
National Security , Newsline

COVID Today – Some Ground Truth

Posted on Tuesday, August 3, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

For COVID ground truth, hours of research and calls to experts offer a window on what we know.

For a moment, put aside common suspicions – that panic justifies overregulation, science is bowing to politics.

If we just look at facts, the window gets clearer – and more complex.

Military analogies fit well.

First, policy lags the battlefield – it can be wrong, subject to rapid changes. COVID policies were set and reset without data – because it was thin. A humanly engineered coronavirus hit the world by surprise. Attributes were poorly understood.

Policy jumped back and forth, as now.

This is no defense of CDC or Mr. Fauci (who has shaded the truth too often), just a fact, when the disease appeared innocuous, no masks.

When transmission accelerated, co-morbidities, crowded hospitals, then mask and distancing mandates proliferated. Policy lags data.

Second, overreactions proliferated, and may again, as in war. Fearful and presumptuous governors imposed untested infringements on civil liberties, backpedaled, now test restrictions tied to the “delta variant.”

Fear produces poor decision-making, frustration, reversals, and angst.

Third, collateral damage was high. Damage done by shutting down schools, businesses, throwing people out of work, creating thousands of bankruptcies, pushing massive fiscal recovery dollars, and the federal debt has been extraordinary.

New numbers show 91,000 drug overdoses last year, most by kids, up 30 percent – horrifying.

Suicides were up. Unemployment hit records, along with business bankruptcies.

Overcompensation with free federal dollars slowed recovery, shrunk the labor market. Fresh federal debt pushes inflation, even as supply chains struggle to recover.

So, collateral damage from ill-informed, untimely, poorly targeted state and federal policies continue to hobble our country, arguing for more thoughtful approaches in the future.

Fourth, partisan politics undermined trust in science. To date, the COVID era teaches us that when political leaders use science to advance partisan politics, everything goes south. Trust in the White House, Congress, CDC, FDA, and federal government plummet.

Even now, the Biden White House and governors push vaccines not fully approved by FDA, just under emergency waivers. Meantime, they put political pressure on FDA, creating new doubt. Full FDA approval might open the door to legal mandates for all schools, workplaces, public venues, just as vaccines were mandated in the – considerably more serious – polio epidemic.

What else do we know?

Several important things.

Senior researchers are afraid of losing NIH grant money, so stay quiet. But some doctors are speaking. One noted FDA should not be politically pressured since that undermines public trust, can compromise research, potentially creating more harm to the public – asserting safety without proof. Masks may be harmless, but vaccines have consequences.

On the other hand, action may trump delay, with vaccine imperfections minor, wider coverage opening schools, businesses, and the economy, reducing collateral damage. Balance is needed.

By whom? Individuals and families, suggests one senior doctor.

As policies flip-flop, common sense is important. Subgroups may be at risk. Which groups? Well, he offers: What do we know about the effect on pregnant mothers, potential birth defects, long term effects on smaller children? Not much. Why?

You cannot change the speed of time; laws of physics, chemistry, and biology define when vaccines warrant full approval.

So, does that mean smaller children could face greater risk from this vaccine than the “delta” variant? Not necessarily, but we do not know. What do we know? Generally, America’s emergency vaccines are almost 94 percent effective against the original COVID strain, 88 percent against “delta.” Less than one percent of Americans have contracted the lambda variant.

What else?

Generally, variants or mutations are less virulent, less dangerous. On the other hand, they transmit faster, making contraction easier, prevention important. Kids are easy spreaders, always getting sick and getting well, but spreading their colds and other viruses.

Examples? Yes, he summons a “real-life” example. Triaging patients last month in an ER, he diagnosed 20 “delta variant” cases, 18 under the age of 18, one three months old.

When I gasp, he calms me. They will likely all be fine, recovery fully.

So, the paradox – faster transmission of the variant, including among and from children, but less chance of serious impact.

So, what should that mean for schools, businesses, the economy? He demurs not a policymaker – but points out how policy lags battlefield knowledge, overreactions are common, collateral damage is often serious, and partisanship screws up science and public trust. Good points.

He reminds me, too, critics are a funny lot. They use hindsight as if it were foresight. The “delta variant” may have come and gone by the time policies settle. On the other hand, history is a good guide. Shutting down schools, businesses, and our economy – never mind reseeding doubt in the electoral processes – seems unwise, is probably unnecessary.

Better might be leaving big decisions to families, letting variants run their course, which happened in the 1950s with Asian flu, 1960s with Hong Kong flu. Better might now be letting families decide whether vaccines fit them or do not.

