
National Security , Newsline

Another Biden Assault on Speech

Posted on Monday, February 1, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

speechAre we tired of being told we can use some words, not others? Are we tired of being told free speech is only free when agreeable? Is there a breaking point, after which the country says whatever it wants and feels relief?  I think most Americans would answer, yes.  Enter the latest speech policing:  Biden says “illegal alien” will no longer be used by federal employees.  See, e.g.,

Let us get this clear – before the media muddies it. The Merriam-Webster dictionary, not owned by Twitter, Facebook or DNC contributors, just an institution dedicated to word definition, defines “illegal alien” as “a foreign person who lives in a country without having official permission,” that is, a foreign-origin alien living in a nation illegally.

US Legal defines the term as follows: “An illegal alien … is a foreign national who has entered the United States without legal permission, authorization, or inspection; or who entered the U.S. legally but has since fallen out of status by overstaying or by violating the terms of legal entry,” adding “an illegal alien is subject to deportation if apprehended.”

Even liberal “fact checkers” call “illegal alien” standard parlance, since it pervades federal statute law, making its meaning – as a matter of judicial notice – clear and unambiguous, not political, prejudicial, or discriminatory, just factually accurate.  But factual accuracy seems less and less in

vogue. See, e.g.,

In a world where truth is increasingly fungible, malleable, subject to redefinition by manipulative “thought leaders” and politicians (who often lead without “thought”), words are subject to constant redefinition.  They are a new battlefield, in the war for understanding reality.  The prevailing mantra is:  If you cannot win, change the rules.  Only that is not how most Americans see things.  They tend to go for factual accuracy, definitional consistency, truth.

We have moved from moral relativity, which denied right and wrong, to total relativity, which denies any one answer to any one question, and finds historical reference points irrelevant.  Thus, we are told there are now “64 genders,” which would make past generations spin. See, e.g., We are told that executive orders which are unconstitutionally “making laws” are “not making laws.”  See, e.g.,

Now, Biden dictates that “illegal aliens” will no longer exist – they are neither illegal nor aliens. They are non-illegal (that is, legal) non-aliens (that is, resident, domiciliary, or citizens), which is why – by executive order – they are now going to be counted in the Census, which redistributes federal resources and allocates congressional seats. The latest Biden gambit is banning words. See, e.g.,;;;

All this makes sense, right? Of course, it does not.  One cannot redefine longstanding legal terms and expect people to say fine, okay, red it now blue, up is now down, illegal is now legal, male and female are 64 flavors of gender.  At some point, Americans say stop the nonsense, enough.

Note that we are talking about speech. Political action, peaceful protests, constitutionally forbidden political violence are not in play. This is just speech, the sort meant to hold meaning over time, and always free – no matter what the federal government may dictate.

The irony is that free speech is already under attack from Democrats, big money media, and monopolistic social media, which aim to control what is said about whom, or what you can say and what you cannot say, based on who they favor and disfavor.  That is not America – government-endorsed, monopolistic control over personal, professional, and political speech.

On top of social media, Democrat activists, network message minders, we now have Biden’s team telling us what terms in common use are permitted and not, in this “brave new world.”

Well, here is a news blast from the deep red universe, that place so mysterious to congressional Democrats where reality lives, works, is locked down, wants to use skills, earn a living, and raise families – without government intrusion.  Call this the high land, with no swamp dwellers.

Message: We can and will speak freely, as the Constitution – and 200 years of judicial precedent – allow. We will use words to describe life as it is, as we see it, as our Founders permitted us to speak, and as every generation before this one has done. We will honor our history, intellect, and common sense.  We will not call red blue, up down, or illegal legal – just a spade a spade.

In deference to Merriam-Webster, legal scholars, federal statutes, governing caselaw, and the Constitution, we will call those residing inside the US illegally “illegal aliens.” The Constitution permits citizens to choose their own words, even if some offend.  See, e.g., Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1969 (allowing offensive speech), NY Times v. Sullivan (allowing mistaken speech), and Cohen v. California, 1971 (people are “free to choose their words,” even if angry or offensive).

If you are not convinced, try reading the 200 cases defending freedom of speech, religion and assembly – which overlap and favor peaceful, vocal, offensive, sincere, liberty-minded citizens.  We are still a land of laws, and as long as we are, those cases count.

