
National Security , Newsline

Barbarians at the Gate: Authorities Admit Terrorists Are Infiltrating the Illegal Immigrants at Our Southern Border

Posted on Monday, May 9, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, May 9 – A new government report tells us that terrorists have joined the ranks of drug and human traffickers at our Mexican border. The Epoch Times reports that President Biden may have been deliberately seeking to downplay the growing number of terrorist encounters at the border. But under pressure from Congressional Republicans, the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] recently issued an accounting of terrorist infiltration.

In a report published last week, the news site wrote that “individuals, either known or ‘reasonably suspected’ to be previously involved in terrorism, are now part of a federal terror watchlist identified in the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). The Biden administration had previously refused to publicly reveal updates on TSDB encounters at the border, citing ‘law enforcement sensitive’ concerns…The percentage of total encounters in the current fiscal year has more than doubled compared to a year earlier.”

Bearing in mind that it took only 19 terrorists on 9/11 to kill some 3,000 innocent Americans, it’s a scary notion that the U.S. Border Patrol has “encountered” 27 individuals at the border considered to be potential terrorists. In addition, the DHS admits that many more are likely to have evaded the Border Patrol and are currently in the country.

More important than the 27 could-be terrorists who were caught at the border, according to the Border Patrol, is the massive numbers of illegals who got away and who are in the U.S. hiding in plain sight among us. Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, admitted to Congress just a few weeks ago that more than 389,000 of them eluded capture in the Fiscal Year 2021 [October 2020 to September 2021] during the bulk of President Biden’s tenure. Mayorkas went on to admit that Mr. Biden’s plan to do away with President Trump’s Title 42 public health order – which gave the Border Patrol the ability to stop particularly dodgy migrants from entering the U.S. is likely to increase the numbers of migrants who get away.

In a March letter from James Comer [R-KY], Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight & Reform, and John Katko [RNY], Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas no longer refuse “to publicly release statistics on the individuals [the Border Patrol] apprehends who have derogatory information in the TSDB.” They told Mayorkas that “labeling such information – including the mere count of those apprehended – ‘law enforcement sensitive’ [is unacceptable]. The American people deserve to know this information and the realities of the security situation we face at our broken borders, especially where terrorists attempt to gain entry to our country…In addition to the thousands of migrants apprehended by Border Patrol every day, over a thousand aliens per day are entering the country and avoiding apprehension altogether, continuing their journey into the interior of the country without background checks. These individuals could include terrorists.”

The former chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, Rodney Scott, when he was replaced by the DHS, warned his agents in a farewell address that their job is much more than policing illegal migrants. “I firmly believe that it is a national security crisis. Immigration is just a subcomponent of it, and right now, it’s just a cover for massive amounts of smuggling going across the southwest border – to include TSDBs at a level we have never seen before. That’s a real threat​.” 

The Washington Examiner, at the time of Scott was replaced, noted that his departure was “completely driven by politics.” Scott, himself, posted online the message that he had “received my 3R letter today.  For those not familiar, that is Federal government slang for the letter issued to [Senior Executive Service] level employees informing them of a directed reassignment. The recipient has 3 options- relocate, resign, or retire. No rationale or reason is required, nor is it disciplinary…Just a simple needs-of-the-service directed reassignment so the new administration can place the person they want in the position.”

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2 years ago

Granting terrorists free passage across America’s borders would be a very good thing for Hillary Clinton.

Bill Taylor
Bill Taylor
2 years ago

Mayorkas is a imminent danger to our republic, he’s treasonous and I actually believe is purposely and willingly allowing literally MILLIONS of illegals into our country. When I listen to his lies and hypocrisy I want to actually vomit! This is what our country is accepting and allowing to occur. If this enemy of the state is not removed immediately, then we will all pay the severe consequences. This is a disaster and I cannot believe that this is the United States of America we’re talking about, this happens in a banana republic corrupt country ( it’s exactly what we are right now) 2022 will be the end of these hypocrites and thieves that cheat and steal their way to the podium! God bless all of our hard working and family loving American citizens.

2 years ago


Gary Swanzy
Gary Swanzy
2 years ago

You mean this is anoither Biden bad policy made worse by reality?

2 years ago

This is a very good reason that Biden is not for the good of the USA, but this is only one of many. He should be impeached and arested then put in jail for destorying our freedom.

