WASHINGTON, DC, May 23 – It’s okay to think about and talk about Unidentified Flying Objects. Says who? The Congress of the United States of America, that’s who. The lawmakers held a hearing last week legitimizing the notion that they do exist. But don’t call them UFOs. That’s a dodgy, outdated, and “too science-fictiony” moniker; if you want to be taken seriously, start referring to them as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs.
The hearing was the first in some 50 years, and if you were hoping that it would provide answers to questions you might have about UFOs, except for the news that they are to be known as UAPs, they didn’t.
But according to the reporters at Politico, Congressman Mike Gallagher [R-WI] provided some food for thought. In its report on the hearing, the “global authority,” as the website calls itself, wrote that “One of the most eye-popping moments during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on UFOs on Tuesday was when Congressman Mike Gallagher [R-WI] pressed Pentagon officials on claims that a ‘glowing red orb’ once shut down nuclear weapons in Montana and that a recently leaked document revealed that other-worldly vehicles — and possibly even extraterrestrial bodies — are being kept from government leaders and the public.”
Gallagher was referring to an incident way back in 1967 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. An eyewitness, Robert Salas, who was stationed at the base, described what happened to the Great Falls Tribune in Great Falls, MT. In his words, he saw “a glowing red object, oval-shaped and some 40 feet in diameter, and it was hovering above the front gate…It was an unidentified flying object that nobody could explain to this day. The Air Force investigated this secretly, I believe through 1972. I think this thing was not of this earth. I’m convinced it was not built here, because it was able to send signals to each of our missiles separately. The guidance and control equipment was upset in each one.”
While the hearing attracted a lot of attention, it was disappointing to some that there was hardly any discussion of alien encounters. In fact, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray who reported that there were 400 UAP sightings this year up from 143 last year seemed to dismiss the notion that they might have been extraterrestrial encounters. Mr. Bray also sought to dispel the notion that UAPs might be aliens, noting that no organic or inorganic material or unexplainable wreckage has ever been recovered. And he pointed out that there have been no attempts made at communicating with the objects.
Rick Crawford [R-AR] said the objective of the hearing was to explain whether unexplained aerial phenomena are a threat to national security. He said it is critical to know and identify what threats UAPs might pose. Failure to do so, he said, is “tantamount to intelligence failure that we certainly want to avoid. It’s not about finding alien spacecraft.”
Fox News correspondent Rob Olson reported on the hearing and said that a Pentagon report admits “that they could not explain 144 sightings [of UAPs] by military pilots” over the past 17 years. He noted that since that report was released, there have been “a massive rise they attributed to pilots [who are] no longer afraid of ridicule.” Olson’s report included declassified video showing a sighting by a Navy pilot who spotted a UAP and was able to tape the encounter.
Yet, as the Atlantic Magazine online described the hearing, “This was, on one level, a very unusual event—the rare congressional hearing about UFOs, the first in more than 50 years. And yet it proceeded as many others do on Capitol Hill: dryly, politely, and uneventfully, which seemed odd. Shouldn’t there have been a little more to it? You know, alien stuff?”
The last paragraph of the article sums up the value of 99.999 percent of all Congressional hearings on virtually any subject Congress wades into. As these hearings are all currently conducted, with so little time actually devoted to any serious line of questioning, for the sake of keeping the hearings to less than a day and to afford each member of the committee equal access time before the TV cameras for their own photo op that can hyped on the local nightly news in their districts or states.
Congressional hearings long ceased being about the issues and have sadly devolved into glorified, publicly funded, PR photo ops to be leverages in future re-election campaigns or books down the road.
As for the subject involved, most members of Congress are just as scientifically illiterate as they are economically illiterate. As such, the uninformed, formulaic questions they pose were guaranteed to illicit an equally unsatisfying set of answers from the people brought before the committee. In simple terms, ask a series of dumb questions and what you’ll get back are a series of dumb answers. The DoD has no incentive to disclose everything they know about the subject under these conditions. Another waste of taxpayer dollars just to generate some photo ops.
They are still UFO’s. Changing the initials doesn’t change anything. If it quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it’s still a duck. Even if you change the spelling.
“Kicking the can down the road.” I can’t help thinking that all this “space” talk which has been going on since the late ’40s is a ruse to enable the global elitists to garner more monies either through political “taxpayer paid” kickbacks, lobbyist bucks, and the “war machine” dollars. Look to NASA and the D.C. puppets as the main benefactors. In the end, the U.S. Taxpaying citizenry is on the hook.
They (ALIENS) have been here for a very long time. It is foolish to think we are alone. It’s a big Universe and we (HUMANS) have only been here a very short period of time. To deny it shows arrogance and stupidity.
There is way to much evidence to the contrary and lies we are constantly told that ALIENS don’t exist when they do exist.
Every time we get close to Nuclear War sightings increase drastically. Currently, this is the closest for Nuclear War in a long time. So naturally UFO sightings will increase.
With DICTATOR Beijing biden don’t be surprised if Nuclear War happens since he keeps pushing for it.
And the ALIENS will be watching to see how far human stupidity will go.
It was a distraction that didn’t work.
Didnt examine UFO documents since 1947 & other alone
No effort made
Hey out there. If there is any aliens not of this earth out there and read this, do you have all this crap goin 0n on your planet. ??? Kyle L.
Aliens and UFOs aside, this is what they want to deal while the country’s decline gathers momentum rolling down the metaphorical hill while they’re on the hill? For most of these clown, their IQs go down 10-15 points for every year they spend “serving” the public!
Idiots! Wasting time, funds, expertise and human effort on one of the least important issues ever
to hit the beltway. While I have no comment on the truth of UFO’s or the like, this is just NOT important at all. A worthless task to distract and defer……leave this up to the civilians, and give them all your “reports” and stuff…..and let them run with it….we, as a nation have far more important fish to fry.
Democrats will do anything they can to get your mind and money off of the real problems.Ever time a democrat gets in the White House we fall apart.
There are NO alien UFOs (except maybe in Biden’s head, swarming around his two short-circuited brain cells!). The world’s cosmologists and astronomers prove this time and time again!
Had they wanted anything done, any information provided, or anything but lies, they would not have placed Adam Schiff as the chairman. I watched the whole thing, and it was an absolute waste of my time!