
National Security , Newsline

Biden Pushes Toxic and Racist Theories on American School Children

Posted on Friday, April 23, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

racistWritten By: Joshua Charles

The Biden Department of Education has released a new proposed rule, and it confirms our worst fears: they are attempting to impose “woke” insanity on our children’s classrooms. While this new rule would apply to a limited number of programs, that number will increase exponentially if the “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (which we have previously reported on) passes. That legislation, among other things, will provide $1 billion in funding for various state education programs that incorporate “Critical Race Theory.”

The proposed rule explicitly praises Ibram X. Kendi, an “anti-racist” activist and “scholar” who has been at the forefront of the “woke” movement. A brief perusal of Kendi’s Twitter account will show that he interprets absolutely everything in American society through the lens of racism and oppression—in his view, people are merely the outcome of their group identity, which in turn can only be ascribed to surroundings, never to individuals. The proposed rule quotes him saying, “Antiracist ideas argue that racist policies are the cause of racial inequities.” In other words, disparities between different racial groups are always and everywhere the result of “racist policies.” And what have these “racist policies” resulted in? Inequity. The opposite of which is “equity” (hence why you keep hearing that word much more). And what is “equity”? It is equal outcomes between different groups of people. Therefore, in Kendi’s view, until outcomes between African-Americans and white Americans are precisely equal (because otherwise, there would be an “inequity”), then remnants of “racist policies” remain.

Naturally, the “Woke” conveniently ignore the fact that disparities between African-Americans and Asian-Americans are even greater than with white Americans, for this fundamentally disproves the thesis of “Critical Race Theory” that America is intrinsically and inherently built and maintained by white supremacy. But this movement is not about facts and evidence—it is about power, pure and simple. This is what one would expect from a Marxist worldview, which asserts that power is the only thing that truly exists—therefore, it is the only thing worth pursuing. And that is what they seek: the power to remake the world in their own image, to impose their abstraction on the real world, despite the fact that it is impossible to obtain. As African-American scholar and economist Thomas Sowell once observed, “If you can’t get equality among people born of the same parents and raised under the same roof, why in the world would you think you’re going to get it among people who’ve had such different histories and cultures around the world?” What we can’t achieve in our own families, the “Woke,” seeks to achieve across all of society through the power of the state. And they’ve enlisted the Biden Administration to do their bidding.

Naturally, these abstractions are fodder for power-hungry politicians, as they provide them with endless justifications for power-grabbing in pursuit of this never before seen “equity.” The strategy is very simple:

  1. Propose a never-before-seen, unattainable, yet seemingly laudable abstraction as the goal—“equity,” meaning equal outcomes among groups, the lack of which is always blamed on “racist policies”;
  2. Since this abstraction never has and never will exist in the real world, the pursuit of it can never come to an end—it will never achieve its ostensible goal; therefore
  3. The state is endlessly empowered to dismantle what it labels as “racist policies,” and impose what it calls “anti-racist policies” in its place.

Beginning to see why leftist takeovers often end up bloody? By principles such as these, the power of the state can be nothing but endless.

The proposed rule goes on to state that the Department of Educations seeks to “Support the creation of learning environments that validate and reflect the diversity, identities, and experiences of all students.” [Emphasis added] Objective morality and fact play no part in such a rule and apparently no part in this new Orwellian system of education it seeks to bring about.

Under the new Biden rule, the culture war that is tearing apart our society will now become the norm in our classrooms. A common American identity is being dismantled in favor of (supposedly) the validation of all perspectives. Our national motto E Pluribus Unum—”Out of many, one”—will now apparently be E Pluribus plural—”Out of many, many more.”

The proposed rule also specifically cites and praises the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which claims that the essence of American history is racism and oppression, which means our country must necessarily be “transformed,” as Kendi himself called for after the Chauvin verdicts were announced. But the 1619 Project has been slammed by many eminent historians (including Gordon Wood). “We all want justice, but not at the expense of truth,” Wood wrote. Wood and others have skewered many of the 1619 Project’s most basic claims—and yet it is this same project that the Biden Administration proposed rule praises and encourages to be adopted in school curriculums across the country.

