
National Security , Newsline

Biden Attacks Police – Again

Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

It’s hard to believe Biden’s backflips on police. In 2020, Biden allowed “defund police” to grow, calling America’s law enforcement “systemically” racist. In 2021, he backed off. Now, despite record police murders, Biden plans an Executive Order (EO) crippling police self-defense, changing “use of force.”

Against the advice of every major police union, Supreme Court precedent, State and Federal statute, Biden hopes to impose on police a new standard for self-defense – in effect, raising personal risk, liability, and danger to all law enforcement officers.

The audacity of Biden’s move is breathtaking, in view of the triple threat presented to public safety by Biden’s current policies – record murders of police (including in 2022), spiking homicides, and elevated street crime. It suggests the Biden White House is stuck in ideological quicksand – utterly beholden to the far left.

On top of homicides jumping 29 percent in 2020 and high crime across major cities, murders of police officers rose 59 percent in 2021, and continue to rise.

Moreover, “a significant portion of those fatalities were ambushes, which were up 91 percent by mid-2021,” and “through April 26 of this year, gun murders of cops are up another 13 percent over … 2021,” while “shootings of officers, lethal and nonlethal, were up 43 percent ….

A leaked version of the EO reasserts “systemic” racism across law enforcement, while also putting men in women’s prisons (for transgender equity). It then pushes the new “use of force” standard, intended to hobble police response.

Even the New York Times writes: “Under current law, officers may shoot if they fear for their lives or those of people around them,” while Biden’s EO allows deadly force only “as a last resort when there is no reasonable alternative, in other words only when necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily injury or death.” Officers will be sued to prove “no alternative” and “imminent and serious” injury or death.

The effect of this new standard, forcing officers to risk death or wounding by withholding “use of force” when traditionally allowed, produces a cascade of effects endangering police and the public.

First, officers – already being shot in record numbers – will face greater danger. They will be forced to withhold self-defense and defense of others when confronting deadly force, or risk elevated civil and criminal liability. That is an unconscionable choice, particularly for peace officers.

Second, the likelihood grows that any officer, faced with such a lose-lose proposition, will delay, avert, and avoid engagements, raising civilian risk. This is especially troubling at a time when fear, crime, and civilian homicides are spiking.

Third, placing police at elevated risk for liability, death, and wounding adds to the pressure Democrats have already put on police morale, retention, and recruiting.

Fourth, the White House expectation is that demanding this new standard for federal law enforcement will push State and local police to accept it, since federal grants can be made conditional on acceptance of the federal standards, coercion.

Finally, this idea – an EO shaped by Biden, Harris, and White House advisors like Susan Rice to collar law enforcement in the name of “reform” – will drive the wedge deeper between Democrats and law enforcement, if not also the public.

Net-net, keeping up with anti-police sentiment in this While House – and among top Democrats – is hard.  Just when you think they may have learned “defunding” and blanket accusations are a bad idea, they trot out more bad ideas.

Simply put, Democrats are stuck in ideological quicksand, beholden to the far left, even as most of America worries about public safety, and dials 911. As a result, the political party dialing 911 after November, may be the Democrats.

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2 years ago

What is it going to take to remove this useless article and Obama from power? My son served in Afghanistan as a combat marine.He is now a cop and in more danger than he was in the “sandbox” thanks to slow Joe and the morons who voted for him!

2 years ago

My son was a combat marine in Afghanistan,he is now a cop in Washington State.Whats it gonna take to wake the morons who voted this phony gutless excuse for a man into office to wake up?My son and every other cop in this country are in more danger because of Bidens loony policies than if they were still in the sand box.sp

Rob Brown
Rob Brown
2 years ago

Joe just might start both a civil war and a world war at the same time. People are mad at dems.

2 years ago


2 years ago

So if a police authority is protecting a Democrat politician and is faced with an armed threat and they don’t shoot first and the “protectee” is harmed the police authority is not responsible?

2 years ago

The same Biden that used taxpayer money to build a wall around his house to protect himself and his loved ones?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

Joey’s an idiot, he doesn’t have a clue who he is or where he’s! If that’s the best the Democratic Party can come up with. That speaks volumes to how incompetent the whole party is.

2 years ago

Commie Joe live in La La land. He has the potential of destroying his Socialist comrades . I say more power to him ! …Bring it on A**hole !

