
National Security , Newsline

Biden Tries to Be the Hero of His Own Crisis

Posted on Friday, October 20, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

President Joe Biden receives a briefing on the Iron Beam Air Defense System Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

After years of appeasing Iran and empowering the regime to fund its terrorist proxies, including Hamas, Joe Biden traveled to Israel and delivered an Oval Office address this week in a shameless attempt to paint himself as the hero of a crisis he created.

Following a series of brutal attacks on Israeli civilians that began on October 7, Biden has sought to publicly portray himself as a staunch ally of Israel. Shortly after the attacks, Biden stated in an X post that his “support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.” In Tel Aviv on Wednesday, and again on Thursday evening from the White House, the president offered his support for Israel and said he “wanted the people of Israel – the people of the world – to know where the United States stands.”

But much like Biden’s public pronouncements in the wake of the Afghanistan disaster that permanently damaged his credibility, Biden’s statements fly in the face of his own actions and record.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Hamas’s assault on Israel was planned and coordinated with help from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – just the latest instance of Iran orchestrating an act of terror in the Middle East. Iran-backed militias killed one out of every six U.S. troops who died in Iraq. Iran also funds Hezbollah, a terrorist group in Lebanon that has openly backed Hamas, to the tune of $700 million per year.

Yet despite the Iran’s explicit efforts to abolish the state of Israel and kill American citizens, Biden has consistently offered colossal concessions to the regime in an increasingly desperate attempt to revive the Obama-era Iran Nuclear Deal – a deal Israel has pleaded with Biden to abandon.

Soon after taking office, Biden rescinded most of the Trump-era sanctions on Iranian oil, resulting in tens of billions of additional dollars every year for the regime to fund its terrorist proxies. Around the same time, Biden restarted U.S. aid money to the Palestinians, shipping $235 million taxpayer dollars to Hamas-controlled territory despite warnings from his own State Department that this money would be used to fund terror campaigns

Just one month before Hamas began its assault, Biden also released $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets in exchange for five hostages. This glaring sign of weakness let Hamas and Iran’s other proxies know that the United States is willing to negotiate with terrorists and encouraged more hostage taking like what has occurred in Israel.

Biden’s State Department was also reportedly infiltrated by Iranian agents who obtained access to highly classified government documents and influenced Biden’s Iran policy.

Moreover, Jack Lew, Biden’s pick to become the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel, is a staunch proponent of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal and has a record of actively helping Iran evade the sanctions that did remain in place under Obama, including during the time Lew served as Obama’s chief of staff.

Yet despite this record of stabbing Israel in the back and cozying up to Iran, Biden jetted off to Israel and billed himself as a great leader of the free world. After empowering Iran and leaving Israel in a disastrous position, Biden expected the praise and adulation from the people whose lives he endangered.

Then, Biden returned home and pretended on national television that he has been taking a hardline stance toward Iran all along.  

In doing so, Biden built on a long tradition of Democrats playing the hero of their own crises.

Biden’s former boss, Barack Obama, memorably engaged in the same embarrassing charade when he spoke at a memorial service for fallen police officers in Dallas in 2016. Throughout his presidency, Obama constantly demonized police, ordered his DOJ to launch a sham investigation into the Ferguson Police Department, and propped up the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie that fueled the left’s war on police. Yet when that war led to a shooting that killed five officers and wounded nine others, Obama parachuted in and pretended to be the hero of the situation.

President Jimmy Carter tried the same strategy by promulgating a hardline stance toward the Soviet Union in his 1980 State of the Union Address following the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan – even though it was Carter’s own weakness that had emboldened Brezhnev to invade in the first place.

Biden’s efforts, however, are already proving even less convincing than Obama’s or Carter’s.

Even now as he tries to play the part of a great friend to Israel, Biden has refused to commit to reimposing Trump’s sanctions on Iran to deprive them of the resources to finance terror. Instead, during his remarks in Tel Aviv, and again in the Oval Office on Thursday, Biden lectured Israel to not “be consumed” by their “rage” – a comment that could be interpreted as a subtle warning that Biden’s support comes with stipulations about what tactics Israel can use to respond to the threat from Hamas.

