Just when you though the backlash against Bud Light would have been a wakeup call for American corporations to stay out of the social justice business, Adidas is illustrating how its own woke mindset is impacting how it’s viewed by Americans, and women in particular.
Strangely, Bud Light and Adidas seem to think that ostentatiously using biological men to portray women in advertising somehow reflects support for the transgender community. But it doesn’t. Instead, it signifies a complete disconnect from the average consumer while fetishizing and politicizing transgenders in an effort for political and social justice credits.
The latest example of this canceling of women comes from Adidas, which recently unveiled its “Pride Swimsuit 2023”— a $70 women’s bathing suit modeled by a flat-chested biological male with a prominent telltale bulge in his crotch. The male model is photographed in a way to highlight the crotch and sweeps across the chest so you’re sure to see it may be flat, but at least it’s hairy! This swimsuit is the first choice under “All Women’s Clothing” and Women’s Sportswear.
And never fear, to hide that unladylike bulge, Target is now helpfully marketing women’s swimsuits with “tuck friendly construction” and “extra crotch coverage.” The perfect Father’s Day gift!
“No real woman would be caught dead in that swimsuit, it’s hideous,” comedian Chrissie Mayr told Fox News Digital of the Target creation. “The only thing I’ll be tucking is my money back into my wallet and shopping elsewhere.”
Riley Gaines, former NCAA swim star and women’s rights activist, Tweeted her concern: “I don’t understand why companies are voluntarily doing this to themselves. They could have at least said the suit is ‘unisex’, but they didn’t because it’s about erasing women. Ever wondered why we hardly see this go the other way?”
No civil rights movement in this country, whether it be for blacks, women, or gays and lesbians, was predicated on the notion that some other group had to be subsumed or cancelled for success to be achieved. Being who we are as women, or as people of color, isn’t just about our appearance, it’s about life experiences, from childhood on.
My friend James Golden, (aka Bo Snerdley) was Rush Limbaugh’s radio producer for years. He now informs and entertains audiences weekdays at WABC Radio here in New York. He also happens to be a Black man. I mention this as I was on his show speaking about the issue of the left disappearing women under the guise of transgender activism. He asked me what the reaction would be if during Black History Month an American corporation hired a white person (who identified as Black) to promote a product or an issue. We both agreed it would cause outrage.
Bo’s scenario brought to mind immediately the infamous Rachel Dolezal who masqueraded as a Black woman and even became the head of an NAACP chapter despite the fact that she is white. Dolezal eventually acknowledged that she was white but self-identifies as Black, resigned from the NAACP, and faced accusations ranging from cultural appropriation to fraud.
When it comes to portraying women, seeing men sashaying in dresses and struggling to walk in high heels has long been a source of humor on stage and screen, there is nothing funny about males with all their original equipment who claim to identify as transgender women threatening the safety and privacy of biological women and girls. We all know about biological males being allowed to compete on women’s sports teams, destroying the concept of fair play. But there’s more.
For example, a 15-year-old boy wearing a skirt who was described as “gender fluid” was found guilty in juvenile court in 2022 of sexually assaulting a girl in a girl’s restroom (which he was allowed to use because of his professed gender identity) at a school in Loudon County, Virginia. The boy was initially transferred to another school after the assault, where he was later found guilty of inappropriately touching another girl.
Also, at a spa in Los Angeles, a man self-identifying as a transgender woman was allowed into the women’s locker room and spa and promptly exposed himself. Customers vociferously complained, and the suspect complained everyone was being transphobic. The suspect, Darren Agee Merager, was finally arrested after going on the run and was revealed to be a “registered sex offender in California for two prior convictions of indecent exposure, identifies as a woman, but law enforcement sources said that’s a ruse to get into women’s-only areas…” reported the New York Post.
Most recently, seven members of a University of Wyoming sorority house decided to sue their school and sorority after a biological male who identifies as a transgender female student, was allowed to join. “In their lawsuit, the seven sorority members said they ‘live in constant fear in our home’ with the student… in their presence at their sorority house. The women say [the student], who reportedly stands 6’2″ and weighs 260 pounds, sits in the house starring at them and often becomes sexually aroused in front of them,” reported Breitbart News. And that’s only a small part of their complaint.
A Pew Research Center survey conducted last year found that only about six-tenths of 1% of U.S. adults consider themselves transgender. The transgender people I know have gone through a great deal to address their gender dysphoria and the subsequent dramatic surgical changes they undergo to feel completely themselves. What woke progressives and their political lapdogs are doing to the reputation of genuine transgender people is horrible. But it serves a higher purpose for the left—more division, chaos, suspicion, and fear.