It’s no wonder then that the first item on the first priority of the proposed rule are programs that “take into account systemic marginalization, biases, inequities, and discriminatory policy and practice in American history.” This is, in essence, the roundly refuted 1619 Project that the rule itself praises.

As we saw several nights ago, the President of the United States has openly and unabashedly endorsed the “Woke” idea that America is “systemically racist.”

As scholar and columnist Stanley Kurz recently stated, “We are set for a huge showdown over federal efforts to press leftist action civics and Critical Race Theory on the states.”

We must not lose.

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Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
3 years ago

No matter what rules Biden pushes no matter what the school pushes the parent’s choice are either a send your child to a private school b homeschool or see try to brainwash him after they go to school

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Children should never be taught what to think. They should be taught how to think.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Dems pushing Systematic Racisim since 1866 to date

3 years ago

If you Grandparents and Your Adult Children And The Grandchildren are not removed from these Communist/Marxist Public Schools and many Privates Schools we will never win this WAR against This Evil In DC. Citizens and Parents then need to go into these Schools and Get this Marxist Filth removed permanently from the Curriculum. When the push went to remove, God, prayer, Pledge to USA Flag, That Void has now been Fully Filled with this Evil Marxist Take over. Biden is simply a Mouth Piece for obama and all connected with and through obama. Stop Sitting at home, get up and get busy cleaning up your communities.

3 years ago

Wrong again and they know it. Taking orders from evil and implementing them so they are evil. Not American values so what is Biden?

Tangie R Mann
Tangie R Mann
3 years ago

“Every white man knows his time is up,” snapped the frail-looking Negro in the embroidered pillbox to 5,500 Negroes packed into Manhattan’s St. Nicholas Arena one hot afternoon last week. “I am here to teach you how to be free. Yes, free from the white man’s yoke. We want unity of all darker peoples on the earth. Then we will be masters of the United States, and we are going to treat the white man the way he should be treated.” Roared the crowd: “That’s right! More! More!” For more than two hours, as shouts and applause rose in regular cadences, the scowling, incendiary speaker obliged by pouring out his scorn upon all “white devils,” “satisfied black men,” the “poison” Bible, Christianity’s “slave-master doctrine,” and America’s “white for white” justice.
The purveyor of this cold black hatred is known to some 70,000 Negro followers (he claims 250,000) in 29 U.S. cities as Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, head of a stern, demanding, disciplined black-supremacist religious sect called “the Moslems.”* Calmly feeding the rankling frustration of urban Negroes, the Moslems reach deep among the least-educated, lowest-paid Negroes jammed into big-city slums from Harlem to Los Angeles. Muhammad’s virulent anti-Americanism and antiSemitism, plus his elite corps of dark-suited, shaven-polled young “honor guards,” has lifted him well beyond the run-of-the-street crackpot Negro nationalist groups. The Moslems are of rising concern to respectable Negro civic leaders, to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to police departments in half a dozen cities, and to the FBI.
Men Named “X.” Elijah Muhammad was born Elijah Poole, son of a Baptist minister, in Sandersville, Ga. on Oct. 7, 1897, later moved with his family to Detroit. One momentous day, he tells the faithful, he met one Fard Muhammad, who revealed himself to be “Allah on earth”—on earth, that is, just long enough to pick the “messenger” for his black-supremacy doctrine. Messenger Elijah dropped his “slave-master name” of Poole, took up the spiritual surname Muhammad (lacking religious surnames, his ministers just use “X”). He founded Temple No. i in 1931, but soon ran into difficulties.
Detroit police arrested him in April 1934 on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor (six months’ probation), and in November some of his would-be followers got disgusted with his teaching, drove him out of town. He set up permanent headquarters in Chicago, preached against the white man’s draft registration in World War II. When FBI agents tracked him to his mother’s Chicago home in September 1942, they found him rolled up in a carpet under her bed. He was in federal prison at Milan, Mich, for draft dodging until 1946, later made a play for recruits among ex-convicts. His New York leader, Malcolm X, once Malcolm Little, is an ex-convict who has been arrested for larceny in two states.