2 years ago

Look this worthless POS has NO authority over local police agencies, NONE. They just need to tell him to shove it. I know the doj will try to sue and charge cops with civil rights violations, but I saw let them. He literally has NO redeeming qualities and that was before he had dementia. I loathe him and every single demoncrat in public life and most of their voters.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
2 years ago

There is something very wrong with these people! God bless their souls, they gonna need it!

mark sligh sr
mark sligh sr
2 years ago

I am half way between to large cities in ga. where murder , rape , robbery an property destruction are already higher than they have ever been , and the law cant find enough help fast enough to keep up with the problem because of the democrats and now they are just adding to he problem more ,, having the law just ride or walk around all day while drawing a paycheck is not what we need but thats what the dems. want ,, and weakening out military down to nothing is being pushed hard also by them ,, WE BETTER GET OFF OUR ASSES AND VOTE ,,,

Purple People Eater
Purple People Eater
2 years ago

The Flat-Liner in the Oval Office has done it again! He cannot keep a single cogent thought in what passes for his mind for longer than about 10 seconds, and now he wants to move the goalposts on the cops once more!

BTW, whose brilliant idea was it to put men — who swear they’re now women, even though all their “junk” is intact and still working!! — in women’s prisons (for transgender equity)? And how many “real” women are being attacked, such as the case on Riker’s Island last week, because — when suddenly faced with the golden opportunity, the so-called “women” suddenly realize — WOW!! — they’re really still men, and they grab their chance while they can!

Joe Biden is brain-dead. Turn him in any direction; he’ll mumble, “Oh, yeah!” and go wandering off following your pointing finger. Someone badly needs to point him toward his Wilmington basement, lock the door behind him, and toss the key in the Mindanao trench!

2 years ago

Biden and Harris have both lost their minds. If he enacts this Executive Order, it will do 2 things – more policemen and women will be killed or badly injured in the line of duty and there will be fewer hiring of new police officers and who can blame anyone for not wanting to be an officer, if they know that they cannot even defend themselves, but the criminals (who don’t care anyway) can shoot them. THIS IS NOT RIGHT AND CONGRESS SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Police officers are sitting ducks when they leave their homes to go on duty. I thank God that my police detective husband did not live to see this day.

2 years ago

This has nothing to do with the police or racism. It has to do with destroying America top to bottom and building back Marxist as part of the one-world government. The democrat party is made up of lying, Godless spawns of Satan. The demos don’t care how many lies they tell or how many they have to kill to reach their goal.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

So this is actually a Babylon Bee piece, right? You mean it’s not a joke? We’ve expanded beyond senile idiot to sadistic anarchist?

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Well when your part of a far left extremist cult like the democrat party there is no end to the stupidity that spews out of your mouth.

2 years ago

They want to get everyone fed up with the present police situation and push for a federal police force. That’s what’s behind all this defund the police stuff!

2 years ago

Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME???? WTH is WRONG with these people??? I have family in law enforcement and it is NOT an easy job. Do you KNOW the crap they have to put up with on a daily basis?? Wasn’t it Pelosi and the Mayor of Chicago who wanted to defund the police, yet they hired a large amount of security to protect them?? How is that NOT two-faced, or a double-edged sword? I truly miss the days when a police officer was respected and considered a role model. The problem does NOT lie with the police force, it lies with the lack of moral values and upbringing with today’s generations. Look at the young mob in Boston, the teens (one as young as 12 years old) who are basically terrorizing anyone walking in The Commons. No one is safe, they have ambushed an 80 yom, they terrorized a woman and her young child, the stories go on and on; yet, the police aren’t able to do anything but issue a summons to the 12yo. If her parents don’t control her, then what?? The law enforcement are NOT the problem, the CRIMINALS, MURDERERS, RAPISTS, THIEVES, DRUG DEALERS, etc. ARE the PROBLEM HERE!!!! if anything, the law enforcement needs the American Citizens to “BACK THE BLUE”!!!!! Now, I’m not going to be naïve, and say there aren’t any corrupt officers, but I would go out on a limb to say those are far and few in between. IMPEACH BIDEN!!! IMPEACH HARRIS!! IMPEACH PELOSI!! IMPEACH EVERY OTHER DEMOCRAT!!


2 years ago

More people will be moving to Florida for safety. DeSantis will not neutralize his police even if means reduced federal funding; he’ll keep his state safe.Here in Oregon, I am always armed. Last weeks’ Antifa attack at a GOP rally reinforced my belief to carry concealed. The Antifa thugs were armed and it took the police 20 minutes to arrive even though the police station was 2 blocks away. I’m considering buying light- weight body armor because it looked like the thugs had vests on under their jackets. These fascists are well funded and dangerous. Unfortunately, it appears that local government allows Antifa to operate with with impunity. I recommend that people stay away from Portland.

Adam Sanchez
Adam Sanchez
2 years ago

Instead of saying anything he should have Federal Powers look into the po

2 years ago

So this goes for all the different police forces that are guarding politicians also

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

It’s not biden it’s his handlers,it’s the corrupt nobamba,soros,peloosli herd that are preying on po’joey’s feeble mind.

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago

The Secret Service may not fire their weapons even if somebody is about to shoot Slow Joe. That’s awesome !!

