
National Security , Newsline

Chinese Spies Infiltrate America’s Tech Schools To Steal Secrets, Seeking Global Economic Dominance

Posted on Wednesday, February 9, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 9 – Everybody likes a good spy story – except when it is a real spy story. This is a real spy story.

You can bet that the Russians continue to maintain a spy network in America, notwithstanding the collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of a Russian version of Democracy. Don’t forget, Russia’s would-be president for life, Vladimir Putin, is ex-KGB, and they’ve been at it since well before World War II. 

But, for some time now, Communist China has emerged as an equal – if not superior — a clandestine threat to our nation’s security. 

As FBI Director Christopher Wray describes it: “When we tally up what we see in our investigations—over 2,000 of which are focused on the Chinese government trying to steal our information and technology—there is just no country that presents a broader threat to our ideas, our innovation, and our economic security than China … The Chinese government steals staggering volumes of information and causes deep, job-destroying damage across a wide range of industries—so much so that, as you heard, we’re constantly opening new cases to counter their intelligence operations, about every 12 hours or so.”

Communist China’s espionage threat is a clear and present danger. Wray made those remarks just last week in a speech at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

Wray went on to say that the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] pose the threat we’re focused on countering—not the Chinese people, and certainly not Chinese Americans, who are themselves frequently victims of the Chinese government’s lawless aggression. Protecting them from the Chinese government is top of mind for us, too. America is richer and stronger because of the generations of people who immigrated here from China … America’s strength is built on our innovation, on our striving citizens, and the world-changing products and services they build—from the invention of the airplane back around the time of the FBI’s founding to the computer, the Internet, GPS, life-saving medicines, and thousands of others over the decades.”

For years, Beijing has been infiltrating the U.S. using spies in the guise of academicians: graduate students and research scholars. In September of 2020, President Trump sought to deal with this growing menace by adding restrictions on cultural exchange and student visas. 

In a report issued last July, the Center for Immigration Studies [CIS] noted that, “For nearly two years now, the FBI has nabbed dozens of Chinese Communist Party spies who, while posing as graduate students and research scholars at top academic institutions, siphoned out America’s most cutting edge national defense material for untold years. The spies, many secretly members of China’s military services, had to get in close to do damage this grave and found an unguarded path through America’s largely self-babysitting cultural exchange and student visa programs.”

The CIS commentary went on to discuss how President Trump’s solution would have relieved “the espionage problem and many more besides, like foreign terrorist infiltration and immigration fraud.” However, President Biden “canceled the repair and instead bestowed a priceless gift on People’s Liberation Army intelligence services: continued American vulnerability.” Who knows what he was thinking at the time? Perhaps, Mr. Biden – being Mr. Biden – he wasn’t thinking at all. 

The outspoken Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui who left the Chinese Communist Party and escaped the country in 2015, was an insider who revealed in an interview with the Washington Beacon in 2017 that, at the time, Beijing’s U.S. spy networks was made up of some 25,000 CCP intelligence operatives aided by 15,000-plus hired spies.

And, in an Opinion Article published in the Epoch Times, commentator Stu Cvrk concluded that “the CCP has a robust, well-coordinated and ongoing economic espionage effort that targets U.S.-developed intellectual property, technologies, and industries. This campaign is an important element of Beijing’s ongoing pursuit of world economic domination and is the key engine that powers the continuing growth of the Chinese economy–frequently at the direct expense of foreign competition.”

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been doing so for Years day 1 pre Trump

2 years ago

This is VERY OLD NEWS. President Trump identified the threat and even managed to get the Justice Department to do their job for once in arresting a number of Chinese spies and closing down some of their shell entities operating in this country. However, the Biden administration has completely backed off on this issue. No big surprise there. The Justice Department has dropped their charges in numerous cases and allowed the Chinese shell entities to resume normal spying operations with the full blessing of the Biden administration that is looking the other way. Elections have consequences. Learn mandarin, because we are back to doing nothing to address the Chinese theft of IP in this country.

