
National Security , Newsline

Citing Social Justice Imperative, the Media Stops Reporting on Crime

Posted on Monday, October 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott 


In the world of journalism, one of the most reliable maxims is “if it bleeds, it leads.” Originally coined over a century ago, the phrase refers to the generally accepted truth in media that violent or brutal events get top billing – both for the sake of ratings and keeping the public informed about threats to their safety. However, in 2021, “if it bleeds, it leads” seems to have now been replaced with “if it bleeds, it’s buried.” The newspaper Metro sections that Americans have relied upon for decades for important information about the security of their local communities are now being heavily edited or outright removed from major publications nationwide. While the decline of local news reporting in general is likely partially responsible for this phenomenon, the main reason increasingly appears to be a concerted effort by social justice activists to cover up violent crimes altogether in the name of combatting “systemic racism.”

Perhaps the most influential group pushing for such change is the Poynter Institute, a non-profit journalism school that runs the “fact-checking” website PolitiFact. In June, they ran an article explicitly calling for newspapers to cease all crime reporting. They contended that misdemeanor crimes “disproportionately affect people of color,” and that by reporting on such crimes, newspapers are participating in and perpetuating racism in America. They go on to suggest that crime reports exist not to inform citizens about public safety, but only to satiate the public’s morbid curiosity with crime, stating “the public good – rather than the public’s interest – should be a prevailing factor [in deciding what to report].”

Undoubtedly, it seems a dangerous prospect to let an obviously politicized organization like the Poynter Institute unilaterally determine what is and is not “the public good.” But their advocacy seems to be working. In June, the Associated Press announced that it will no longer name suspects in “minor crime stories.” They conveniently neglected to say just what constitutes a “minor” crime. Additionally, they will neither carry mugshots nor identify perpetrators in crimes where there will not be a follow-up story. Meanwhile, the Boston Globe is permitting suspects who appeared in previous stories to have their names removed upon request. Even the New York Times has completely eschewed crime reporting from its Metro section.

It’s not just news organizations that are being bullied into silence, either. Even law enforcement have faced a reckoning from progressives for something as simple and necessary as stating the race of suspects in crimes. Last year, for example, two men sexually assaulted a female college student at the University of Nebraska. After it was reported, local police sent an alert to students that informed them of the crime, warning them that the suspects were still at large. However, instead of helping catch the culprits, some of the student body erupted in fury. The reason? In their physical description, the police noted that the suspects were black. Even though police must legally provide as much information as possible when it comes to violent criminals, student activists were furious and demanded the police stop providing descriptions of assailants, even those that are still on the loose.

However, despite efforts of individuals and organizations like the Poynter Institute’s to dismiss crime reporting as a “curiosity” or a way to perpetuate racial injustice, many Americans are still rightly concerned about crime in their local neighborhood. As such, new Twitter accounts that solely report on local crime are gaining prominence across the platform. DC Realtime News, an account that focuses extensively on crime in the DC/Metro area, has been active for less than a year and has over 26,000 followers already. Thanks to the connective power of the internet, concerned citizens are reporting on crime even when their woke local newspapers won’t.

These accounts are predictably already drawing criticism from progressive activists. One Washington news publication alleged that accounts like DC Realtime News are bad for society because “consuming a steady stream of violent crime content without context, such as whether victims are random or targeted, can be problematic.”

Most of those who operate Twitter crime accounts, however – and large portions of the public they serve – argue the opposite. Larry Calhoun, who runs DC Realtime News, is a black resident of Prince George’s County who was wounded by a stray bullet while driving. He believes his feed “is providing public safety awareness…If a shooting is going on, you want to know because your kids could be outside playing. I’m gonna get it out within five minutes of it happening.” Alan Henney, another breaking crime reporter in DC argues that “we have a largely liberal press and yet they don’t cover the murders of Black men in Black neighborhoods…Addressing the root of violence starts with acknowledging there is a problem. That starts by us, and others, documenting it.”

