
National Security , Newsline

Coming … Border Crisis on Steroids

Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Said comic possum Pogo, in a parody of Admiral Perry’s quote about meeting the enemy and their being ours, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” That was 1970. Pogo creator Walt Kelly was spoofing history – about the pollution issue. Sometimes, we are the problem.

Two years ago, the Biden-Harris team pointed to endemic global poverty south of the border – and called it the “root cause” of America’s border crisis. Harris was “put in charge” to fix it.

Since then, she and Biden have done nothing, worse than nothing. Biden is on the border to pretend he is leading – he is not. They suspended laws that kept order, reduced crime, and held violence at bay. They waved in four million illegal aliens, many trafficking drugs, outlawed the very word “illegal aliens,” and watched illegal entry spike by 35 percent.

Now, in a madcap exercise in “equity” – sharing America with the world – they want to lift Title 42. This will, by all predictions, create a crisis on steroids. While delayed by the Supreme Court until early 2023, this specter is real.

Let’s be honest: Civil disorder, poverty, crime, human and drug trafficking, and violence against women and kids is “daily fare” around the world, especially south of the border. This warrants rethinking US foreign policy, seeking outcome-focused interventions, more training in law enforcement, rule of law, democracy, work ethic, education, and foreign investment.

It does not warrant opening the United States up to all those ills, imagining that by swinging our doors wide to humanity, putting America at risk and offering what we have built, we solve anything. 

Biden, Harris, and all those who – for whatever conscience-based, political, or Machiavellian reasons – think that a de facto open border will solve the world’s problems, or deliver some relief without imperiling hundreds of millions of American citizens including our kids, are nuts.

What we are witnessing – and if Title 42, which allows deportation for communicable diseases, is lifted we will see in spades – is a wild rush by caravans of humans who think America is here for the taking.

And why do we see this? Why are the numbers getting worse, including young people – especially women and girls – being trafficked, beaten, raped, abused, and shattered by those who profit from crime?

Why are these human calamities – never in such staggering numbers or severity – tied to human trafficking, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking, now happening? Because the Biden-Harris border policies promote them. Truth is, these Biden-Harris and Democrat policies are inviting, facilitating, and dramatically increasing human rights abuses and drug and human trafficking. Far from being humane, these pro-trafficking, pro-caravan, pro-border bust policies are causing these human rights abuses – all the while making the traffickers rich.

This is criminal behavior – unforgivably shortsighted, wrongheaded, and needs to be stopped, the messages, caravans, and looking the other way stopped, the drug, human and sex traffickers stopped – the human abuse stopped.

What is being reported now at the border, and in towns and cities to which the Biden-Harris Administration is transporting these illegally crossing humans – is collateral damage caused by the Biden-Harris pro-trafficking policies. They explain mass pain, suffering, and overdoses.

What is being reported is new. Social workers, volunteers, and public health and safety experts are seeing thousands of illegals with trafficking-related “PTSD,” abuse of a kind not seen before or in these numbers, needing physical, emotional, and psychological support.

So, let us get back to basics. Why is this happening, and why is it occurring with unprecedented damage and in unprecedented numbers to those herded like cattle, treated worse than cattle? Because the Biden-Harris and Democrat “open door” policies are the engine, they encourage this.

Bottom line: Pogo was on to something. He was right about where and how many problems start and end. More often than not, a “root cause” – if anyone really cared – is not far but near. The reason we have this border crisis is not someone else’s fault, it is ours – the Biden-Harris Administration’s fault. Rather than deter crime, they invite it. To cite Pogo, or apply his wisdom to Biden, Harris, and modern Democrats, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Prepare for a coming border crisis … on steroids. 

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been bad since swearing in date to date
No change

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Not only have Biden and Harris done nothing themselves to improve security and order at the Southern Border, they have actively destroyed all the positive policies of the President Trump administration. Instead of being a dynamic duo for good and fairness, Biden and Harris have helped create a perfect storm for criminal activities and death to both Illegals and legal inhabitants of the USA. Both Biden and Harris are totally unfit for their positions of trust and power.

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

Mr. Charles, We all know why the border is open to allow millions of undocumented illegals to flood our country and suck all the benefits from the taxpayers pockets.
This is all part of the master plan by the Socialist Biden Administration to proclain them DEMOCRATS to overwhlem all lawful elections.
They are getting away with it because the majority of Conservatives have not protested in mass primarily due to “We the people” not having any courageous leadership. The Republicans are cowards with the exception of several Governors.
No matter what happens in the future.. the damage has been done !

