
Elections , Newsline

Will Al Smith Blunder Trigger Harris Campaign Shakeup

Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Kamala Harris’s shocking 92 percent staff turnover in her first three years as vice president highlights her habit of blaming others for her missteps. Don’t be too surprised if shortly this pattern reemerges.

In deciding to skip the Al Smith Dinner, Harris’s staff made an overwrought, perhaps even panicked decision that will increasingly be seen as a snub to the crucial bloc of Catholic voters – and in presidential campaign lore probably will be remembered as an historic error. Harris will become the first presidential candidate since 1984 to skip the iconic event, a charity dinner named for New York Governor Al Smith, the first Catholic presidential nominee of a major party. The dinner was famously attended in 1960 by Democrat nominee John F. Kennedy, who shortly became the first Catholic president.

After the meteoric up and downs of last week, it’s difficult not to sympathize with Harris’s campaign handlers (who, after all, may already be suffering from Kamala’s Nurse Ratched attitude toward her staffers). Having celebrated a supposedly commanding debate performance, where Harris dutifully recited all of the corporate media’s and Democrat Party’s talking points against Donald Trump, the campaign saw devastating polls showing no real gain for her—and even losses among undecided voters. If anything, Trump seemed to be gaining ground (more about those polls in a moment).

The polling setback as well news reports citing TV spots in five states accusing Democrat Senate candidates of anti-Catholic bigotry spooked her staff into the classic campaign mistake of relieving anxiety by attempting a quick fix to a dilemma that had not yet even occurred. The thought of Donald Trump confronting Harris at the Smith dinner over her own anti-Catholic record as a state Attorney General and U.S. Senator was apparently just too much for Harris campaign leadership.

There is no better indication of the kind of tension at the Harris campaign that caused this misstep than in Sunday morning’s “Politico Playbook,” which, in its role as the Harris HQ tip sheet, celebrated a supposed Harris surge by citing a recent NBC poll. But in reality, the NBC poll wasn’t recent at all: it showed the network—like the Chicago ward healers of old holding back their vote results until they knew how much they needed to boost the election night numbers—had waited five days to release it.

More to the point, this mysteriously delayed, badly needed Harris boost starkly contradicted another poll that wasn’t delayed and covered roughly the same period of time. Unlike the NBC poll—which is notoriously pro-Democrat—this highly regarded New York Times/Siena poll showed the race tied with no appreciable movement toward Harris after the debate. (And this is not to mention an even more timely Rasmussen poll—rated more highly by The Washington Post than others like NBC—showing Trump gaining ground and up by two points.)

But the Harris campaign will take what it can get. Like the equally biased and even more notorious Quinnipiac poll, which dials up favorable results whenever Democrat candidates are endangered, the NBC poll has a history of always featuring good news for Democrat candidates. A headline from The Wall Street Journal two days before the 2020 election tells the story: a WSJ/NBC News poll reported a 10-point Biden victory, which means that if NBC’s built-in five or six points premium for Democrat candidates is applied to the current poll, Trump is even with or slightly ahead of Harris.

This kind of gaslighting will go on. The Harris campaign and the corporate media have a strategy similar to Hillary Clinton’s in 2016—a Potemkin strategy relying on manipulated polls and broadcast networks taking their cue from Democrat political operatives, blaring about a surging Harris and her eventual inevitable victory.

The recklessness here is risky though. The political world is not likely to completely forget the realities of the last two weeks. On debate night, for example, even as the media celebrated what they saw as a big win for Harris, a Reuters focus group revealed that undecided voters found her performance unconvincing, and a New York Times focus group showed that most Independents leaned toward voting for Trump. In the days that followed, both the New York Post and Rasmussen polls indicated that Trump had actually gained a point or two from the debate.

