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Biden’s Latest Border Excuse Only Underscores His Own Miserable Failure

Posted on Monday, October 3, 2022
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis


In recent weeks, President Joe Biden has attempted to defend his administration’s handling of the border by claiming that illegal border crossers are “fleeing communism” – just the latest messaging ploy from the administration as the United States faces its worst immigration crisis in recent memory.  

While it is true that some migrants do come from communist countries (although not nearly as many as Biden suggests) the administration’s misleading rhetoric ignores two basic realities: First, victims of communist oppression or not, the United States is not equipped to safely vet and admit millions of refugees. Second, it is Biden’s own leniency toward communist regimes in the Western Hemisphere that has emboldened those governments to crack down even harder on their populations, spurring even more individuals and families to risk the dangerous journey north.  

Biden first invoked the communism excuse last month following a Customs and Border Patrol announcement that more than 158,000 immigrants were apprehended in August, bringing the 11-month tally so far for FY 2022 to more than 2 million. “There are fewer immigrants coming from Central America and from Mexico. This is a totally different circumstance,” Biden said, dodging the original question about why the border is so overwhelmed under his watch. “What’s on my watch now is Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua,” Biden said. 

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down on Biden’s statements later on in the day, saying “these people are fleeing communism…Failing authoritarian regimes in Venezuela as well as Nicaragua and Cuba are causing a new migration challenge across the Western Hemisphere. So, what we’re seeing is a new pattern.”  

Migrants entering the United States from these communist countries have indeed been more numerous in 2022, according to CBP data. But people fleeing communist regimes still only account for about 35 percent of the total number of migrants who have entered the country illegally this year – hardly justifying the sweeping generalization invoked by the Biden administration. 

Moreover, to the extent that immigration from communist countries has increased, Biden has had a direct hand in creating the conditions that have incentivized it. In April, before Biden liberalized relations with Havana, Cuban opposition leaders warned the White House that not only would opening up U.S.-Cuban relations motivate more people to flee northward, the Cuban regime would also tighten their brutal control over the country. 

Sure enough, the regime pursued a renewed crackdown on dissent as soon as Biden softened sanctions and returned to Obama’s lenient policies toward Cuba, including providing more visas for members of the government bureaucracy.  

Jose Daniel Ferrer in particular, the leader of the largest opposition group on the country, UNPACU, alerted Democrats in Washington that such liberalization would embolden the regime akin to when the E.U. implemented similar concessions. Soon after Biden’s policy changes, the regime imprisoned Ferrer and subjected him to various torture methods, including sleep deprivation, exposure to loud music, and denial of ventilation and light. Ferrer has been deprived of all rights, including the right to participate in religious services. Ferrer’s wife was denied contact with her husband for nearly two months, and only then was allowed 15 minutes of visitation. 

Since May, the Cuban secret police have also conducted nightly raids of opposition members. The prominent Ladies in White movement, a group of wives, daughters, and relatives of jailed dissidents, has experienced a wave of terror. Recently, at least 12 members of the group were arrested outside a church entrance following religious services. 

The Biden administration has exhibited no ability or inclination to show even small gestures in defense of the Cuban opposition, like tweeting names of the prisoners of conscience while demanding their release – a policy that the Trump administration, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, pursued regularly. Cuban opposition leaders have said these gestures boost their morale and debilitate the regime. Asked what impact criticism by U.S. officials of human rights violations in Cuba had on Cuban dissidents, Jose Daniel Ferrer said that the opposition always benefits from pressure against the regime, including on social media. 

With their liberalization of relations toward Cuba, the Biden administration has in effect convinced the regime that it does not have to stop these persecutions in order to achieve its goals. As a result, the regime’s oppression has only increased, driving even more Cubans to risk everything to escape it. A new report by the Cuban Human Rights Observatory documents more than 1,100 violations of political prisoners’ rights since August alone. 

Biden’s energy policies have also emboldened the communist regime in Venezuela, indirectly spurring migration from that country as well. In March, following soaring gas prices as a result of his own anti-American energy policies and the war in Ukraine, Biden was forced to float a rapprochement with the Maduro regime, begging them for oil and ceding all leverage that the U.S. had there. Maduro has thus been able to extend his brutal reign with little opposition, again spurring people to flee. 

