
National Security , Newsline

Biden Flunks Leadership Test as Energy Catastrophe Takes America Back to Carter Years

Posted on Friday, May 14, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

energyThis week, the entire Eastern United States experienced something Americans have not seen since the disastrous days of Jimmy Carter: a widespread shortage of gasoline. As motorists formed long lines and filling stations put out “no gas” signs, the Biden Administration advised Americans that the growing calamity–the result of a hacked pipeline–was the private sector’s problem, not theirs and that it was not much of a concern in any event.

The new Secretary of Energy refused to characterize the situation as a shortage but stated it was a “supply crunch”–a line echoed by prominent media outlets even as Americans waited up to four hours in line to purchase gas.

Meanwhile, the administration continues to pursue policies that will drive up energy costs even now that the pipeline is back open–from canceling the Keystone XL project earlier this year to the disastrous components of the “Green New Deal” hidden within the infrastructure bill.

This sets the stage for more Biden-induced economic damage in the months and years ahead. No commodity has a greater economic multiplier effect than energy. Small increases in the price of energy can add up to major problems for consumers and businesses alike.

Consider a simple example. Imagine that you take your granddaughter to the park and, while there, buy her an ice cream cone. Your local stations may have gas, but the price per gallon has gone up approximately 60 cents a gallon since January. So, you’ve paid a bit more to travel to the park. But that is only the beginning.

The vendor in the ice cream truck has also paid more for gas to get to the park. A small business person cannot afford to lose money, so he had to pass at least a portion of that gasoline cost to you when you purchased the ice cream. Add to that the dairy truck driver that delivered the milk to the creamery, the frozen food truck that delivered the finished ice cream to the wholesaler, and the gas it took for the ice cream truck driver to pick up his supply of mint chocolate chip from the wholesaler. Each time any of these people had to pay significantly more for gasoline, at least a portion of that cost was passed on to you.

While this example is only about the price of gasoline, you can see how such costs across many transactions would quickly add up. Yet gasoline prices are only the beginning. Electricity prices have an even broader impact on the economy. Many manufacturing processes require a tremendous amount of electricity, with some industrial facilities consuming as much electricity as a small city. Therefore, any policy that causes electricity prices to rise, such as the “Green New Deal” policies supported by the Biden administration, multiplies throughout the production process and heavily impacts consumers. In the most significant cases, electricity costs can even drive factories and entire industries to other countries, taking countless jobs with them.

The Trump Administration understood this, which is why Trump’s emphasis on American energy independence was exactly the correct policy and a huge reason why manufacturing jobs were returning to America under his leadership.

But the cost of an anti-American energy administration is not just economic. Every aspect of life, including better educational opportunities, greater sanitary conditions, improved health, and longer life expectancy, can be correlated to energy availability.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration doesn’t seem to place a high priority on affordable energy production. They are charging headlong into a policy of eliminating fossil fuels.

This despite the fact that The Energy Information Administration (EIA) tells us that energy consumption in 2018 grew at its fastest pace in over a decade, with 70% of all gains coming from fossil fuels. In 2018 79% of all domestic energy production was from fossil fuels, while only 1.1% came from renewables.

As this administration ponders future energy policy, it should learn from the short-lived energy crisis caused by the pipeline shutdown. They can make all the naïve wish lists about green power they want. But if this crisis has not shown them that the nation runs on fossil fuels and that American oil and gas are not easily replaceable, then blackouts and truly catastrophic gasoline shortages may be in our future.

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3 years ago

I hope that President Biden learns a lesson from Colonial Pipeline disruption. He needs to add strength to our defense to stop Cyberattack like this. And I would hope , he will rethink his EO to shut down Keystone XL during his first week in office. He has too many irons in the fire & needs to start fixing some of the problems.

3 years ago

The USA was energy independent 3-4 years ago which was a huge feat for this country. People the same age as Biden should remember the Iran Oil Embarg in Seventies & learn from history.

