
National Security , Newsline

Biden-Harris Border Crisis Now a Public Health Crisis

Posted on Monday, September 9, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Unknown to many Americans, this summer a major public health crisis quietly emerged in New England. Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile virus, two serious, third-world mosquito-borne diseases, have circulated in the northeastern United States, killing and hospitalizing unsuspecting Americans while spreading fear in surrounding communities.

The recent outbreaks serve as a glaring warning sign of the kinds of unintended downstream effects of the mass importation of illegal aliens from parts unknown. As individuals from at least 180 different countries enter our borders and invade our communities at the hands of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, they are bringing deadly diseases along with them.

The two mosquito-borne diseases now making the rounds in the New England region originated outside the United States. EEE has a striking fatality rate of 30 percent, while the West Nile virus is less deadly but often requires hospitalization and can cause long-term neurological symptoms. There are currently no vaccines available for either disease.

While neither disease is transmissible from human to human, the spread of the EEE virus has been attributed at least in part to recent urbanization trends, which have been significantly accelerated by the illegal immigration crisis. The 10-20 million migrants who have poured in over the last four years have brought not only EEE and West Nile, but a host of other diseases once virtually eradicated in the United States.

Reports have indicated, for instance, that illegal aliens have plagued America’s cities and communities with contagious diseases like polio, tuberculosis, measles, and mumps. As Tom Homan, former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under the Trump administration, recently observed, tuberculosis “is surging again in the U.S., after being well controlled in the past, at least in part because of the large numbers of people arriving from countries where [tuberculosis] is not well-controlled.”

Tuberculosis, which spreads through the air, has a fatality rate of 50 percent when untreated—and even when treated with antibiotics, often requires up to nine months for recovery.

Between 2022 and 2023, tuberculosis cases rose by a staggering 19 percent in Santa Clara County, California, a hotbed for illegal aliens. Public data shows that thousands of illegal alien children diagnosed with tuberculosis have been released into 44 states without treatment. As of 2023, a shocking 88 percent of tuberculosis cases in the U.S. were in people born outside the country. Border states like Texas—as well as non-border states like Florida—have seen notable increases.

“The fact that the country now has tens of thousands of immigrants with untreated [tuberculosis],” Homan writes, “is a ticking time bomb for public health.”

The return of polio is significantly more disconcerting. Though many Americans are vaccinated against the disease, which spreads through person-to-person contact, it can cause paralysis for those who have not received the vaccination.

Other illegal alien-heavy urban areas like Chicago and New York have seen increases in diseases like measles, mumps, chickenpox, and whooping cough. In 2022, a year and a half into the Harris-Biden administration, a man in Rockland County, New York, was paralyzed from the disease.

To make matters worse, as one public health official put it, “When we see one case of paralytic polio, that means there are probably hundreds and hundreds of cases that are out there in the community but not diagnosed, because 75 percent of the cases are asymptomatic.”

For a political movement that prides itself on slavishly supporting the biomedical security state and shaming Americans who refuse to conform to its “expert” guidance, the irony of the public health crisis wrought by the Harris-Biden border crisis could not possibly be greater.

Perhaps nothing encapsulates this irony more profoundly than recent reports that the face of the left-wing medical industrial complex, Anthony Fauci—who has routinely ignored or otherwise downplayed the devastating consequences of the border crisis—was infected with the West Nile virus. While every person of good will wishes Fauci a full and swift recovery, Americans should see the mounting public health crisis for what it is: the latest in a long series of examples that demonstrate precisely how unserious—and oftentimes dangerous—America’s “expert” class truly is.

As Americans gear up to head to the voting booth this fall, they would do well to remember this: The very same figures who strong-armed them into taking endless COVID-19 booster shots upon threat of losing their jobs and spent years feigning outrage over unscientific “public health” protocols like lockdowns and school closures are now actively endangering their health by way of importing millions of unvetted and unvaccinated illegal aliens into their communities.

