
National Security , Newsline

Beijing Cashes In On Sunset of Biden’s Failed Presidency

Posted on Friday, October 11, 2024
by Neil Banerji

With President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline now more apparent than ever – both to the American people and our adversaries abroad – mounting evidence suggests the Chinese Communist Party is working overtime to take full advantage of Biden’s frailty during his final days in office.

Amid fears of a new Cold War between the United States and China, Beijing’s frequent and calculated violations of U.S. sovereignty on multiple fronts under President Biden’s watch have exposed both Biden’s weakness and the misguided nature of his hopes of a rapprochement with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

During a “farewell summit” with leaders from Australia, India, and Japan (the so-called “Quad Alliance”) in September, Biden postured a great deal about his efforts to contain China’s rise in the Indo-Pacific. But he has done very little to stymie growing Chinese influence on the U.S. mainland.

The fentanyl crisis has exploded under Biden’s watch, with record amounts of the deadly substance flooding in across the U.S.-Mexico border. Fentanyl now kills more than 200 Americans every day and is the leading cause of death for those aged 18-45. As the House Select Committee on the CCP reported earlier this year, “The PRC, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the ultimate geographic source of the fentanyl crisis. Companies in China produce nearly all illicit fentanyl precursors, the key ingredients that drive the global illicit fentanyl trade.”

Xi Jinping has successfully used the fentanyl crisis – which Beijing has at best ignored and at worst actively facilitated – as a point of leverage over Biden, extracting concessions in exchange for empty promises to curb the illicit production of fentanyl precursors.

On the trade front, Biden has allowed China to skirt U.S. tariffs and trade laws, hurting American producers. One particular oversight, on the de minimis provision, was so egregious that House Democrats last month signed an open letter criticizing Biden and urging him to take action. As the letter states, along with providing “a conduit for dangerous contraband such as fentanyl to enter the U.S.,” the de minimis provision creates an unfair advantage for Chinese companies to drive American companies out of key markets.

The border provides another stark example of Beijing taking advantage of Biden’s weakness in his final months as president.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows that more than 37,000 Chinese nationals illegally crossed the border in 2023 – a new record. According to a House Homeland Security Committee report out earlier this year, that number only looks to be increasing in 2024.

Chinese citizens have ample reason to flee their homeland, not the least of which is economic stagnation and Xi Jinping’s oppressive regime. But as former President Donald Trump has warned, many Chinese illegal aliens could be looking to harm the United States. According to a recent report from The Wall Street Journal, “Washington has tracked about 100 incidents involving Chinese nationals trying to access American military and other installations” which appear “designed to test security practices.”

These incidents, some of which appear to be clear cases of Chinese espionage, include one in March where a Chinese national in the U.S. breached a Marine Corps base in California and refused to leave. In another case, Chinese nationals were caught scuba diving near a government rocket-launch site in Florida.

And of course, Americans will no doubt remember the shocking scandal of a Chinese spy balloon that floated over the United States, including over sensitive military installations, for a week in early 2023. Perhaps more than any other single incident, Biden’s complete failure to do anything about this lumbering national security threat for six days – and his subsequent failure to hold China accountable for violating American airspace – made clear to Beijing that it could push Biden around.

Beijing has even succeeded in violating American constitutional freedoms on U.S. soil. As The Washington Post reported last month, CCP-linked entities succeeded in suppressing criticism of Xi Jinping during his visit to San Francisco last year. In April 2023, the FBI announced that it had evidence of “expanding espionage and security activity by the Chinese government on U.S. soil,” including Chinese security officials setting up an illegal overseas “police station” in New York City.

In other words, the Chinese government is actively and openly carrying out operations on U.S. soil targeting U.S. citizens and lawful residents, and Biden is doing nothing about it.

Nonetheless, Biden has persisted in his delusion that some incremental progress in U.S.-Sino relations can be accomplished through a growing pile of concessions to America’s top geopolitical rival.

Along with dispatching John Podesta, Biden’s top climate diplomat, to Beijing for further meaningless talks, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan visited the Chinese capital a few weeks ago in a half-hearted attempt to ameliorate soaring tensions.

With the clock ticking on Biden’s presidency, Americans are left simply hoping that he will exit the White House before Beijing can score any more victories as a result of his failures. 