Biden has also pledged $100 million in “humanitarian assistance” to Gaza and the West Bank – while offering no assurances that this “aid money” would not be intercepted and used by Hamas just like the other hundreds of millions of dollars Biden sent to the region. Meanwhile, in his speech Thursday night, Biden made clear that U.S. aid to Israel is being conditioned on Congress also approving tens of billions of dollars more in aid to Ukraine with no oversight for how that money is being spent.

With a dismal approval rating and a multitude of crises weighing down his re-election bid, Biden desperately needs to be the hero of this story. But the truth is, Joe Biden isn’t the hero of anything – and in this case, he’s closer to the villain.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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1 year ago

Still another 12 months before the 2024 elections. Plenty of time for yet another war to break out elsewhere in the world under Biden’s skillful watch. All created by Team Biden and their worldview policies that promote appeasement versus strength and rational policies. Will the next conflict be Taiwan being invaded by China? Will it be Iran announcing they are a nuclear power and threatening the world? Will it be an emboldened North Korea and China deciding that South Korea would be an easy target in this current environment and make a fine addition to the growing number of communist nations around the world? There are many other possible flash points around the world that this administration has emboldened in the last 2 1/2 years. It’s only a question of which one will be next.

1 year ago

Here is a news flash for old Dumba## Joe, you will never be my Hero, you Socialist, American hating, lying 2-Bit Moron, I wish I could tell you to your face about the wonderful America that I grew up in and the opportunities America has created for people from all around the World who came here LELGALY, all the while you have been feeding at the public trough and enriching yourself with foreign money and spending taxpayer money like a drunken Sailor, the difference is a drunken Sailor spends his own money.
You and your enablers, the Fake News Media, the rest of the lying weasel Democrats and a corrupt voting system are destroying a one Great America, people like your bunch are the very reason I left the Demonrat Party 50-years ago.
You can’t be everything to everybody when you are America’s biggest Embarrassment, a lonely man who when most people see you on Television just give you the old middle finger.
Sorry if I beat around the bush, I wish I could tell you how I really feel!
God Bless America, may it recover from Joe Biden who does not have one Constitutional value!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Another FANTASY WORLD for Dictator Beijing biden.
If he’s such a hero (only in his mind) then why did he doxx our soldiers just like obama did putting their lives in Danger?
Heroes don’t doxx our soldiers. So we have another example of Dictator Beijing biden giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
That’s your democrat so-called leader for you who fantasizes calling himself a hero.
President Trump NEVER exposed or doxxed our soldiers.

1 year ago

Biden and Hero does not go together.

1 year ago

Truthful, well written article, Shane.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Dems create crisis since Vietnam War to date

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Biden is like a fireman who starts a blaze, then runs in to be a “hero.” Everything is about him. Why else compare the beheadings of small children and rapes of innocent civilians with his son’s death by cancer?

1 year ago

This article is spot on. We don’t have time for BS voting Biden out of office, no time for impeachment by the books – He needs to be replaced immediately. He is incompetent to hold office and is spending our tax dollars like it was his own personal bank account. He is leaving us weak and vulnerable and we all know this, but he is still there. The Democrats don’t give a crap about us.

1 year ago

He looked like he could barely keep his eyes open. Based off his incoherent interviews, it’s quite apparent, he writing NONE of what he’s repeating.

1 year ago

Biden and the Socialist Democrats need to be stopped! All of the Democratic Party are Pathetic individuals!

1 year ago

This facsimile of a man lies as easily as breathing. Thats virtually a prerequisite for a leadership role in the treason party.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden has accepted the role as villain. He has to be banking on people’s stupidity to even think he could be re-elected. There are many helpers, making it easy for him.

Al Cote
Al Cote
1 year ago

Pres. Biden obviously assumes that we are all mentally compromised as he is!

