China’s Ministry of Public Security is setting up “centers” around the world, including in the US, aimed at intimidating their citizens into self-repatriation. Much as Soviet Russia forcibly repatriated Soviet escapees after WWII, China uses threats against family and citizen to compel the return of citizens. This is more than wrong; it is illegal and ominous.
Why illegal? Because the US Government – and every State – has clear laws that forbit such threats, intimidation, coercion, extortion, forced imprisonment, and the kinds of behavior China’s representatives are undertaking on US soil.
Why else? Because the US does not have an extradition treaty with China. We did not send Russian citizens back to the Soviet Union under any president. We do not send them today back to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, or China to be put through a show trial and imprisoned.
Why else illegal? Because we have federal laws, such as 18 USC 3182, that govern extradition. They do not allow any nation to come here, collar those who left, and intimidate them by threatening to harass, imprison, or kill their family.
The whole idea is not just illegal, but morally repulsive – at odds with America as a beacon of freedom, place of safety, secure from the long arm of communist oppressors.
Yet, here we are, permitting China to take up in our cities, from close range target, threaten, and force home those who are here for their own freedom, studying, working, and contributing.
These reports are sobering. They should give every American pause, putting law enforcement on alert. They should cause Biden’s State Department to declare the individuals running these centers “persona non grata” and sent home. Yet, little is happening.
Often, we look at a new development – especially novel forms of warfare, here China’s “unrestricted warfare” – and we wonder is happening. Is it that hard to figure out?
Prior to WWII, Americans noticed German operatives popping up around America, New York to rural outposts, prodding community organizations, political activists to keep America out of the war. All sorts appeared, “Mothers Against the War” to overt and covert propaganda printers.
The Germans split our nation over several years, aware that if we got into the war, odds on their victory dropped overnight. This happened until Pearl Harbor, after which Hitler declared war, driving German operatives underground or out. The conversation was over, America at war.
Fast forward to now, where Chinese “service centers” – intimidation centers – replace the so-called “Confucius centers,” ousted by the last Administration. The new reality is serious, another sign of creeping Chinese aggression, seeing what they can get away with as we sleep.
Pause and ask “why” is China doing this? Several obvious reasons come to mind.
First, they want to break bonds that exist, pulling possible defectors home. Why an accelerated effort? Let your imagination run – as they seek world dominance and modernize their military.
Second, they want to deter future West, so are making clear – unless stopped by the US – they can set up near you, find you, punish you or your family at will. That is pretty heavy.
Third, they want to test how responsive the US government is – how protective of our sovereignty we are. President Trump sent communist “Confucius centers” packing, called out China’s duplicity, gave them nothing. Biden seems to be looking the other way and is objectively weak. China knows both and is leaning in.
Fourth, if they can do this – they can do almost anything. So far, China has reportedly set up shop and “persuaded” 230,000 Chinese to fly home, including 10,000 “high value” people, using threats to force repatriation. That was already a year ago.
The Chinese are good at propaganda or information warfare, and have dubbed these centers “110 centers,” parroting their national emergency telephone number, as we have 911. To date, at least 54 centers exist – here and in 30 nations, most in Europe. China does not “do war” halfway.
If China’s motivation is dark, shadow growing, the only remaining question is – why are we not going after these centers as violative of US laws, diplomatic norms, international law?
Why is the US Justice Department not focused on China, how they continue to infiltrate this nation, stealing everything from records on cleared personnel – from the Office of Personnel Management under Obama – to vast amounts of public and private technology?
Why is our Justice Department not uprooting potential intelligence breaches by family of the former vice president, now the president. This is not just about tax evasion, but about security, potential breaches throwing wide a door for China.
Why is Biden’s Justice Department not – as Trump’s was – focused on China’s infiltration of US educational institutions, persistent theft of high-value information, damage to national security, and these “intimidation centers”?
What matters more: Administrative document mishandling by a former President, or huge national breaches by a sitting president’s son? This is not just about public corruption in the old way, money for influence. It is about selling influence to our chief adversary.
Unfortunately, until our national leaders take China’s continuing assault on our security and sovereignty seriously, the sound from Washington will be a yawn. That is like those warnings in the 1930s about Germany and 1950s about the Soviets – until reality changed everything. If we are smart, want a secure future, we must track what China is doing, not ignore it – stop it.
& have Hidden secret police stations worldwide
For own citizens here??
Well RBC, considering that the Biden administration has virtually undone every single action the Trump administration enacted to curtail the CCP’s spying and propaganda efforts within the United States, this effort by the CCP to intimidate Chinese citizens who fled the communist regime to return to China should NOT be unexpected. President Xi and the CCP know that as long as Joe Biden or any Democrat sits in the White House, they have free rein to do pretty much as they please completely unopposed by the United States government.