When the Framers of our Constitution laid out Freedom of the Press in the First Amendment, they did so under the assumption that a free and independent press would hold government officials accountable, keeping the public informed so that citizens could understand the positive and negative effects of certain public policies and cast their vote accordingly. Many in the media today, however, have intentionally abandoned that duty in service of a political agenda. Thankfully, concerned citizens across the country are waking up to that fact and are keeping their communities informed about the dangers they face. And they will soon have a chance to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

After reading the article, mindful of events over the last 18 months plus in our nation, my conclusion is this: Welcome to the new WOKE America, i.e. 1984 becoming the new reality…
Brave New World is another excellent comparison of what America is fast becoming, all the while global elitists in America & around the globe are now closing the noose around our necks…
They are facing a problem however in that not enough people are suffocating rapidly enough, hence the ultimate ulterior motive, ” population control ” through a FALSE vaccine that kills over time, hence the booster shots & more booster shots & now a 4th shot of a unproven experimental drug that is not FDA approved: Do I trust the FDA, Big Brother, i.e. the Federal Gov’t? NO, I do not…
Bill on the Hill… :~(

3 years ago

…”calling for newspapers to cease all crime reporting. They contended that misdemeanor crimes “disproportionately affect people of color,” A reliable way to make “racism” less of a problem for “people of color”…STOP COMMITTING THE CRIMES!.

Raymond K. Munn
Raymond K. Munn
3 years ago

Love amac

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

If Police reported that perpetrators were white, would there be an outcry from students? Of course NOT!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

By Omission or commission combined
Watch local TV news.

3 years ago

So, now it is more suitable for the criminals to boast about their “activity” on social media because it enhances their self-perception. How exactly does one learn to tell the difference between what is a bad action and a good action when people are “believing” social influencers over reality?
Besides news media hasn’t always been solid in reporting facts anyway

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

It amazes me that these NOOZ’ papers are still functioning at all. There can’t be many who still buy / read these toilet tissue substitutes. There are 40 houses on my street. 6 years ago there were 4 – 5 “papers in the driveway.” Now ? ZERO / none. Online subscriptions ? I don’t believe there are enuff’ to support these communist “bugles” anymore. Good Riddance.

3 years ago

This gives them more room in their newspapers to report on racial inequality. General Colin Powell, a child of Haitian immigrant parents, who was raised in the South Bronx, rose to be Secretary of State. This general and the 44th president of the U.S., Barack Obama, I believe show the LACK OF RACIAL INEQUALITY in the United States. These are just two examples.

3 years ago

No problem! . . . I CAN GUARANTEE that if a CRIME IS COMMITTED AGAINST A COMMUNIST, err. I mean A “DEMOCRAT”, it would get FRONT PAGE HEADLINES! . . . Just as any crime committed against a Conservative, would get hardly any mention, if at all. . . . Such is how crazy our so-called Lamestream Media has become in “protecting” any “Liberal” idiot, especially Jackass Joe “Lying” Biden.

3 years ago

These College Educated or excuse me Indoctrinated Liberals that are trying to get all the Votes they can by continually give free stuff, which isn’t free we pay for it in Taxes that the Federal and States give away to worthless causes ( some are good ) but most are worthless.

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

The news has been reality TV for some time now. Just another TV show. And it’s Trumps fault. Pretty sad.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

It might be offensive to criminals to report crime and in today tolerance friendly atmosphere that would be intolerant

3 years ago

The Left consists of very stupid people with warped moral and ethical standards. These people are certifiable.

3 years ago

The Left consists of very stupid people with warped moral and ethical standards. These people are certifiable; they should be locked up and rehabilitated.

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Michael Peterson
Michael Peterson
3 years ago

However, parents speaking out, at school board meetings, against CRT,masking of children in school,and the teaching of perversion to grade school students will reported as criminal acts by the same media that will refuse to report on actual criminal acts.

3 years ago

We are in massive trouble! What’s going on? See Isaiah 5:20

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Surprised anyone?…didn’t think so. The msm (including Faux News) is pure fiction that does absolutely nothing except push a leftist/communist narrative. They spin, obfuscate, omit or just plain old lie…24/7/365. That’s all they do…period.

