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Crying Wolf: How the Mainstream Media’s Lies Weaken America and Sow Distrust

Posted on Friday, July 16, 2021
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

We’ve all seen it. Most Americans can’t recognize it, but those of us with some degree of political acumen can read the TV screens and newspaper headlines and pick out the one or two false or misleading words or phrases used to describe an event or person that fall short of the truth. Some of us have gotten so used to it that we enjoy picking apart the CNN headlines and MSNBC ticker tape and remake them into how they ought to read.

If only there was an adult, or an editor, in the room. Unfortunately, national mainstream media (MSM) editors are now falling into the dangerous trap of perpetuating their own liberal biases and beliefs and packaging them up as what all Americans think or should think. Such single-track thought and removal of genuine discourse ultimately sows distrust between Americans and the media and eventually between Americans themselves. The pitting of Americans against each other, simply because they do not share the same belief, weakens America as a whole and threatens our national security as true enemies of the United States seek to exploit and expand divisions in American to their advantage.

So why, then, does the mainstream media lie to the detriment of American unity? There are a number of theories, much too many to explain here, but there are two worthy of discussion.

One, it’s in their best (read financial) interest to keep perpetuating these lies. One effective tactic used to achieve this is boosting website traffic with clickbait – using provocatively false or deceiving headlines to get readers to click and read the full story – or worse, the reader not clicking through and getting influenced by only absorbing and taking as fact the false or deceiving headline. After all, newspaper editors know that their dying business based on falling ad revenues is not sustainable in the long term, so sensationalism, however untrue, is awarded and propagated.

Second, the liberal bias systemic to corporate America’s mainstream media juggernaut is more reflective of editorial rooms than of American family rooms. For example, a 2004 Pew Research study of 500 national American reporters and editors found that 34% self-identified as liberal, whereas only 7% identified as conservative. When contrasted with the 20% of Americans who identified as liberal and 33% who identified as conservative, a clear disconnect is revealed. Politicians, it seems, are not the only ones out of touch with real America.

A recent op-ed by Carrie Sheffield, a senior fellow at Independent Women’s Forum, wrote about this disconnect between reporters and the Americans they report about. She nicely sums up the hypocritical wokeness of the MSM. “Progressives in the media these days speak of “equity” and “inclusion,” but the question is whether they’ll include better ideological diversity in their work moving forward. America’s national unity depends upon it.”

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11 months ago

Every single search result is curated to steer the average western prolitaeiate and their allied countries public twords full spectrum mind controlling’s so bad now that even if you type out the phrase “the main stream is lying to you” (in those quotes)it won’t even show that as results and only sends you to main stream outlets telling you that you are foolish to even think that. Orwell could not have predicated this level of sophisticated mind control

3 years ago

The MSM has been working as an arm of the liberal left for a long time. They sow distrust and division on purpose so the disenfranchised will turn to the government for safety and security. Because The weak minded turn to whomever will give them comfort. This is by design, not by accident.

3 years ago

The majority of Americans who look to liberal MSM for input have no idea that the truth has been, and continues to be, stolen from them. The consequences include a first time ever, staggering fraudulent national election within the United States. It takes work now to find the truth. I know this because I for one, would rather not be anyone’s pawn or worse, so I do the research. Everyone should.

3 years ago

Unfortunately far too many Americans no longer have the ability to make an individual informed decision. We use the excuse that we do not have time to learn the facts and just use the snippets of the media and social media to form our opinions. Until Americans wake up and learn the truth, we are lost and will continue down a very disturbing path in American history.

3 years ago

I quit listening to ‘mainstream media’ a long time ago. I do still watch my local news but there are times when I question them as well!

RJ from Az
RJ from Az
3 years ago

Too many people in this country can only get broadcast stations. Cable not available and satellite may be too expensive. Younger people believe everything they read on facebook and twatter.
The ministry of propaganda has fertile field to grow.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

AMAC, JBS, Need to Know ( Ed Griffin ), Mike Huckabee, Tucker Carlson, and forget the rest. That includes O’Reilly. When O’Reilly said, to me personally, that “Kissing-her” is a good man, I said good-bye to HIS podcast. Henry Kiss is a CFR member ( globalist ). AMAC is HONEST in it’s reporting.

3 years ago

Way back when (in the 1960’s) my Civics teacher told us: “ Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper.” Well, he was right. More than he knew. Now almost all news articles, especially by the AP (Associated Press) contain slanted or false information. Remember the CNN or MSNBC reporter standing in the street with buildings burning in the background calling it a peaceful protest? Malarkey!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

There is no surprise here.
“Grab your audience” with sensationalized news snippets that contort the truth.
It’s up to us to see through this fog of disinformation.
This is as old as the media. Goebbels knew it well. Stalin in his youth was a journalist.
Yes, the lords of the newsrooms do see themselves as the elite tasked with “enlightening” we poor, unwashed slobs.
Yuck! (or a similar sounding word).

