
National Security , Newsline

Child Sex Offender Nabbed Crossing the Border With Migrant Caravan Families

Posted on Friday, January 18, 2019
by Outside Contributor

border migrant caravan familiesCustoms and Border Protection agents were able to apprehend a previously deported child sex offender who tried re-entering the country with a group of other foreign nationals.

A CBP camera operator on Jan. 11 discovered 24 individuals illegally crossing into the United States near the San Luis, Arizona, port of entry. The caravan, which was made up mostly of Central American family units, immediately surrendered when confronted by agents.

Among the group was Marcos Velasquez-Taperio, a 37-year-old Guatemalan national who was convicted of aggravated indecent liberties with a minor in Ford County, Kansas, in 2009. After serving 32 months in prison, Velasquez-Taperio was deported to his home country. Customs and Border Protection, which reported the arrest Wednesday, said Velasquez-Taperio will now be prosecuted for re-entry after deportation.

News of the arrest immediately followed the apprehension of Wilfredo Perez-Aguilar, another sex offender from Guatemala. Perez-Aguilar, who was caught Monday trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in Southern California, was convicted in 2005 of sexual abuse and rape of a minor under the age of 12 in Kentucky.

“I am proud of our Border Patrol agents for making this arrest,” the chief patrol agent of the El Centro Sector in California, Gloria Chavez, said in a Tuesday statement. “Deported sexual predators seeking to illegally enter the U.S. will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

News of the arrests come as the U.S. federal government remains in partial shutdown over immigration enforcement.

President Donald Trump has demanded a budget that includes funding for a wall on the country’s southern border. However, most congressional Democrats remain fiercely opposed to the concept of a massive wall, suggesting it to be immoral and a waste of taxpayer money. The standoff has resulted in what is the longest government shutdown in history, with no apparent compromise on the horizon.

“We’re not going back until the Democrats do what they know they have to do,” Trump said during a Tuesday conference call. “Stay together—we’re going to win.”

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6 years ago

Is there any way we can just execute these degenerates?

6 years ago

So, now what? What has passed is not working for this dirt.

Dean Shiner
Dean Shiner
6 years ago

GOOG JOB, MY Hats off to the GREAT Border Patrol Agents.
Has anyone heard anything about “Laura Loomer” and the great job she is doing ? Every good Red Blooded American needs to get behind this wonderful young lady and give her our full support. Laura is working very hard to expose the “HIPOCRACY” behind Nancy P and the Democratic Left.

jim partain
jim partain
6 years ago

I applaud our president’s decision on shutting down the border and the government until we get the wall.

Floyd Lochner
Floyd Lochner
6 years ago

Totally Back our folks on the border! Give them all they need and cover their backs!! I support them totally

Shirley Meier
Shirley Meier
6 years ago

Impeach Pelosi and Schumer! They certainly DO NOT have our best interest in their actions. TERM LIMITS must be applied on congress AND judges.

Michael W. Radelt
Michael W. Radelt
6 years ago

The above article is another proof that we need a wall! I hope the President holds his ground.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

But, but, Nancy and Chuck said it was O.K. MAGA#45 !!!

Diane Jone
Diane Jone
6 years ago

We have no idea who is coming across our borders today. We KNOW that Honduras opened their jails and released murderers and armed robbers, and rapists who promised to go North to the US. We KNOW there are more able bodied MEN in the caravans than families who really want freedom. How many crimes have to be committed before these whining crying liberals get with it. They do more to protect illegals than they care about protecting Americans. Our southern jails are filled with illegals. I have folks connected to these that tell me how many are there. border patrol, cops etc. Now if each one of these liberal cry babies took one family and sponsored them 100%; then that family could enter conditionally. But it must be 100%. put your money where your big mouth is. otherwise SHUT UP. Our forefathers and mothers came in thru Ellis Island peacefully waiting their turns. others came in SPONSORED 100% by their families. no welfare. My coworker sponsored her Mom to come in, get a green card and live.
My grandfather came in thru Ellis Island and he was sponsored by his older brother. He got a job immediately. He was proud to work and become a citizen as soon as he could. Now when you sponsor someone 100%, you bring them to your home, feed them, clothe them, provide medical, educate them and help them get a job.

Now during Obama’s term, he build the wire detention centers that Trump is now using. Obama put them in there until they were cleared.
he separated child from parents. Pelosi and Schumer both signed for the Wall and extra border patrol during Obama’s term. They said it was needed for America’s security. LOOK IT UP it’s on record. But guess what/ the press never covered the detention centers, never raved about Pelosi and Schumer wanting the wall. It’s on the government records in Congress. Now because Trump is in office; they are whining????
I think we should use part of their pay and pension plan to build the wall. Then put in Term limits. no pension. convert their pension plan to social security as they have been spending ours since 1965 for other things including setting up and funding the Peace Corp with OUR Social Security.
What does that have to do with seniors retiring???????????????????????/ nothing.