Tangie Mann
Tangie Mann
3 years ago

An ascetic little man, Elijah sternly demands that his followers give up tobacco, dope and alcohol, bathe often, pray toward Mecca five times a day, even if it means falling upon their knees in the streets. Moslem women should dress modestly, use no lipstick, never allow themselves to be alone in a room with any man except their husbands. Attacking all forms of dependence upon whites, Elijah set up a Moslem restaurant, cleaning business, barbershop, butcher shop, grocery store and department store on Chicago’s South Side, a cafe in Harlem, a cafe and a farm near Atlanta, also bought himself a luxurious, 18-room house near the University of Chicago. He founded “Universities of Islam” in Chicago and Detroit (the latter accredited by the local school board through the ninth grade) to teach his dogma to children and teenagers. Sample from his official temple creed: “There is no good in white men. All are the children of the devil.”
Muhammad also trained muscle. Each congregation has its “Fruit of Islam” force of young men, who take judo training in their temples, are commanded by Muhammad’s son-in-law, burly “Supreme Captain” Raymond Sharrieff. The F.O.I. protects its racist chief as if he were in constant danger of assassination. At each mass meeting, the F.O.I, frisks every male who attends, while “Sisters” in flowing white robes and headpieces stand inside a separate entrance (segregation by sexes also) to frisk each woman, put all potential weapons such as nail files in checking bags.
“Worse Every Day.” Muhammad’s doctrine of total hate found a ready medium in some Negro newspapers, which began to exploit Negro hopes and fears after the Emmett Till case. The Pittsburgh Courier, Negro national weekly, and the Los Angeles Herald-Dispatch, booming West Coast Negro paper, not only gained attention from his personal column, but also found their circulations boosted fast by Moslems who hawked the papers on street corners as a spiritual duty. Such leading Negro Harlem politicos as Congressman Adam Clayton Powell (pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church) and Manhattan Borough President Hulan Jack have curried Moslem favor, even though full-fledged Moslems are enjoined not to vote.*
Thus far the Moslems have been strictly law-abiding—a fact that worries some cops more than minor outbreaks of violence. “It’s getting worse every day,” says a Los Angeles police official, “and I only wish I knew what it’s going to take to light the fuse.” The Moslems themselves talk of 1970 as their DDay, expansively predict that before that time the big white nations will have eliminated each other with atomic warfare and Black Africa will stand unchallenged. Says Chicago Urban League’s Negro Director Edwin C. Berry: “A guy like this Moslem leader makes a lot more sense than I do to the man in the street who’s getting his teeth kicked out. I have a sinking feeling that Elijah Muhammad is very significant.”

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

I still can’t believe the American people voted for this loon.

3 years ago

I do not want any of my hard earned tax dollars to contribute to this lunacy! This must be stopped in its tracks along with all of the other anti-American activities being pushed by this Communist administration! They are violating the constitution of the United States and of the people! Impeach Biden, Harris (Antifa), Pelosi and Waters! Get them out of our government Now!

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
3 years ago

The problem isn’t race. It’s slum. versus non slum. I Have met and know a lot of good colored people and have also experienced slum in my own family. I’m
White I knew a beautiful colored lady who took care of z-3 family members who were sick and dying Her house was nice and it was clean And then my son married into trash. Definitely slum !! I’m not so sure my husbands people wouldn’t be considered trash or close to it.
It’s WHO you are not the race you are!!!

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
3 years ago

By trying to impose this kind of destructive, insidious, nonsense that would only destroy the America I was brought up in by brain washing our impressionable children, Joe Biden is not only a misguided progressive, he is an enemy who is trying to tear apart our country from within. A pox on him and his ilk.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

Equity is not the same as equality.

3 years ago

Only the biggest racists (Sharpton, Waters, etc) are the ones pushing crap like this. I don’t know anyone that dislikes a ‘race’….it is individual people they dislike. I do not like Sharpton or Waters but it is their big racist mouths and not their color that I dislike. Get off the racist train and just start acting like Americans again.