Smitty 550
Smitty 550
2 years ago

“Treason” is a word that doesn’t even begin to fit the crimes against our country that Biden, Mayorkas and others have committed. As individuals, we can do little, and the silence of the Republican Party is deafening (or should I say…..”sickening?”). Unless these traitors, disguised as “Progressives” are completely vanquished in 2024 or even earlier, our country will be done!

Planning ahead, I’m headed to the barn to do some reloading. Once our law enforcement has been completely gutted, the only persons I can depend on will be me and my wife! We do not plan to be victims of Biden’s treachery.

2 years ago

Biden will completely destroy our country if he is allowed to continue his open border concept. I need a Covid-19test and a passport to re-enter my own country and they will go through my luggage to boot. Yet, the illegal aliens flowing north over our southern border do not need to do any of those things! What an insult to the citizens of our country!

2 years ago

Joe Biden says the Maga followers are the most dangerous terrorist that have ever been in this country. If some illegal alien terrorist instigate an attack it will likely be blamed on Maga anyway. It is probably a big part of the reason they have flooded the country with illegals. We all just need to realize that we are living in a much more dangerous country today because of democratic rule. If we can take the house and senate in the mid term election we might be able to slow it down. If they cheat their way into getting them both it is pretty much over. We will have one party rule, then conversion to communism in short order. How has our country gotten itself in this mess. It’s a thousand little things that all add up to not taking care of our country. While working people go to work and pay their taxes, people that live off of the government have time to chip away at our society until you reach the point we are now at. Is it too late to change course? What are we doing to insure a fair election. What is our plan to respond to another rigged election? Biden has broken the law by not protecting the constitution and nothing has been done. His cabinet and department heads have not protected the constitution, and we all just sit here. The constitution should have another way to remove a sitting president other than impeachment, are we missing something here? The Supreme Court should be able to remove him from office for not protecting the constitution. Is it really that easy for one man to ruin the country?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Tell us something we don’t know

Louis Mitzner
Louis Mitzner
2 years ago

I terrorist, 1 Drug Cartel Smuggler, 1 Child Sex Trafficker, is 1 to many, Finish the Wall and stop the onslaught of Illegal Aliens! Bumbling Biden is just a Puppet, who ever is pulling his strings, is the traitor to our Nation and needs to be held accountable for what they are doing to our Country! It has got to stop.

2 years ago


Robert Belcastro
Robert Belcastro
2 years ago

When refusal to do one’s duty is this flagrant, it is no longer job incompetence, it is malice. And it constitutes treason against the whole country.

The Wizard
The Wizard
2 years ago

As I’ve said many times before-“THEY DON’T CARE!!!”

2 years ago

Of course they are , & funded by terrorist supporters : soros , obama , pelosi – Who all historically have had ties to all the terrorist groups to intentionally destroy America . All should be arrested to GITMO with the REST of THEIR terrorists ! & Many sentences of high treason – EACH !

Bwa Ha
Bwa Ha
2 years ago

“…terrorists have joined the ranks of drug and human traffickers at our Mexican border.”

Ya’ Think!!! Sheesh! The government’s just catching up to the mess ol’ slo’ joe’s created at our border(s)?! We need to get that shill out of office and reclaim our Constitutional Republic from the global elites who are serving as biden’s puppeteers. NOW!!


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

ALL members of Congress are responsible for the Invasion! No one speaks up and DEMANDS our border is secured ! Once the terrorists blow up something and kill a bunch of Americans, THEN the finger pointing will start ! The Governor of Texas should send the Texas National Guard to the border . A few Warning shots over their heads and they will turn back.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been doing so since swearing in

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Another NOT NEW problem at the border. “Sleeper” terrorists have been crossing for years. Not only is that a problem, but the 19 hijackers who flew the planes on 9/11 all came to the U.S. LEGALLY and vetting is no more secure today than back then.

Harry L Guzaliak Jr
Harry L Guzaliak Jr
2 years ago

The southern border must be closed to all illegal aliens, Period!

2 years ago

The man at the top is Anti-American because he wanted them to cross, get processed, then get them to vote democrat to turn this country into a one party system.

2 years ago

Camel-face is absolutely good for NOTHING. Just because it is female does NOT mean it is smart or qualified to be second in command. We also have the horrible Virus that was released to conquer the world and fartface is a quack. I wonder if those who voted for that pair are regretting it now.

2 years ago

Thank you “uncle” Joe and all your compadres for getting our country to this disastrous point! I personally knew some Middle Eastern (almost) terrorists who snuck into our country on a busload of illegals because they looked like Mexicans/South Americans!!!

