
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Iran Nuclear Disaster

Posted on Wednesday, March 9, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Simon Maas


President Biden declared in June that Iran will “never get a nuclear weapon on my watch.” Someone should tell that to his team in Vienna, who are negotiating to revive the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal with Iran that would make that very scenario almost inevitable.

Indeed, talks in Vienna to restore the deal are producing an agreement that concedes the very thing it’s purportedly meant to prevent: an Iranian capability to develop nuclear weapons. And the Biden administration has quietly cooperated with Russia to make this happen, even as Russian troops bomb civilians in Ukraine.

Under the accord being negotiated, Iran will have the ability to quickly resume its enrichment of uranium to 60% purity, as Iranian analyst Mostafa Khoshcheshm told the Tehran Times, a major English-language Iranian newspaper with close ties to the regime. Khoshcheshm, a prominent expert inside Iran, is an adviser to Iran’s negotiating team in Vienna.

Uranium enriched to 60% can be quickly turned into 90% weapons-grade purity, the level required to produce an atomic bomb. Western officials have said there is no reason to enrich uranium to 60% for civilian purposes; the only reason would be to reach 90% purity for a nuclear weapon.

“Iran will keep its advanced centrifuges and nuclear materials inside the country as a form of inherent guarantee to make sure that its nuclear program is fully reversible if the U.S. reneged on its commitments again,” the Tehran Times added, alluding to former President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the accord in 2018.

The original agreement, which placed temporary restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for removing sanctions on Iran, was forged in 2015 under President Obama and implemented in 2016. Five other countries were also part of the agreement – including Russia and China. Many experts and U.S. officials, however, believed all along that Iran would use the lenient terms of the agreement to build nuclear weapons — a charge Tehran denies.

One of the chief critics of the deal was then-candidate Donald Trump, who made withdrawing from the deal a pillar of his foreign policy agenda throughout his 2016 campaign. When he did finally remove the U.S. from the deal in 2018, the move was celebrated by Middle East allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. However, in another return to Obama-era foreign policy, the Biden administration has made reviving the deal one of its chief goals.

In these new negotiations, Iran had demanded a legal pledge that the U.S. wouldn’t quit the nuclear deal again. U.S. officials have consistently said no president can legally tie the hands of a successor without a treaty, which would require the support of two-thirds of the Senate — a nonstarter given strong Republican opposition to the deal and the likely “no” votes of a few Democratic senators as well.

However, it appears Biden’s negotiators, led by Rob Malley, have found a workaround to appease Tehran’s demand, with the help of none other than the Russian government, which the Biden administration has been publicly excoriating for weeks.

One option discussed at Vienna was having Russia hold Iran’s stockpiles of enriched uranium and give it back to Iran if the U.S. ever backs out of the deal and reimposes sanctions.

That plan is still possible, although it’s unclear what quantity of nuclear materials would be sent to Russia and what would remain in Iran. What is clear is that, after Trump’s withdrawal, Iran is pushing for an agreement that will allow the regime to ramp up its nuclear program without delay in the event a future White House quits the agreement.

Since the U.S. and Iran have been negotiating indirectly in Vienna over the nuclear deal, Russia has been able to play an influential role with both sides. Malley and his Russian counterparts have been quietly collaborating even as the U.S. ramps up its pressure campaign on the Kremlin.

Iran is reportedly weeks away from having enough fissile material for a bomb and, according to the Institute for Science and International Security, has enough highly enriched uranium to produce multiple nuclear weapons.

The Biden administration has estimated that, under the new deal, Iran will be six to nine months away from enriching enough uranium for a bomb — if the regime doesn’t cheat by violating its terms covertly. Israel believes Iran’s breakout time will be shorter, just four to six months. The original deal back in 2015 had the figure at around 12 months.

In exchange for Iran curbing its nuclear program, the regime will receive large-scale sanctions relief under the new accord, with economic penalties being removed on some of Iran’s most notorious human right abusers and terrorist masterminds.