3 years ago

All but Satan driving the nails into the coffin of the USA. We shall collectively reap what we have sown. I would encourage we make America Great again by humbling one heart time and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. Today is the day of salvation he cometh quickly. Are you ready in spirit to meet him today? The issue is not politics it failure of human condition on grand scale.

Jan L
Jan L
3 years ago

Are there any sane Democrat Congress members? Or have they all turned woke (insane ) ?

3 years ago

I was taught at a very young age that we are ALL the same. We come in different packages. As a person who grew up with parents who never spoke against others or made derogatory comments against others, I am very offended by this Kendi person because HE is teaching hate! Millions are NOT racist but we are all being called racists . I am sick of it and it makes me very angry and I just want to smack sense in someone!

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

In order for Communism to succeed, the Evil Leaders and governments had to take total control of the schools and curriculum. They did it, and Communism was instituted in ONE generation. If parents do NOT take a strong stand and EMPTY the classrooms until control of schools is returned to the communities, Communism will succeed in America as well.

3 years ago

In, “Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World”, author Gary Demar states on page 6, “Like Hitler, Lenin saw the value in monopolizing education and bringing it under the exclusive control of the state. He believed that time was on his side. The old order would pass away along with its outdated ideas regarding religion, family and education. The process for change had to begin with the children. The sooner they could be taken from their parents and broken from their links to the past, the sooner the reprogramming could take place. In his Principles of Communism, published in 1847, Engels had advocated the “education of all children, as soon as they are old enough to dispense with maternal care, in national institutions and at the charge of the nation.” Mr. Gary Demar quoted this from, “Francis Nigel Lee, Communist Eschatology: A Christian Philosophical Analysis of the Post-Capitalistic Views of Marx, Engels and Lenin (Nutley, NJ): The Craig Press, 1974), 351. He was quoted as saying that there aim was to bring women and their children out of the home and into social society. It is no accident that this has been fulfilled with the so-called women’s liberation movement of half a century ago and that we find children at very young ages in Day Cares.

Ralph S Mills
Ralph S Mills
3 years ago

Was Horatio Alger a racist?

3 years ago

Biden is an ABSOLUTE MORON and a DISGRACE!!!

3 years ago

IMPEACH 46 !!!!!

3 years ago

Go to frankspeech .com watch Absolute Interference Join that platform (free) frank if you want Uncensored complete full News. Also the site theAmericanreport .org (remove space) News page is great, they also have a list of the best conservative sites for news along with this one. theconservativetreehouse is a really good place. Amac is way better than the other A organization but they still tend to use the daily News Narrative set by the Guys at the Control Booth, being the Ap News and Reuter’s, these site’s take their marching order’s from the Ruling Class, CIA, WHO and other alphabet soup organizations. Amac offer’s no solutions just sit at home and twist your hands, no get off the couch and go find out what is going on in your town, county, state, get involved go to the schools let them hear your objection, get other’s All of you go.

Miranda DeGroot
Miranda DeGroot
3 years ago

Worst POTUS ever!

3 years ago

All of this Wokeness needs to be expeditiously rejected by ALL educators and influencers of our young people! Critical race theory has absolutely no place in our education systems as this is a brainwashing technique to push racism into the minds of our youth and taken right out of Markism! This has no place in our United States of America! Reject! As a matter of fact destroy the propaganda and literature related to this destructive movement!

3 years ago

One thing the left has done and done well, is to intercept our young people during grades K-12. They have done so repeatedly harkening back to John Dewey, philosopher and educational reformer bent on progressive methods of indoctrination. Creation of Catholic schools, Academies, and Charter Schools have been the life and blood of a dying generation of young people.

3 years ago

The good thing about biden is that hardly anyone believes anything that falls out of his drooling mouth, and thankfully, nothing that he’s signed or said will take place for a while ~ time enough for the Senate to vote pelosi and schumers drivel far and away.

Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office
trump and the drug and opioid epidemic

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