
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Worsening Border Crisis Is an Attack on Self-Government

Posted on Friday, September 22, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Mexico border wall showing illegal immigrants trying to pass through

The Biden administration apparently wants to transform the United States into a poorly managed economic zone.

It’s hard to conclude otherwise amid the latest mayhem at the southern border.

When border-crossing numbers briefly dipped during the summer, legacy media outlets were eager to declare the crisis overblown. One opinion writer in The New York Times declared that if you’re hearing about the border, “someone is trying to scare you.”

We were supposed to ignore the years of evidence and millions of illegal border crossings under President Joe Biden and pretend that this was all no big deal. It was a temporary, two-year blip and nothing more. The “Big Guy” has it all under control.

That mild reprieve was short-lived. Now, the situation is worse than ever.

As Fox News border reporter Bill Melugin said, it’s a “free-for-all” in Eagle Pass, Texas, right now as thousands of Venezuelans are crossing the border en masse.

The numbers are truly astounding.

The Biden administration has repeatedly demonstrated that it’s not only fine with that, but it will also do anything to ensure that the situation continues.

The White House created a visa program for illegal immigrants that allows them to stay in the country if they find a “sponsor” to support them. But the sponsor can be another illegal alien. Yes, really.

That’s why it’s fair to say that we have a completely open border. Even in the case where illegal immigrants are apprehended, the administration has pulled the plug on every tool that would allow the government to quickly deport them.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is effectively acting as a rogue prosecutor on the national level.

Maybe we should do something about that.

Count on the administration to do petty things to keep the border open, too.

Texas authorities put up razor wire around the border point at Eagle Pass. The Border Patrol—obviously under direction from the Biden administration—cut it down, according to Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

Biden and company have gone out of their way to demonstrate their contempt for U.S. law and anyone who would dare question whether we should accept this mass invasion as legitimate.

Texas started busing illegal immigrants to “sanctuary cities” such as New York and Chicago, and the administration reportedly now has threatened to implement a “remain in Texas” policy to keep illegal immigrants from leaving the state.

Texas still votes Republican, so the Left wants to hold the state’s metaphorical head under water until that changes, it seems.

What’s happening at the border is indefensible. Biden has shown no inclination toward getting the problem under control. 

The administration sent 800 troops to the border to deal with the latest surge. That’s good, I suppose. But when the administration combines that with arbitrarily granting work permits to nearly half a million illegal immigrants, this seems like putting a miniature Band-Aid on the stump of a severed limb. It’s more insulting than helpful.

When Biden made a speech at the United Nations in New York on Tuesday—a mile from the Roosevelt Hotel, where illegal immigrants are being housed en masse—he spoke about Ukraine and climate change, but said nothing about the border.

We have to assume at this point that the chaos is intentional. Help is most definitely not on the way.

Facilities and hospitals on the border are overrun, state and city budgets are going bust, and even sanctuary cities are in a panic. But don’t expect the White House to repurpose the message of “15 days to stop the spread.”

It’s more like “15 months to end America as we know it.”

The American people, who overwhelmingly see the border situation as a “major problem,” have simply been ignored. The Biden administration doesn’t care or respect what you think.

This is the most acute crisis facing the country today, and our toothless Caesar bears responsibility. The legacy media are uninterested in holding Biden accountable, left-wing pundits continue to insist that resistance to the immigration tidal wave is racist, and the country looks weak and helpless on the international stage.

With the online discussion about how men think about the Roman Empire all the time, maybe it’s because they are looking for reasons for why great civilizations fall and wondering whether we’re next.

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of the book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Jarrett Stepman

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This is a very good, very well researched and well written article Jarrett. What you wrote — ” The American people, who overwhelmingly see the border situation as a ” major problem,” have simply been ignored.” This invasion of the border of the United States of America is an act of war — the enemies of freedom are the criminal gangs, they are a despicable, dishonorable group of evil doers that use the tactics of illegal drug trafficking, human trafficking and putting the defense of the Nation in jeopardy. I have mentioned it before in other comments made on this topic and I reckon it will be O.K. to mention it again, as it could be a spirit lifter for some who sincerely care about dealing with this invasion accordingly — the 1941 song “We Did It Before — And We Can Do It Again” — provides a sense of hope, through a spirit of courage and that is something needed in this situation. With genuine appreciation for what you wrote Jarrett, Well Done! Respect for history, respect for Truth, respect for Liberty — in the spirit of God Bless America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Always a good idea to keep in mind the ideals in the Declaration of Independence.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
This intentional espionage by Dictator Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION. He just gave almost 500,000 Illegal Alien Venezuelan’s AMNESTY and WORKER PERMITS in NYC by putting 500,000 AMERICANS OUT OF WORK.
Once again putting the American people and the United States LAST.
Not to mention he wants to RAISE TAXES AGAIN so it would PAY for his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION by FORCING AMERICANS to PAY THE WAY FOR THEM and saying it’s for the Global Warming LIE.