The Biden administration has also reportedly agreed under the new deal to lift an array of U.S. terrorism sanctions on Iran and may remove Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the foreign terrorist organization list. Biden’s team is also preparing to lift sanctions imposed by the Trump administration on the office of Iran’s supreme leader, according to people familiar with the matter.

These ideas have been in play for months. In a report written by the Iranian Foreign Ministry for Iran’s parliament last summer, officials said the Biden administration was prepared to lift not only sanctions waived by the nuclear deal but also the additional penalties imposed by the Trump administration — even those unrelated to Iran’s nuclear program.

All told, if the deal is finalized, Iran stands to receive a windfall of tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief, perhaps north of $100 billion. Notably, the regime allocated much of its newly unlocked money in 2015 and 2016 to its military and the IRGC for repression at home and aggression abroad. There’s every reason to believe Tehran will have the same priorities this time around.

Biden’s actions also fly directly in the face of the more than 1,000 veterans and family members of those killed or wounded in battle who earlier this year asked the Biden administration not to release any frozen funds to Iran until the regime first paid some $60 billion in judgments owed to American victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism.

According to the Tehran Times, Iran will have “weeks” to verify the removal of U.S. sanctions before having to implement its own commitments. In other words, after promising early in his presidency not to lift any sanctions on Iran until the regime halted uranium enrichment (a promise already broken multiple times), Biden is apparently willing to let Iran gets its money before curbing its nuclear activities.

The original 2015 nuclear deal was already deeply flawed. But this new deal being negotiated by Biden’s team will include all those flaws in addition to further concessions. In other words, the U.S. is poised to pay more upfront with less time until the shackles are taken off Iran. Biden’s deal will be worse than Barack Obama’s.

It’s easy to see why Russian and Iranian negotiators are celebrating the way negotiations have gone in Vienna.

“Iran got much more than it could expect,” said lead Russian negotiator Mikhail Ulyanov. “Much more. … Realistically speaking, Iran got more than frankly, I expected, others expected. This is a matter of fact.” It’s never a good sign when your adversaries are almost giddy about the deal you’ve given them.

Even as the U.S. media touts Biden’s sanctions against Russia as “devastating,” for Putin, Khoshcheshm believes that Russia’s war in Ukraine has forced the U.S. to “retreat” and “give in to Iran’s requested terms for a deal.”

Nonetheless, expect Biden, Malley, and Democrats in Congress to soon join in the celebration should the deal become finalized, which is expected in the coming days. Even though the deal will pave a path for Iran to go nuclear while being richer and better armed, that’s all secondary: Reviving the nuclear accord has become a matter of honor and an ideological imperative for Democrats, U.S. interests be damned.

As a result, Iran is set to have a couple of great years ahead. The situation could prove to be a nightmare for Biden’s successor. But who cares? That’s what kicking the can down the road is all about.

Simon Maas is the pen name of a writer living in Virginia. 

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Barbara Plunkett Turner
Barbara Plunkett Turner
2 years ago

Someone who hasn’t a lot to lose 2 people for each idiot in charge, Biden then Putin, rush in, throw a net over each of them and dash them off to Assisted Living! Done. Stop this nonsense and bring peace to the world. Hey don’t look at me, with gas the way it is, I can barely afford to go to the grocery store.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden should be brought up on CHARGES OF TREASON for COLLUDING WITH OUR ENEMIES, RUSSIA & IRAN!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

HA! I could make a better deal than Joe Biden concerning the nuclear development program that Iran is engaging in. My plan would be more productive to boot!

Here is my suggestion for a nuclear deal with Iran. Release all money that was impounded for immediate transfer to Iran. Limit any investigation into Iranian nuclear research to the empty desert areas so that Iranian citizens aren’t unduly alarmed. Include 200 billion more American dollars to show good faith to the Iranians. Give Iran (100) American nuclear devices that are small enough to be trucked, say ….. into Israel.