3 years ago

Could’ve shortened the title to” BIDEN FLUNKS”..says it all

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
3 years ago

He really has no idea what he’s doing nor does he really belong in the White House they really need to get the man out to get the Democratic party out before there is no more America

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

I was glad to read yesterday’s article on the wrong things this administration is creating. My feelings are they must be stopped and if any American has a problem with that move to another Country!
We have the least carbon emissions of ANY Country in the World. I can’t wrap my head around why Biden

3 years ago

Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, was against domestic oil and natural gas production and did nothing but make the United States even more dependent and hostage to OPEC for our energy needs. Both an economic and national security issue. Carter was an international embarrassment and incompetent on so many levels, not just energy.

Joe Biden, a Democrat with cognitive impairments due to dementia, openly campaigned all through 2020 on a platform of being against domestic oil and natural gas production. A puppet of the so-called “Progressive” (Socialist) wing of the party that now owns the Democrat party. First day in office Biden sends a clear message that his administration means it and shuts down construction of a nearly competed pipeline from Canada to our southern coast refineries and ends issuing new leases for fracking on all federal lands. Energy prices immediately begin to rise and have kept rising, as the global market reacts to the reality that the United States’ production of domestic oil and natural gas will decline and we will once again become dependent upon OPEC in the near future. Biden is an international embarrassment, not only for his cognitive failings, but for all the bad economic and national security policies his administration are actively pursuing.

See the similarities? Don’t expect this week’s cyber attack on a pipeline to be a wake up call for the Biden administration. If anything, the people running this administration will likely double down on their ludicrous, progressive policies. They spelled everything out as to what they intended to do, should they control both houses of Congress and the White House. They are committed political ideologues with no experience or concern for the damage they are doing to the country. If anything, that damage is an intended feature of their policies.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

This country is allreddy ruind. Clinton,and Obama, and their Dems. has reall done a number on it. Biden can now finish it ofgf. The Socialst ,Comms. and Libs. are having a field day. Brainwashing and Propaganda by our newsmedia, I’m afraide it cant be fixed. Only a Revolution will fix it. .This wont help ,but will present a message. Flying the flag upside down, means in distress. Buy your flag stamps at the P.O. and put them on upside down. Thanks. Kyle L.

3 years ago

Biden flunks leadership test? Really, who woulda thunk. And, it’s always interesting how the left comes up with new phrases to cover their failures. As I have always said, they are the MASTERS of the blame game. Why am I even reading this article?

Jane CA
Jane CA
3 years ago

Isn’t it clear that Biden and his masters don’t want the American dream to survive. Impeach Biden and his cronies and let’s MAGA !

Real Catholic
Real Catholic
3 years ago

Where was this picture taken? Is “Do what I tell you to do” Joe ever in the White House?
Does anyone else think that pic is bogus or fishy?

3 years ago

Do you think that the New Green Desl will raise our prices for food, supplies and services 20,40 or 60%? What is the estimate and will the American people still vote for it once it starts rolling closer? Have bankruptcy rates started rising yet?

3 years ago

The enlightened “woke” millenials have never had to do without, but they are fixing to get a good dose of it and soon. I can remember sitting in line to get gas because of the shortage, and interest rates were around 10%….groceries were very high and peanut brain Carter had no idea how to fix it….same with the mentally incompetent fool that is now illegally in the White House…two of a kind, but at least Carter was not a communist.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

The current administration with a ” Manchurian Candidate ” used as the vessel to move this Marxist driven agenda forward very rapidly I might add, will ultimately destroy the Republic of these United States as we know them forevermore, unless we step up & stop them in their tracks.
76+ million disenfranchised voters for President Trump know this only to well, the 2020 Presidential Election was rigged long before it actually took place & yes, they got caught…
The audits taking place are already showing a glimpse of what is yet to come.
Currently there is a dual presidency in place as hard as that may be to fathom. At the right time & place this will be a military operation, the miscreants will be removed & a long list of arrests will commence moving forward & Trump will be installed as our rightful Commander in Chief & direct the military accordingly as per the US Constitution. There is light at the end of the tunnel & ” The Best Is Yet To Come… :~)

3 years ago

He looks like he’s praying. We wish he were but, we know better don’t we. Who was not mentioned in the blessing on National Prayer day? You know … the thing.

Rod Kuhn
Rod Kuhn
3 years ago

There is no scientific evidence (only “consensus” by liberals and gutless RINOs) that man-made carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels causes the climate to change. Rather than providing all the evidence here, please go to for real scientific studies.

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