International headlines: “UN votes to suspend Russia from Top Human Rights Body.” The truth is, the UN is (with apologies to FDR and Churchill) a feckless, bloated bureaucracy, a shadow of 1945’s promise. The institution spends $6.37 billion a year, 22 percent of US tax dollars. The best it can do, facing mass genocide, is boot Russia from a human rights council while China, Cuba, and Venezuela remain members? Forgive a former diplomat’s incredulity. “ Blah, blah, so?” It is talk, proof courage is rare.
It was bad enough was watching Biden pretend deterrence, telling Putin a “minor incursion” was permissible, then play the willow saying, US troops “would see” carnage when there, that Putin “cannot remain in power.” When who got where, if you please? And who has the bead on Putin, Mr. President?
The sloppiness of this Administration’s foreign policy is not just disappointing and objectively tragic – it is dangerous. Failure in Afghanistan, abandoning thousands who trusted America, indulging China and Russia, and putting climate change above allied survival – Biden’s team is a mess.
Now comes the UN and smiling UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, announcing they have acted decisively, built a “coalition,” and produced an overwhelming (not really, 93 in favor, 82 abstained or against) vote against Russia. They are proud – of what?
Where is the impact? What difference does that vote make? Russia resigned from the council it never belonged on, heavy with human rights violators, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and others. These governments imprison, torture, rape, murder, and silence all those hoping on freedom.
Exactly how does such a Council have legitimacy? How does a General Assembly sleep at night, having condoned such an illegitimate collection of murderous members on its “Human Rights Council?” The real question is – laugh or cry?
The council, founded 16 years ago by resolution 60-251, might once have aspired to legitimacy. Those days are long gone. Whatever it had, it hemorrhaged, evolved into another stagnant UN venue, a good place for libations and lies, principles absent.
How can a former Assistant Secretary of State say this? How can a believer in ideals not sign up for the UN, which after all came to life to prevent future wars, in honor of the millions killed in WWII, a more aligned, refined, and likely to be effective version of Woodrow Wilson’s erstwhile League of Nations?
Answer: Institutions, like people, sometimes change. What was, sometimes is no more. What might have been sometimes fades, tapers, weakens, loses steam, or goes right off the rails. Courage is – stopping cold, halting lies and pride, just saying so. Only timidity and cowardice pretend all is well.
All is not well. That’s where we are. The UN Human Rights Council is no more effective than the Soviet Bill of Rights or rights promised by China. They are all there – and none are there.
So, here is the rub. The UN is proving, once again, to be a chartered misfit, not up to the job. Bureaucracy is a money hog, a collection of tepid talkers, filled with the right mix of indignance and indulgence, quick to a crisis, only to stand around and talk.
Needed now is courage, action, and cohesion – but will we get it? Not likely, headlines have run, cocktail hour calls, Americans are paying, institution’s history holding the fort. Blah, blah, so? Just more UN talk.
Aside from serving as a central hub for international money laundering and organized government corruption, masquerading as a world-wide organization dedicated to world peace and diplomacy, the United Nations serves little practical purpose today. The “vision” of the original supporters for the creation of the United Nations has long ago been supplanted by a culture of endless bureaucratic stagnation and ineffectiveness. In many instances, the United Nations is an actual impediment to freedom loving countries being able to effectively deal with a number of global issues in an intelligent and direct manner. As such, the best course of action would be the dissolution of the United Nations as it now stands or, at the very least, the United States ceasing to bankroll such a corrupt and anti-freedom organization. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to be the path selected by the United States.
And where is the UN when the people of Shanghai are being starved in their homes, positive “tested” people and babies as young as one month old being taken away and thrown in quarantine camps, and their pets being grabbed an murdered in front of them??? Huh? WHERE is the outrage???
Demonic organization
Majority of faces across UN are black cvil war in different places across Africa = 60 years nary a whisper about war crimes
Another excellent insightful article by Robert Charles! Thank you!
US needs to get out of the UN…..all they do is take our $$$$$. They’re worthless.
I’ve been wondering about all the talk of how we need to punish Russia. So what do all the talking heads plan on doing about it? I agree, blah, blah, so? We don’t need the UN, and we don’t need to get involved in another world war. With that said, I believe if NATO would just show some resolve and backbone, the Russia problem would simply fade away. It has to be NATO because we all know the Biden administration WILL NOT and CAN NOT accomplish a damn thing on it’s own…total incompetence.
UN = Unfortunately Neutered!
The only thing the UN will do is get Pres Trump on made-up criminal War charges. Get rid of the UN. It is the base of the global government from the very beginning. And no apologies to Roosevelt or Churchill. They knew who STALIN was and even sent Russian prisoners back to be killed by Stalin. AND THEY ALL KNEW IT like we all know what is going on with this “war”. BS, BS piled high and deep.
