AMAC Exclusive – by Seamus Brennan

When even his allies in the mainstream media and progressive acolytes in Congress begin publicly criticizing President Joe Biden for his handling of the crisis on the southern border, he must be in grave political trouble. As the Biden administration and Democrats continue to attempt to recover from the calamitous Afghanistan withdrawal in August, left-wing voices in the media and in Congress, in a rare step, are turning on Biden for his exceptionally poor handling of the ongoing immigration catastrophe—although unlike Republicans, most are condemning him for somehow being too tough on illegal immigrants.
From centrist-leaning Democrats to outspoken progressives, leftists of seemingly every political stripe have expressed concern or dissatisfaction with the President’s mismanagement of the country’s massive influx of illegal aliens. While some have conveyed frustration that the border crisis is emboldening Republican opposition—calling Biden’s response “bungled,” giving conservatives “ammo against Democrats,” and a “magnet” for illegal immigration—others have been much harsher in tone.
Following the release of the now-infamous images of U.S. Border Patrol agents in Del Rio, TX reining their horses in close proximity to illegal immigrants—which many members of the media have deliberately misrepresented as photos of the agents “whipping” migrants (a claim that the photographer of the images himself has refuted)—far-left immigration advocates have spoken out against the Biden administration with shockingly severe language. A NAACP spokesman, for instance, claimed that the situation “disgustingly mirrors some of the darkest moments in America’s history” and derided the government’s handling of the crisis as “utterly sickening.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said the Biden administration’s asylum policy “defies common decency and what America is all about,” and former Obama HUD Secretary Julián Castro asserted that “Donald Trump’s policy approach is becoming the default approach under the Biden administration.” Even Biden’s own envoy to Haiti has resigned over the prospect of migrants being deported.
Predictably, Democrats are now using the images—whether they are real or not—as a means to rationalize even more lax border policies. Anger over the images has allowed the Biden team to forbid Border Patrol agents in Del Rio from using horses—a move that was promptly criticized by Border Patrol officials who said it will hinder their ability to apprehend migrants who have entered the U.S. illegally. Following the public outcry, Biden decried the images as “an embarrassment,” Vice President Kamala Harris claimed she was “deeply troubled” by them and stated they were reminiscent of “times of slavery,” and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki lamented them as “horrible and horrific.” Democrats have also exploited the political moment to include free community college for illegal immigrants in their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill.
The measures undertaken by the Biden administration over last several weeks clearly demonstrate that the only actions they are willing to take on the border are those that will appease the far-left activists, journalists, and Members of Congress who have steered Biden’s policy platform since his inauguration in January. Rather than reinstating the effective immigration policies of the Trump administration such as the Remain in Mexico rule, continuation of border wall construction, and enforcement of deportation laws, Biden has remained largely silent, while Jen Psaki has disingenuously claimed that conservatives are failing to offer solutions to the crisis.
Meanwhile, Biden’s persistent refusal to substantively address the border crisis has notably clashed with his other political priorities. During a press briefing, Fox News’s Peter Doocy challenged Psaki on the administration’s decision not to require Covid-19 vaccinations for illegal immigrants seeking asylum in the country. In response, Psaki falsely maintained that asylum applicants are “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time”—a statement also seemingly contradicts Biden’s aggressive push for Americans and international travelers to receive vaccination.
Despite the Biden administration’s failure to curb the crisis, the American people are increasingly coming to see the border disaster for what it is: a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll found that voters trust congressional Republicans over congressional Democrats on immigration by a five-point margin. A Reuters/Ipsos poll similarly found that only 38 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of immigration. As more and more Americans see the unsettling footage of illegal aliens crossing into the U.S. undeterred and the striking figures from Border Patrol—including as many as 12,000 illegal entries in a matter of days and nearly 210,000 encounters with illegal aliens in August—public opinion will only continue to turn against Biden and his open-border agenda.