1 year ago

Crooked Biden paid $6 BILLION to have Iran use Hamas Nazis, to attack Israel.
Crooked Biden gave $100 BILLION in oil royalties to Iran by lifting the oil sanctions in August, to finance attacking Israel.
Crooked Biden gave Iran the use of ballistic missiles by not extending the sanctions imposed 5 years ago which sunseted this past week, to attack Israel.
Then there’s the lifting of the nuclear technology restrictions that will allow Iran to build nuclear bombs, to attack Israel.
Now crooked Biden is doing a victory lap for promoting Iran, to attack Israel.

1 year ago

His $100 billion is totally wrong. It should be $60 billion for border control, $30 for Israel and $10 for the dancing pervert in Ukraine to launder for the Biden crime family. This old fool needs to be ousted along with his VP immediately.

1 year ago

A demented man who is a hero in his own mind. ( or what’s left of it )

1 year ago

How I wish all Americans would read your FACT-FILLED article and act on the truth they find there. And stop believing the blatant, in-your-face lies the left is constantly, grinningly spewing. Please keep up the excellent work. It might actually do some good.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Isn’t that what Demoncrats do? They create problem’s they think they already have the solution/answer to. Usually the problem is designed so they can pad their pockets in some way or another.
E.G. Remember the Stock Market fiasco where members of congress…mainly Democrat’s made million’s on the Market? They voted on and knew ahead of time we were going to give billions in arms to Ukraine. They knew the companies from which the munitions were going to come from, and they bought stock. I know that may be the wrong example to site in this case, but hopefully you get what I’m saying. If they’ll do something like that without regard for anything, all in the name of the all mighty dollar…what else would they do?

For those of you that think that doesn’t happen, that their looking out for our best interest…I own a bridge in New York I’m looking to sell.

1 year ago

That’s the way frickin’ demorats have always done, create a mess then say “my fellow ‘Mercians”, yada yada yada…brings to mind that old deceiver LBJ !

1 year ago

Presidential decisions should be abolished, not allowed, as this guy has created a debt we cannot pay, and caused harm to all Americans.
Changes in Congressional rules is also needed, so that the ass-hat decisions by the President must first go through them for exact approval, clearly stated, and when evaluation of compliance is done and shared with the public.
Not only do both the Senate and House ignore presidential assumptions of power, but so too do they. “Representativeness is n longer present, they all act as if some magical power is theirs. We vote them in and should be able to vote them out much more easily for their lack of informing, asking, and accepting input. The “lone rider” attitude sucks and must be curtailed.
Bring back elected representativeness! Or, send them packing, after-all it is our earned money they spend, and spend!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Joe Biden is the World’s Biggest Douche.

He has to go
He has to go
1 year ago

I mean this as a serious question. What has to be done to bring charges of treason against this America hating traitor. It seems to me that there are numerous things that he has done to be found guilt of. It is past time to do it. God help our country.

1 year ago

He has no sense in my mind. Talks out of both sides of his mouth. Would not trust him with my dog.

1 year ago

He is such a BUM!!!

1 year ago

Joe Bribem is a national security threat, way ahead of white supremacy. He is a legend in his own mind. Instead of helping the USA, he is trying very hard to destroy it.

1 year ago

Oké Joe cares more about Ukraine than any other country including America. He wants to come across as a leader that cares about the Ukrainians and Israelis but he doesn’t. He doesn’t even care about Americans that oppose his plan. Until he apologizes to these people he is not president of America. The man is sick only playing everyone for their money. In meantime America has become a nation that has been infiltrated by terrorists out of the middle east and possibly China. He never mentions the demonstrators, the squad in the House. No warnings to Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad even sending them humanitarian aid. It all sounds nice but this aid never gets to the people that need it. How much money and arms do we have to send to the Ukraine when ole Joe should have signed off on the Minsk accords before the war broke out 2 years ago. Ole Joe you gotta go.