The illegal immigration crisis has thus only further underscored Biden’s failures in other parts of his foreign policy. While it is highly misleading for the President to claim that the border crisis is because of people “fleeing communism,” it is nonetheless true that by failing to use sanctions and other economic tools that can force communist regimes to respect human rights, Biden has directly exacerbated the conditions that lead to mass migration movements. While Biden continues to blame anyone but himself for the border crisis, he is nonetheless the most at fault for it.  

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher. 

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3 months ago

Not impressed at all does not represent anything but desperate falling disapproval. Actually lies on bipartisan attempt or lack thereof

2 years ago

Nothing new here. This IDIOTIC administration is still in LA LA Land. All excuses continue to be lame. HO HUM.

2 years ago

None of these man-made disasters of this administration had to occur. Just remember that people. None of this needs to be happening right now. Every single “policy flub” or “miscalculation” as the MSM likes to categorize the intentional implementation of documented Democrat policy objectives, was outlined as by the Democrats running up to the 2020 election. From the border to energy to foreign policy to overall economic deteriorattion we’re all experiencing right now, they were all completely unnecessary and preventable. Elections have consequences and the American people made one h*ll of the massive mistake, when they opted to make an irrational, stupid decision and vote to empower the Democrats. Now we are stuck with the consequences of that action until at least January 2025, should we still have the means to regain some control of the federal government.

So yes, in the meantime we can all read yet another article outlining the intentional flooding of this country with millions upon millions of illegal aliens, all destined to be supported by the American taxapayer for the rest of their lives, and enough deadly drugs to kill every man, woman and child in this country. The Border Patrol can do nothing, because they have been ordered to essentially stand down and simply devote most of their time to processing the vaste hordes of people pouring into our country on a daily bais. This is what happens when enough people make an irrational and stupid decision that empowers people who fundamentally hate this country and whose sole goal is to completely remake this country into what every other socialist democracy looks like.

We’re only 20 months into a 48 month ride with Team Biden and the Democrats calling all the shots at the executive level. Which is what we need to regain control of to have any means to stop any of this intentional damage being done to this country on a daily basis. Congress could technically refuse to fund the federal government after the midterms to try and bring some sanity back to the Executive Branch, but if McConnell and McCarthy are in charge that option is already off the table. Both have already said they won’t use that option in multiple interviews. So the open border will continue to be a problem. One of many we have to endure with this or any Democrat administration in charge of the Executive Branch.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden highlighting the fact that many illegals are fleeing communism is extremely ironic, since Bide and his Marxist administration are pushing for the US to be more and more socialistic. Biden is shredding our Constitution and purposely increasing our economic, military, security, and political sufferings. He is purposely destroying our freedom and liberty way of life.

2 years ago

Biden and his DemocRats are putting this Nation in peril … nationally and worldwide. I pray it can be reversed although I don’t see the major institutions responding to the rising peril this Nation is facing under the Biden DemocRat administration. In particular, the Main Stream Media majority is still sucking up to the DemocRats rather than holding them to account.

2 years ago


heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago


2 years ago

Let’s pretend this is the case. Millions escaping communism…why come here to live under a regime attempting a communist coup? Makes zero sense.

2 years ago

Our elected officials are sworn to protect and defend. They are not doing this. They are all guilty of the Fentanyl problem and other drugs coming across the border. They are responsible for all the unaccompanied children and all the deaths. Its time for all senators and congressmen to stand up to Biden and stop these threats to our nation.

2 years ago


2 years ago

If the crossings are the 8k a day they claim; if 4 people to a housing unit That’s 2,000 additional housing units PER DAY that are required. Aren’t these migrants drawing on the resources for the thousands of HOMELESS we already have? How much of the homeless are working and can’t earn enough to have a residence ( a lot I have read, particularly in California). So this is going to put that much more pressure on already taxed resources, then the additional load on water, sewer, electric, and transportation. We have inflation out our ears, and our wonderful know it all and can fix all liberals are adding that much more strain and pressure to the situation they’ve shown they are completely incompetent to deal with in reality.(sorry for the long sentence). They need to provide all of us with what they’re smoking to expect us to believe this load of horse manure.