By further perpetuating the problems that led to the border crisis in the first place, Democrats are likely unknowingly setting themselves up for defeats of historic proportions in next fall’s midterms and the 2024 presidential election. With plummeting approval numbers and pushback from both the centrist and progressive wings of the Democrat Party, Biden is in a political headlock. If he continues down the failed path of open-border extremism, political posturing, and dishonesty, the country—and perhaps his own political future—will pay for it.
Are your back and knees starting to hurt?
Please save your spam for Facebook and all the other Liberal Elite sites..we don’t want it here.
Get lost, and that’s not please get lost, ITS GET LOST ! you are hurting your own cause !
Vigilante time for border states SOS: shoot on sight
What part of Illegal does this Dumocratic administration not understand? The Democrats are only interested in the the vote for their Party. An they are passing Laws that give the Illegals the ability to vote in our elections.
CYA time for dems, just checking direction of breeze to stay in office. Self serving hypocrites. Also prepping to remove Biden, install Harris.
Let,s take as meany migrants as we can and take the to Del. and put them in Bidens house. he wants them let him and Del. take care of them.
This administration is the worst one in history!! This is America and American people come first!!! If this administration want to help all these immigrants go live in their country and help them. What you are doing to this country and the people is beyond crazy!! We need to do something, but what can we do?? We don`t have anyone in the Government or in the law that has the GUTS to stand up and fight!! I am so sick and tired of reading Biden is going down or Pelosi is through! It is just talk!!! Well that is my rant for the day, even though I know no one will LISTEN!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Ideally the Democrats would like to see an unending wave of hundreds of thousands of illegals streaming across our borders on a daily basis, instead of the merely 6,000 per day we’re currently seeing. Their objection seems to be rooted in the fact that they aren’t currently seeding enough new Democrat registered voters into all the red states to ensure Democrats retain control of both houses of Congress in the mid terms and beyond. Ideally they would prefer that they have enough new Democrat registered voters in place to flip every red state to a solid blue and ensure Democrat control in perpetuity. So their beef with the Biden administration is that any border enforcement is still being done at all and that the administration isn’t doing more to attract substantially more illegal aliens to come here faster.
The final paragraph of the article is your typical blowing smoke “everything will be fine” happy ending to make everyone reading it feel good. Completely discounting the effects at the voting booth of the already projected 4 million new illegals that will have already been seeded throughout various red states by the mid terms and the 8 million new illegals that will be in place by 2024 at the current levels they are coming in. You can’t ignore the cumulative effects of what will be 44 million illegals voting in 2022 or the 48 million illegals that will be voting by 2024 under the current Biden immigration policies. You need to present a more balanced view of the ramifications of these open border policies on future elections, so people have a better understanding of future probabilities of outcome.
There is no more expedient way of totally destroying this country than eliminating the most effective means of bolstering national security…secure borders. This criminal regime, including uber-leftist alejandro mayorkas, are not only completely derelict of their constitutional duty regarding national security (and a whole lot more), they’re deliberately, and blatantly acting against it. 1952 was the last time a U.S. citizen was convicted of treason. Convictions…plural…are long overdue. Unfortunately, with this regime and their doj entrenched, don’t hold your breath. We are in a completely undeniable constitutional crisis!
Schumer may be competing against AOC in his next NY Senate race, so his level of stupidity needs to match hers, evidently.
Our southern entry point(not a border) is not being used for immigration. IT IS AN INFESTATION GATEWAY! The excuses and name calling plus the political hot air emanating from DC is disgusting and just a pile of mule fritters. What a magic act last week when 12,000 Haitians disappeared in less than 48 hours. It appears that the supply of Hispanic refugees has been exhausted. Now we are helping lighten the load out of the Caribbean and Africa. What countries are next??? The infestation highway is open as an example of SloJoe’s INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM. Goodbye USA.
Dick Morris did a segment recently about how the dems are now beginning to become involved in a kind of internal “civil war” as the Biden admin fumbles and falters yet again. Infighting, according to Morris will increase and they will “begin to eat their own”. Look for more squabbles to come, with the hope that the conservatives and moderates on both sides will begin to see the light and take charge against the small faction of radicals who seem to have control over the whole Biden process. Lets pray this will damage the dems stand on the quick to come spending bill that, if passed, will bring ruin to the republic and wipe this nation out. Get on the backs of your reps and senators…..hazzle them, harrang them, pester them, make them hear you. Don’t sit back and allow the biggest pork package ever to become law. Make some noise now, before you become silenced completely!
