For four years, we were safe. Under President Trump, we were safe. Not only was the border secure, but foreign threats were in hand. For example, ISIS—the global jihadist threat that Obama had publicly stated was a “generational threat” we just had to get used to—was not dealt with as an eventuality we must live with, as then President Trump declared war on the physical Caliphate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and within a matter of months the theocratic insurgent proto-state lay in ruins. Whether it was Sunni Jihadis like ISIS…
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Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist China buddies are set to launch WWIII (Nuclear War or Release a New China Virus just before election time) since it’s election year so they can keep him in knowing he will lose 2024 Presidential election. It’s Dictator Beijing biden’s last and final card to play.
Stay Vigilant America and Stay STRONG.
Vote President Trump.
Important information in article to pay attention to America. Better WAKE UP.
WE were Number ONE and SAFE with President Trump.
WE are LAST and NOT SECURED with Dictator Beijing biden in EVERYTHING.
The information in the article reflects on ALL of US.
AMAC Magazine needs special format to download onto cell phone to be easy to read.
China should invade rusia