No Crime
No Crime
3 years ago

If the people that have committed crimes are black, then how about we address that issue. Why are so many crimes committed by blacks? It is a choice to commit a crime. How about we talk to young folk about right and wrong so better decisions will be made. I would rather NO crimes are committed, how about you?

3 years ago

Media manipulation…..while this may be off target here’s a question. When did that event happen when the “Let’s Go Brandon” chant began to be repeated? At a NASCAR race…correct? And did you watch this last race, at Texas Speedway…..the race ends with the standard, “donut” display….but it is what you did not see (or hear) was the after race interview, with the winner and by doing so, the media dodges the potential “Lets Go Brandon” chant that shames the pres. I was not at the race. I watched the end to see if it would have a repeat of the previous week….but the show was cut short. Would we call that media manipulation? Is it any different than what this article demonstrates? If you were at the race, did anyone chant? Am I “all wet”? Does the media manipulate at every opportunity? Are they part of the problem and co-workers in the leftist agenda? Inquiring minds want to know.

3 years ago

This article just supports my contention for many years now that the News Media is overwhelming in the pocket of the lliberal left-wing Commie-loving News Media. It has been obvious to me even with my local major press news that the News Media is clearly and mainly propaganda (a term derived from describing one of several techniques for brain washing the public with “news.”). I think the news media crowd calls this “spin doctoring” the news.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Guess it depends on what part of the country you live in. Still leads or is the second or third stories in my area. Of course, I live in Texas.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

Be armed – be aware. Vigilante rule will be the law of the land. The govt. and the police will no longer protect us. It is NOW our own responsibility. As a Purple Heart combat vet, I know what it will take for most, just to stay alive.

Doreen McCardle
Doreen McCardle
3 years ago

This is crazy. This is why I do not have a TV anymore. The news cannot be trusted to give the news truthfully. Crime will continue to escalate as long as there are no consequences. Criminals are probably giving each other high fives for getting away with their crimes.

Justin Tyme
Justin Tyme
3 years ago

I guess that instead of being shown who the actual perpetrators are ,we will just have to assume they are black. I guess I have been turned into a racist by the mainstream media with their fake news and “woke” writings.

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

The media is the propaganda tool of the WH occupation. I have two words to the current social justice warriors, “Up Yours”! As for me, I’m waiting and ready to play in the police state THEY created!

3 years ago has stopped showing the crime statistics in our area as they are so bad! In an area of town one wouldn’t think had a lot of crime!

David Knowles
David Knowles
3 years ago

President Trump was absolutely right, the one true enemy of this country is the mainstream American press!

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

So the Media won’t report it when someone shoots the low-life breaking in their home? Or will it depend on the race of the two parties involved?

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
3 years ago

Begs the question regarding the need for the “Media”, especially the “social Media” which seems to be a mechanism for the suppression of news and discussion.

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
3 years ago

so, if it gives Democrats and Biden and the media a bad image—- ignore it..sounds like a Democrat

3 years ago

Here we go people, A person came into a dorm room and beat a student and this is the description of the person that was given out by the news. (a person)! Hope the police have a good time trying to find it!!!

3 years ago

Wow, just wow. We will soon be disarmed, except those who keep an illegal gun or are criminals. The crimes will perpetuate as no one will know who is committing them until it is too late. Only the rich will be safe.

3 years ago


Edward Chase
Edward Chase
3 years ago

Just dont talk about it and it will go away. Hiding is big in the Biden admin.

3 years ago

I’ve just looked at the 10 commandments and their statutes, and could not find exemptions for any particular race. Apparently, the Godless media would have us think there should be, revealing them to be enablers for black racism.

3 years ago

The media is a failure as much as Biden is a failure. I’m looking forward to 2022 as I believe we’ll win the house and the senate. Then, maybe we can stop all this foolishness and let the commies we will not put up with any of their crap anymore. “Let’s go Brandon”.

3 years ago

What are these kids doing at an institute of higher learning? Do they not realize that descriptions of wrongdoers aids in the capture of the same? Would they have spoken out in this manner had the assailants been white and their skin color were included in the description?

I truly fear what the DSC (Democrat Socialist Communist) Party is doing to my country.

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