2 years ago

Cuba is conducting raids on opposition? Gee, just like raids on former president, associates of former president, people demonstrating for right-to-life organizations in the US. These immigrants fleeing Communist nations will feel right at home.

Patriots Unite
Patriots Unite
2 years ago

He’s total evil scum and it’s all intentional destruction of this country. With his dementia kicking in really bad whoever is really running this country will keep stepping it up. Obama?

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Fleeing communism to go to a place that is changing to communism. Thanks Joe……..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hes been bad since swearing in date

George M
George M
2 years ago

Where are we Americas going to flee to when the USA becomes a communist Country ???

2 years ago

Getting this old fool and his cohorts out of our WH is number 2 after the Conservatives win in November. Then, we must start on deportations. I am at the point of “I don’t care if they have children or are 90 years old”. Illegal!

2 years ago

Keep voting for “Democrats” and “RINOS” and America is doomed. No more career politicians!

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Biden’s goal was to get elected. He seems never to have considered actually doing the job.

2 years ago

This isn’t about failure…it’s deliberate and all about “giving” freebies to illegals so they’ll vote these communist traitors into office…New York city already started doing that months ago in local elections. It’s also about the “New World Order” spoken of by George Bush Sr. during his presidential acceptance speech. American’s have taken for granted for to long, the freedoms our Founders risked their lives to bring into force. To many just vote for what ever letter is behind a candidate and don’t bother with researching what they’re really about. Apathy and the pursuit of the American dream has turned the dream into a nightmare. Our once unique place in the history of this world, is just about gone. Of most importance is the dying church. Patrick Henry said so long ago:”When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Welcome to the People’s Republic of Amerika.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Fleeing communism?
Seems, thanks to the liberal socialists polluting our space, the illegals are making one serious mistake coming here.
Or have I misjudged the current politics here in Amerika?
fjb, you know the rest…

2 years ago

Perhaps the dems are flooding the nation to replace us deplorables. It’s ingenious how dems spin everything so they look virtuous and make us sound like knuckle dragging thugs. The we don’t take the argument to them on their own terms. We act like we’re too good to dirty our hands and give them a good street fight, metaphorically speaking. You don’t go to a street rumble wearing a tutu.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Biden is just using these people as pawns. Will he be surprised when they start voting Republican.

2 years ago

The potato owns the border crises, as well as inflation running rampant and energy prices heading back up. A blind person could see this disaster coming!

2 years ago

Jill Biden is a disgrace too. I would never have let my husband make such a fool of himself once his mind started being eaten up by cancer.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

If Biden was in a one acre field with one pile of crap in it, he would inverable step in it. Kyle L.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

This country will be overrun with who knows what from other countries Biden and the rest do not have a clue what is coming across the border and they could care less they have one lie after another we need a change time to take back the White House,we need to have a red wave come November.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Biden must live in 1970. Everything he says sounds like a 1970 liberal.

He is clearly way to demented to understand anything about the current war.

John Davis
John Davis
2 years ago


Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Immigration is the least of our worries, these idiots are going to get us into a nuclear war. No one wins.

Battling Idiots Daily
Battling Idiots Daily
2 years ago

Biden’s border policy is going according to plan. There is no failure on their part with the border. The plan to import undocumented democrats is 100% successful.

Dr Rene
Dr Rene
2 years ago

Low IQ China-Joe does it again. Joey speaks with a fir tongue. I served 19 years overseas in the military & we were never trained to defend against COMMUNIST NATIONS like Mexico, any COMMUNIST African nation, COMMUNIST South American Nationd, etc. To my knowledge, the Latin American Communist Nations are Guatemala, Nigueragua, El Salivdor, Hundures & Granada. In addition to China, Cuba, Vietnam, ROK, Laos & Venezuela which make up of the majority of the world’s Communist nations.

I’m sure I left out a few nations but thise in Central & South America are mostly non-Communist.

2 years ago

The fact that he refuses to close the border tells it all.

2 years ago

Escaping Communism? Biden

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

All Biden can say is did I do that

2 years ago

OK, if WE cross the border in the opposite direction does that mean WE can flee Communism? I’ll keep that option in my back pocket.

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