Better might be understanding life involves some risk, judgment, prudence, precaution, and indulging liberty to keep it. Looking for ground truth, that sounded like it to me. If we look at facts, the window gets clearer – even if sometimes complex.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Karla Jenkins
Karla Jenkins
3 years ago

Thank you or this common sense, unbiased article. A breath of fresh air.

3 years ago

The Democrats early on spotted the potential to use fear mongering of Covid-19 as an effective political weapon with which to expand their power and to control the public. Fear is an extremely effective weapon and Democrats are masters at how to wield it for political gain. They are certainly in no rush to relinquish that power any time soon, as they have seen how effectively they can use it to rule by edict. Brushing aside all types of rights and freedoms simply by invoking Covid as an excuse. Rather than “follow the actual science” versus the political narrative that aided the Democrat agenda, any discussion of how to rationally address the situation was either silenced or ridiculed.

As one example, public schools in the United States for those under 16 years old remained mostly closed all last year, while schools all across Europe remained open without serious Covid incidents. Early on, science discovered young children were neither prone to the virus nor effective transmitters of the virus. Teachers in Europe were not dropping like flies and the inside of schools were some of the safest places to be for adult teachers. So tens of millions of families all across the United States were literally held hostage purely for political purposes and their children lost an entire year of education that will cost them down the road.

In any event, the damage has already been done to our country. The Democrats now control all levers of power in Washington and are literally transforming the country on a daily basis. There is no real public push-back to the process, which is the most amazing part as one would have expected Americans would have offered more resistance to the imposition of authoritarian rule.

Meanwhile, the fear mongering around Covid continues, while anyone in the medical community that espouses a different perspective from Fauci, who has flipped-flopped on almost everything he has ever said since this all started, is immediately canceled. This is so reminiscent of the old Soviet Union or modern day communist China. Accept and comply with the Party narrative or be disappeared.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

The analogy to battlefield policy “lags” is very appropriate. By the time we get to late September or early October, this wave of the pandemic will be nearly over. The over-reaction and over-reach by the partisan political types will cause even more distrust by the people of this country. This behavior over the last 18 months will cause all Americans to pay for this problem for years. The vaccines do work, and they do limit the severity of the disease for those who are fully vaccinated. Those who refuse to get the “jab” have a right to not take the vaccine, but they are more at risk for a severe case of the China virus. The risk to children still appears to be less serious than the population as a whole. Shutting down the country, wearing poorly designed masks, and masking all the school children is the “sting” of over-zealous politicians. The fear-mongering is at a fever pitch, and that helps no one. Let the people decide on their own whether or not they get vaccinated, let the people wear masks if they think that is going to help their families, and let the rest of the story unfold as this article suggests in the normal course of the disease.

3 years ago

Mr. Charles is preaching to the Choir. He should use his previous DC connections to help correct this Socialism if he has any influence left. Either lead , follow or get out of the way !

3 years ago

Basically, keep the government out of our affairs. The government lies and is completely corrupt. They should, therefore, have zero say in the life of Americans. Particularly their medical beliefs and behaviors.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

These reduce vaccines:

o mixed messages
o censorship
o rig data
o skew data
o Lie
o NO Visual guide to follow since 3-20
o vaccine deaths
o Biden Harris campaign messages on NOT taking vaccines
o Fauci lies
& U wonder why NO 1 wants the vaccine then.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

At the end of the day, as the old saying goes, “no one departs this world alive”, something is going to get you no matter what precautions you take. In fact, sometimes the cure or precaution is as bad as the disease itself. Live life and let God take the worry away; when your time comes, it could just as easily be by a lightning strike as by a virus. Worry can be just as deadly as any sickness.

I don’t wear mask and have not locked down from the first day the panicdemic was instituted. Covid-19 was here by at least October 2019, not early 2020. I had a “funny” flu in early December 2019 that had the symptoms of Covid as I learned months later. I was 75 at that time and home treated myself and got over it in a couple of weeks.

Greg Snyder
Greg Snyder
3 years ago

I would like to see some reports concerning treatment of the virus using Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine with Vitamin D and Zinc a has been successfully used in India, Asia, South America, and Mexico. There is no reason to expose the population of this country to an experimental gene therapy drug, especially women and children when the virus is easily and economically treated. The government, press, and big pharma have successfully robbed us at gunpoint with ignorance and greed as the weapons.

3 years ago

Where’s your data?

3 years ago

Fauci created it in his Wigan lab be released it so democrats could control he election. Too many videos out there with him talking about it. Democrats warned of a pandemic coming in September 2019. Look up Judicial Watch and find the truth.