2 years ago

Falls right in line with his “shoot ’em in the leg” nonsense.

2 years ago

The village idiot strikes again

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

All Dem Senators / Representatives, and some RINOs too, should be forced to work full day shifts for a week with police / deputies in inner cities. Biden, the ‘Ho,’ Wrinkle Face Pelosi, Shiff, Schumer, etc. too That should make ’em change their minds. The Secret Service should turn their backs on protecting these scum… ditto their private security at home. It’s sad that it’s the innocent citizens and dedicated police / fire fighters / EMTs etc who suffer. I D I O T S.

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
2 years ago

I have been convinced, since January 20, 2020, that Illegitimate President Joe Buyden (spelling is intentional, because of his criminal selling of influence) is intentionally trying to destroy American democracy, so that his masters can institute a left-wing fascist government in its place. It isn’t ONLY about reversing EVERYTHING Trump did; it is open, intentional, treason.

2 years ago

IMHO: I would only assume this increased risk for the police only applies to officers who are other than democrats who have get out of jail free cards.

As to who is racist, these democrat extremists who are hellbent on destroying the USA should look in a mirror!

I cannot see police officers going into battle with criminals without support from their superiors. The proper response for the police would be that ALL officers who are not democrats should either take an extended leave, retire, or resign and let the democrat officers handle the crime they are in love with. This EO will open up a brand new world enabling and encouraging criminals to commit their crimes without fear of police interference or incarceration, like they did in Portland and other democratically governed cities during their “peaceful” riots. The folks in democratically governed cities may like living in that type squalor to allow it, but I don’t. Honest and normal citizens had better arm themselves and be prepared to defend themselves, their family, their friends, and their property without hesitation or remorse. Most people outside of the major cities haven’t seen Hell yet, but if we continue to sit on our dead butts out here in “fly over” country, this establishment cancer will come, and it won’t be pretty!

The Second Amendment has never been more important than it is right now. The real Federal Government is limited by the Constitution to certain powers, and the Deep State is ignoring and violating the Constitution. State governments, City governments, and particularly the County Sheriffs, should resist interference from Federal atrocities like the ones that are being created by this Biden Sh!t (The Bull is fed up with taking the blame for everything, so call it what it is). It is now glaringly obvious what the intent of the Deep State Establishment (the democrat party, and most unions, are NOT what they used to be) is trying to do, and they even brag about it. Mass Formation Psychosis (Dark Persuasion, Mass Hypnosis, Group Think) techniques are very effective tools for dictators, and the Deep State Establishment knows how to use them…. obviously.

Wake up, overcome their ‘fear of everything’ psychosis, stand your ground, love your country and family, and get on with enjoying your freedom, your life, and the American Dream. The alternative will be a farce of a nightmare.

2 years ago

The police are doing the bare minimum based on all the policies that have gone against policing. If Biden is so against police, maybe any city he visits, the police should refuse to escort him. If he hates us that much, let him rely on his Secret Service detail and refuse police involvement.

2 years ago

So sad that politicians create a problem, then “Have a Solution” for the problem THEY created. In this case, jeopardizing the lives of Law Enforcement personnel. The members of this White House have NO IDEA what Law Enforcement is let alone what risk these HEROS deal with on a daily basis. Of course, this Dictator in the White House, will use Executive Orders, AGAIN, to impose his will, since he cannot get anything passed through the House and Senate!

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago


2 years ago

Sadly, this country is close to revolting against the government and politicians. Believe me when it happens the police and military will not be fighting against the people as these brain dead politicians think. They don’t realize police, law enforcement on every level and military take a solemn oath to protect the Constitution and all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our politicians are trying to destroy our Constitution, which make them domestic enemies. They politicians had better think twice, because the people will only take so much and they are asinine enough to think they will be backed by military and police.

2 years ago

Take bidens protection from him and see what happens.Biden needs to practice what he is preaching.

2 years ago

biden mr butt head is in his ass.

Gary Wager
Gary Wager
2 years ago

As a retired Chicago police detective this idiocy is directly why the murder capital of America has degerated to where it is

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

What is a real pejorative term for somebody this stupid?? And I will bet it doesn’t hold up in court. This is the order of a tyrant who is tromping on individuals and the STATES both!

2 years ago

“Biden does this..Biden has done that..Biden said this..And Biden said that.” – Being truly mature I dont buy all this 'buck passing' on Biden. I know for 100%fact that Biden does and says as he was - BIDDEN, by his bosses. He cant say or do anything without their approval. Biden cant even go to 'drop a deuce' without Jacob Rotchields permission. If Trump was in Bidens place - itd still be same situation.