When it comes to the border crisis, it’s not just Americans’ national security that is at risk – it’s their health, too.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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5 months ago

Oh boy!! Some more deaths to add to the slow joe and kackels records. I wonder it they have a tally board on the wall at the white house?? Sadly we can’t count the THOUSANDS of childen and women the demons have lost either. Reports have indicated, for instance, that illegal aliens have plagued America’s cities and communities with contagious diseases like polio, tuberculosis, measles, and mumps. This pure evil and communist favored actions by the socialist elite duo, right? Vote them out and save the Republic and our CHILDREN.

5 months ago

It is NOT a border crisis! Neither know what the meaning of BORDER is! It is NOT just a health crisis. It is a crisis about poor corrupt leadership elected by ignorant voters. Sorry!

Mortimer Snerd
Mortimer Snerd
5 months ago

Remember this IDIOCY when you vote in November……GET THE LIBERALS OUT!!!

5 months ago

The Democrats don’t care about human life or suffering, they care only about staying in power. To hell with everything else.

5 months ago

So Harris belives we now have a border crisis. I belive the Dems are playing words.. Is the border the physical on the ground? What about the planes they are flying in.
We have an illegal within our laws entry problem!

5 months ago

Well it looks like the liberal plan that ILLEGAL ALIENS invade our border for more votes just got tagged with a bonus. Now we have infectious diseases brought over so the liberals can declare a major medical crisis and shut our country down again. It very well could happen before Election Day, so VOTE EARLY!!! MAGA!!!

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
5 months ago

Epidemiology is something that involves everyone and those citizens who are intelligent and responsible can contribute to public health in significant ways by being alert to changes around them that give indication of being a health threat. This article about Eastern equine encephalitis and West Nile Virus is of great importance Aaron, it is appreciated . Being knowledgeable about anatomy and physiology ,at least the fundamentals , will help to protect this Nation from. disease related disasters. The next to the last paragraph puts some matters pertaining to public health in perspective regarding public health ethics and recent history of how the public health establishment made some significant errors that should not have happened .If truth was respected life would have better for this entire society. So, that is what needs to be done now — make improvements to public health that have strong ethical standards for the public health establishment to follow . And have a reverence for Truth that is part of the practice of Epidemiology . , keeping in mind that public health is part of National Defense and is something that helps to define National Character . In the spirit of Faith Family and Freedom.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
5 months ago

As leftist news agencies are now spouting, “She was never border czar.” How soon they “forget.”

5 months ago

& Yet On TOP of All Of this…THEY Have Imported Not Just DISEASES But a TRULY “”SICK & BARBARIC”” Culture….to INCLUDE Killing & Eating YOUR PETS! I Wish This Was a Lie, I Really DO, But It’s Not. Their “CULTURE” Their Ways & NOT LIKE Those of the United, Well, Once United, States of America. On Top Of Those Horrors, There’s More. More Who Will DRAIN Our Resources Not JUST In Medical But ALL Resources, ALL Jobs They Can SAVE The Greedy, Selfish, Anti-Americans LIVING HERE….Like the Wealthy DEMONRATS….& RINO’S…Can’t Leave out the RINO’S, They Are ALSO…Demonrats, Globalists & They’re The SAME. The Problems, the DISEASES, The Disgusting CULTURE & Barbaric INHUMANE “CULTURE & PRACTICES” Of These people? NO…Things, Sub Species, They DO NOT Align Nor Will They Ever Assimilate. Their Purpose & Goals Are FOR US TO…CHANGE, TRANSFORM & ACCEPT…I WILL NOT.

5 months ago

boy ,you really hit the nail on the head. It is like send in the clowns to distract the crowd while they flood our country with sickness and contaminate out nation with lawlessness. I believe GOD spared Donald Trump from that assination attempt to drain the communistic swamp that has taken over our government.

G Morgan
G Morgan
5 months ago

I Hope Trump brings this up at the Debates!

