
National Security , Newsline

A Tale of Two Governors: Newsom and DeSantis Stake Their Fates on Vastly Different Strategies

Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

governorsTo hear the media tell it over the past year, California Governor Gavin Newsom was the perfect model of leadership and responsibility when it came to confronting the COVID pandemic–while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was allegedly a reckless science-denier who put millions of lives at risk.

Yet today, Desantis enjoys a 64 percent approval rating and is flirting with a presidential run. Meanwhile, his California counterpart Newsom is facing a recall petition that appears almost certain to make the ballot this summer and could even cost him his governorship.

What happened? How did the media get the story so wrong?

It is certainly true that the two Governors have taken starkly different approaches to the pandemic. California locked down early, with San Francisco’s mayor continuing to brag that the city closed down in February of 2020, weeks before anywhere else in the country.

Millions of California students have not seen the inside of a classroom in over a year, although San Francisco’s School Board did make it a priority to remove all references to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln from the district in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement.

It’s not only California’s schools that are closed, but also gyms, small businesses, and indoor restaurants–unless you happen to be one of the state’s senior Democratic politicians, that is. In embarrassing high-profile incidents, both Governor Newsom and San Francisco’s mayor have been caught flouting the restrictions they imposed on their fellow citizens.

Last month, even as more Californians were vaccinated each day, Newsom went on television and urged residents to “double down” on mitigation measures. The state even officially recommended “double masking.”

Governor Desantis took a different approach in the Sunshine State, trusting in the judgment of Floridians, getting students quickly back in school, and leaving regulations up to private business owners.

The data tell the story of the results.

In January of 2021, Florida’s unemployment rate stood at 5.1 percent, while California’s clocked in at a whopping 9.3 percent. CNN Business, hardly a right-leaning source, rates California at 83% on its “Back to Normal” index of economic activity, below the national average, and far behind Florida where the economy is now performing at 96% of pre-pandemic levels.

Most importantly, the numbers show that Florida’s success has not come at the cost of public health, while California’s crippling lockdowns achieved little, if anything, to stem the pandemic as Newsom claimed.

As of March 23, 2021, California had reported 3,645,796 confirmed cases of Covid-19, representing 9.24% of the overall population. Florida had reported 2,011,211 cases, representing 9.36% of the state’s population. In other words, Floridians and Californians got COVID at almost exactly the same rate, even though schools, restaurants, and businesses were open in one but aggressively closed in the other.

In California, the COVID death rate has been 1,452 per one million inhabitants, while in Florida it stands at 1,527 per million. When adjusted for Florida’s older population, these figures are more or less the same.

This is consistent with recent studies comparing countries around the world, showing that lockdowns had no scientifically measurable public health effect.

Ironically, Governor DeSantis’s more open approach may even have saved lives. He pushed the state to reopen early, in June of 2020, and made clear that temporary increases in cases would not cause the state to shut back down. Experts predicted disaster–and in fairness, there was a surge of cases in late July and early August as hundreds of thousands of young people flooded Florida’s beaches and bars.

This surge, however, did not produce a high death toll or overwhelm the hospitals. Most of those infected were young and healthy, and recovered from the virus just fine. Most interestingly, it is very probable that the summer surge actually reduced the death toll of older Floridians in the winter. It caused college students and other young people who would have been unlikely to follow restrictions in any event to catch the virus early, when the weather was warm and there were no other burdens on the health system. This may have been part of the reason why the Governor’s decision to push schools to reopen for in-person instruction in September went off almost without a hitch, and Florida avoided the outbreaks in Universities which occurred in many Northeastern states. Many of the young people were already immune.

By aggressively locking down his state, Governor Newsom likely believed he was pursuing the safest political course–doing exactly what the experts and the prevailing media narrative demanded. Governor DeSantis, on the other hand, knew when he opened up Florida last summer that he was gambling his entire career–pursuing a course that the press would condemn and that the so-called experts had definitely not recommended. Nearly a year later, it appears that DeSantis’s gamble paid off–and that the “safe” course for Newsom wasn’t so safe after all.

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3 years ago

Good article! I really like your balanced approach to reporting. The comparisons and real numbers are what we need more of! The only thing I would elaborate on is that I believe Gov. DeSantis wasn’t just ‘gambling’ blindly. He may not have been following ‘some’ of the so-called experts but he was seeking experts that rightly interpreted the data, science and common sense along with weighing the terrible costs to mental health, education and economic costs etc. in determining the safest course for his citizens. His bold moves were based on that, and the rest is definitely his guts and courage to take the high road over media narratives and faulty interpretation of the science. We’ve been cheering for him at our house! Thanks for your good reporting!

David aka e
David aka e
3 years ago

Desalt is took a logical approach to his handling of the pandemic, he struck a balance between protecting the health of his state residents along with making sure he didn’t bankrupt the state’s economy.

Clearly his decisions have worked well for Florida.

The title of this article could be Substituted with a number of states besides California. New York’s Andrew Cuomo is another example of a failed leader in time of need.

