadership! . . . Start by kicking out the Rhinos and fight these Communists by taking the offensive. I still haven’t heard ANY Republican politician refer to ANY Democrat as a Communist! . . . Prepare to lose the Mid-terms because I don’t see how the GOP exposed the cheating or corrected it! . . . It will fall on We the People to SAVE AMERICA!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Apparently, open borders is okay to Democrats so long as those brown unregistered voters stay in those Red States until they heed their landscaping done cheaply…

2 years ago

Continuing to showcase the “kings vs/ serf” system that has devolved as it has in every other extinct society. Example: When a skydivers’ chute malfunctions, the closer he gets to impact the harder it gets to fix the problem. Maybe we should look past our noses. Woulda’, coulda’, shoulda’, Oops, too late! Choose wisly for this next round of voting.

Eric Sirvent
Eric Sirvent
2 years ago

Apparently the tractor trailer deaths of fifty illegal immigrants was a political stunt. The media refuses to see the crisis at the border until a Republican takes action. Now the best Governor in the USA is being harassed for doing exactly what the White House resident is doing.

Randy Wood
Randy Wood
2 years ago

Sanctuary or not, democrats need their newly imported voters to remain in traditionally conservative states and cast dem ballots. That way those states suddenly become dem states and dem power is forever.

2 years ago

What about the loads of illegal aliens being transported all over the country by the federal government? I was in the El Paso airport back in January and saw this first hand. A nice little row of about twenty persons with their plastic bag in their hand and their identification on a lanyard around their neck. They were put on a few different flights with some on mine. When we got to Hobby Airport in Houston, they were led to a nice charter bus waiting outside. Where that went, I don’t know.

2 years ago

The only action the wicked left respect is to stand up to their evil!!! They want to take away all rights from law abiding tax paying citizens while they retain all those rights-democrats shouldn’t have them because they’re not law abiding!!!

Lee B.
Lee B.
2 years ago

What is the point of being a “sanctuary city” or “sanctuary state”? Neither Florida nor Texas claim to be. So, if their governors send refugees to those places openly claiming to be, then they need to “shut-up”, take them in and give them sanctuary. No more of this BS. It’s total hypocrisy!

2 years ago

As the left points fingers, it all points back to them. Too bad the socialist/democrat supporters don’t see it.

2 years ago

Democrat motto. “What’s go for thee (Republicans) but not for me (Democrats)”

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

The change needs to be in November time to vote them out of office we need our country back from there rule.

2 years ago

Keep those busloads coming. And flights. Take the illegals to the Canadian border.
Why aren’t the Canadians asking for illegals? Hummm. Do they know something we don’t ?
I think they do.

2 years ago

The dims are now frightened , dismayed, shocked , and out of BS. They have realized for at least 2 months that they will be removed in Nov and are desperate to pass bills to get rid of Trump with only 40 days left. I think we will see at least 3 new accusations every day against Trump between
now and Nov . The dims are thinking ” Can we find something that will stick ? ” Despite that fact that their hundreds of get rid of Trump efforts have all failed, they keep thinking ( like a goldminer)
the next one will work. They are totally irrational but you have to give them credit for being
relentless. Can Repubs be relentless ? I really don’t think they can.

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