What I don’t understand is Why Don’t American Citizens Band Together and Meet at the Border and STOP these Illegals from Entering? . . . If Our So-called Government Isn’t Going to Enforce Our Borders, then We the People NEED To!
THE LAW IS THE LAW & MUST BE ENFORCED! . . . Also, Every Red State Should Gather Up ALL These Illegals Already Brought to Their States and Send Them ALL to Blue States!
In my 75 plus years I was always afraid of a revolt in this Country, now I think its long over due, I never thought I would see America is such great decline. Most People born before 1960, recognized what a great Country we were fortunate to be Born in. But than along came the Communist, that infiltrated our schools and colleges and created a wave of Educators and Journalist, that told every lie they could about America, and the lies have grow exponentially from the middle 1960s until now. With every passing year we put more and more people in power that have one goal, more POWER and DESIRE TO CONTROL, we at times try to right the ship and elect real true Americans like Presidents Reagan and Trump, but the lying Left and the Freeloaders find ways to manipulate the system and with each of their Candidates, each is worse than the one before them, just look, We saw Presidents, Johnson and then went to Carter, Clinton, Obama, and then to the worst sleaze-bag of all, Lying, Hidden, Joe Biden, the thing we all need to remember is your educational system did this to you, we need to defund and take our children out of Public Schools and replace it with home schooling and charter schools ran by the parents. Your public schools will destroy America.
God Please Help Us !
It’s all part of the disinformation campaign of useless,failed democrats.
It NEVER changes, they work their media friends to expose little bits, far enough from elections, because they are counting on the American people forgetting and moving on to the next crisis democrats concerning up.
This keeps the focus on everything other than the fleecing of Our Country, corruption and destruction of America and freedom.
The swamp is evil,calculating,and self serving!
We the people must continue EXPOSING and calling out their misdeeds.
I read a cartoon the other day that said, …the difference between humans and animals is that animals would never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them.
Unfortunately, in America, that is happening. Biden can’t even think straight and the ones pulling the strings along with the media and liberals in congress are the dumbest to want to give up our freedom.
I really believe they want the illegals here is because they can control them better since they come from already socialist (or close to) socialist countries.
The invasion is to replace the White European stock and free up enough homes (ALSO cOVID-BIO;WEAPON) to give to the illegals, who in turn will owe’ their souls to the company store’ fact !
For all the sheeple out there–this IS NOT the original Biden from the election. It’s an n imposter-clone
Is there a bigger Liar and brain dead person than Piss-Lackey? She even has Biden beat and that was almost impossible!!
The latest Hatian illegal invasion through Texas—Who paid for their transportation to get there? Why didn’t they come through Miami as they are just below it? Texas MUST SEAL THEIR BORDER COMPLETELY–CALL UP THE NATIONAL GUARD !
Please block the Sara SPAM below. Thank you !
Wait till you are forced to “quarter” the poor illegal aliens just like in 1776. Think it won’t happen? Get ready !
Part of Haiti was devastated 10 yrs ago,over 5 Bill. dollars was to go for repairs.Nothing was done,where is the money?Not a peep about it not a question asked in 10 yrs why the silence?
A very chaotic mess brought upon by Liberal Dems who were under the assumption we needed a “sensitive” person to run this country…well, look at him now, and all his puppet masters being booed by their own evil MSM.
Bring back integrity, truth, civility, lawfulness, hard work and common sense and we may be able to save this country!!
There are several major issues today in Washington DC & the border Crisis is just one that Biden seems to downplay or ignore. The govt. could shut down cuz out of money on Oct 1st & Dems also want a bill attached to raise debt ceiling. Hope we do not shut down again, remember Trump term had longest shutdown yet at 35-days and it impacted 800,000 Federal employees. This could be a much bigger mess to America this time around —- but someone has to use sense and get the pork barrel projects out of spending bill.
