
National Security , Newsline

Cruz Demands Biden ‘Stop Hiding Truth,’ Grant Press Access to ‘Crises at Southern Border’

Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Ted CruzSen. Ted Cruz on Monday demanded that President Joe Biden allow the press access to report on what he called the “humanitarian, national security, and public health crises at the southern border.”

“Denying the press the ability to observe, film, and report on the conditions at the border is not openness or transparency—it is hiding the truth from the American people,” Cruz, R-Texas, wrote in a letter to the White House, adding that Americans deserve to see the crisis “with the help of reporters who are free and independent from your administration.”

Cruz and fellow Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn will lead a tour of the Texas-Mexico border in the Rio Grande Valley with a group of 13 other lawmakers on Friday. Cruz is asking that reporters be allowed by the Biden administration to join them because “it is not enough for members of the Senate to see what is happening—the American people must see.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., led a similar border tour on March 15 with 11 other House Republicans in El Paso, Texas. He criticized the Biden administration’s decision to halt construction of former President Donald Trump’s border wall.

“[The president] can continue to deny it, but the only way to solve [the surge in attempted illegal border crossings] is to first admit what he has done, and if he will not reverse action, it’s going to take correct congressional action to do it,” McCarthy told reporters at a press conference after the tour. “And that’s why we’re here. We want to find solutions. Before we even came here, I sent a letter to the president to work together to solve this problem.”

Cruz noted in his letter to Biden that Border Patrol agents are said to be apprehending 4,500 to 6,000 illegal aliens per day. To illustrate the scope of the problem now, the Texas senator wrote:

In 2019, former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said, ‘I know that 1,000 [apprehensions per day] overwhelms the system, and I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like.’

Cruz has previously criticized the Biden administration for its immigration policies. The Texas Republican posted on Facebook in January that Biden was “encourag[ing] illegal immigration at the expense of American jobs and workers.”

The House of Representatives on March 18 passed the American Dream and Promise Act, which would allow more the 2.3 million Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program beneficiaries (illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as minors), as well as beneficiaries of certain temporary humanitarian programs, to gain permanent legal status and eventually U.S. citizenship.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Sunday he thinks he is “close” to securing the Republican votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster and pass that legislation.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Let the world see the ” Biden Cage/Pods” since Obama era.
Dems OWN it all.
Only Pods house more than under Obama then.
& everyone is ticked off

3 years ago

Biden has been hidden from the press due to his hiding the correct information and afraid of fumbling though giving the “correct” answer without a teleprompter.

3 years ago

Finding “the help of reporters who are free and independent from your administration,” as Senator Cruz requests, will be difficult.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Use Go Pro cameras
Drone for overhead exterior shots
Zoom lense for optics long range
Bodycams hidden. for Coverage

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Hidden Biden, wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit him on the backside his mistake is he doesn’t believe President Lincoln, you cannot fool all the people all the time . Brain Dead Biden, is a fake, a President in name only as my old pappy use to say he doesn’t know come here from sick-um. And if we can’t have President Trump, let us have Sen. Ted Crus for President.
God Save America

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

As usual, Marxists (Senile Joe & friends) hide THE TRUTH and promote “their” truth. Idiot says, “The border is closed” while thousands of poor, sick people pour into OUR country!

3 years ago

Do not hold your breath, besides the chances are anything that Biden said would be a lie. 

3 years ago

Biden’s lies and deceit are just what I expected when the demarcates stolid the election. From day one Biden, Poleis, and other communist’s have tried to rack the every day people into poverty. Now we have a president, and his entourage, that will be tried treason. Treason carries a Death Sentence if found guilty. For all our sakes I truly hopes that happens.

Kevin S
Kevin S
3 years ago

How about doing like the Jonestown / Jim Jones junket? That senator brought who he wanted and didn’t care who disagreed. Do you think Anybody could order a sitting senator from bringing real reporters? They may find enforcement real difficult.

3 years ago

Mail in ballots must never happen, again. This is what the American Tax Payer gets: Joe Biden.
Can it get worse? Yes, Harris………..

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

We know it’s an inhumane situation. We need to get this fighting started with an uproar!

