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Clarence and Ginni Thomas, American Patriots

Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is once again in the crosshairs of liberals.

This has been going on since his confirmation hearings in 1991, when President George H.W. Bush had the temerity to nominate a Black conservative to take the Supreme Court seat of Thurgood Marshall.

Thomas’ confirmation hearings provided a laboratory showing how low liberals are willing to go to try to discredit a conservative, even more so one who is Black.

Now liberal journalists are having their most recent field day because it happens that Thomas’ wife, Ginni, is a conservative like him, is an American patriot like him, and is personally invested, like her husband, in safeguarding our Constitution’s integrity, written, as its drafters wrote in its preamble, “to secure the blessings of liberty.”

Clarence Thomas does it as the court’s longest-sitting justice and perhaps its most principled and consistent conservative. Ginni Thomas does it as a conservative activist, involved with a number of conservative organizations in Washington.

For years, liberals attempted to diminish Thomas as a lackey of the late justice Antonin Scalia. Now, as Thomas shines as the court’s leading conservative voice, they want to diminish him as a lackey of his wife.

The sparks were fanned, hoping to create a forest fire, about alleged conflicts of interest in a New Yorker article by liberal muckraker Jane Mayer, who has made a career of hatchet-job journalism aimed at conservatives.

Mayer’s article leads with her concern about politics finding their way into the Supreme Court, as evidenced by “a recent Gallup poll” showing “the Supreme Court has its lowest public-approval rating in history.”

That poll, from last September, shows the court’s approval rating at 40%, down from 62% in 2001.

But equally germane, and of course of less interest to Mayer, is Gallup polling from the same date showing Americans’ trust in media standing at 36%, the second lowest on record.

Liberal journalists only look for smoking guns when conservatives are the target.

Where were all the liberal journalists when The New York Post broke the story 17 months ago about emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing he was doing business deals, profiting on his vice president father’s position? He even cut his father a piece of one of the deals. The story went unreported through the presidential election. Only now is The New York Times reporting it as real.

How about President Joe Biden’s nominee for vice chairman of Supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, Sarah Bloom Raskin? Her husband, Rep. Jamie Raskin, was hit with a House ethics violation for late reporting of a $1.5 million stock sale by his wife in a firm where she may have had a conflict of interest.

We could, of course, discuss America’s favorite power couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, now worth tens of millions despite careers in politics and public service.

The point is, there are no bureaucratic ethics rules that displace what is the real driver of what matters — personal integrity.

There is no decision that Clarence Thomas has ever made on the Supreme Court than cannot be traced directly to his rigorous and principled scholarship and commitment to the U.S. Constitution. Period.

Similarly, Ginni Thomas, who sat on the board of my organization CURE for some 15 years, is motivated by one thing — preservation of our nation as a free nation under God.

The real bottom line is one liberals don’t want to hear. The way to limit questions about ethics in government is to keep government limited and small. It’s exactly what America’s founders had in mind and the exact opposite direction in which liberals have taken our nation.

We owe thanks to Clarence and Ginni Thomas for their relentless struggle to preserve the integrity of our Constitution and the principles that keep our nation free, despite being under endless siege by the liberal media.

Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.”

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

I STAND with Justice Thomas and his wife. Can remember when Justice Thomas was appointed United States of America Supreme Court Justice.
Since that day, he has Followed the U.S. Constitution in EVERY CASE he has been involved in. Would have to say in my lifetime U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thomas is the MOST HONORABLE MAN to Serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
The FAKE News is just that. FAKE News can’t make any money unless they make things up and call it News. So, they make up FAKE stories on Mrs. Thomas and try to sell it as News.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thomas and Mrs. Thomas are being chastised because they believe in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Let the FAKE News run with that.

Glenn Williamson
Glenn Williamson
2 years ago

I think that the approval rate of Supreme Court justices is not vary relevant. It may be unpopular to consider a strict reading on the Constitution as being out of touch with modern times, but the bad news is that a significant number of people don’t want to be governed by strict inturpretation of the Constitution, but something more fluid. That allows people to make more change without being encumbered by having to comply with the Constitution. Being governed by law seems to be more unpopular these days.

Donna Cron
Donna Cron
2 years ago

I pray Judge Thomas stays well and is guarded 24/7…as well as having a food tester. Nothing stands in the way of the Left’s agenda!

Clarence Johnson
Clarence Johnson
2 years ago

Nothing new here . The media is always looking for anything to attack conservatives and Christians . However, they look the other way where there is real corruption.

Stephen Nicholls
Stephen Nicholls
2 years ago

I have a dream…I wake up some day and find we have 8 more just like him.
Maybe the others could take the free course’s that Hillsdale Collage offers on the U. S. Constitution.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Because they are patriots, the left must destroy them, the left will destroy anyone that gets in their way, and impedes their undoing the Constitution, and taking away our liberties.
Somehow, we must see that see that Sleepy Joes anti-America pick for the Supreme Court doesn’t get confirmed, everybody needs to tell their Senators that they will vote to remove them from office in November, and the RNC, should give no campaign money to the RINO’s that do, only those people who think it’s ok, to molest children and likes child porn will vote for her.
Gods Watching!

Tracee Farmer
Tracee Farmer
2 years ago

I hope and pray Justice Thomas is not sick because of some underhanded thing the Clintons and their minions ordered. They killed Scalia, I have no doubt, I’m pretty sure Bader-Ginsburg knew that too because he and she were good friends.. Please Lord keep him safe, we need him more than ever especially with this latest candidate. Jackson-Brown is a dangerous leftist, way worse than even Sotomayor.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Clarence Thomas holds a mirror many do not like what they see that is the problem

2 years ago

Thomas confirmation hearings were a watershed in this countries history. Theres a centuries old tradition of not acting on the accusations of a single person. In western societies that is. In the soviet union anyone could make an anonymous call and denounce someone who would then be arrested. In 1991 our treason party adopted that practice. Thomas has a rare trait: moral courage. We’ll soon see if trumps appointees can match him with both abortion and second amendment cases upcoming.

2 years ago

We need more like Justice Clarence Thomas; he’s the real deal. Great man!

2 years ago

Justice Thomas and his wife have been superb role models for the truth in the Constitution and should be applauded for that. Justice Thomas is the one firm rock in the Supreme Court now that Scalia is gone.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
2 years ago

All of this reminds me of how the democrats attempted to frame Thomas and Kavanaugh with sex
slander during their confirmation hearings while treating the current nominee, Ms Brown, as a saint.
This week the republicans treated Ms Brown as a shoo-in , which she is, while we all remember how the dems came to the Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh hearings with bombs. Believe me, this country is not fooled. Everyday the dems remind us that the fate of this country is to be determined by our courts and not by our elections.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
2 years ago

Leftfreaks are desperate to get CNN off the Ukraine war and back to Trump bashing. Why ?
To take the attention off of Biden’s incompetence. Although Trump left the White House 14 months ago, the left is still paranoid and unable to handle his reality.

2 years ago

Ginni Thomas has her right to free speech, even if she is married to a Supreme Court Justice. She is not the Justice, they need to leave her alone, and Justice Thomas has no reason to step down, or be pressured or coerced to step down. Leave them both alone!

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