What are Biden & Kamala Harris thinking…..they seem to act like not problem at border. Or is this distraction , for all other things they are pushing for. They (or someone) have to be getting very concerned about the 2022 elections.
“Open Borders Not Open Enough” – SERIOUSLY? In that case, I demand that ALL elected officials who support this asininity, remove all fences and doors around their homes and offices as well as ALL security personnel!
Joe, Kamala, Nancy, Chuckie, Maxine, etc should be taken to the border and shown what a real whipping is! Just for educational purposes, of course…
MSM, this includes AMAC & Epoch Times still have NOT picked up on where these Haitians actually came from, all of them have pretty much dismissed the Maricopa audit results as well, this is why I now lump them all together as a bunch of clueless embecile idiots that can’t see the forest from the trees…
The roughly 15000 Haitians did NOT come from Haiti & they are FALSELY claiming asylum in America. These are primarily middle class Haitians that left Haiti for Chile in order to live a safer, better life quite some time ago. They have waited patiently in Chile for the US border to eventually open up…That day arrived the moment JRB was falsely inaugurated into office after stealing the US 2020 presidential election out from under the American people. ( 8 ) months later with our southern border completely inundated by illegal immigrants walking right in, diseases and all, the Haitians made their move & made the hike up through Central America with Mexico standing down, allowing them safe passage all the way to the Texas border of Del Rio, Texas, they simply walked across the river & set up camp beneath the bridge, REMEMBER, they are NOT fleeing Haiti, they made the choice to leave Chile for a better life in America and this does not NOT qualify as asylum, they have entered this nation under FALSE pretenses with SHS Mayorkas resettling approx. 12,000 of them across America, more of the same here folks, different group of immigrants, same storyline…
Meanwhile, 200,000 plus per month of illegal immigrants from around the globe, i.e. pay particular attention to the Middle East countries people are now entering through our WIDE OPEN southern border unchecked.
Meanwhile, Uncle Joe is importing Islamic Afghanis out of Qatar & settling them into their new home, once called The United States of America…Quoting Donald Trump from last Saturday’s rally in Perry, Georgia, ” America has become a migrant camp. ” I rest my case…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
“I live in Texas…illegals are everywhere…no fault of theirs…but the virus is the last thing we should worry about… they have no…if any…vaccinations against…Measles, Mumps, Influenza, TB, Aids, Hepatitis and skin diseases….these…and much more contagious diseases…let us not forget…when we take in millions of illegal immigrants that you the taxpayer is funding their healthcare, housing, food, schooling, and job…are we ready to be forced to take care of all the illegal immigrants?…why are we still sending money to these countries?…
The truth…we…taxpayers…are being forced to fund corruption…I’m tired of politicians leaving it up to the people to change things…why do American citizens vote?…we should have representatives fighting for us.
“Taxpayers…do your research!… know the person…you vote to represent you”…is this about feelings or what is good for the Country…
God said,” Love your neighbor as yourself”…yes…this is why we fund countries all over the world…in their Country not the USA…think about that when you vote!…or…are we too far gone?…
These people who want to give the country should be charged with treason. In the 60+ years, Ellis Island was open a total of about 12 million people entered the country and less than one million at the west coast equivalent, not two or three million totally undocumented unrecorded a year who can’t support themselves. Those calling others some kind of phone should be slapped silly. Somebody explain how that many peons are going to benefit the country. And the dinks who proclaim we are afraid of the “browning” of America can go to hell, it’s not the “browning” that’s the problem, it’s what the browning is done with. turning the country into Central America/Mexico north doesn’t help anybody The Chinese will hurt themselves LAUGHING!
Uncle Joe cheered years ago when he was VP the fact that White European Americans were less than 50% of the American citizenry. Looks as if that was not enough for him. We will need to see how free and caring the new controllers of the government are very soon.
i wish those in office would have to pay a price for not following the law thats why i HATE government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a sick group of people and they are our leaders. Letting all these people into the United States, so they can get votes in the near future. What scum the Dems are, and they get away with it. Corrupt liars and cheats; they hate their own country. Trail of tears …
This ‘open borders’ crap needs to stop NOW!!! I’m praying we can survive the Biden administration! Come 2022 we need to get all the Socialists, elitists and (certain others) out of our Congress!