2 years ago

‘@ Paul, totally disagree with you on the Trump comment. Trump did what he thought was right and not what “they” told him to do. Thats why he was impeached twice, had douchebag McConnel and Ryan hold him back for the first 2 years of office. Why, because it was a power play and ultimately he won, until the election when they (the Rhino’s and Dems) took him down for not playing their game.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

This will stop when you start beating the crap out of Democrats proposing this crap and tell them they can’t defend themselves until their brains are bashed in. When it’s already too late which is what they are proposing for the Police.

2 years ago

I hope the police take care of themselves the best they can. I believe this is a plan by the Commie Demonrats to replace them with their criminal goon squads to”police” us their way. They are also replacing our good military men. I believe it’s time the Supreme Court Complaint gets a fair shot at their removal.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

why is it so hard to believe that biden flip flops? the dums have always been hypocrites. only common sense people know this, the supporters should watch more of the good channels and listen with their good ear

2 years ago

Anyone who thinks what we’re seeing is the result of idiot democrats who can’t see cause/effect needs to think again. What we are seeing is a long planned, desired outcome by the democrats. And what is their goal you might ask? Its one step in their planned take over and permanent power grab of this country. Put it all together…
Releasing criminals with no bail. Refusing to prosecute criminals. Ignoring thefts up to $1,000. Propagating false information to make police targets. And more. It’s all coming from the Dems whose objective it to 1) turn cities into crime zones, 2) get police to quit or severely reduce their numbers, and 3) neuter the effectiveness of local law enforcement. But Why?
So crime infested cities will turn to the feds to be rescued. So there will be a justification to confiscate ALL legal weapons. So cities will ASK for a federal police force to be created and sent in.
Has anyone noticed Pelosi will be opening or has opened Capital Police offices outside of DC? You know, those police whose only task is to safeguard the capital? But for some reason, they need offices in places like San Francisco and Florida.
Like I said, it’s just one part of the puzzle.
Control your income (Income Redistribution, Equity). Control your access to healthcare (Obamacare was only the first step). Remove your access to weapons (they keep trying). Control what you’re allowed to say/think (Ministry of Truth, big tech censorship). Control your education (indoctrination). And there’s lots more.
These are all pieces aimed at one end objective. A totalitarian government with the Dems in charge.

And if you think I’m imagining this…who remembers “Life of Julia”, which was a fictional storybook created by the Obama admin showing their vision for how a girl would be totally reliant on the government across EVERY phase of her life? This was their vision in 2012. It’s still their vision today.

2 years ago

The democrats want a Federal Police Force; they do not want towns, counties, and cities to have their own police departments. The Dems want more power and control !!!
God help us, if they get it.

Robert W
Robert W
2 years ago

Biden is wanting to make our country a “carbon-copy” of Russia and Venezuela, “NO FREEDOMS, WITH FEDERAL POLICE CONTROL”!!!! What he’s going to wind up doing is causing a “probable” WWIII!!

2 years ago

Here we go again. When are we, as American citizens, going to take a stand against this hierarchy? They said, take God out of our schools, our businesses and military. Well. They got what they wanted, and look where we are. Put Him back in and see how our country turns around again.

It’s not the Democrats or Republicans we are up against. It is Satan and all his lies. People decided to believe him. So now the people are suffering. Look at history where whole communities were involved in God’s Word and helped each other. Therein was where the support was strong. We have become weak. Many don’t even stand on the principles of God’s Word. And they wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket.

We believers are the ones, who need to take a stand.

2 years ago

Great article!
Here’s hoping that the day comes when these same brave and dedicated public servants have the opportunity to use their training to place handcuffs on joebama, hillary, barrack, shiff,pelosi, schummer and hunter!!
They are ALL corrupt, immoral, liars who Our finest deserve to make them examples of how law enforcement works!
Maybe, they will appreciate how fortunate we are to have such a group to protect and serve Real Citizens!

Carla Butler
Carla Butler
2 years ago

What is needed is a change of President not defunding the police. And a change of all carrier politicians that do nothing but jabber before the cameras.

2 years ago

Time to “Defund the Biden Administration!”

2 years ago

I think that the police leave the force and get a new job. Why should they have to put up with being so restricted and risk there life? Let Biden go take care of law enforcement.

David Moorhead
David Moorhead
2 years ago

Sadly, the far-left wing of the Democratic Party has a belief that the police are somehow responsible for the wave of theft and violence that has taken over our country. The amount of power they are being afforded by the current administration is ridiculous! It is time for the middle of the political spectrum to take power back. Our current president has to be removed from office for his unwillingness to enforce the laws of our great country and enforce the borders of our country. Mr. Obama chose Mr. Biden as his vice-president because he knew that the ineptitude of Mr. Biden would protect him. Mr. Biden subsequently went very low to find a vice-president to protect him; in my opinion, Ms. Harris must also be replaced to protect our country.

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