Unilaterally dictating an end to Keystone is one thing.  Telling Americans what words mean is another. Free speech – if you will forgive the idea – is free and speech. In a phrase, hands off!

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3 years ago

The left has always been a big proponent of regulated speech. Regulate the speech and then you can regulate the thought. Regulate the thought and you control the mind. Control the mind and then you control the people and there is no further opposition to the left. That is the ultimate goal of all these word games being played by the left.

Political correctness was merely the first step in this whole process. Make certain words and phrases socially unacceptable and then move forward from there. Biden’s little contribution to trying to eliminate the perfectly correct term “illegal alien” is merely part of the larger effort being promoted by the left to create a society of like-minded drones marching in lock-step with the left’s agenda.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

How about an organization that allows comments on their articles but if you say a banned word, you get a message that says:  “Awaiting for approval” which, often times, never comes ?

Should that organization at least provide their list of banned words so that we the people can avoid them ?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Agree with Dan W: show US banned words, then we can change OR scrap plan
No 1 will recall in heat of moment etc, & thus useless.
Bad call Biden
Only hurting voting base & we 74M Red voters.
Recall order

Ronald Christensen
Ronald Christensen
3 years ago

He is doing what his far left handlers want. People let their hatred of Trump cloud their judgement and voted him into office.

3 years ago

A total bin of BS. Trying to be a dictator.. Not going to work!

Larry Baum
Larry Baum
3 years ago

Nothing surprising other than the fact that he is saying his son and I served our country in vain with what he is doing by letting illegals in the country.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

Illegal is illegal, I don’t care what biden or the looney left think or want.

Patricia Hefferan
Patricia Hefferan
3 years ago

HEAR ME ROAR! ILLEGAL ALIEN, ILLEGAL ALIEN AND ILLEGAL ALIEN!!!!! Arrest me, please! I want to be the centerpiece of a lawsuit and I want Alan Dershowitz as my attorney.

Snidley Whiplash
Snidley Whiplash
3 years ago

You get what you deserve when you vote a socialist in

3 years ago

AMEN!!! Oops, is that word now band too?! It will not belong with these Marxist in control!!

3 years ago

In a time of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

I don’t even like “illegal alien”. I prefer completely unvetted trespasser; many of which are criminals even before they break our federal laws by ILLEGALLY entering our sovereign nation. To h3ll with the dishonesty…which is exactly what political correctness is.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Relax people- As they increasingly control your actions, speech, and ultimately your thoughts, you will enter a blissful state of worry-free relaxation. Liberal “Utopia” is coming soon.

3 years ago

Remember on November 7, 1983 that the May 19th Communist Organization detonated a bomb in the senate in an attempt to kill Republicans?
Susan Rosenberg was arrested for this.
She was pardoned by Clinton.
She is now an administrator for Black Lives Matters and now does fundraising and administrative work for BLM.
I guess Bombing the US Capital to kill Republicans is different. I have heard new Reports all weekend long about how Last Wednesday’s riot was the worst day in American History….
What should we call Bombing the US Capital… Chopped liver?

Keith Branic
Keith Branic
3 years ago

This is Polispeak as described in Orwell’s 1984. Monopartisan, progressive, an aggressive attempt to redefine “truth”, to refine words and if they cant just ban them. We could always make it hate speech Making it illegal And then we can find you or arrest you That brings 1984 full circle . Or just welcome to North Korea

Phyllis Howell
Phyllis Howell
3 years ago

And just where in the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION does it say the president has the right to tell me what words I can and cannot say??????

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

The Peking Poobah strikes again!

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Not surprising, just more liberal insanity brought to you from the communist left calling the shots for old plugs and/or heels up Harris!

3 years ago

Joe Blow! Rides again!
I will say Illegal Alien with my last Breath!
What difference does that make!
Joe Biden is not my President!