The list is endless.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

I live alas in CA & damn tired of lockdowns & mask mandates vs FL other.
Whats wrong with these Governors?
NOT science based but powerplay
& WE Lose
Open the state up, ammo for Recall.
Need 3 color code for tiers for closure etc
Refine data & update.

3 years ago

Highly competent Desantis or narcissistic connected Newsome.
No contest

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

If being on the left is the only distinguishing feature a voter looks for, it (almost) doesn’t matter what the politician does in office. If elections are controlled and illegals don’t know anything except Biden let us in, Newsome could be the next president (if he wants it) and by the way, if we lose freedom, he may not have a choice.
I am thinking of Housman ” Terrance this is stupid stuff.”

3 years ago

To quote Reagan, “well, there you go again…..” It is clear that using and telling the truth has always been the best tactic. When I look at the CDC’s numbers, the truth reveals that all the flap and fear mongering does not equate to the actual record of COVID effects. Expectedly, the left wrongly states that schools are the high risk zones and shut downs are the way to go to save us all. For them the opposite of the truth is their mantra and the truth be dammed. It is all politics, shamefully applied for the sake of power. One might also want to examine the money trail in all of this…..who profits from shutdowns, school closings, fear mongering and the like……a good rule….”follow the money.”
Blessings to all this Good Friday with an eye on the rising again. D.P.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Newsom should have been name Nuisance, he stood in the way of the taxpayers of CalifornIcate, while living a life of Privilege. ( Like most Democrats ) While Gov. Ron DeSantis treated his Taxpayer like Citizens and co-equals, it shows the difference been the Commie left and the Freedom loving right.
Long Live DeSantis
Long Live America

3 years ago

Oregon is one of the states that locked us down now we have alot of small businesses going under because are Governor slapped a tax on them and raised the minimum wage. Now OSHA wants to make the mask mandate permanent.

3 years ago

It appears the experts who knew the science and common sense are doing well. No political agenda to fulfill. As a result, Governor DeSantis has a solid economy and successful state. Gruesome Newsom of California better stop listening to aunty Pelosi and Fauci and Birx who have flapping jaws but little in the way of reality. My opinion under the First Amendment.

Michael Tomaino
Michael Tomaino
3 years ago

It appears that the so called “science” that liberals used in an attempt to control and destroy our Nation is biting their butts. We Conservatives need to continue to rally against liberal tyranny.

Laura Hollingsworth
Laura Hollingsworth
3 years ago

What if you take into account the increase in mental health issues and the suicide rate due to the lockdowns? I think the death rate in California would be even worse.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Newsom took his instructions from “shut-down” Joe and his Marxist Democrat party. He forgot that this was all about power, and the people were fed up with that socialist play. When you take your instructions from Satan, you will pay the price. He is simply as disingenuous as the administration in Washington, and it does not look good for him. The sooner he is put out to pasture, the better off the state will be. Apparently Newsom does not even look at the lame stream media. He seems totally oblivious to what is going on around him. There are no real secrets on how to run a state, even during a pandemic. History will show that Governor DeSantis did things right, and that Newsom was on some distant planet in complete denial.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago



3 years ago


3 years ago

Its very simple to form a conclusion on these 2 governors//Desantis has been a leader and Florida is and has been doing very well// Newsom is a biden type idiot and should be fired while California is pitiful and did everything wrong/ Wake up all idiots of blue magoo states and fire your liberal Mayors/Congressman/and Senators and finally the dementia King in the White House//

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

The differences couldn’t be more striking- one is being Recalled by his own fellow Liberals, and the other one could be our future President.

Celeste Brown
Celeste Brown
3 years ago

All states need to follow Desantis’ lead.

3 years ago

Democrats are Pathetic

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Dont know logic behind lockdowns & masks when CDC says OK Open up.
Who does Newsom owe?
Ego trip?
& we Voters suffer.
Applies to Blue States
& Yes CA has Red pockets in Blue State
(voted for Trump, 2016 & 2020)

John D'Amico
John D'Amico
3 years ago

Just check the thousands who have lost their lives, homes and businesses as a result of poor leadership by blue state Governors. Governor DeSantis has shown and is continuing excellent leadership in steering Florida through this crisis.

3 years ago

Ron D…my guv! Best governor in the country as far as I’m concerned. Kristi Noem was right up there until she blew it BIG-TIME, last week.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Governor “Gruesome” (AKA Governor “Nuisance”) is our current Dictator of the Peoples Republic of ☭alifornia here on the Left Coast. Add in the Lamestream Media which, in lock-step, aids, abets and promotes the Libtard ideologies of the Left, and you have all the information you need to understand the insanity that has been going on out here for the last year with the governor’s extensive overreach and violation of our Constitutional rights during the pandemic.

Our recall petition received over 2 million signatures from the citizens of California.  Only 1.5 million valid signatures are required to move this recall effort to a ballot. The signatures on the petitions are now being verified by the Registrar of Voters in each county. Once the 1.5 million valid signature count is reached, we will have an election. That election will ask 2 questions. Question 1 is to recall the governor, yes or no. Question 2 is to vote for a candidate to replace the governor if the governor is successfully recalled.

Many of us hope the recall election moves forward, that the governor will be recalled, and a Republican candidate elected to replace him. This is the only hope to restore some sanity here in California, however short lived it might be.