5 months ago

The NY Post had an article about the rise in Whooping Cough – imagine, a disease that was probably virtually eliminated in the US population prior to this massive illegal migrant influx. My grandmother’s infant sister died of this disease circa 1890 in a poor region of western NC. Who would have thought that this disease would ever again become prevalent in our nation following the rigorous vaccination requirements for all babies. We truly are devolving into a 3rd world dystopia.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

For at least 40 years now, I have been trying to make people understand that the greatest unspoken danger of illegal immigration is all the diseases these people are bringing in with them. In addition to the usual ones as mentioned in the article, since most of these people are from the tropics, they are bringing in diseases not normally found in this country and thus to which virtually no one has any natural immunity. And considering the fuss that was made over Covid, an illness with a death rate of less than 1/4 of 1%, it is important to note that many of these tropical diseases being brought in by the illegals have death rates of 20% or more. I am glad to see that someone is finally bringing up and discussing this long ignored issue.

5 months ago

The rest of you will be in the same place as sane people in CA.We are outnumbered and have no say.Eventually,after Democrats import enough poor immigrants into your state,you too will have no say.It’s coming.

5 months ago

good article.

5 months ago

We are beginning to see the tip of the iceberg that is going to sink America faster than the Titanic. The fools that allowed Biden and Harris to steam full ahead will cry and khash their teeth when they or their children and grandchildren get the diseases Harris let in

5 months ago

As a retired nurse, I knew this was going to happen. Anyone with a medical degree should have known this was going to happen (Like the idiot Anthony Fauci). While I do not wish anyone illness, it does seem to be ironic that he has been infected. Now maybe since it has “hit home”, he will influence the administration to wake up and stop the madness

5 months ago

FL became over run in the 1980s when Fidel Castro emptied his jails, prisons and mental institutions in the 1980s. These illegals brought diseases of all types into the state. My mom contracted a drug-resistant form of tuberculosis and passed away at the age of 53. There is no doubt in mind that the 10million plus illegal aliens welcomed by Kammie the Border Czar have brought drug resistant forms of, god-only knows what, diseases.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

You don’t have to be a Mensa member to figure that one out. What other outcome could there possibly be if the country is flooded with the third world material Lets not forget parasites of all sorts and all kinds of sex. transmitted goodies. Not only don’t we have border There is no leader in sight. The one who should become it is being assaulted on all fronts. I don’t think anyone imagined Biden and Harris causing so much evil. There are plenty of those refusing to see it.

5 months ago

what is it going to take for the run of the mill dumb as craps to see what their party is going to do th this country? bankruptcy, sky high prices, shortages, 10 -20 million illegal invaders and now at least 2 epidemics with up to 30% fatality rate. if you care about anyone your only vote has to be for trump. you may not like him, i don’t but he will keep the USA together for 4 more years. then maybe there is someone you like who also likes theUSA

Kathryn S Davis
Kathryn S Davis
5 months ago

I’m consulting my Prime Care doctor while I still have that privilege and beg for a new TB vaccine in event the 75-year-old one no longer works. It is just too late for me to be dying from TB. Oh, Trump/Vance please hurry.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
5 months ago

ANYONE who votes democrat has got the blood of American Citizens, and their pets, on their hands. THIS is exactly why we have immigration laws. It’s to check and vet those who want to come here to ensure they are not bringing diseases to our Country, along with criminal intentions.
I left the Democratic Party and went Independent almost 40 years ago because of the direction it was taking into the lying, scheming, cheating, socialist/communist party it has become today. You can’t believe anything they say and komrade kacklin’ kammy and good ol’ tampon tim are no exceptions. They are even worse because they change their position on key issues as often as one would change a sh*tty diaper. AND, they do it for the same reason, IT STINKS!!! They will lie and say anything to get elected and then they will revert to their true selves and screw over the American Citizens, as they’ve been doing for the last 20 years.
For crying out loud people wake up!!! Leave the democratic party and the demoncraps until they get away from this socialist and communist garbage they embrace. Nowhere on this planet, throughout history, has socialism or communism been beneficial and prosperous for the people of that country. These demoncraps are trying to reduce the USA to a third-world cesspool by allowing our Country to be overrun by illegal aliens and by redirecting our wealth to other socialist/communist countries. If the American Citizens don’t stop the lying, scheming, socialist/communist demoncraps now, our Country will cease to exist.