3 years ago

I can’t believe that all the congressmen in the House are moral cowards. Why don’t the SOME of the men and women honor their Oath and stand up against the Leftists and do the will of the people?

the rebel
the rebel
3 years ago

Why are people so focused on Hiden Biden? He is merely a puppet for the illegal, lying, undocumented, racist, muslim B@$T@RD who impersonated a US president for 8 years.
Buckwheat is still in charge and the leader of the US Communist-Socialist regime !!!!!
Just wait till the CA kumbucket takes the helm—————————

D. Poole
D. Poole
3 years ago

I wonder just why Senator Cruz has to have permission from the office of the President
to allow media to accompany him and others on their visit to the border? Why not just
bring the media with you and put them in a position to see and record what is happening….
then if the administration wants to squawk about it, let them. Senator Cruz…..just do
the right thing and bring the media along….all the media….regardless….and take the hits
that will come from your “friends” on the side of the President. That will break the barrier
and open the truth to the people of this nation. Be offensive here. Take the stand that
says you are the one who is serving transparency……and giving the people the real picture
of what is going on. Just do it!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Joe Biden for Pres9dent of Mexico.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

I know that Ted Cruz is far too informed and intelligent to actually believe that the puppet has a thing to do with what’s going on with that tyrannical sadministration. 25A for old puppet boy is right around the corner, putting the most leftist (former) senator and newest Asian in charge. Even she, however, will be having her strings pulled as well.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Immigration holding sites:

warehouses idle
cruise ships, Decomm planned (seaside)
Storage depots
IF warranted by state needs
& call up Social Services for help

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Close the borders now!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

i hope Texas can close some of the gaps. Funding cartels and the illegal drugs is criminal.
Senator Cruz is a courageous leader. It is such a pleasure to see someone willing to stand up for America and Texas.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


3 years ago

When will the military arrive at the Southern border and stop the immigration problem once and forever//Build the wall from end to end and destroy the cartels in Mexico and central America//Its already time for stumbling dementia Biden to arrive at the assisted living facility in his bunker// Its taken about 80 days for this regime to screw up America and it will only get better when Republicans get back in office and do what is best for only AMERICA//PERIOD

3 years ago

Illegals, censorship, $86M for hotel rooms & is it true $1400 stimulus checks for illegals? All this while our troops sleep on the floor of a garage in DC. Republican Congress members are not allowed to go to the border to observe the Crisis. No medical tests or vaccines, or court dates for Illegals, just let them in to a neighborhood near you during the Pandemic. Our capital guarded and surrounded by wire while our borders are open-what a joke. One may ask, where is our concern and responsibility. We are the most generous Country in the world, and have been for so many years, it is simply being led by incompetent politicians. Frankly, I am tired of them. How about you? What can we do to rid our Country of them with Censorship and Scam voting going on. The dope smoking Harris said I am not going to the border today while laughing-what the heck is her priority?–AND WHERE IS JOE? Is he chained to his desk in the basement of the WH? Who is Running and Ruining our Great Country.

Paul Stahl
Paul Stahl
3 years ago

Does media have to ask permission to report on the border?

3 years ago

Why not move all the Criminal Immigrants inside that fence in D.C?

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

I just posted the video of what’s going on from the of what’s going on. It’s on youtube from Donna, TX for all to see. The full story and numbers are there and the numbers of youth are quite shocking. More than anyone realizes. That’s what they were hiding. You all need to subscribe to it TODAY!

3 years ago

Do we remember when they , Biden and Harris, were sworn in and took the oath to uphold the constitution of the United States.
I do not know if the “American People” can bring a lawsuit against the “Federal Government”, but if so, this violation by them would certainly be cause. Your remarks are welcome.

3 years ago

Just wondering since what Biden and Harris are doing is illegal why are the states not sending the military to secure the boarders? This is a National security issue not about being pals with the enemy.

3 years ago

I have lost all respect in Ted Cruz in the last year. He has turned more radical than what is best for America. And he does not seem to want to compromise & unite this country. My impression: what is best for Texas & he believes in conspiracy theories.

3 years ago

I am confused, don’t people still have to cross border the same as the last 10-years? Are they just letting people walk through?

