Health and Wellness , Newsline

Who’s to Blame for Your Lousy Insurance Coverage?

Posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Everyone’s blaming health insurance company greed for the soaring claims denials and roadblocks to care. That’s naive.  Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians.

In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. But under ACA rules, denials increased tenfold. Now nearly 15% of claims are denied, reports Premier, an insurance consultant firm. Some insurers deny a third or more of claims, according to Kaiser Family Foundation research.

Insurers are also demanding pre-authorizations for a wide range of treatments and medications, tying your doctor’s hands and dangerously delaying your care.

Your doctor has to call the insurer before beginning treatment or ordering medication. Seldom is the person on the other end of the phone a specialist in the disease or treatment in question. It could be an OB-GYN overriding what your neurosurgeon recommends, warns the AMA.

Dr. Debra Patt prescribed a drug combination for a patient with metastatic breast cancer but had to wait weeks for prior authorization. In the meantime, reports the AMA, she had to settle for standard chemotherapy, to no avail: Her patient died.

“You have health plan representatives who have never met the patient, have never been at the bedside or practiced medicine but are now making treatment decisions,” objects Tina Grant, senior vice president of public policy and advocacy at Trinity Health, a system of 92 Catholic hospitals.

According to House Committee on Energy and Commerce testimony, 80% of the preapprovals Cigna denied for Medicare Advantage customers were overturned on appeal, a sign that legitimate care is being withheld. Cigna uses an algorithm called PxDx to deny prior authorizations in bulk.

Denials and prior authorization requirements escalated after the ACA went into effect. But don’t blame profit maximization. The ACA regulates underwriting profits, and if profits go up, insurers have to send customers rebates.

Giants like United Healthcare have grown into money-making behemoths by buying physicians’ practices, hospitals, and pharmacy chains, not by selling health plans, according to IBISWorld industry research.

The actual reason your health insurance is becoming unreliable is that politicians backing Obamacare knowingly made a promise that was impossible to keep without insurers resorting to predatory practices.

Obamacare advocates promised everyone would be charged the same regardless of their “preexisting conditions.”

The math doesn’t work. Every year, 5% of the population uses over 50% of the health care. That’s a fact of nature, politics aside.

Telling insurers to cover the 5% for the same price they charge healthy people is like providing monthly groceries to a skinny fashion model and the winner of Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest for the same price. Ridiculous.

Five percent more premium payers and 50% more medical needs.

The federal government should have stepped in with extra payments to cover people with preexisting conditions. Instead, insurers were hit with a mountain of new claims and told to make it work. They adopted draconian cost-cutting methods.

The winners? Democratic politicians. Covering preexisting conditions at no extra charge is popular.

The losers? Everyone else who has to worry that their next treatment will be delayed or their next claim denied.

The biggest losers, sadly, are the seriously ill who suffer disproportionately from managed care’s tight controls, according to a National Bureau of Economic Research paper on Medicaid managed care.

More than half of states are now passing laws to limit prior authorization.

That’s a step in the right direction. But Americans need to reassess managed care.

There is next to no evidence that it improves health.

President Joe Biden’s assistant secretary of health policy boasts that the ACA’s coverage expansion — mostly in managed care — reduced “morbidity and mortality.” That’s a blatant lie.  Americans are sicker and living shorter lives than they were before the ACA.

One alternative is to allow low-cost catastrophic insurance, which kicks in only for large bills. Healthy people who get coverage at work would benefit from fewer interactions with an insurer and more take-home pay in lieu of a whopping $25,000 plan — the cost this year for family coverage.

Democrats try to label catastrophic coverage as “junk insurance.” The Biden administration made it almost impossible to buy. But Americans are beginning to see that health plans that turn down claims and make you wait a dangerous amount of time for pre-authorization are the real “junk.”

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York State and co-founder of Save Our City. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Aaron Finnegan
Aaron Finnegan
2 months ago

merica needs to cancel Retirement and Social Security for all of the old people who are bankrupting America with their hand-outs that they do not work for. They don’t deserve a free hand-out just for sitting at home all day and doing absolutely nothing. If senior citizens don’t work, they should not legally be allowed to collect money or vote.

2 months ago

Obama promised, “You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan.” He also said we’d save $2500 each year in medical costs and insurance. BIG LIE. An Obama advisor–was it Susstein or Emanuel??–commented on a hot mic that the success of Obamacare depended on the stupidity of the American people. Can you imagine someone saying something like that?! The disdain for us citizens during those years was unmistakable.

I hope RFK will be able to get us back on track toward a healthier America. And I don’t mean cheaper insurance and medical costs, although those are needed, too. Phys Ed needs to come back into schools; that’s a start. As a self-employed horticulturist and avid gardener for over 50 years, I see the many benefits of growing my own vegetables–pesticide-free produce, year-round harvests, exercise, sunshine, and huge savings in grocery bills. With a little ingenuity, gardeners across the country can grow some produce in most if not all months of the year.

If our doctors are poorly informed in nutrition, how can we expect to improve our own health and cut costs? They’re too quick to write a prescription when changes in the diet are far more beneficial. Doctors receive financial incentives from pharmaceutical companies when they write prescriptions, but that should stop.

My mother had type 2 diabetes for close to 40 years. Instead of encouraging her to control her consumption of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, sweets, white potatoes, corn), her doctors kept her on 4-5 medications to control her blood sugar levels. When I moved in with her, she was able to go off all but one of the drugs when I took over the cooking. I write this not to sound “la-dee-da” but because I’ve seen firsthand how eating better can preserve our health.

There are plenty of improvements that can be made in health care, but eating better, in my opinion, should be top of the list. Maybe offering incentives to us (cheaper insurance, free checkups, coupons for farmers’ market purchases) for making the effort to improve our diet, lose weight, quit smoking and alcohol, and exercise more could be a win-win for America.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 months ago

The damage done by the Democrats to our health care system, is just part of the slow conversion to communism they have been working towards. Hopefully we can reverse these actions and get back on course. That is IF ALL of America is starting to realize what has been going on. Those that still support the Left need to get a clue, soon.

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
2 months ago

Here is an AI generated image of Finnigans wake: Statist Fascism is so passé. 

Despicable: This is not a playground for internet trollers looking for someone to goad

Stealing:  One cannot thieve what one owns.

Knowledge:  you cannot impart what you do not possess.

Now off you go.  

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