5 months ago

Biden-Harris Regime: The gift that keeps on giving!

5 months ago

Go figure…all the 3rd world crap and crude diseases crossing the border are causing a health crisis in the U.S…if you were expecting something different YOU have a major problem. Borders have existed since and probably before Biblical times, for one reason…keep disease out.

5 months ago

If someone tries to win an election by breaking immigration laws, they could conceivably benefit from our “Maybe Some Brains Would Help” program.
Of course, that may not move forward when the violated citizens ALSO find that that their criminal invaders are drenched in pathogens that make them ill, as well.. It’s the “Pathogen on the Invading Numbnuts” principle that can be seen at work.

5 months ago

This is insane!!

5 months ago

If only this kind of thing would register with those who do not get out to vote because they think there is no point. Family in California just went through another painful bout of COVID, fully vaxed but that does not seem to matter. And this was his worse bout yet.

5 months ago

measles, mumps, TB and polio

5 months ago

this is what happens when you let 30 million or more third worlders in to your country and i would add every american that loses their life or property should be made whole and jail those responsible here that political class and gov employees

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
5 months ago

These are the expected results that come from following the satanic perverse fools from the dark state, death!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
5 months ago

Because of all the illegal alien crossings and the lack of control of our border, mosquito born diseases have come into our country and it is killing our people and it is so abundant that our medical facility can’t stop this .and it is all because of the Biden -Harris regime and not keeping our border closed and Protect the American people from these diseases.And I would like to know how stupid we have to be to elect someone to office of President who can’t keep our border closed and keep out diseases that kill our people.When the Executive Branch doesn’t give a Tinkers Damn about the American People. And are only concerned with filling their pockets with American peoples money so they can become more rich while the rest of the American people die and stave to death.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
5 months ago

As voters we need to secure our country by sending Kamala and Timmy packing. Out of the country would be preferable given all the damage that is beginning to surface like America’s exit from Afghanistan for starters! Kamala was the last one in the room on that and was comfortable with what went down!! Trump had nothing to do with their mess. His administration had a plan. Joe got rid of that just like he got rid of Trump policy for our southern border! How do these liars sleep at night?

Barbara Durand
Barbara Durand
5 months ago

I presume that it is the children of the immigrants that are getting polio and measles and mumps because in the USA children are given these immunizations as a part of childhood medical care. Or did you decide that you did not trust those childhood immunizations?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Has Been so since day 1

5 months ago

The US Democratic Party is the party of criminality, misery, perversion, slavery, starvation, disease, destitution, and death.

5 months ago

Trump 2024!

Cecyle Callahan
Cecyle Callahan
5 months ago

How are the illnesses that we have immunizations for increasing dramatically? At such a high number? Do they really work? Have the illnesses changed enough to allow the immunized to become ill?
Why haven’t people learned how to remain safe with Covid-19? Wash your hands, stay away from anyone who might be ill, cover your mouth when you cough, wash your hands…the Government is failing and money will never help. People ignore the basics and people die from that. Face the facts and do what each one of us have been told to do not to spread anything.

5 months ago

Did y’all forget where these GMO SKEETERS came from???+

Rotorhead Greene
Rotorhead Greene
5 months ago

Pretty much says it all!!! Still the brain dead support this human sack lies and kackkels, what a world.

5 months ago

Well. They want us to be a third world country so….

5 months ago

Is it the open borders or is it Bill Gates misquotes?

David Nelson
David Nelson
5 months ago

Good going, Joe/Kamala@

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Nothing new, same thing happened in 2014 thanks to Obamas border policies of allowing unvetted, unmedically screened illegal unaccompanied minors into US:

Bob Putignano
Bob Putignano
5 months ago

I won’t waste my time leaving meaningful comments to people who hide behind a pen name like Aaron Flanigan; other than to say – Hey Aaron come out from behind the curtain.

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