Biden and his cronies are paving the way to the Tribulation with all they have done and are doing, and they don’t even realize it!!! God help us.

Kevin S
Kevin S
2 years ago

Ignorant (not stupid) idea: declare it an invasion as a means of war to take over the country (not far from true).. That allows any citizen to damage / kill invaders of ANY age / gender by reason of personal / national defense. I don’t like it, but what continues CANNOT persist. I’ll bet illegal crossings fall off BIG time, once they realize they’ll get to the Rio Grande only to turn it red.

2 years ago

Hey Joe! Ever heard of the crime of aiding and abetting? No? Well, you will soon enough at Congressional proceedings in your (dis)honor after the midterm election.

2 years ago

When are the legal citizens of the USA going to realize that Benedict Arnold is sitting in the DARK HOUSE of D.C. It does not matter about politics because this SCUM BAG BIDEN does not care about the future of the USA// Wake up //Border/Crime/Inflation/Supplies/Military/are all failures///////

2 years ago

While no one with an ounce of grey matter does not already know that enemies of this nation have been slipping in for years…..and today it’s a clear “free-for-all” for terror groups to gain access. While the administration curbs it tongue to this truth, the salt is being rubbed into the wound of an open border……and we who live in this land as citizens by birth and choice, will have to face the consequences of a government that has lost its compass. I asked my represenative what he expected us to do…..arm ourselves?, become militia men?….go to the border and stand at post? His response was no response…..he sent me a survey on what I thought about how our government was doing.
…..and he’s a repub….and useless as far as I can say. The solutions to the border issues are already available…but no one at the federal level seems to be willing to act…..that leaves it up to the states and the citizenry… telling what will come next….if a group of terrorists act……

2 years ago

Every murder, rape, robbery, assault and acts of terrorism need to be charged to Joe Biden as an accomplice before or after the fact! Being AN ILLEGITIMATE CORRUPT TRAITOR SHOULDN’T EXEMPT HIM FROM HIS CRIMINAL ACTIONS! If that doesn’t work, I WILL SUPPORT VIGILANTE JUSTICE!

2 years ago

King Biden and his administration destroy everything they touch. And get away with it.
I don’t think our great country will ever be the same. Hope I am wrong…

2 years ago

word to the wise: be prepared for their preferred activities.

Ethan Alan
Ethan Alan
2 years ago

Traitors to America are the Biden’s and their junta government.

Thomas M. Neale
Thomas M. Neale
2 years ago

The border crisis is real and has become a potential impeachable offense for Biden. Protection of American sovereignty is part of the presidential oath. This overt, blatant attempt to flood the US with illegal immigrants whom the Democrats hope can be fast tracked to citizenship to vote Blue is despicable.

I would hope a member of Congress has the guts to start articles of impeachment post the November Red electoral tsunami regains control of both the House and Senate.

Robert White
Robert White
2 years ago

We are the dumb middle class Americans that will bare the brunt if all goes “south”. We need to elect people who put forth ideas and positive actions that benefit the entire country. America first is an honest approach to getting US back on track. They we solve the WORLD’S problems!!

Ray Assanti
Ray Assanti
2 years ago

Get ready for another 911. Thank you Biden and the do nothing spending our hard earn tax dollars Congress. Hiding money, wanting more and not even spending it on us, NO. HOW ABOUT INFUSING SOCIAL SECURITY WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS. NO! CAN’T DO THAT.

2 years ago

No kidding, terrorists crossing our southern border WOW! Like we didn’t already know that? Guess what DC, we’re smarter than you think we are. We see what’s going on and it’s your job to PROTECT this country and her citizens, NOT to destroy this country!!!

2 years ago

And they are targeting our food processing plants and power grid.

2 years ago

What the h**l! The Democrats showing their disdain for America. Don’t be fooled. This has nothing to do with votes!

2 years ago

That’s what the Biden Admin wants. They can’t wait to make the US go down, down, down. Well, I believe we will beat the pants off of the Dem party forever hopefully. They don’t deserve to be around anymore.

2 years ago

We can blame this on the Democrats but remember the RINOS when we go to the polls this year.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The socialist/democrat agenda is coming to fruition. If the terrorists attack from within, the socialist/democrats will have something else to blame on someone else. Then they can establish more dependence on the government, you know, for our own protection. The loss of responsible leadership is overwhelming.

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