1 year ago

Jack*ss Joe Biden is ALLOWING America to be INVADED by Thousands soon to be Millions of ILLEGALS For the Purpose of Intentionally DESTROYING America! Americans NEED to Rise Up and FIGHT NOW or be consumed by the Upcoming DESTRUCTION!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Trump was correct yet again. the wall works. finish the wall.

Mary Dickens
Mary Dickens
1 year ago

Biden took an oath to uphold the constitution. He has done everything but! So hold him accountable! I think he needs to be arrested and put on trial…for treason for selling us out to China and Ukraine

1 year ago

I think it’s time for the Republicans to elect their own president and let the dumorats have their hell holes. We the people are fed up with that son of a b*tch!

1 year ago

While grocery shopping earlier today, I noticed a distinct change in the character of the shoppers compared to just a few months ago. Only 2 checkout lines were open, and there were a dozen or so young men waiting in line, plus more lining up behind me. Every single one was a young Hispanic male, not one woman.
I have no problem with people entering the country legally. I don’t, however, appreciate these young men gawking and making comments about pretty young women walking through nearby departments. I watched the 2 men right in front of me about to “burst” when a tall woman with very long hair walked by. I watched them, and finally one of the men saw me issuing a grimace of disapproval…didn’t entirely stop them, though.
How did this sudden influx of immigrants happen in such a short period of time? Where are they living? Is our area one of those destinations for caravans full of border crashers? Is this Gov. Cooper’s (NC) fault? If this can happen in a town of only a few thousand residents, I can’t imagine what’s happening to cities with 1000 times more “new Americans”, former MD Gov. O’Malley once called them.
To be fair, I have met many perfectly respectful immigrants, and I don’t question their immigration status. But this open border nonsense must stop. Are you listening, Pres. Biden?? This country will no longer be OUR country fairly soon. In the meantime, watch out for your daughters and the other women in your lives. We’ve all heard the horrible stories.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

Biden and his entire corrupt democrat party need to be put in prison. IF your a democrat you are a criminal.

1 year ago

What was the last democratic president that did anything good in office?
A) Biden
B) Obama
C) Clinton
D) Carter
E) Before that (none of the 4 above did a single thing good during their entire terms)

1 year ago

Wrong. China wants this to happen. Biden is just a paid shill making it happen.

1 year ago

Biden wants the illegal people send everyone to him at his home and Washington.If that want work let us decide this country is not what it use to be and have another war . Republicans against democrats.

Nicholas Weston Woodley
Nicholas Weston Woodley
1 year ago

The republic ends.
This is not something we, the people, can wait another thirteen and a half months to resolve.
This is invasion. This is treason.
This is unnaceptable.
Every powermad Democrat congressman/senator who pushes this vile conspiracy upon our backs…
Every weak and cowardly Republican congressman/senator who won’t stop it…
Every treasonous administrative criminal…
Know that you will be in the same ‘boat’ (a floating Viking funeral pyre) when anarchy comes.
The center cannot hold. Our country will break by spring.
We WILL have a free country.
Decide now if you’re staying.
Your time is almost up.

1 year ago

He is doing exactly as his handlers direct him to do…nothing to outrageous to further the demise of this country’s sovereignty.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Ppl keep referring to Biden’s border policy as a “failure” but I submit its all going according the Plan. Cloward-Piven: overwhelm the system until it fails then replace it with your own statist system. Besides overwhelming, Democrats are lising too many Hispanic & black votes; the new arrivals will replace those lost. “800 troops”? Does anyone think they are there to stop illegal immigration? They will act as deterrents to Gov. Abbott’s actions and to streamline entry.

1 year ago

Put machine gun towers every 300 yards along the boarder that will keep them out.nothing better than a good water strafing.

1 year ago

Is this (invasion of our borders by criminals) not an impeachable crime? If anyone in Congress agrees differently than know they are against America. Excellent article! I do agree.

Mister French
Mister French
1 year ago

Seriously, What’s there to discuss it’s quite obvious we don’t have a real potus in the whitehouse with any type of brain or any leadership abilities to even be called anything but a failure in a failed policy of protection for this country, I’m sure or hope that your not blind

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party and joebamas border failure has proven to be their number one diversion as well.
It has created multiple disasters for Citizens to focus on,illegal drugs,crime,homelessness,illegals receiving government benefits,licenses,overburdening education and medical systems and costing BILLIONS in taxpayers dollars.
ALL of this compliments of the democrat party,rinos and establishment Washington.
EVERYTHING has been negatively affected, Citizens have been left further behind with dwindling pocketbooks,substandard Healthcare and a failing school system.
Now mind you while Real Citizens struggle, the marxist democrat party destroys America’s history, fleeces the treasury and creates wealth and power for themselves.
Stop and examine all the useless and failed policies,encumbrance on YOUR freedom and GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
The border crisis has been HORRIBLE for America , but the corrupt democrats have helped themselves quite nicely with the distraction!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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