But something is very wrong with our society when the tail wags the dog and the rights of any man who says he identifies as a woman are considered more important than the rights of tens of millions of biological females to privacy, safety and opportunities to compete against other females in sports.
Being a woman is more than putting on a dress, a women’s swimsuit, or lipstick and eyeshadow. Women and men are equal and should have equal rights, but we’re not identical. Let’s respect our differences and not insult women by telling us that men are better at being female than we are, and that we have no right to be free of their prying eyes and possible assaults in female spaces.
Only women can stop this. Boycott everywhere and everything that push these lies. Boycott all of your sporting events. Let these men compete alone. Don’t participate in any event that they’re in. Maybe they will be embarrassed to the point of backing down, maybe they won’t. But women have to do this. If millions of women participate in this boycott the homos will have no choice but to concede.
great article and very very true!!! This bogus acting out must stop being accepted. Male/female is a biological difference NOT some change in attitude.
See Dems Anti Kids, Family day 1
emasculated men, unfeminine women. i’m so glad i grew up in a men and women society!!!
Any time you give others/groups special rights you take rights away rights from someone else/others. Unfortunately, woman in the beginning supported this woke agenda and some still do, because they failed to anticipate how this would grow. So, you kind of brought this on yourselves. IMO
After Nike started its nonsense years ago I stopped buying anything Nike for myself and my family. I went back to Adidas after many years as a Nike supporter. Well, now after the Bud Light debacle, we are seeing companies doubling down on their failed commercial concepts, simply to tell the vast majority of Americans and people around the world that they don’t care what the majority of people think, they will continue to push their agenda. That means Adidas will no longer receive any money from my purchases or that of my family. I used to use Gillette razors and shaving accessories and I cut them off years ago as well. Americans have to stick to these boycotts because it is really the only way to have our opinions heard. Businesses only care about their bottom line and if you hurt their bottom line, they will pay attention. Look at Bud Light and now Miller Lite. Americans have got to use the only real power they have and stop buying anything affiliated with these woke companies.
Another horrific consequence of THE stolen election. And still no effort is made by those who know to right this wrong.
Another company that sells nonessential products, shouldn’t be too hard to ignore them at the checkout.
How can Any Democrat woman not see that their rights are being taken away? This is beyond me! We worked so hard to get equal rights with men and here they are taking away our rights again.
Why label the bathing suit as deliberately for a limited audience when the style of it is regular athletic swimwear? It was the first style of a unitard that allowed hip cuts on both sides which provides freedom of movement in competition swimming
if a man wants to be transgender then he should be castrated and have his penis removed only then he could say he is transgender if he does not have his male parts gone he ie just a pervert.
Time to burn those shoes again everyone.
At least trump loves you…
What happened to my once Great Country ?
Moms are not speaking up for their daughters. A mother is supposed to protect their children, but things have changed. Mothers do not protect their daughters. Unbelievable!
Delusional. Trying to make wrong right and then working hard to convince everyone who disagrees- they are wrong. WOKE is a JOKE for the delusional. Yep, if you want to become a woman then do it 110%–surgeries, mutilation, the works. And the day you come to your senses it will be too late. God keeps it simple-He created Adam and created Eve as his helper. KISS(keep it simple stupid)
For decades we have heard that women have been discriminated against in employment, salaries and corporate advancement. We have seen and heard of all the successful woman who have broken the glass ceiling in just about everything. Today, we see supposed men identifying as women step all over the accomplishments of women. This whole thing is simple folks either you have a penis, or you don’t. Until one is removed or attached you are what you are born with. Your feeling for the day doesn’t really count especially in sports.
Tammy I was with you until your comment about them ruining the reputations of GENUINE trans people. There are no genuine trans people. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
This is the left and dems way to divide the country. If you don’t go along you are transphobic. If you don’t agree with any of their governing methods you are an insurrectionists. And white supremacy is the greatest problem in America. All these things have been created under Brandon. What are we, opposed to this lunacy, going to do about it? Power to the people.
Apparently Men are better Women than women are…lol Who knew!
What will you do when they will describe women ONLY through a trans lens….I.e A trans woman ( That a mentally ill man) and a “non trans women”
Its why they are pushing child mutilation so hard. They need to CREATE the next group of mentally ill. Child Abuse is what it is.
clown world reaches full speed!
Good luck ladies but I think so many of you work so hard to be inclusive, and friendly and nice etc… that you’ve lost your starch for this sort of thin and your moral high ground long ago.
I can’t believe for the life of me that this transgender crap got as much traction as it did. And that it wasn’t challanged. It is junk science.
So much for the women’s movement.
well common sense biological women will not support any one or product who has imposter “women”. if you did not go thru the normal girl/women problems, that 99.9 go thru and if you do not have the inside parts that are typical to females then you AIN’T A FEMALE – GET IT
Just saves us money because it is more companies to boycott.