Dear Mr. Charles: I say Amen to all you have written in your article. I have so little time to write and even to read all of your articles. But I need to tell you I have found our Exchange student son who is from Ukraine and he is still alive we hope. You never know with all the scams out there! I have been reading all the comments here and for those of us who have had experiences in other countries where they have been under the cruelty we are witnessing in Ukraine I fear for Israel and also for Armenia as they will also be invaded by putin and his ilk. I have always seen the united nations for what it was a corrupt worthless organization. I am waiting for the day when I see all of the crooks perp walked to prison. I hear what you say about what is happening in this country and I wish that those who crave their gods money, power and control would all be taken out by my God like he did in the Old Testament. I seem to have lost what Christ came to earth for. We are going into Easter and I cannot go to Church because of my current condition but I can still speak up. I hope that once again I am NOT cut off of the opportunity to speak out by comcast/xfinity as they have done in the past. Please keep writing these wonderful articles as that is what freedom is all about and that is what I pray for everyday. I include all of those oppressed by others and that is what I see in the USA today. The citizens being oppressed from all sides and directions and I for one am at “the point of NO RETURN”. Thank you for letting this old (81+) lady speak up again. I only wish I could put things as eloquently as you do Mr. Charles. Sincerely, Carol
Can someone tell me the logic of moving the lady off the syrup bottle into the postion as our UN Ambassador? Never saw that coming!
I wish people would look into why Putin entered Ukraine. Start with looking up “The MInsk Accords”, then look into what country being led by a bloated failed comedian violated that accord for the 8 years that preceeded the Russians entering Ukraine as well as against whom Ukraine had been in non stop conflict with since the accords were signed in 2015.
The western governments and most of their lapdog media are lying to us. Are we so stupid we can’t recall all the similar lies told to us about issues ranging from the “pee pee tapes”, to “Russian collusion with Trump”, to the multitude, some still ongoing lies about the China virus. What? You think our government and THEIR media suddenly became all honest and upstanding all the sudden?
Lies, all lies. The government and the media says it? Believe the opposite!
Why do we fund an Organization that cannot do anything about what’s going on. Russia does not care or Putin that is, what they do. Our politicians need to start using our tax dollars more wisely. we elect these folks to work in our best interest. They are doing the things for their own benefit.
The UN is UN-Wanted, UN-Needed, UN-AMERICAN and UN-Constitutional. Time for the USA to leave.
The UN definitely needs to eject Russia,China, Cubs, Iran and Venezuela for starters. Having them as members and especially on the Human Rights Council is having the Fox in the Hen House. With the atrocities that have and are still occurring of civilians in Ukraine what action has the UN Human Rights Council done to bring an end to to Putin’s Military? Sanctions are laughable. The members if the UN, particularly Poland, Western Europe and England have short memories. Putin’s attacking and occupying parts of Ukraine is just like 1939 Hitler’s Nazi forces beginning with Poland where civilians killed by the thousands. Hitlers move in Eastern and then Western European countries was ignored for far to long. Putin’s War needs to be confronted militarily now by the UN nations based on the Hunan Rights atrocities being committed on the Ukrainian women, children, and elderly men not in the Ukrainian resistance force.
I’ve been on this Earth for well-over 80 years; have seen administration’s with presidents good; bad; and great. During my lifetime there has been WWII; Korean War (called a “conflict “..still a war); Vietnam; Desert Storm; Afghanistan; Iraq; Cold War (Reagan era); now a potential WWIII if we let it develop. And don’t forget that our Southern Border can be called a War..a war of Fentynol..Human Traficking..and an Attack on our Freedom. Those in office currently who think they are great leaders should be charged accordingly for their ignorant performances.
Russia needs to be permanently removed from the UN Security Council and replaced with India.
Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.
All I can make of UN is group of country’s that are running scared of doingcac any harm to Russia. They been kissing up to Russia for a long time. They don’t care what happened to the people of Ukraine. They are terrified to give them any help!!!
the UN is absolutely useless. not a set of balls to stand up to russia and the rest of the evil axis countrys.why is the US still paying for everything else ? we need to tell them shape up do what is right or we are gone. the un and the us are afraid of putin and that is a fact ! how can the rest of the world just sit back and let the russians invade another country and commit all these war crimes and not balls nalls balls will any in the free world ever get any??? i think not ! SAD SAD SADdo anything about it. pussies one and all ! russia is laughing at the rest of the free world and planning who he will invade next ! balls balls balls will any one in the free world ever grow any i think not. shame shame shame we deserve what comes next from this maniac !!
The UN never fails to deliver a laugh. Suspends Russia from Human Rights Council ? meaningless just like most of what the UN does. The UN functions only as an international
observer ( ie global warning) but is helpless where altering criminal behavior or creating
positive change. When John McCain was running for president, I asked him what he thought
about the UN and he said a new international organization should be formed.