Rev. R.S. Helms
Rev. R.S. Helms
6 years ago

At this point (even for the past four or five years) the president (Obama included) could have called a national emergency over the invasion at the southern border. the President has the authority to call Congress into session and request the funding to secure the border however he deems necessary … military, militia (National Guard) barrier (fence, high-tech devices- landmines- and Wall). and if Congress fails to do so then the president is obligated to do it, and can even call for private funding. At this point in time, he has been (for the past two years) he has been playing nice guy putting up with the socialist progressives of the establishment and the Shadow Government (Deep State). Now or never is what he is going to have to do, it is past time that the snowflake communist and socialist stand on their hind feet and be real people not simply sheep following a dozen or so radical mentally ill demon-possessed evil clowns in both parties. President Trump only has two options loose to Pelosi-Schumer circus of evil clowns or stand his ground and declare the national emergency at the invasion of the southern border. call Congress into a session and demand the funds to fulfill his Constitutional duty to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.

Please read the following post … it is a great article from my first go to concerning the Constitution.

By Publius Huldah
Instead of reading our Constitution and seeing what it says, Americans get their legal advice from what “everybody says”.
Now, they are hearing about “emergency powers”, and are in a tail spin. Did Congress’ “Emergency Powers Act” delegate to the President the power to call whatever he wants an “emergency” & then do what he deems best?
Our focus shouldn’t be on what can be called an “emergency”; but what does our Constitution authorize the federal government to do (if anything) with respect to the hot topic of the day?
Let’s look at Migration (immigration) in the context of the hordes of aliens storming thru our Southern Border. What does our Constitution say about it?
Art. I, § 9, clause 1, delegates power over Migration (immigration) to Congress. So Congress is to make the immigration laws; & the President, as Chief Executive, is to put Congress’ laws into effect.
Art. IV, § 4 REQUIRES the United States to protect each of the States against Invasion.
Art. I, § 8, clauses 15 & 16, authorize the calling up of the Militia for 3 purposes: to execute the Laws of the Union; to suppress Insurrections; and repel Invasions.
Art. II, § 3 authorizes the President to recommend to Congress, such measures as he deems necessary and expedient; to convene Congress on extraordinary occasions; and requires him to take care that the laws be faithfully executed (that includes the immigration laws.)
Art. II, § 2, provides that the President is CINC of the armed forces. He is CINC of the Militia when it is called into active service of the United States. As noted above, the Militia may be called into active service to “repel invasions”.
So those are the Constitutional Provisions which apply to the invasion of our Southern Border.
America is finished if we don’t control our Southern Border. Congress and the President have clear constitutional authority – actually, they have the DUTY – to control our Southern Border.
The best way the control the Southern Border is to build a wall. [I know from personal observation during the Cold War that the wall the Soviets built between East & West Germany prevented people in the East from escaping to the West.]
What if Congress refuses to fund the wall? Must the President tell the American People, “Well, I tried. But my hands are tied. You better get ready for civil war.”
No! Art. IV, § 4 imposes on the United States the Duty to protect each of the States against invasion. If Congress won’t do it, the President must. He is Chief Executive of the United States. For him to refuse to act for the reason that Congress won’t fund the wall would be as contemptible as the Husband and Father who refuses to get armed to protect his Family because the government says he can’t be armed.
So, the President may solicit donations from the American People for funds, labor, and construction materials, to build a wall.
About “calling up the Militia” to “repel invasions”
We no longer have the Militia provided for at Art. I, §8, clauses 15 & 16.
During 1903, the American People and their federal and state legislators (who had all “mainlined” on Progressivism) went along with the federalizing of the Militia. This was done with the grotesquely unconstitutional federal Dick Act of 1903. ¹ That unlawfully converted the Militia into the National Guard, which is an adjunct of the federal military.
If we still had the “Militia of the several States”, it would be obvious that the Militia must be – and could be – called into national service to repel the “invasion” coming through our Southern Border.
But since we no longer have the Militia, we must rely on the closest thing to a Militia we have left: The National Guard. Congress has passed a law which authorizes the President to call the National Guard into national service. When I get time, I’ll locate it and link to it – but the President probably has authority to call up the National Guard to protect our Southern Border and the construction workers while the Wall is being built.
But if Push comes to Shove, the President has the Clear Duty to protect our Southern Border and to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”.
Remember – the Questions are always: “What does the Constitution authorize” & “What Duties does the Constitution impose on the federal government?”
There is no substitute for reading the Constitution for yourself. Article by Article – and then seeing how the Articles all work together – hand in glove. It really was a 6,000-year miracle.
¹ The Dick Act was unconstitutional – as well as malignant – because it converted the Militia [which was controlled by the States unless called into federal service for one of the three stated purposes] into an entity which is controlled by the federal government. That the Dick Act passed shows that Americans of 100 years ago were also ignorant, short-sighted, and foolish.