Kudos to Governor DeSantis for the rational approach he has taken in Florida in response to the pandemic. Too bad we didn’t have more of the governors of the various states taking a similar approach to the pandemic.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
3 years ago

DeSantis is an excellent governor. He went through Ivy League Schools , served in the military and has the intelligence and guts to lead. God Bless him, he is a treasure in our America.

J Rea
J Rea
3 years ago

As a Florida resident I applaud Gov DeSantis . I appreciate that he quickly opened churches and that he made sure seniors who wanted shots were the first to receive them. And my grandson has been in class in person since September. A true leader.

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Sane people realize that most officials in blue states are idiots———–what does that say for the people who supposedly elect them?????

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

Please don’t trouble the Leftists with facts, They get upset and then they get violent.

3 years ago

Newsom nothing but a lime light playboy

Steve Crowley
Steve Crowley
3 years ago

It appears that Florida has demonstrated the legitimacy of the Great Barrington Declaration.
I felt from the beginning it was most likely the best way to go and Florida has proven it right

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Newsom is disgusting but what more could anyone expect from the Nephew of Peeelosi!

Michael Shatto
Michael Shatto
3 years ago

********** A Thinkabout **********
What are the statistics comparing the cases under California and Florida’s different approaches to COVID-19?

3 years ago

This is a great example of the wisdom of our founding fathers. They believed in people to make good decisions. Here we see two governors making different decisions for their state. Imagine if we did not have state’s rights, but only a federal government that controlled all states. Newson put his faith in the talking heads in Washington and did not listen to his own people. DeSantis listened to the experts in Washington also, but listened to his people also. Remember the calls for total federal mandates last year. We would have had a 50-50 chance of all of us being a California or a Florida. I believe this is the greatest argument for reducing federal control. Remember West Virginia, They had the “shot in the arm” done in December and waiting for more vaccines before New York started. The New York governor was still complaining in January about “no plan”.

This is the proof that the Constitution is correct on election control and the “for the people act” is simply a federal government grab for control that would be a disaster for all of us. State control is the best way to protect us, the citizen.

Charles Clagett
Charles Clagett
3 years ago

What services do you provide, such as dicounts in hotels, carrental, at dining establishments etc.

3 years ago

The media today IS wrong 24/7. They’re not Journalists, they are story tellers. Their jobs are to keep feeding the Left’s Sheep, and that’s it! They are the ‘Enemy’ of the United States Of America! Traitors are to be shot dead by a firing squad or by public hanging by the neck until dead, period!! The only way we have gotten to this point to where we’re doomed is because as a nation we thumbed our nose at God. We were warned several times! Now only God’s time will tell.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

“Nuisance” will be found in a pkg lot. DeSantis will be POTUS in 2024,

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
3 years ago

Love this article. It’s true Newsome is a jerk and earning a growing distaste for all of the rules, lockdowns and regulations that he himself doesn’t comply with. So completely disgusted with this guy and would love to see him go. Many friends in Florida are totally pleased with DeSantis and I’ve heard lots of good news on how things are handled there. “Stark differences” doesn’t even come close to describing these two guys.

3 years ago

“…showing that lockdowns had no scientifically measurable public health effect.

Of course we already knew this. This is what the actual science said BEFORE the Covid-19 even existed. lockdowns don’t work. Masks do little to nothing. But they do cause a lot of harm. You’ve probably heard about Newsom and restaurant-gate, but did you know when he first ordered lockdowns, it included wineries. Exept in one local, where the winery he owns just happened to be.

J Rea
J Rea
3 years ago

So now MLB decides to move the ASG out of Georgia because Georgia wants fair elections. And where will they move it ? To Newsome’s state, or Cuomo’s state, maybe Seattle Wash which is a mess. I will not go to a MLB game or support any cable channel that supports MLB

3 years ago

One of these guys believes you are wise enough to make your own decisions, and one of these guys believes he is so cool, hip, and handsome that he can get away with inflating his ego at your expense. Can you guess which is which? Probably a difficult challenge if you can’t think for yourself and watch CNN, ABC, MSNBC, ABC, ESPN, NPR, etc….

3 years ago

I think there is a saying, “You get what you tolerate”.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

I would seem to me that the Governor of Florida is a Politician to, actually, listen to. Wow! Did I say that…

3 years ago

DeSantis is a Republican who follows the science, not Liberal blowhard-speak!

Timothy Mensinger
Timothy Mensinger
3 years ago

I really would have liked to read the article without your stupid “pop up” in the middle!

3 years ago

This article says it all, despite the fear mongering, power hungry lockdowns and lies of the useless failed democrat govenors , COVID outbreaks, economic data and freedom are superior in fact based Republican governed states.
WE all knew it!

3 years ago

Hmmm. I would love to share this article with several people, however, they would actually want to know the references for the statistics AND the author. Imagine that! Disappointed in AMAC for publishing this article without either of them!

3 years ago

Both of these people are elected by the voters in their state. They should make the best decisions for the people , or they should resign or will or will not be re-elected. When the hospitals in LA were beyond capacity, what would I do???

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