Much of this can said about NATO as well. Since the invasion of Ukraine, NATO and the EU
have done nothing. I realize that Ukraine is not a member of NATO but I bet if Russia invades
Poland NATO will do nothing,
The world says Russia is the only nation that can offend anyone.
The rest of us must remain kissbutts. Lets all be polite. Only
Russia is allowed to be barbaric along with Assad in Syria and the Taliban
and whoever wants ethnic cleansing in Africa.
Well, well, well…. I wish the USA were faultless! 26 biolabs in Ukraine? Could that be where this plandemic came from? If Putin were to truly invade Ukraine he would have gone in to do just that. What he did was all focused around the bioweapons labs. The Ukraine Nazis have been killing the people of their own country. Metabiota is Hunter’s baby. SO much dirt IMO caking the boots and pants legs of the Bidens. May God help us!
Putin has been smart. European countries have been going more green energy and now depend on Russian oil. We are pushing the green new deal without developing our own petroleum resources. Economic sanctions have not worked against Russia and never will with the current leaders in the western world. Ukraine is none of our business. This is Europe’s concern. Europe cannot stand up too strongly against Russia since it is too dependent on Russian oil. Then there are the bio-labs the USA has funded in China and the Ukraine when it was illegal to do so in the USA. And do not forget the corruption in the Biden family which compromises our nation with China and Russia.
Aside from serving as a central hub for international money laundering and organized government corruption, masquerading as a world-wide organization dedicated to world peace and diplomacy, the United Nations serves little practical purpose today. The “vision” of the original supporters for the creation of the United Nations has long ago been supplanted by a culture of endless bureaucratic stagnation and ineffectiveness. In many instances, the United Nations is an actual impediment to freedom loving countries being able to effectively deal with a number of global issues in an intelligent and direct manner. As such, the best course of action would be the dissolution of the United Nations as it now stands or, at the very least, the United States ceasing to bankroll such a corrupt and anti-freedom organization. Unfortunately, that is unlikely to be the path selected by the United States.
And where is the UN when the people of Shanghai are being starved in their homes, positive “tested” people and babies as young as one month old being taken away and thrown in quarantine camps, and their pets being grabbed an murdered in front of them??? Huh? WHERE is the outrage???
Demonic organization
Majority of faces across UN are black cvil war in different places across Africa = 60 years nary a whisper about war crimes
Another excellent insightful article by Robert Charles! Thank you!
US needs to get out of the UN…..all they do is take our $$$$$. They’re worthless.
I’ve been wondering about all the talk of how we need to punish Russia. So what do all the talking heads plan on doing about it? I agree, blah, blah, so? We don’t need the UN, and we don’t need to get involved in another world war. With that said, I believe if NATO would just show some resolve and backbone, the Russia problem would simply fade away. It has to be NATO because we all know the Biden administration WILL NOT and CAN NOT accomplish a damn thing on it’s own…total incompetence.
UN = Unfortunately Neutered!
The only thing the UN will do is get Pres Trump on made-up criminal War charges. Get rid of the UN. It is the base of the global government from the very beginning. And no apologies to Roosevelt or Churchill. They knew who STALIN was and even sent Russian prisoners back to be killed by Stalin. AND THEY ALL KNEW IT like we all know what is going on with this “war”. BS, BS piled high and deep.
Dear Mr. Charles: I say Amen to all you have written in your article. I have so little time to write and even to read all of your articles. But I need to tell you I have found our Exchange student son who is from Ukraine and he is still alive we hope. You never know with all the scams out there! I have been reading all the comments here and for those of us who have had experiences in other countries where they have been under the cruelty we are witnessing in Ukraine I fear for Israel and also for Armenia as they will also be invaded by putin and his ilk. I have always seen the united nations for what it was a corrupt worthless organization. I am waiting for the day when I see all of the crooks perp walked to prison. I hear what you say about what is happening in this country and I wish that those who crave their gods money, power and control would all be taken out by my God like he did in the Old Testament. I seem to have lost what Christ came to earth for. We are going into Easter and I cannot go to Church because of my current condition but I can still speak up. I hope that once again I am NOT cut off of the opportunity to speak out by comcast/xfinity as they have done in the past. Please keep writing these wonderful articles as that is what freedom is all about and that is what I pray for everyday. I include all of those oppressed by others and that is what I see in the USA today. The citizens being oppressed from all sides and directions and I for one am at “the point of NO RETURN”. Thank you for letting this old (81+) lady speak up again. I only wish I could put things as eloquently as you do Mr. Charles. Sincerely, Carol
Can someone tell me the logic of moving the lady off the syrup bottle into the postion as our UN Ambassador? Never saw that coming!