We have become a nation of the blind and we’re being led by the deaf and ignorant.
If a male wants to be a woman, the very first thing that must be done to prove his sincerity is to cut off his pee-pee an castrate him! He does no longer need those parts as a woman. That way woman’s swim suits won’t need tuck capability. I wonder how many trans men would suddenly change their mind?
You know if you kick a man that identifies as a woman in the the groin what do you think he’s gonna say when he reaches down? It isn’t oh my woman’s part that’s for sure.
The libs that allow this has been brainwashed all to Hell and back. These stupid CEO’S seem to think no one cares if a male wears a female bathing suite. They will loose more business in the long run than gain. If you women gotta man in your bathjroom or locker room ,get you a small stick and gang up on him and beat the Hell out of him. Thats the only thjing he will understaned. Go in Ace Hardware and buy a one 98nch clothes hanger rod. Cut off about 2 feet of it. # or $ of you at one time should do it. Kyle L.
P S Thats a one inch wood rod. Not 976 or 98. Also 3 or 4 girls. Sorry my mistake.
The REAL (Biological) Women must STAND UP to this SICK nonsense. STOP buying WOKE GARBAGE and BOYCOTT every company that supports this SICK nonsense of pushing REAL Women out.
Most people understand they are who they are and make the best of this. The suggestion that we can and or should change would not even be considered if we were not in a very privileged time in history. What we all should do is play the hand we are dealt. Eventually folly will be recognized.
China has to be loving all this!‼️????
Absolutely RIGHT!!!
Its not the tail wagging the dog that disturbs me, its whats under that tale that stinks.
Please note!! Women are being phased out because child production will be done in the lab. Laugh???? Yes, I did two until I saw the new female robot. Laugh now, cry later.The left is going to have their way even if they put the right in camps in the future.Ask the Jewish about. Got to stop them now. Open borders is an invasion and can be stopped now. Home invasions are not pretty. Power causes people to lose humanity.Prepare for fighting in the streets and wake up our folks in congress.Freedom has a price paid with the blood of patriots. Donald Trump your country needs you now. Lead the way!!!!
So where are all the women’s groups that should be raising a fuss over this denigrating activity by the marxist democrat party??
It makes me wonder if they are genuine or just a phantom phase with an agenda???
Speak up ladies!
Women need to boycott all places that are pushing this agenda
This transgender thing is Satan engineered. Transgender people should not be allowed to use restrooms or any other spaces inhabited by real gender born individuals. Sports is a huge problem !! Transgender males should not be allowed to compete against women in any sport. They are still men who are genetically superior to women in strength!!
I can’t help but wonder where all of the women’s libbers who pushed for equality are now? Don’t hear anything from them.
It would be difficult to come up with a more stupid headline.
Former trophy students have reached management positions.
Very sick and sad country/world we live in today. Anyone else feel it is the ‘natural’ outcome of putting our Creator out of all things “public” in our country? Remove GOOD and Evil quickly steps in to take its place and fill the void.
God’s greatest creation will not be swept under the carpet. they will continue to be cherished and loved, and not just pretty faces. the ladies as an intricate part of human society, will be what keeps us going. God Bless the Ladies!!!
transgenders are sick-minded people. they need psychological help. if insurance companies would stop paying for the sex changes this would stop a lot of problems. God made two sexes MEM and WOMEN that folk!!!!!
Never forget; our money is very powerful in the corporate world. If we continue to support the woke companies, they will continue down this road. Also, a letter or email if done by enough people will make a difference. It all boils down to how much we (who are NOT woke) are willing to take.
This is yet another example of wishy-washy corporate execs swallowing a whole lot of B.S. surrounding the myth of most of the gender “issues” that are fringe but being touted as the norm. I know the attributes of both genders/sexes and NONE of these vaulted examples of Trans people will qualify. Just trying to dress, live and act like a person of the opposite gender is a badly constructed lie. Please excuse the coarseness of this quote but it holds as true today as when it was first coined. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still be a pig!
Everything God created as good, Satan tries to corrupt.
“No civil rights movement in this country, whether it be for blacks, women, or gays and lesbians, was predicated on the notion that some other group had to be subsumed or cancelled for success to be achieved.” This is not true. If one reads King’s works carefully, he will find that the genocide of the White race was part of his plan; of course, after he had plundered its wealth.
I’m confused: the left keep harping about “abortion rights for women” but claim they aren’t “qualified” and can’t define what one is if you ask them! Where are the feminists? You can’t become a different sex by physically changing yourself anymore than a deep tan makes me “ethnic”. Oh and stop using faux “pronouns” to describe them. They AREN’T!