3 years ago

This is Not a Presidency. This is a REGIME (aka COMMUNIST). Let us NOT pretend that Biden/Harris had the kahuna’s or the brains to pull off this COUP! It’s done. China won this round. If we desire anything resembling OUR FORMER AMERICA back, 2022 and 2024 better tell the story. Anyone thinking honor and integrity – human decency- have any part in this administration (Pelosusy, Schumer, to Newsom, Cuomo) are as demented/deluded as Biden! This entire DEM club will go down in history as the worst accumulation of buffoons and evildoers ever to presume ‘leadership’. Shame on them ALL!

G Schalk
G Schalk
3 years ago

300 years ago the Indians watched as Europeans INVADED their land. That didn’t turn out very well for the Indians. Are we gonna sit back and just call it a ‘crisis’, or send out the military before it’s too late? Next, stop selling our land to the Chinese because they will be the next invaders.

3 years ago

Obamaism without intelligence.

3 years ago

There u go again Regan ) spine less repukeacrates who what 2 go back to the days of the bushes. The humanoids didn’t care about what repukeacrates thought . When r you going 2 grow a pair. For god sakes either come out as the women u really are. Because your definitely not men. Keep it up you will never c another rhino in office. GET OFF YOUR KNEES IN FRONT OF HUMANOIDS. U DO KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS OR DO U ?????????

3 years ago

Obama/Biden had the cages built this is all their and Democrats fault. Joe Biden an Kamala Harris should be impeached we need President Trump to get this country back in order! We need the wall built and we need the border handled like President Trump handled it! Now Joe Biden spend an $86 million they say of tax payer money on hotel rooms for illegals they’re getting rewarded for breaking the law coming into our country we’re being invaded???? we have so many homeless people in our country veterans that don’t have nowhere to go and he’s paying for illegals hotel rooms to stay. Why are we allowing this in our country wanting to give illegals stimulus checks wanting to let illegals vote letting hardened criminals out of jail given them stimulus checks & wanting to let them vote I mean I have these people gone completely mad they are insane. And a big part of the people that are coming in have Covid???? And now that the Democrats have made our country so dangerous and unsafe they want to try to take our Guns away I really think they want war in this country????

3 years ago

What is wrong with American People?? This Border crisis is NOT made up!!
If the current administration will not address it, then why does the opposition not address
it!!!. We are ALL one people!! Have some darn Compassion instead of focusing on your
stupid politics.!!. Somebody ,step up!!! WE are no longer the Gold standard to the world!!

Irv C
Irv C
3 years ago

Biden is too stupid to have ever become POTUS. Now they need the National Guard and start shooting at their feet yelling go back! Why? Because 4500-6000 a day is an invasion by a foreign people. Biden needs be impeached VOR bringing this to Americans!!

3 years ago

We have been lied to for generations! Go to The American States Assembly website and reclaim your status as Americans. Follow the instructions and we will rebuild America one state at a time, with liberty and justice for all!

3 years ago

Biden and all democrats are worse than Hitler and more evil.

3 years ago

There should be massive pushback on the part of the media over Biden banning them from going to the border & photographing, videotaping & reporting on what they see. That is a blatant violation of the First Amendment which should not be tolerated, period!! Unfortunately for Biden, this ban hasn’t stopped members of the media from going to Mexico & filing reports from there. This IS a crisis that needs to be addressed pronto, & Texas, New Mexico, Arizona & California should call out the National Guard to secure their borders. This administration is a train wreck that was totally foreseeable & I have to wonder if people who voted for Biden are experiencing buyers’ remorse yet. 2022 can’t get here soon enough!!!

3 years ago

After the last 4 years of leadership by a “REAL” AMERICAN PRESIDENT, and observing how he was shamefully disrespected by Dems & RINOs & their MSN “minions”, while he actually “worked” (not taking a salary) to make life better for ALL American Citizens, I do respect Senator Cruz’s efforts to bring some common sense action to this UNNECESSARY TRAVESTY… caused by the massive number of SPITEFULLY IRRESPONSIBLE EOs the Biden Administration prioritized & processed to insure the swift “reversal/elimination” of President Trump’s actions which would PROTECT Americans, while President Trump was still, in a lawful & orderly manner managing to process immigrants then entering our country.
Not only is President Trump’s plan so much easier than “falling up a set of stairs”, the Democrats & RINO’s will never even politely acknowledge Senator Cruz’s stated concern. *They Have “CRIMINALLY HI-JACKED” Our Country* & have NO intention of being in any manner, cooperative or listening to any proposed compromise. These Democrats and RINOs and their accomplices are all GUILTY OF HIGH CRIMES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HER LEGAL CITIZENRY.????????