The rest of the world knows what a weak and compromised President Joe Biden is. Unlike here in the United States, there are a lot of news media outlets around the world that have covered the news much more honestly than here in our own country. There is a reason why U.S. diplomacy has declined so much between ourselves and other countries since Biden was sworn in. World leaders know the Biden administration will do NOTHING of any real significance to stand up to China or any other hostile nation that seeks to do us harm in any manner. Empty tough talk from Biden or one of his administration’s personnel alone does nothing to deter one’s adversaries, if your adversaries know there is nothing backing up that talk.
So we are where we are today. We have to endure this administration until at least January of 2025. In the meantime, China and others will continue to carry out whatever actions they desire within our borders. Elections have very real consequences as even the most ignorant and amongst us are finally beginning to realize. Sadly, the rest of us are also stuck with having to endure the results of their bad judgement.
Thanks RBC… At least now & long, long overdue I might add getting off subject a bit here, Tulsi Gabbard has declared she is leaving the Democrat Party & for all the right reasons based on her latest speech. I discovered this on Dr. Steve Turley’s podcast this morning…
Back to the subject matter here, yes, China has NOTHING to fear whatsoever as long as this administration continues to run the ” Clown Show ” in Washington, DC, not forgetting the lawmakers of both houses, including the RINO’s, all bought & paid for by the CCP of China… :~(
All the best,
Bill… :~)
Write to our congress reps and get this stopped! NOW! We at least have to try.
It’s way past time to shut down the Confucius centers on college campuses and stop the CCP from buying US land and companies! We are giving the ChiComs the rope to hang us with!
Joe and Hunter have been “doing business” with China for years. So it’s not surprising that Communist China has infiltrated the US. The DOJ doesn’t do anything about it because they’re in lockstep with the Biden Regime. Just another “mistake” intended to completely turn the US into a socialist/communist state. I hope voters choose to see what’s happening and do something about it.
It’s encouraging to see like minded people starting to chime in on the obvious. We must also realize that while the demonRat party is completely owned by the Chinese, the RepubliTurd RINO.s have also sold us out to the same enemy. Maybe not all Republicans but many. It’s time to clean house in November if we are going to survive this.
Justice dept. is too busy investigating insurgents and parents and all the other potential criminals to bother with the real issues Biden will not do anything unless someone whoever it is pulls the string which is not going to happen
For Biden to act like we have to treat China with the same respect as we do our allies is completely illogical and irresponsible. China hates us and chronically spies on us and steals our technologies. Now we are finding out that China is also strong-arming Chinese who escaped from China to either spy against America or come back to the mainland of China. This is monstrous and outrageous. Red China should be treated with suspicion and not allowed to buy even a sliver of property in the US for starters. The Red Chinese are our enemies, who would gladly destroy our way of life. Ironically, Biden is destroying our way of life. It’s becoming more and more obvious that Biden is working for a stronger China, instead of a stronger US.
Thank God someone, AMAC, is saying the quiet part out loud. Until the Biden/ObOma regime is removed from power, China will continue to be ignored as our #1 enemy and the most likely source of our ultimate destruction. The DOJ and FBI have become world wide laughing stocks for their obvious and oblivious political machinations.
The CCP is buying up all of America’s farmlands. Why,
All this with the blessing of DICTATOR Beijing biden and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi.
Both in Communist China’s back pocket.
Then on October 7, 2022, DICTATOR Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL Executive Order lifts ALL requirements for FISA warrants allowing the FBI, IRS, CIA, and NSA to SPY on AMERICANS cellphones, internet, messaging, and texts gathering any and all information to use against you and make a case against you without your knowledge or permission.
DICTATOR Beijing biden did this a month before midterm elections to SPY on EVERYBODY and to ATTACK Conservatives and political opponents.
Then let’s add INFLATION and people now have to work 3-4 Jobs to survive. Just like when Hussein Obama was in for 8 years when everybody had to work 3 Jobs to survive.
With PRESIDENT TRUMP we only had to work 1 Job and NO INFLATION or RECESSION that is NOW a DEPRESSION we are in and we were ENERGY INDEPENDENT and BORDERS SECURED.
It’s getting WORSE under DICTATOR Beijing biden with Stock Market Crashing and Complete Crash for 2023.
Say Goodbye to your MONEY and FREEDOMS with DICTATOR Beijing biden.
FAKE News cnn with rest of lame stream media including your local news sure isn’t telling you the Truth.
Don’t believe me, do your homework.
Man……..the Chinese sure are evil. Heck, next they may want to militarize an entire foreign continent…………..like America did when NATO was established and allowed to remain in existance after its supposed purpose for being fell and was no more.
There is a LOT of evil going on in the world and all of it should be stopped immediately!
The Chinese Government’s goal has always been to rule the world. Cannot say this enough.
China owns Biden so nothing should surprise us there. Unfortunately, WE THE PEOPLE have allowed China to be our sugar daddy until now we can’t escape the addiction. Much of this is on us but we still need strong leadership and that we do not have.