Teresa L Story
Teresa L Story
3 years ago

I cannot understand this Illegal President , We hear nothing he says, because they are coming from some one behind the curtain & it sounds like( Obama ) Funny this man cannot speak for himself . He is not my President , America has no President! He needs Jesus!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

America’s laws are so “unhandy” for law breakers. I hear so many attacks on freedom but freedom of speech is the most frequent now. No wonder it is first. This seems to have been sneaking up on it because early attacks were quietly accepted. The 45th president was noisy on the other side and we see what happened to him. Romney who didn’t defend himself now will not defend 45. The left is unashamed about trying to ignore or get rid of the constitution.
A huge number of Americans who doomed to be the serfs in this oligarchy may wonder how this will turn out (or they may just give up).

Benton Petersen
Benton Petersen
3 years ago

The King Let’scheattowin Biden Administration has completely shown its tyranny!

3 years ago

I am very tired of cow-towing to these people by Dems in the hopes they eventually become Dems–if we continue to allow anybody who wants to come in come in eventually we will rival a 3rd world country with many who rely on government for everything and the working population paying for it. This must stop and use the given means to enter the country legally no exceptions–try to enter their country the way they are coming here and see what happens.

Teresa L Story
Teresa L Story
3 years ago

We need Judges to stop Bidens Ex.orders like they did Trumps! Where are they? We have just one so far & Praise the Lord for that Judge!

3 years ago

As I’ve asked before, when is enough enough? Somebody better start looking for marbles lost in those people who are to be leading this country. They done lost it. How long do we sit back and watch the circus. I think it’s time they move on to the next country. I can’t take any more of the shenanigans. Why don’t they all just take up in China and leave us alone? They want to run a communist country, so go run one

Sharon Willett
Sharon Willett
3 years ago

I have never heard such lunacy! By very definition, that is exactly what people who are here in this nation, illegally are.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

You hit the target! When you said word meaning is “malleable” . Our language, thanks to PC has slipped thru the looking glass into a goofy world presided over by the Mad Hatter.
I removed all the labels from my “black eyed peas” and “black olives”, replacing the label with “peas and olives of color.
Wouldn’t want to offend, you know.

Merle Cunningham
Merle Cunningham
3 years ago

At this rate of redefinition of words it won’t be too long before we’re told to call prisoners detained citizens. In the past, if I remember correctly, prisoners in jail were not able to vote, but that seems to have changed. IN the past someone who did not pay their bills on time were labeled as “deadbeats”, from the 50’s and 60’s, now I suppose they will be classified as someone who “poorly manages their money.

As the author said in the last paragraph “Free speech – if you will forgive the idea – is free and speech. In a phrase, hands off!”


Charlene Troutman
Charlene Troutman
3 years ago

I appreciate AMAC telling the truth. Thanks.

3 years ago

No founding father ever said: “The Bill of Rights will guarantee all our inalienable rights granted by God, unless we don’t agree, or some super duper crisis, disaster, or pandemic comes along – then everything goes out the window.” They also did not say: ” The Bill of Rights will guarantee all our inalienable rights granted by God, – until in four years Congress gets to renegotiate and re-deliberate about it, or the next President scraps it all with a pen and a phone.”
Time for the Social Justice Warrior, Political “Correctness,” “woke” crowd to be enlightened what the semantic and real meaning of “inalienable” is! But they generally like to skip what is inconvenient to their authoritarian urges like “shall not be infringed”, or “inalienable”, or “shall make no law.” They also generally like to gloss over the term “Supreme Law of the Land”; hint: the founders did not mean that anyone who deems themselves more “Supreme” than all other citizens of these states gets to change it all at a whim.

3 years ago

This is all a bunch of senceless idle speach that is accomplishing absolutely NOTHING. America as it was known for over 200 years no longer exists, we are now a new nation under communist leadership and the original American constitution is in the shreder and a new one is getting written as we speack. These people will continue to do what ever they want and there is nothing we can do about it, and sitting aroung and complaining about it does not make change. Anything we try to do to stop it will be looked at as an eligal act and will be punished accordingly (look at Donald Trump, he tried his damnest to stop it, but look at where he is now).

3 years ago

So Jackass Joe, the illegal dictator, has gone over the cliff! … Now HE thinks that HE can rewrite the dictionary! …
Even “illegal immigrant” has been too kind, these are CRIMINAL TRESPASSERS who they shouldn’t be wasting taxpayer monies on. They’re GUILTY and should be deported asap and told if you return you will be executed PERIOD! We the People MUST DEMAND JUSTICE or We become irrelevant which the People ARE UNDER COMMUNISM!!!