I’m almost sure that the Iranians would sign such an agreement, and this would make all parties feel that such straightforward political negotiation is the best way to resolve security concerns.

I really don’t know why Joe Biden’s people have been dragging their feet on this issue so long.

Paul Kruger
Paul Kruger
2 years ago

No one will ever get me to believe that 81million Americans, a record turnout, voted for this worthless useless, corrupt conman who has been on the wrong side of every major issue in his entire career.

2 years ago

Israel will be forced to act if the timetable is that close. Our treason party will condemn them harshly and refuse to provide war material when a wider conflict ensues. This is what happens when we are led by weak and corrupt people. Carter had every justification to invade iran after they took our embassy. He could’ve quoted truman that if a hair on the heads of our people was harmed iran would experience a “rain of ruin”. For good measure he mightve promised that every mullah would be publicly mated with a swine.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

Folks, isn’t it evident that ANYTHING loser Biden states is a lie !!!!!! The entire dirty Socialist Dem party lies, cheats and blames others for their failures !!!!!!!

2 years ago

Only Iran (with Russia and China standing behind) will make out with this deal. The Iranians took Obama to the cleaners just as they are taking O’Biden. The Israelis will continue to do what is necessary with or without USA support against the Iranians. Eventually the Iranians will be able to threaten or close off Persian Gulf to oil traffic. In our country’s current energy condition, I hate to see what would happen if the Persian Gulf was cut off.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Biden has not yet done one single thing for the benefit of our country. Why should we expect him to do so now? He’s a globalist who has never and will never put America First.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If those in our government who say they’re against this Regime don’t take the steps allowed them in our Constitution to take these traitors down, and see that everyone of them are brought up on charges of treason and convicted, and then sentenced to death by firing squad; if they don’t do this, and soon, I don’t believe this country is going to escape God’s wrath NOW than later. These demons in our government are against Israel, and I don’t believe God will stand for it.
Pray we are ready and our loved one’s and friends will have been Saved when our King, the Lord Jesus Christ comes.
‘Except those days should be shortened, will no one survive; and for the Elects sakes the days will be shortened.’ I believe at this time is the Rapture of Christ’s Church.

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

Here’s a novel thought. Impeach Biden now for his dementia, then impeach Harris for her incompetence, then Pelosi for her treason.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

has he done one thing that is not a disaster

2 years ago

Traitors is all I have to say about biden and his evil regime

2 years ago

Biden is an incompetent jackass who doesn’t know what he’s doing and doesn’t even know where he is most the time.

2 years ago

Very informative article, thank you!
Not surprised, because joebama and the marxist democrats continually lie.
They are anti American, anti God given rights and consider Real Citizens the enemy.
I pray We the People stop being used, abused and reclaim control of Our Country by THROWING THEM OUT!!

2 years ago

In other words, everything is going according to plan to destroy America and “Build Back Bolshevik”. Biden and the rest of the lying, Godless Globalists in the Demo/Globalist party planned all that is happening so they can get America into the one-world government to be run in the not to distant future by the Anti-christ. The Demo/Globalist party is made up of very evil, wicked people who are controlled by Satan. One of the most evil is Cackling Kamala.

2 years ago

Washington communist party is willing to destroy America by cutting our power and making a deal with Iraq and Venezuela. We don’t have to worry about a nuclear war we need to worry about America being destroyed from within

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been producing no matter whose in office day 1 IE nuclear weapons

2 years ago

So here we go again, this time a back door deal by joebama and the marxist democrat party , last time it was obama secretly flying in 1.6 billion to a regime that supports terrorism around the world!
The marxist democrats are dishonest,corrupt, anti american,self serving ,arrogant liars who continually deceive the Citizens and the “fake news” media spews their propaganda daily!
Wake up America – look at the lies and destruction these traitors are involved in and THROW THEM OUT!
They are destroying America, threatening Freedom and Our God given rights, their failed policies are creating a more dangerous and unstable World and a globalist government first agenda.
America First, America Strong , American Citizens welfare is what we pay them to protect and promote , NOT their personal greed or marxist party interests!