3 years ago

Since it just came out that the PCR rapid test can’t tell the difference between covid and regular flu, then probably only about half of the people diagnosed last year actually had the covid crap. Of course no one died from ANYTHING ELSE last year except covid. And besides the fact at least one in every 10 positives are false… can the test tell if it’s the delta variant if it can’t tell between covid and regular flu??? So much phony crap going on right now. ALL A CONTROL THING.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Maybe we should have let smallpox and polio run their course as well instead of wasting time with vaccines back then too. Where were the voices to end vaccines when herd immunity would have eventually ended those diseases ?

Better might now be letting families decide whether vaccines fit them or do not. Better might be understanding life involves some risk, judgment, prudence, precaution, and indulging liberty to keep it. What do you think, Bob ?

3 years ago

Maybe so Dan but they didn’t shut down the economy back then either and destroy businesses and cause many other problems that were in many was worse than the pandemic. Which we never hear from the Propagandists in the MSN.

3 years ago

Clarity of message……..this is one of the best set of thoughts I have ever heard. An article that needs to be conveyed to every elected official, every member of the FDA, CDC and all major medical, educational and economic pundits. Will reprint this and send it to everyone I know…..Thank you.

3 years ago

This virus is a biochemical weapon and the jab is worse….what the vaccine (really an experimental gene therapy) does is introduce these microscopic covid spikes into every cell of your body so you body starts attacking them….your body also produces more of these spikes….these spikes eventually get picked up by the lymphatic system and dumped into your small capalaries and since the walls are lined with spikes, they are no longer smooth…thus, begins the stoppage and the start of blood clots. These spikes can also cross the blood brain barrier and cause nerve damage, the placenta causing loss of babies and the sperm which will virtually make you sterile. And, vaccinated people can still transmit the disease to others….and now, we are finding that the amount of covid infections is about even with the vaccinated and unvaccinated, so much that one town (only 500 residents and cannot remember its name) had 74% vaccinated and all of the vaccinated have contracted covid as per Glen Beck….now they want you to take another third vaccination booster….then will there be another, and another, an another? Once you have allowed this gene therapy into your body, it will be there forever. My question that I need an answer to is this…..If an unvaccinated person has an accident and needs a transfusion….and the person’s blood used for that transfusion comes from a vaccinated person, do these spikes transfer to the unvaccinated person via the blood? I am 74 and have a couple of problems, all of them controlled, and I do not plan to take the jab. All of this is scary.

3 years ago

CRISIS! CRISIS! What an opportunity for our politicians to weaponize a pandemic. We have been bombarded around the clock with expert opinions. Our alleged leading expert, Fauci the malignant dwarf, has ties to the origination of this mess and he warned 3 years ago of a coming problem. HMMM? We may have been caught off guard but for our level of sophistication we reacted with a panicked fire drill. It seemed that the inmates were running the asylum. The vaccines weren’t vaccines as such. Now we appear to be circling back. For various reasons “Vaccinated” are being asked to mask up again and also face the possibility of needing a “booster.” In closing what were the real numbers of infection and deaths? It seems that there was a large amount of misinformation being used. Is that a light at the end of the tunnel or a oncoming train?

3 years ago

This narrative fits with the Covid file I had started when the shutdowns started, and I, as “the cleaning lady” had to keep up with how to best keep common areas in apartment buildings sanitized.
Things just kept changing –

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 years ago

Just how “flat” does a curve have to be anyways? Just more science at work… political science that is. I’m sure they won’t be demanding mail-in ballots only for the midterms either, right? And NYC demands vaccination cards now? And here I thought IDs were racist! They did say that right? BS BS BS.

3 years ago

Way to go, AMAC. Use Mr. Charles to diplomatically cover all the pros and cons leaving the sheep wondering what to think about the whole mess. Why didn’t he go back to 2010 when Dr. Mengle and company laid out the masks, social distancing, shutdown procedures that would be used. What about personal freedom and the constitution being the foundational issues. I demand equal time and challenge AMAC to ask the Frontline Doctors to provide a rebuttal. Failure to do so will speak volumes.