America is on her way to oblivion.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

President Trump seemed at the very least to address this problem. He addressed problems in Europe as well. We would not have the problems in Europe if President Trump was around. He at the very least, had a commanding personality. Biden and Company are all smiles for photos. He and his VP smile, smile, & smile whilst Texas, & California get trashed. This is supposed to help their party politically? People sleeping in the streets, hungry & dirty? This is how this administration tackles problems? Smile, Smile, Smile; smile prettily for the pictures. Oh, its always someone else’s fault? Founding Fathers they of course have to be trashed. Biden & Company are so much better! Ha… They couldn’t get through half a day in Colonial America! Now, its the legislatures fault. But, continue to smile, smile, smile! Because, after all its ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. Cheshire Cats; Now Smile Big! Who can we blame next! (Took a little while to get their feet dirty South of the Border Down Mexico Way!) May God Bless & Help These United States of America! ~ George Washington’s Admirer

2 years ago

Well Joe Biden did tell everyone who wanted to come to the United States for lifetime handouts (lets be brutally honest and admit 90% or more of those flooding across our southern border to NOT meet the criteria for asylum by any stretch of the imagination) to surge the border when he was running for POTUS. Virtually every Democrat candidate for President and Congress fully supported that view and they all still do. Then once Biden and Harris were placed in office, the people controlling the puppet President immediately went about dismantling every border safeguard President Trump spent a lot of time and effort putting in place not only here, but with agreements with other countries to prevent exactly what Biden and Harris have now successfully and intentionally orchestrated.

To date, Team Biden has overseen the greatest importation of illegal aliens into the United States in the least amount of time in U.S. history. In only 2 years, Team Biden has facilitated allowing 5 million illegals to not only gain entry to the United States, but those illegal aliens have been strategically dispersed throughout the country to maximize their impact in future elections. We already have a border crisis on steroids. It’s NOT some future event waiting to happen. Left unchecked, Team Biden will have successfully managed to import approximately 10 million total illegals into this country by the time the 2024 elections roll around. When added to the approximately 40 million illegals that were already in this country at the end of 2019 (last official government estimate available), that would give us 50 million illegals in the United States by 2024. That’s 50 million people that need to be taken care of in terms of ongoing healthcare, housing, food, education, some permanent form of welfare since most are illiterate and have no interest in anything but what they can get for free, that the American taxpayer has to pick-up the tab for. That’s easily $100 billion dollars a year, if not substantially more.

I will agree with you on one point. Yes, we have met the enemy and he is indeed us. That the American people have apparently decided to allow all this to continue with just a collective shrug of the shoulders is indeed disgraceful. No other first world nation would allow this intentional and well coordinated flooding of their country by people who will require permanent care and feeding on this scale. Yet it seems the American people will. This is what happens when people become sheep.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly with RBC’s assessment of what’s in store…no question. I’m not sure I agree that there’s any misplaced “humanity” involved, however, on why a porous southern border is being permitted. biden and harris are puppet’s of the nwo shilling left. Many in this criminal regime are puppets as well. I believe the border catastrophe is completely deliberate with malice aforethought. The left wants agenda 2030 and the “great reset” and toppling the United States will help facilitate that quite nicely…and by “nicely”, I mean nicely for the globalist evil. It will be disastrous for We the People.

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

How about sanctions on the countries of origin. Most are failed states due to historical political corruption. The OAS is about as useless as the UN. It is time we started to swing Teddy’s “big stick”

2 years ago

This Southern Border Crisis is Totally Unlawful and Unconstitutional!!!! It is being Propagated by the Radicalized Far Left Demoncrat Socialist Party along with the Deep Dark State to Destroy Our Economy, Our National and Personal Security, Our Culture,Values and Our True America!!!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

global misery and poverty must be the ultimate goal Global improvement would require responsibility and accountability Not in the vocabulary of cleptocrats that are in key positions

James P.
James P.
2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

how come no one ever has consequences for breaking our laws like the pres and the feds they took an oath to uphold the law like when i went into the navy?

2 years ago

I noticed that when Biden did finally go to the border, he stood by Trump’s wall! Not where the wall is missing and illegals walk freely into our country.

2 years ago

This is criminal on Biden/Harris’ watch but not surprising given their proclivity to dishonesty and ineptitude. Their pandering to the Progressives and insistence on lying about what they are doing (including Mayorka) is impeachable for sure and action needs to be taken asap.

2 years ago

Cheap labor for “D” party donors and a changing demographic that will perpetually vote the “D”. That is what the open border agenda is.

2 years ago

There is no border crisis. How about giving the people in the US citizenship and making them legal? Republicans forgot about the meaning of the Statue of Liberty.

John R
John R
2 years ago

God help us!!!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Soon, with Bumble Brain in charge, we will have as many people working for a government and on total government assistance as people working in private businesses. Consider what the tax situation will be. The Democrats think they can stay in power with a bunch of new voters but will the country be worth the effort? Soon we may be in gun fights with the cartels on this side of the border. But a decent would then could legally pursue them into Mexico.
I think the Democrats are vile and they follow the “party” line just like a good soviet.