2 years ago

I would have to believe that the people of the U.S. will start to wise up to the ongoing attempts by this administration to cave in to any “threat”. Unfortunately many don’t seem to care. Roll over and throw money at the issue. Too many people have gotten used to taking the position of bending over and grabbing their ankles. Well folks is this inflation,daily increases in the price of fuel(gas,diesel,heating oil),increased cost of electricity,and food finally getting your attention? Sad state of affairs when we accept such an abject situation and blame everyone except the persons who caused it.WAKE UP.

2 years ago

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

2 years ago

Biden and his Marist radical cabinet will be the destruction of America as we know it. The only thing Biden has done successfully since he was elected was to shit in his pants when he visited the Pope and Let out a huge loud fart in front of Prince Charles’s wife Camila. The rest of the world is laughing at us…

2 years ago

Brandon needs to drop Dead also Giggles and Nancy no teeth. Add Chuckie Schmuck Shumer too. Sick of it all.

2 years ago

Brandon won’t let this happen on “his watch”. What about all those hours during the day when his dwindling brain cells check out and take those visible “naps” we see during news conferences? Russia or China could nuke half the world and our moron president wouldn’t know it. He’d be down in his basement eating ice cream and counting his toes. What a perfectly despicable human.

Barbara Plunkett Turner
Barbara Plunkett Turner
2 years ago

Someone who hasn’t a lot to lose 2 people for each idiot in charge, Biden then Putin, rush in, throw a net over each of them and dash them off to Assisted Living! Done. Stop this nonsense and bring peace to the world. Hey don’t look at me, with gas the way it is, I can barely afford to go to the grocery store.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden should be brought up on CHARGES OF TREASON for COLLUDING WITH OUR ENEMIES, RUSSIA & IRAN!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

HA! I could make a better deal than Joe Biden concerning the nuclear development program that Iran is engaging in. My plan would be more productive to boot!

Here is my suggestion for a nuclear deal with Iran. Release all money that was impounded for immediate transfer to Iran. Limit any investigation into Iranian nuclear research to the empty desert areas so that Iranian citizens aren’t unduly alarmed. Include 200 billion more American dollars to show good faith to the Iranians. Give Iran (100) American nuclear devices that are small enough to be trucked, say ….. into Israel.

I’m almost sure that the Iranians would sign such an agreement, and this would make all parties feel that such straightforward political negotiation is the best way to resolve security concerns.

I really don’t know why Joe Biden’s people have been dragging their feet on this issue so long.

Paul Kruger
Paul Kruger
2 years ago

No one will ever get me to believe that 81million Americans, a record turnout, voted for this worthless useless, corrupt conman who has been on the wrong side of every major issue in his entire career.

2 years ago

Israel will be forced to act if the timetable is that close. Our treason party will condemn them harshly and refuse to provide war material when a wider conflict ensues. This is what happens when we are led by weak and corrupt people. Carter had every justification to invade iran after they took our embassy. He could’ve quoted truman that if a hair on the heads of our people was harmed iran would experience a “rain of ruin”. For good measure he mightve promised that every mullah would be publicly mated with a swine.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

Folks, isn’t it evident that ANYTHING loser Biden states is a lie !!!!!! The entire dirty Socialist Dem party lies, cheats and blames others for their failures !!!!!!!