2 years ago

Again, this spying situation is not new and has been going on many years. The biggest difference is that other nations limit the number of people who can stay for whatever reason and their security personnel keep a tight tab on them. Our country, on the other hand, keep tabs on a very few. Our intelligence key up on certain personnel, maintain a watch while the true spies get away with sensitive information under our noses. This current administration is definitely NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION to stem the tide of loss information.

2 years ago

During the Trump administration the Chinese consulate in Houston was shut down due to it being a hub of spy activity. And amazingly before they left the property they were furiously burning papers for several days. The CCP is a transnational criminal organization who will be given free reign under our current illegitimate president as he obviously is in their back pocket. The sad part is that most in Washington are as well.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

That is why they are where they are if not for in filtrating all sectors of industry they still would be wading in rice paddies it’s the fact not a racist comment they are diligent wokers and the manufacturers took advantage of very cheep labor human rights proponents are mum on that

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

What was Obiden thinking??? Anyone with half a brain can figure that one out. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. In other words, the Biden family has been and still is receiving money from Communist China. It’s nothing short of TREASON but yet NOTHING is being done about it.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

I question the use of the word “infiltrate” in this context, which implies they are sneaking operatives into our universities and colleges. The best schools in America welcome Chinese and Muslim students because they are willing to pay the ridiculously high tuition costs without question. The word that should be used is “blatant”.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Nothing new in this article, I’ve been saying for several years now that this country’s security of anything secret or classified is as full of holes as an onion sack.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

What did you expect from a compromised, corrupt, and treasonous family of political hacks. They say at least 30-40 million in back door deals with the CCP, they literally own him.

2 years ago

I think Biden’s handlers have told him that if he doesn’t do what they tell him to, they’ll throw him and his family to the sharks. That’s why Jill leads him around by the hand.
As for this article, Communism has been infesting this country for over fifty years or more. It’s been allowed to gain a foothold because of the failed policies of both parties. Now the Chinese government has dirt on most of our politicians.
I’ll bet McConnell’s wife is a spy.
The dumbing down of Americans began in the 60’s. Woodstock being the catalyst for the ‘free’ spirits of that drug culture. When I was only fourteen years old the ACLU was involved in getting ‘rights’ for people whose lifestyle is an abomination in the sight of God. As I’ve stated before, we got so sick of their whining we gave in bit by bit because they’re never satisfied with getting what they deem, ‘social injustices’ shoved down our throats and accepted as normal. Christian’s have failed too, myself being one.
So unless our prayers reach God’s ears in heaven, and He intervenes in what we have allowed to happen to ourselves, it’s probably more likely this country is done.

2 years ago

We need to teach our children to identify when schools are teaching them open borders, technological sharing and socialism is a good thing. They are the future to help us fight for democracy and capitalism. The spies are being bought ( our children are growing up to condone it) and the moral compass of our children allow it because they believe it’s all ok. That’s what’s being taught. That’s what’s in our tech corporations and higher institutions as well as grade school and high schools. IMO we need a multi-faceted approach to it all but I believe the teaching starts in the home. In addition focus on identifying and draining the swamp. We are feeding the beast from both ends.

2 years ago

Read the book Red Handed, author Schweiser and the names he has uncovered and the number of financiers, tech giants and politicians from both sides of the aisle who have actively worked with China. Paraphrasing the authors quote we are buying the rope to hang ourselves when dealing with China. There are 80 pages of footnotes supporting what he has uncovered. Power and greed the two driving forces. A little too late as China has infiltrated every facet of our economy in their 100 year war to be the dominant world leader economically and militarily. Trump an outsider, was disrupting their business plans. He was peeling the onion layer by layer!
Wonder why this admin so soft when dealing with China on the origin of the COVID virus?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been doing so for Years day 1 pre Trump

2 years ago

This is VERY OLD NEWS. President Trump identified the threat and even managed to get the Justice Department to do their job for once in arresting a number of Chinese spies and closing down some of their shell entities operating in this country. However, the Biden administration has completely backed off on this issue. No big surprise there. The Justice Department has dropped their charges in numerous cases and allowed the Chinese shell entities to resume normal spying operations with the full blessing of the Biden administration that is looking the other way. Elections have consequences. Learn mandarin, because we are back to doing nothing to address the Chinese theft of IP in this country.