2 years ago

I believe that Biden Harris and a bunch of others are making money on drugs and Saleing women and men.when you know it is wrong and you look the other way you are usually part of the problem.If we had a good government they would check him out.Washington cares about there self and that is it.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden is extending the China Virus Emergency for another 90 days to play politics and maintain power.
He declared China Virus officially over so WHY extend it?
But, we are supposed to abide to his DRACONIAN FASCIST BS on
DEFUND ALL SANCTUARY STATES AND PROSECUTE EVERY Elected and Non-elected official and attorneys that give ILLEGAL ALIENS

2 years ago


John Gagne
John Gagne
2 years ago

Biden and his cohorts are evil, not ignorant or misinformed. Unless we take decisive and permanent action as border states to stop this war (and it IS a war) against our states, country and sovereignty, then we all will live in subject poverty and 3rd world conditions very soon.

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

Okay now this is funny our so-called fraudulent president is now concerned about all the immigrants that he let come into the country after Trump had it pretty much solved and or had the rains on it I’m thinking this is all fake just like how he is

James H
James H
2 years ago

The left is anti-God, anti-America and inhumane. “When the wicked rule, the people mourn”. The wicked are lawless. The godly obey and uphold the law. We must never tire of doing good!

2 years ago

They say the only reason that Biden went to the border is that Hunter Biden is low on fentanyl Pills.
Stolen from the Gutfeld show.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

They put a dummy in charge of the border she did nothing Harris never did nothing just like what she has done all along. We need strong people in government time to clean our government up fire those that do nothing including the President and his VP its time we had a government that works for the voters and real citizens here.The border was never secure.

2 years ago

This situation causes me to remember the famous words of Barrack Obama:
“Never under estimate Joe Biden’s ability to F*<k things up.”

2 years ago

So, Robert B. Charles, you have it that “illegal aliens” is a word.
Hmmm … maybe it is a term — but it is two words, not one word.

2 years ago

Like many millions of patriots in the USA, I am very concerned with the rapid decline in our national security and prosperity. I bought 2 flags that sum up how I feel right now. Here they are: “Pro America, Anti Biden” and “Stay Poor, Vote Democrat”. I have bumper stickers that state the following: “Socialism: Your Ticket To A Third World Country”. Unfortunately, many millions of people do not agree.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

By not enforcing immigration law, Joe Biden is failing his oath of office to protect and defend these United States against threats domestic and foreign. He has created Clear and Present Danger to the Security of these United States and should be impeached for same!

2 years ago

I thought to be a member of the UN a country had to have a secure border.

Gene Pate
Gene Pate
2 years ago

Kamala is doing exactly what she was put in place to do and you just don’t recognize how totally effective she is at her job. Poverty south of the border was deemed to be the cause of illegal immigration. You don’t seem to understand that Kamala’s and Joe’s solution is to implement poverty north of the border so that there is no longer any reason to move north to just sit here in the same dung heap conditions that they were sitting in before they loaded up and walked 1000 miles. Make conditions in the US bad enough for them and then you can cover Mexico closing the border and finishing the wall to keep them from coming back down there.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
2 years ago

Seems no limits on dereliction of duty in high places. The FED is not our friend. The world is not Biden’s constituent.

Gene Pate
Gene Pate
2 years ago

Now that they have passed the first bill in the house nixing the new 87,000 IRS agents I hope the Republicans have the backbone to tell the Senate that they will not be passing any other legislation until that bill is passed in the Senate and signed by Joe dimwit. Any thing else that the Senate sends over should be put in a small freezer sitting next to the speaker’s chair right out front where CSPAN can show the world.

2 years ago

Open borders are part of the plan to annihilate White America, and it is working as the number of White Americans is now declining in absolute numbers. In 2020, there were fewer White Americans than in 2010.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Biden graduated from law school 85th out of 110 students meaning there are 25 people out there stupider than our current President. I bet they all work in government too…

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
2 years ago

American Revolution 2.0 is coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Better be prepared; it will be a rough ride. This is the result after voting is rigged, illegals invade a nation, continual pleas for sanity are continually ignored, and laws are unenforced (unless you are part of the incorrect political party or race). ‘A true Patriot will defend his country from its government’ – Thomas Jefferson.

2 years ago

Harris should be impeached for doing nothing at the border and creating a crisis. Get rid of her 1st then Biden so she’ll never be president. She is the only reason I want to see Biden go full term. ( And I do mean the only reason.)

2 years ago

Oh, boy. I wish I had a shred of hope about this border crisis. You already saw it: When the tough gets going, Biden/Kamala hit the Caribbean. This is a hallmark of these so called ‘socialist’ governments around the world. How can we think there is away back from this aberration?

2 years ago

What is the administration’s end game here? WHY are they allowing/encouraging this invasion of our southern border (and all the misery it brings) to continue? The only answer I can come up with is that they will make them all legal voters before the 2024 presidential and ensure their vote by giving them free housing, health care, legal advice, etc. This administration should be prosecuted for treason. I’m not a Trump fan but he might be the only one that can turn this ship around before it sinks into Socialism.

Betty Matteson
Betty Matteson
2 years ago

Why isn’t anyone talking about the HUGE Chinese population in South America and Canada? They join everyone else who enters Mexico and other countries then hop on board into the US. No one seems to care that the government of China is building military bases right off our coasts and the Democrats are encouraging them. Just how crazy has the Democratic Party gotten?

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