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Jeff Dunham has a dummy that looks exactly like Jo(k)e Biden. I ‘think’ his name is “Walter.”
I wonder where Jeff got the ‘idea.’

Rand Paul and Christie Noem need to be in the WH. Either one being POTUS.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

socialist/dems only care about power, unfortunately, they are so DUMB they do not have a plan of action once they get power, everything they do is geared towards grabbing control of the country and implementing thier insane PROVEN TO BE WORTHLESS programs that destroy the foundations of our country, all thier plans are based on one outcome, THEY GET RICH!!! and the richer they get the POORER AMERICANS BECOME, ALL THIS GREED AND CORRUPTION AND TREASON COMES FROM THE SWAMP, THEY BUY AND SELL politicians with perversions,drugs and bags of dirty money, it is “sex,drugs,rock and roll” as they ignore “WE THE PEOPLE” as they flood our country with illegals with the same “PROMISES” THEY USED ON BLACKS FOR DECADES AND NEVER DELIVERED! MAGA!! PROVE VOTER FRAUD AND PUT THE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY WON IN OFFICE!!!

3 years ago

The Dems will never admit anything. They are the evil Secret Society. It’s time to start our rallys again and never stop. They are extremely scared now. Surprised they took down the fencing at the Capitol.
Well, that’s fine. I hope they stay scared.

Pam VanCleave
Pam VanCleave
3 years ago

They (Dems) are only getting more bold and corrupt. We have to do something before it’s too late and for a lack of any better idea at this moment, there is a movement for a convention of states. The last time I looked there was almost four million that had joined. It takes a lot of people to move this along so please consider this to get some momentum and possibly get some of this nonsense stopped. We can’t just wait on pelosi schumer Biden and cackle queen to croak and that is how long they expect to stay in power. They have placed illegals in hotels while placing national guard on a concrete floor and are allowing our nation to be hijacked by extremist who call conservatives extremist.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

Ted Cruz is one of the few really good Republicans we still have in Washington DC. In fact, if Trump had not won the nomination for president in 2016, Cruz would have received our vote. He is one of the handful in the Senate who still speaks out against the wrong doings of the Biden Administration, and has my trust. Sorry to say that I cannot say the same for John Cornyn, who time and again votes the wrong way for America.

3 years ago

I believe it is nearly useless to go after Biden. Even the most politically naive citizen has to sense that Hiden Biden is sidin’ with things he has not personally understanding of … he just speaks out as best he can (often eroneously) what his handlers tell him.

Ralph S Mills Jr
Ralph S Mills Jr
3 years ago

Instead of complaining about Bozo Biden, Laughing Hyena Harris, Nancy Pile-lousy, Be prepared before they mandate the change… practice reading, writing and speaking Chinese.

3 years ago

While I really think that this “Presidency” is actually elder abuse by elders, themselves (Pelosi and Schumer and crew are all up there in age), and that people feed the President the words he’s to use to placate the people, Senator Cruz is no such individual and he wouldn’t commit such a crime against humanity. Senator Cruz will most likely want to get to the bottom of this problem and actually solve it. He is correct that we need to open that border up to media coverage. We should have Mr. Cruz’s back and support him in this endeavor because Biden is doing what came naturally in the Senate for him – NOTHING!! Well, except remove every possible way we could have prevented the crisis from happening… possibly without any knowledge on his part. Sorry, but we have the stupidest, dumbest Administration ever in the highest offices in the land! Senator Cruz stands out as a notable exception to that – he’d make a good president, too.

3 years ago

WOW he put Harris in charge. Now we know things are going to get worse!!! OMG

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

OK, who’s calling the shots? It is not the old fart in “charge”, so whose letting us become a POS? Guess this is the fall of the roman empire in action.

Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Medicaid headline. Medicaid torn newspaper headline on cash

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