2 years ago

Again, this spying situation is not new and has been going on many years. The biggest difference is that other nations limit the number of people who can stay for whatever reason and their security personnel keep a tight tab on them. Our country, on the other hand, keep tabs on a very few. Our intelligence key up on certain personnel, maintain a watch while the true spies get away with sensitive information under our noses. This current administration is definitely NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION to stem the tide of loss information.

2 years ago

During the Trump administration the Chinese consulate in Houston was shut down due to it being a hub of spy activity. And amazingly before they left the property they were furiously burning papers for several days. The CCP is a transnational criminal organization who will be given free reign under our current illegitimate president as he obviously is in their back pocket. The sad part is that most in Washington are as well.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

That is why they are where they are if not for in filtrating all sectors of industry they still would be wading in rice paddies it’s the fact not a racist comment they are diligent wokers and the manufacturers took advantage of very cheep labor human rights proponents are mum on that

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

What was Obiden thinking??? Anyone with half a brain can figure that one out. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. In other words, the Biden family has been and still is receiving money from Communist China. It’s nothing short of TREASON but yet NOTHING is being done about it.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

I question the use of the word “infiltrate” in this context, which implies they are sneaking operatives into our universities and colleges. The best schools in America welcome Chinese and Muslim students because they are willing to pay the ridiculously high tuition costs without question. The word that should be used is “blatant”.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Nothing new in this article, I’ve been saying for several years now that this country’s security of anything secret or classified is as full of holes as an onion sack.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

What did you expect from a compromised, corrupt, and treasonous family of political hacks. They say at least 30-40 million in back door deals with the CCP, they literally own him.

2 years ago

I think Biden’s handlers have told him that if he doesn’t do what they tell him to, they’ll throw him and his family to the sharks. That’s why Jill leads him around by the hand.
As for this article, Communism has been infesting this country for over fifty years or more. It’s been allowed to gain a foothold because of the failed policies of both parties. Now the Chinese government has dirt on most of our politicians.
I’ll bet McConnell’s wife is a spy.
The dumbing down of Americans began in the 60’s. Woodstock being the catalyst for the ‘free’ spirits of that drug culture. When I was only fourteen years old the ACLU was involved in getting ‘rights’ for people whose lifestyle is an abomination in the sight of God. As I’ve stated before, we got so sick of their whining we gave in bit by bit because they’re never satisfied with getting what they deem, ‘social injustices’ shoved down our throats and accepted as normal. Christian’s have failed too, myself being one.
So unless our prayers reach God’s ears in heaven, and He intervenes in what we have allowed to happen to ourselves, it’s probably more likely this country is done.

2 years ago

We need to teach our children to identify when schools are teaching them open borders, technological sharing and socialism is a good thing. They are the future to help us fight for democracy and capitalism. The spies are being bought ( our children are growing up to condone it) and the moral compass of our children allow it because they believe it’s all ok. That’s what’s being taught. That’s what’s in our tech corporations and higher institutions as well as grade school and high schools. IMO we need a multi-faceted approach to it all but I believe the teaching starts in the home. In addition focus on identifying and draining the swamp. We are feeding the beast from both ends.

2 years ago

Read the book Red Handed, author Schweiser and the names he has uncovered and the number of financiers, tech giants and politicians from both sides of the aisle who have actively worked with China. Paraphrasing the authors quote we are buying the rope to hang ourselves when dealing with China. There are 80 pages of footnotes supporting what he has uncovered. Power and greed the two driving forces. A little too late as China has infiltrated every facet of our economy in their 100 year war to be the dominant world leader economically and militarily. Trump an outsider, was disrupting their business plans. He was peeling the onion layer by layer!
Wonder why this admin so soft when dealing with China on the origin of the COVID virus?

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