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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John Bass
John Bass
4 days ago

When is our Government, particularly the Democratic party and Rihnos going to realize the Chinese Communist are not our friends? They continue to steal our intellectual property and military secrets. Why else does most of their military hardware look like ours? Coincidence…I don’t think so!

Of course it hard to tell friend from foe now days. We’ve had a congressman sleeping with a Chinese spy, and nothing happened, he was not even removed from the intelligence committee he was on. We’ve had our President receiving bucket loads of cash from the Chinese Government, and now we have a Vice Presidential candidate that has taken multiple trips to China all while supposedly on a teachers salary, and nothing from either of these are incidents are check out.

It seems to me that the Chinese have more than a few people in their back pocket.

God help us, and Trump 2024!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 days ago

I’ve always been gracious to Jimmy Carter that, although he is far from the best President ever, at least his heart was in the right place. Can’t say that about Biden whose legacy will be one of intentional sabotage of the country as well as incompetence and buffoonery!

David Riddell
David Riddell
4 days ago

And hand in hand Kamala with Joe Biden has contributed to the chaos in Red China vs the U S!!!!!!

4 days ago

It’s not just Biden’s failed Presidency….He was driven by Obama…..and the Bushes and Clinton’s added to this total disaster in a Big Way!!!!!

4 days ago

Very thought-provoking article, that lends a few daydreams about how Biden may have been compensated for having done nothing to correct these horrific problems with China in our United States.

4 days ago


4 days ago

The CCP are simply getting from JB, Kamala, and the Democrats what they paid them to deliver.

Johny Shipway
Johny Shipway
4 days ago

For goodness sake, lets stop blaming China for the social and moral decline in America. I would not be surprised if China did indeed manufacture the “precursor” chemicals used in making Fentanyl but examine what these “precursor chemicals” are. One will find they are used in the manufacture of numerous items much like chemicals used in making “speed” and many other illegal drugs. It isnt like there is some giant plant named “Destroyer of American Youth Chemical Precursor Inc.” Even the finished product, Fentanyl made by some guy named Paco across the southern border, that tablet doesn’t crawl snake like across the country and sneak its way into the eager gullet of poor poor innocent little Johnny and Suzy. There is a demand that China has nothing to do with and from the beginning of time where there is a demand there will be a supply. If we somehow choke off the supply of some multi purpose chemical made in making Fentanyl you can bet some unemployed chemistry major will set up shop here in the states and become quite wealthy making home made “precursor” chemicals.
All this “China is turning our youth into drug addicts”, is misdirection by our own government as yet another way to demonize China for actually having an industrial base which we determined was beneath America as a way of backing our financial system. Anyone recall how our “leaders” crowed about how wonderful it was that America was moving away from a country with a manufacturing base and into a service based economy. Well, that turned out go now our esteemed leaders are propagandizing the public so as to better ease the country into a future physical conflict with China, Simply because they kicked and continue to kick our asses in the world of actually making things. They can, we can’t so lets turn over the table so nobody can play.
As always the deep state is playing us and we the sheeple are going along with the never ending lies. Turn over the education system, promote again the family and the values that come from it and perhaps we can self heal and then no longer have to deal with wide spread drug usage or any of the other social ills that plauge America. But we won’t and we will go down the same toilet as did the Roman Empire.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 days ago

Cashes in and laughs all the our imbecility.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
4 days ago

The problem is the stupid SOB thinks he IS being tough! I would be tough. Trump is on my left.

2 days ago

ExcellentPlease God, help American’s turn one last time toward your grace. The Lord Jesus is at the door. Pray, open your Bible read John. Accept the salvation of our God now, before its too late!

2 days ago

JoBamas, pelosi, schumer, clintons , bushes , et al need to be RICOed. (mobs ropes trees not likely, dammit)

Please Jesus help me and all of us find You and obey Your Teachings to better deserve Your Grace for all of us.

4 days ago

Let’s hope when he exits the White House, Trump takes his place. And he gets impeached. His whole four years was just one massive scandal after another…

4 days ago

Ha Ha America has already surrendered to Chinese control, soon the modified flag will replace our American flag.
I’m surprised that the schools are not requiring the Chinese language be taught.

harris and waz both speaking; catholic statue behind them
america - flag and coin
the US constitution; amendments, 'we the people' and a scale
death tax papers

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