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

When “Rome” finally burns, the masses will be scaling the walls of these Elitist’s castles- The Media, and all their sycophants will be publicly hung! The line to pull the gallows lever forms behind me.

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

I have had over 40 years personal experience with MSM. I have been misquoted in print and misrepresented via editing on TV news programs. I’m not saying our media always lies, they just don’t always tell the complete truth. It is all in the spin. Media bias is much worse now than it was 50 years ago. If you want to know the truth, you have to look for it from more than one source. I have found British news sources much less biased.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Tend now to Ignore say Mask mandates & lockdowns for Politics only use

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Mainstream Media needs to reevaluate its propaganda and brainwashing skills. They way, way, way, too much overdo it! There are too many pictures that are exactly the same. And, they need to stop treating the public like they are in daycare; by writing ‘buzz slogans’ in large letters across the screen. It is demeaning and condescending. They need to smooth their tactical maneuvers. Its like they have been shooting garbage out of a propaganda cannon! Most desirable, would be that they promote real causes instead of phony ones. People are more prone to stand by genuine causes; rather than drummed up malarkey. However, I owe the MSM a debt of gratitude for causing me to leave the Democratic/Communist Party. ~ Washington’s Admirer

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Personally, I think the print media writes intentionally misleading headlines because they know that a great many people never read beyond the headline. They get the initial message and never bother to go any further. I remember many articles in the Tulsa World newspaper when I lived there long ago that used that tactic. If you read the entire story it may have been reasonably accurate by the end but the headline told a different story altogether. There is no question in my mind it was very intentional. There is also no question that the left, as the stats in the article indicate, controls most of the “news” media and they have a definite agenda. That agenda is to mold public opinion into the direction they prefer. We saw more than four years of bashing Trump, not because of Trump’s tweets or personality but because he was driving the opposite direction from the left (Trump was going the right way in my opinion). And sadly they won the battle by getting Biden elected. Our best hope today is that Biden is such a disaster maybe he can be neutered by the 2022 mid-terms and replaced in 2024 providing the nation survives until then. That may sound overly dire, but if the left (Democrats) manage to destroy our election integrity with some of their legislation they are pushing hard for we may never see another fair and honest election in this country. To the left, the ends justify the means and they prove it every single day.

3 years ago

The mainstream news media is pro Democrat Party (in some covert way they are being paid off to manipulate the media output). I long ago have limited my perception of “news” articles to pretty much ignore ABC, CBS, NBC, MSN-NBC, and CNN competing with each other as to how they can suck up to the libtard Commie leaning Democrats. I don’t ever watch any of the aforementioned channels except for non-political event coverage like athletic events, etc. And if they insert political libtard Commie leaning snips, I turn ’em off.

3 years ago

From predictions 2000+ years old it looks like the end of the world is coming soon. First John, five; nineteen, says We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. When the majority of a nation such as the US and Israel abandon God and His laws, He will judge them. This will be the last judgment period. The only way to escape the judgement is to ask Christ Jesus to be your Savior. So many are deceived by Satan that they no longer believe in God, or if they do, they don’t think He’s very interested in us. He is interested. He loves with a love we can’t begin to understand. He is holy and can’t look on sin, so He allowed His only son to die in our place so when we ask Christ to save us, God sees us in Christ. However, you have to make the decision. He won’t force you to come to Him. Don’t delay. Time appears short. A prediction in the book of Revelation chapter sixteen verse nine tells of scorching heat that will happen during the Tribulation period. God will remove people who want Him before that time occurs. As you know the Bible is a big book, so only a bit can be told here. There are good resources e.g. Thru the bible radio and Turning Point ministries for more information.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Too bad the media can’t be held accountable for their actions!!

3 years ago

To show the power of the MSM on the idiots of this nation they made a career criminal who died of a drug overdose while being arrested for committing another crime into a national hero. His name should not be mentioned!

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

Mainstream media is now a source of anger. If one of them ever sticks a microphone in my face, what I will do with it is not for the faint of heart. These people speak as if they’re on a pulpit preaching the gospel. What they’re actually doing is attempting to indoctrinate the weak-minded into believing their leftist propaganda. I never ever watch network news and depend upon conservative sources exclusively. MSM can go straight to the nether regions. Eventually, when their fan base abandons them, their networks will disappear.

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