2 years ago

Only Iran (with Russia and China standing behind) will make out with this deal. The Iranians took Obama to the cleaners just as they are taking O’Biden. The Israelis will continue to do what is necessary with or without USA support against the Iranians. Eventually the Iranians will be able to threaten or close off Persian Gulf to oil traffic. In our country’s current energy condition, I hate to see what would happen if the Persian Gulf was cut off.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Biden has not yet done one single thing for the benefit of our country. Why should we expect him to do so now? He’s a globalist who has never and will never put America First.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

If those in our government who say they’re against this Regime don’t take the steps allowed them in our Constitution to take these traitors down, and see that everyone of them are brought up on charges of treason and convicted, and then sentenced to death by firing squad; if they don’t do this, and soon, I don’t believe this country is going to escape God’s wrath NOW than later. These demons in our government are against Israel, and I don’t believe God will stand for it.
Pray we are ready and our loved one’s and friends will have been Saved when our King, the Lord Jesus Christ comes.
‘Except those days should be shortened, will no one survive; and for the Elects sakes the days will be shortened.’ I believe at this time is the Rapture of Christ’s Church.

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

Here’s a novel thought. Impeach Biden now for his dementia, then impeach Harris for her incompetence, then Pelosi for her treason.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

has he done one thing that is not a disaster

2 years ago

Traitors is all I have to say about biden and his evil regime

2 years ago

Biden is an incompetent jackass who doesn’t know what he’s doing and doesn’t even know where he is most the time.

2 years ago

Very informative article, thank you!
Not surprised, because joebama and the marxist democrats continually lie.
They are anti American, anti God given rights and consider Real Citizens the enemy.
I pray We the People stop being used, abused and reclaim control of Our Country by THROWING THEM OUT!!

2 years ago

In other words, everything is going according to plan to destroy America and “Build Back Bolshevik”. Biden and the rest of the lying, Godless Globalists in the Demo/Globalist party planned all that is happening so they can get America into the one-world government to be run in the not to distant future by the Anti-christ. The Demo/Globalist party is made up of very evil, wicked people who are controlled by Satan. One of the most evil is Cackling Kamala.

2 years ago

Washington communist party is willing to destroy America by cutting our power and making a deal with Iraq and Venezuela. We don’t have to worry about a nuclear war we need to worry about America being destroyed from within

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been producing no matter whose in office day 1 IE nuclear weapons

2 years ago

So here we go again, this time a back door deal by joebama and the marxist democrat party , last time it was obama secretly flying in 1.6 billion to a regime that supports terrorism around the world!
The marxist democrats are dishonest,corrupt, anti american,self serving ,arrogant liars who continually deceive the Citizens and the “fake news” media spews their propaganda daily!
Wake up America – look at the lies and destruction these traitors are involved in and THROW THEM OUT!
They are destroying America, threatening Freedom and Our God given rights, their failed policies are creating a more dangerous and unstable World and a globalist government first agenda.
America First, America Strong , American Citizens welfare is what we pay them to protect and promote , NOT their personal greed or marxist party interests!

2 years ago

I would have to believe that the people of the U.S. will start to wise up to the ongoing attempts by this administration to cave in to any “threat”. Unfortunately many don’t seem to care. Roll over and throw money at the issue. Too many people have gotten used to taking the position of bending over and grabbing their ankles. Well folks is this inflation,daily increases in the price of fuel(gas,diesel,heating oil),increased cost of electricity,and food finally getting your attention? Sad state of affairs when we accept such an abject situation and blame everyone except the persons who caused it.WAKE UP.

2 years ago

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

2 years ago

Biden and his Marist radical cabinet will be the destruction of America as we know it. The only thing Biden has done successfully since he was elected was to shit in his pants when he visited the Pope and Let out a huge loud fart in front of Prince Charles’s wife Camila. The rest of the world is laughing at us…

2 years ago

Brandon needs to drop Dead also Giggles and Nancy no teeth. Add Chuckie Schmuck Shumer too. Sick of it all.

2 years ago

Brandon won’t let this happen on “his watch”. What about all those hours during the day when his dwindling brain cells check out and take those visible “naps” we see during news conferences? Russia or China could nuke half the world and our moron president wouldn’t know it. He’d be down in his basement eating ice cream and counting his toes. What a perfectly despicable human.

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