1 year ago

Pathetic Democratic Socialist

1 year ago

Biden’s War on Fossil fuels has caused increases to inflation & oil price. Someone should explain what the spike in oil prices has meant to increased oil revenues to both Iran & Russia & one would think that these two countries are laughing at US policies of this administration. Anyone have a clue on what the game plan on fossil fuels is from this White House?

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Straight out of the democrat playbook: create crisis, then swoop in with the “solution” which always involves higher taxes and less freedoms.

1 year ago

More from the illegitimate occupant of the white house. Nothing that puppet does is legit, honest, or helpful to the citizens of the US in any way. The left will employ the same tactics as in 2020 in 2024 so don’t get your hopes up at all for an honest election or victor.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
1 year ago

The clown show continues and it’s not very funny. I am amazed that this administration keeps coming up with ways to weaken this country. Sad, very sad!

1 year ago

Biden is thoroughly disgusting by his Oval Office speech (lies) and he’s not convincing anyone that knows his past on previous dealings with Iran. Israel is screwed as long as democrats are in office. Obama was at the reins of this whole situation . Vile jihadist himself!

1 year ago

If a group of militant looking peoples attacked your neighborhood then what would be your response?

1 year ago

The Democrat way create a problem and pretend to fix it.

1 year ago

Joe Biden is no real friend to Israel!! He may pretend he is when the cameras are rolling!! Joe is a true liberal, a genuine Democrat who hates Jews but claims to be friends with Israel; who will lie about them until he is caught!! He will not be the hero in any story!!!! He and Obama released funds to Iran and they both knew none of that money would ever be used for nothing good!!! Biden is good at creating crisis but not good at solving any part of it!!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

Biden tries to be the hero of this own crisis but fails miserably.

1 year ago

To quote Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon”.

John D
John D
1 year ago

Biden is such feckless piece of shit trying to end conflicts he created
Him and his whole family are nothing but a plague on this country
they are liars, thieves and traitors and all should be sent to Gitmo
the people that support him are lower than gutter vermon

1 year ago

A masterfully written article, Shane Harris! This is telling it like it is!
And I really like the fact that the treachery of Obama and Carter are tied in to the total incompetence of the entire Biden regime.
The Democrat party and all those who vote for Democrats are a hot mess that this nation can get along very well without! I include in that all of the RINOs. “By their actions you shall know them.”

1 year ago

Worst President ever as well as being illegitimate.

Charles Kyle Brown
Charles Kyle Brown
1 year ago

Here’s a thought, Had Joe Biden been President say 1935 – 1943, we would not have the problems we have today.

  1. The Axis Powers’ would be ruling the planet, or at least in stalemate with Russia,
  2. Germany would have built and used the first atomic bomb on its enemies,
  3. The State of Israel would not have been established in 1947,
  4. The man that became my father would not have existed, due to Biden’s cut and run policies with American soldiers and allies.

So, what do we have to worry about?

1 year ago

Joe, you can’t be the villain and the hero both!!! And in all stories involving you, you are the villain!!! There is no hero stuff going on in this White House!!! Hero’s save people, hero’s don’t put them in harms way, being kidnapped, murdered, or being left behind as in Afghanistan!!! Hero’s don’t create a crisis to try to be the hero of the story, hero’s wouldn’t allow something like Afghanistan or Israel happen!!! Joe Biden is a hero to no one with maybe the exception of Jill and Hunter!!!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden is a ZERO…not a Hero

leland patterson
leland patterson
1 year ago

biden is too ignorant to be any type of hero.

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

My information tells me the IDF is held up from invading Gaza because Biden has withheld Bunker Buster ordnance from the IDF in return for hundreds of millions of dollars in “Humanitarian Aid” to Palestine, which the Israelis refuse to provide–a Hold-Up.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
1 year ago

One thing about Joe Biden. He’s no Jimmy Carter.

1 year ago

The Progressive left are adept at creating chaos and anarchy, then spending more Government money at “solving” the problem. they have been doing this for ages.

Ed Schatz
Ed Schatz
1 year ago

Just an unusable blob of protoplasm occupying the Oval Office and humming his babble on the fake news channels
TRUMP in 24

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