3 years ago

Rational Americans need to stay in the fight against the anti-democracy despicable leftist agenda of mayhem and chaos. ????

3 years ago

Total BS!

3 years ago

The democrat communists not only want to control the parameters of an argument, they want to control the wording. Everything then becomes obfuscated. If the word “illegal” can’t be used, suddenly the word “legal” becomes disputed. The words “illegal alien” have been used down through history. Don’t let the communist democrats limit your vocabulary!

3 years ago

the destruction OF THE WHITE RACE—is what ‘it’ is all about ! FACT !

Phyllis Howell
Phyllis Howell
3 years ago

Im. Peach. Ment.

3 years ago

It’s just another way Dems are trying to shape and control people into doing what they want. My big fear is how big tech is allied with the Dems and are using their platforms to shut down free speech especially conservatives.

Phyllis Howell
Phyllis Howell
3 years ago

Where in the constitution does it say the president has the right to ban free speech?????????????? Whether I work for the fed gov or I work at Mc D’s???????????

3 years ago

This isnt a Presidency, this is a Dictatorship…..
This is no longer the “Home of the brave and land of the Free” this is getting close to total dominance.
Wake up people!!!!

3 years ago

The political symbol of the democratic socialists is a donkey [ass]. Our “leader” has started his term by acting like one so often in such a short period of time.

Joe O’Reilly
Joe O’Reilly
3 years ago

Of course they think they can redefine and forbid speech: they have been doing that in our schools and federal agencies for years and have produced at least one full generation of uneducated meme moaning sheep who think they deserve to be coddled and cuddled instead of think or actually work. And the lackeys, lickspittles, toadies and sycophants of our flying monkey media cheer on cue. The party of criminals, communists, cowards and fools reigns and will give up their power only when it is ripped from their hands. If they are allowed to continue changing the rules, we will have no Republic left to save.

3 years ago

And here is another. The dictionary has actually complied with ??? Inflation is now called increase in prices. Missing is the connection of increase in money supply with NO backing. Therefore prices go up. Fiat money.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Socialists have unfortunately bastardized the English language! Think of words which had clear meanings which have been corrupted: gay, tolerance, gender, baby, ad infinitum!

Doug Drennan
Doug Drennan
3 years ago

Last week someone whined on here about people talking about war in response to these columns. Make no mistake we are at war. The democrats are waging war on the American people with their attacks on speech and association. They have weaponized militant radicals that wage violence in cities across the country for months now. They have isolated conservatives by shutting down access to social media. The executive branch was stolen in a corrupt election and is now making law like a dictator. This cannot be allowed if we are to preserve our country.

Phyllis Howell
Phyllis Howell
3 years ago

illegal immigrant illegal immigrant illegal immigrant illegal immigrant

Virgil* Bishop
Virgil* Bishop
3 years ago

Thank you for the courage to reveal the truth. I am proud to be a member of amac. Keep up the good work. God bless you.

3 years ago

Illegal alien, Illegal alien, Illegal Alien,…………………Illegal Alien. Up yours, Biden!!

3 years ago

At his current pace of two a day, Joe should have 5,840 executive orders signed when he leaves office, LOL!

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
3 years ago

George Orwell’s 1984 is late in getting here. But, it’s definitely here now. I’m of the mind that Joe Biden fit’s withing the class of “Illegal Alien”, considering he’s not an American. He’s a budging Communist, along with the insane Left that are really running the country, and shoving those EO’s in front of Ole Joe. He has no clue what he’s signing and they don’t want him to know. Because he’s so obviously not among the sentient. And that will work against him shortly. Toes up Harris, AOC, and Pelosi, set up before Ole Joe was sworn in a commision to study how best to use the 25th amendment. Ole, Joe is obviously not mentally capable of the job at hand. The Leftist scum that control him are going to see to it that he’s replaced before the end of this year, and we’ll have Toes Up, and Pelosi as the top two dogs {bitches} in charge of America until 2022. when all hell is going to brake loose for the Democrats. I have a case of popcorn ordered, and I hope Ole Joe’s handlers don’t shut down the farms as poluters.

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