Mark F Kelly
Mark F Kelly
3 years ago

This SCAM was planned back in the 19th Century!! Mandatory wexxines were started in London back then. These wexxines killed so many people that there were riots in the Streets ( sound familiar?) After the Korean War, the Medical Industry started to push wexxines. They claimed great results with minimal side effects but the TRUTH was almost the opposite. Virtually all of the alleged benefits actually came from the improvement in sanitation….Since the early 1960’s there has been a Huge push for wexxines, going from 3 to 78 shots. These shots have about 2 dozen times the allowable limit for ingestion of Heavy Metals which are injected straight into the blood stream, bypassing the Gut and its natural defenses… This proliferation of heavy metals are cumulative and synergistic as they are deposited into the Brain, liver and kidneys, wreaking havoc for the rest of your life. This heavy metal assault is primarily responsible for the 10,000+% increase in Autism that has happened in the last 50 years. Covid is the culmination of that campaign with fake tests that show positive for the Common Cold. Tests that are already fake positives have been given to Terminal patients so when they die in a few days, they have another ‘death with covid’ to advertise…Notice how the former 5th leading cause of deaths has disappeared, the Flu and Pneumonia, with covid taking those deaths…Biggest scam in American Medical history…

3 years ago

The comments on this article are all over the place and all based on individual perceptions of information. Reminds me of that whisper game of passing a sentence around until the end when the last person had to say it out loud and boy there was a big difference between the actual sentence and what was heard and passed on.
There really has to be a site that only publishes actual facts about things like vaccines without political views attached and uses wording in regular language, not all that science technology jargon. I read a few of the books that described what occurred during the 1918 pandemic, and I had to skip around the technolgy jargon to get exactly how the public was kept informed of the reality of the situation. Too often, those in power, feel that the everyday person doesn’t need to know and ASSUMES we will take their word as the absolute truth without question.
A true contagious disease works through a population by cycles until it reaches exposure to the entire population. No one no matter what you tell yourself is immune, but you do build up a better tolerance and reaction if your immune system is working well. Your social status doesn’t help but a healthy immune system does. Thanks to developments in certain health care conditions, individuals who may have died young are surviving but they are still less able to deal with exposure to many contagious diseases.
As far as santitation (clean conditions around) is dependent on personal habits, depending on your culture and social status. There are still people who don’t wash their hands as frequently as needed after bodily functions, which do require hand washing, like blocking a sneeze with their hand and not washing their hand or even use a hand sanitizer. But the biggest issue with a contagious disease is to limit prolong close contact when feeling sick with any symptoms. There have been no changes in the workplace conditions to accommodate this because it affects the profit line.
Eliminate misinformation sources, bring access to everyone, without affecting their ability to earn a living, and lastly, public health should not be a power play tactic.

M Walker
M Walker
3 years ago

Terrible writing.Would flunk English 101.

3 years ago

I agree with the thoughts shared here. I am fully vaccinated, but it was my choice. I do not want to mask again in an effort to protect people who legitimately made a different choice than mine based on their circumstances. I do not want to be told to live in fear and I do not. I think I am a moderate person who is able to think for myself as I receive factual information. I am saddened that it is harder to find trustworthy facts being share.

3 years ago

Has anyone mentioned the MILLION + migrants that have come from over 100+ countries n shipped with TAX payers $$. Anyone think that will help with herd immunity?? Dems truly trying to destroy America. Much prayer needed, whatever faith you practice. Pray pray pray for Us All !

P Christie
P Christie
3 years ago

Left out: Early treatment and Prevention is available. For a fraction of the cost and with a 40yr safety record, we could safely eradicate the virus and stem mutations.

3 years ago

Nobody is encouraging prevention. Like taking care of your immunity. Taking c d and zinc with melatonin at night prevents the common cold and flu. Give you immune system a boost. Get plenty of rest. Don’t over exert yourself but exercise.

3 years ago

This stance disappoints me. Have you not researched the graphine oxide in these shots? Totally poisonous !! And how they are hiding the injuries and deaths? Worse than any “vax” in history? That people who have had the shot are getting “delta” more than the unvaxxed??? That the shedding from vaxxed is causing slots, disruptions in monthly periods with women, and other side effects? A high ranking doctor who was with Pfizer is sounding the alarm… A man who is pro vaccine but NOT these supposed vaccines, be because these are NOT true vaccines but gene therapy! Also, live (not frozen)aborted fetal tissue is used!! There is no justification for these shots… They don’t work… They in fact were designed specifically to harm and kill to cater to a globalist agenda to depopulate and make us dependent on Big Pharma should we survive, and to ci twirl us with the nano bit technology they have injected us with! Also: if you follow the science— MASKS DON’T work!!!! I left AARP because I thought you supported true conservative values and the truth of what’s going on. Please do your homework!!

3 years ago

What about the infected now immune? This one-size-fits-all doesn’t consider them.

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