I wish people would look into why Putin entered Ukraine. Start with looking up “The MInsk Accords”, then look into what country being led by a bloated failed comedian violated that accord for the 8 years that preceeded the Russians entering Ukraine as well as against whom Ukraine had been in non stop conflict with since the accords were signed in 2015.
The western governments and most of their lapdog media are lying to us. Are we so stupid we can’t recall all the similar lies told to us about issues ranging from the “pee pee tapes”, to “Russian collusion with Trump”, to the multitude, some still ongoing lies about the China virus. What? You think our government and THEIR media suddenly became all honest and upstanding all the sudden?
Lies, all lies. The government and the media says it? Believe the opposite!
Why do we fund an Organization that cannot do anything about what’s going on. Russia does not care or Putin that is, what they do. Our politicians need to start using our tax dollars more wisely. we elect these folks to work in our best interest. They are doing the things for their own benefit.
The UN is UN-Wanted, UN-Needed, UN-AMERICAN and UN-Constitutional. Time for the USA to leave.
The UN definitely needs to eject Russia,China, Cubs, Iran and Venezuela for starters. Having them as members and especially on the Human Rights Council is having the Fox in the Hen House. With the atrocities that have and are still occurring of civilians in Ukraine what action has the UN Human Rights Council done to bring an end to to Putin’s Military? Sanctions are laughable. The members if the UN, particularly Poland, Western Europe and England have short memories. Putin’s attacking and occupying parts of Ukraine is just like 1939 Hitler’s Nazi forces beginning with Poland where civilians killed by the thousands. Hitlers move in Eastern and then Western European countries was ignored for far to long. Putin’s War needs to be confronted militarily now by the UN nations based on the Hunan Rights atrocities being committed on the Ukrainian women, children, and elderly men not in the Ukrainian resistance force.
I’ve been on this Earth for well-over 80 years; have seen administration’s with presidents good; bad; and great. During my lifetime there has been WWII; Korean War (called a “conflict “..still a war); Vietnam; Desert Storm; Afghanistan; Iraq; Cold War (Reagan era); now a potential WWIII if we let it develop. And don’t forget that our Southern Border can be called a War..a war of Fentynol..Human Traficking..and an Attack on our Freedom. Those in office currently who think they are great leaders should be charged accordingly for their ignorant performances.
Russia needs to be permanently removed from the UN Security Council and replaced with India.
Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.
All I can make of UN is group of country’s that are running scared of doingcac any harm to Russia. They been kissing up to Russia for a long time. They don’t care what happened to the people of Ukraine. They are terrified to give them any help!!!
the UN is absolutely useless. not a set of balls to stand up to russia and the rest of the evil axis countrys.why is the US still paying for everything else ? we need to tell them shape up do what is right or we are gone. the un and the us are afraid of putin and that is a fact ! how can the rest of the world just sit back and let the russians invade another country and commit all these war crimes and not balls nalls balls will any in the free world ever get any??? i think not ! SAD SAD SADdo anything about it. pussies one and all ! russia is laughing at the rest of the free world and planning who he will invade next ! balls balls balls will any one in the free world ever grow any i think not. shame shame shame we deserve what comes next from this maniac !!
The UN never fails to deliver a laugh. Suspends Russia from Human Rights Council ? meaningless just like most of what the UN does. The UN functions only as an international
observer ( ie global warning) but is helpless where altering criminal behavior or creating
positive change. When John McCain was running for president, I asked him what he thought
about the UN and he said a new international organization should be formed.
Much of this can said about NATO as well. Since the invasion of Ukraine, NATO and the EU
have done nothing. I realize that Ukraine is not a member of NATO but I bet if Russia invades
Poland NATO will do nothing,
The world says Russia is the only nation that can offend anyone.
The rest of us must remain kissbutts. Lets all be polite. Only
Russia is allowed to be barbaric along with Assad in Syria and the Taliban
and whoever wants ethnic cleansing in Africa.
Well, well, well…. I wish the USA were faultless! 26 biolabs in Ukraine? Could that be where this plandemic came from? If Putin were to truly invade Ukraine he would have gone in to do just that. What he did was all focused around the bioweapons labs. The Ukraine Nazis have been killing the people of their own country. Metabiota is Hunter’s baby. SO much dirt IMO caking the boots and pants legs of the Bidens. May God help us!
Putin has been smart. European countries have been going more green energy and now depend on Russian oil. We are pushing the green new deal without developing our own petroleum resources. Economic sanctions have not worked against Russia and never will with the current leaders in the western world. Ukraine is none of our business. This is Europe’s concern. Europe cannot stand up too strongly against Russia since it is too dependent on Russian oil. Then there are the bio-labs the USA has funded in China and the Ukraine when it was illegal to do so in the USA. And do not forget the corruption in the Biden family which compromises our nation with China and Russia.