That’s what these idiot bidophiles get for electing this lying idiot. You all KNEW he was an idiot, crook, and a liar, and your dumb asses elected him anyway
This man has sold his soul…and ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be President…at any cost…even cheating…as well as…corruption…”Vengeance is mine said the Lord”…this doesn’t even give me comfort anymore…I don’t feel sorry for this man even if he is senile…he thinks this is his Heaven on Earth…he has sold out the American people and he’s even arrogant about it…God is watching…
So many articles in AMAC are actually opinion rather than news. I am more interested in actual fact news than editorialized opinion.
When are we going to hear more about impeachment. That’s what we need done with this idiot. Oh crap. That would leave it open for Camel fat butt to take over. But then, maybe she will remain on the missing persons list?? Darn it, then we’d have to somehow get rid of the old witch..we’d have to pull-osi out somehow. Being an old witch maybe she just would not be capable.
Biden’s actions speak louder than words as far as Harris is concerned all she ever does is give a basic Generic answer to questions when she has no clue how to answer them! Psaki is just a scape goat. I see her resignation in the near future or she’ll crack because she doesn’t appear to be a psychopathic liar as for the pos in NY by name of Schumer. He has answers for questions that would even make Hitler cringe!
DemocRATS have lost their grip and all they can do is take hard workers money by way of tax increases all the while doing whatever the heck they want not what We The People of the United States want.!
We are paying close attention to the DemocRATS your caught with perjury impeaching Trump for he nothing did wrong, everyday people commit petty misdemeanors! Trump had a bunch of Democratic moles within his cabinet and he still KA on the DemocRATS!
As for the border if Americans have any brains at all they realize that the influx of sick tired and poor people are headed to the U.S. for a free ride from Uncle Sam via OUR HARD EARNED MONEY AND MORE TAXES! I want my money and not digital money!
IF DemocRATS are allowed to continue on this path OUR COUNTRY WILL CEASE TO EXIST SOON!
What do we expect? When we really take a step back
Take back our country NOW! Close our borders! Build the Wall! Stop all the illegal invasion! Protect our Border Patrol Agents and our military forces! Vote out the Leftist/Dems/RINOs!
Why don’t we bus all those immigrants to dc and let Biden see them everyday
There are several conclusions that can be drawn here:
The so-called “horrific” images of Border Patrol agents on horses allegedly whipping Haitians trying to come across the Rio Grande in Del Rio, Texas were clearly exploited dishonestly by the media and by President Biden himself, who referred to them as an “embarrassment.” Truth be told, Biden is the real “embarrassment.” He’s surrendered our Southern border to anyone who wants to enter the U.S. ILLEGALLY, just as he surrendered Afghanistan to an enemy we fought against for 20 years — and then has the arrogance to label our withdrawal as a “success.” Clearly, there is a case to be made for removing this man from the presidency, but there is no political will to do it. He likely will not be impeached, not with Democrats controlling the House and a 50/50 split in the Senate. Nor is Biden’s own Cabinet likely to invoke the 25th Amendment. It’s just sad for our nation, but this is what happens when half the electorate serve as unwitting pawns for a party obsessed with seizing power.
You all have to be kidding take control of the border. Not in my life time the way that it’s going is exactly the way they want it you bunch of sheep put this man in office so when you lose your jobs and you homes and everything else that you’ve worked all your life for it’s nobody to blame but yourself. Everyone was damn determined to get Trump out of office so live with it so just sit back and watch your freedoms go down the drain with the communist Democratic party in control and you’re not going to get rid of them so like I said just sit back and watch your life go down the tube and do exactly what they say or you have no life at all because they’re fixing to take it away from you it’s just that simple!
A Democrat 12 ft under is a good Democrat
They are still illegal aliens and should not be here unless they do it according to AMERICAS laws.
Hey Joey……..we will not forget ANY of your foolish and inane doings. So stop trying everything in the book to cover up.