6 years ago

Hey Pelosi, another of your model constituents. Of course he’s welcome to stay in your house with you, yes? After all, it’s about “the children, the children, the children,” is it not?
Stop your obstructionist treason and lies and sign the bill for OUR wall and cease YOUR government shutdown.
That’s not a request.

6 years ago

Is this child sex offender still alive! Why? Oh ya, he must be a democrat.

Elaine Post
Elaine Post
6 years ago

Praise God for a great president Donald Trump and you border patrols thank you Jesus Aman

6 years ago

Let all of those disgusting sex offender creeps caught, be sentenced behind Pelosi’s big wall. She can deal with them until and if they are deported since she doesn’t want to help the American people build the wall they want. Hats off to those great Border Patrol agents who have caught the ones they have!!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
6 years ago

The President of the United States of America has asked the Congress for money to “secure” the southern border of the United States. The reasons for this are to deter and cut down substantially the entrance of illegal immigrants (ie drug traffickers, human traffickers, rapists, murderers). How can this be considered immoral and a waste of taxpayer monies? I believe as a gesture of good faith to all the citizens of this country, leading by example, based on personal beliefs as expressed, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all of their Democratic followers should “give up” living in secure housing! Take down your gates and walls around your homes. Take out the hard-wired, hi-tech security devices in your homes and on your properties! Give up your security guards! Isn’t it “fear” that causes people to build personal property walls, gates, hire security guards, install security systems, etc.? What do they all fear? Are these not measure taken to deter and keep out criminals? How about taking away the Democrats paychecks rather than furloughing other governmental employees? With the latter said, I support the President fully in standing strong until we can get the wall built…our Southern Border secured as it should have been all along! Thank you, President Trump!

6 years ago

Glad border agents are so alert. We appreciate it!

Laura C
Laura C
6 years ago

It’s so demeaning to the American people, not protected by armed guards and Secret Service, to say there’s no crisis at the border. When twice in a week child predators are found sneaking back into the US we’re told over and over there’s no proof of criminals in these massive incursions of good folks. The Democrats have such contempt for the citizens of this country and such an unmitigated desire for power, they’re willing to have your children and grand children raped and murdered by illegals to grab more power for themselves. Their shame should be branded onto their foreheads.

6 years ago

Child sex offenders whether crossing the border or in the Good Ole USA, legal or illegal deserve immediate justice (hanging). Thank God for a President who is working toward that end. Our border agents need more flexibility in carrying out their sworn duties to protect and defend our citizenary. Our prayers are with them, I think they are doing a great job with what they have to work with.

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
6 years ago

Just waiting to hear how the “constitutional rights” of these two undocumented immigrant Democrats were violated…

6 years ago

I have an idea…..let’s declare Pelosi’s property to be a designated detainment center. We could fill the yard (all the area behind the WALL) with tents. Only Pelosi family and invited guests allowed in the house. No security provided or permitted. Should hold a couple hundred invaders….just the convicted, or previously deported ones. Might find room around Shumer’s place, too.
Might stop some of this junk.

6 years ago

There’s no problems at the boarder, just ask Nancy Pelosi. Maybe she and other congressional Dems will hire these illegals to
provide child care for their grandchildren. Now that would be immoral !!!!

Bonita L. Conne
Bonita L. Conne
6 years ago

Build the wall! Democrats care more about illegal aliens than they do American citizens. Stop playing politics and help our Country. Quit being so petty. You were elected to help us not hinder us.

6 years ago

Thank God for our President and to theBorder Agents for a GREAT JOB….. Nancy an Chuck need to be put on the border so they can get mobbed by the illeagls just maybe it might sober them up of the problem… how ever I really doubt it… they are too power hungry to have a heart for the TRUE AMERICAN CITIZENS

Kelly Nosko
Kelly Nosko
6 years ago

We need strong border protection, they cannot allow these people to cross the border with no vetting or control. If so the terrorists will flock into the US and …, Use your wildest imagination.

6 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is still drawing her $220K annual salary and

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