But nothing demonstrated the failure of the media’s coverage, or the Harris campaign’s mistake, more than the CNN poll taken the night of the debate. It showed that while many viewers thought Harris had “won” the debate, she actually lost two points on the economy—the very issue she most needed to address. This dynamic is reminiscent of past presidential debates where candidates like Jimmy Carter were said to have won, yet suffered significant political damage in the aftermath of the debates.

More recently , Harris’s staff was forced to process talk of a Trump “landslide” due to a working class profoundly “scared” about the state of the economy outlined in articles like one by Douglas MacKinnon in The Hill, where he cited his own working-class background and pointed out the union endorsements Harris failed to receive and the famous CBS interview in Las Vegas restaurants where virtually no Harris supporters could be found. The Harris campaign also had to endure remarks from the likes of Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) about the hold Trump has on Pennsylvania voters, and Roger Kimball’s arguments about why the Harris campaign seemed doomed. (Kimball’s point seemed well borne out in last week’s painful Harris interview with Oprah Winfrey in Michigan.)

Again, the analogy in all this to 2016 is worth revisiting. While Harris’s team was right to fear that Trump would eviscerate her in front of that audience, much like he did to Clinton in 2016, they have not fully realized how their Potemkin strategy of jiggered polls and corporate media adulation can backfire.

At the 2016 Al Smith Dinner, Trump had just debated Clinton the night before (and the media declared her the runaway winner). During the dinner, Trump claimed Clinton hated Catholics and was booed by the audience. The media played this over and over on morning news programs, believing that the sight of Trump getting booed would damage him in national polling just weeks prior to Election Day. That weekend, the corporate media celebrated polls showing Hillary leading by as many as 13 points.

What they didn’t realize, however, was that Trump had connected strongly with Independents—particularly by standing firm in the face of criticism from wealthy elites. By the middle of the next week, Trump was leading in Florida for the first time—and closing the gap in key Rust Belt states.

By the end of the same week, the first ABC tracking poll showed a collapse in Clinton’s lead, with a stunning 11-point drop in just four days—largely due to an unprecedented double digit swing among independents. Much confusion followed, as the poll was released on the same day as FBI Director Comey’s letter about Clinton’s email investigation. Though many voters wrongly attributed Clinton’s polling drop to the Comey letter, the poll had of course been conducted prior to the letter’s release. What the poll demonstrated was that Trump—who came across as an the non-Romney and a Republican who actually “meant it”—had scored heavily in the debate even as the pundits cooed over Hillary.

Similarly, this cycle, Harris’s handlers likely didn’t want her subjected to the same fate at the Smith dinner, especially given her vulnerability on an issue that has been in the news and is now hurting Democrat Senate candidates. A simple Google search of Harris’s record on Catholic issues brings her severe vulnerabilities with Catholic voters to light. Moreover, her party’s unique vulnerability among Catholic voters—particularly Hispanic voters in key battleground states like Arizona and Nevada—was recently put on display in a series of TV ads produced by Frontiers of Freedom Action, which are now running in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

The information-laden, fact-heavy ad kicks off by highlighting Democrat Senate candidates’ “cruel war” against the Little Sisters of the Poor (it notes that the senators provided the deciding votes in the Senate confirmation of Biden-Harris Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, a key player in the left’s persecution of the Catholic group.

“Sherrod Brown joined the Democratic Party’s cruel war against them by giving the winning vote to the 23 Attorney Generals trying to force the sisters to violate their faith and pay for abortion pills,” the ad’s narrator states in the Ohio version of the TV spot.

The ad also notes prominent Democrat senators’ attempts to impose an “unconstitutional religious test” against Catholics nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court and other roles within the federal judiciary—a move that caused even prominent secular figures—including the president of Princeton University—to speak out. In September 2017, Princeton president Christopher L. Eisgruber issued an unprecedented letter to Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, urging them to “refrain from interrogating nominees about the religious or spiritual foundations of their jurisprudential views.” The president of the University of Notre Dame, the Harvard Law Review, and the Anti-Defamation League echoed Eisgruber’s sentiment, also releasing statements condemning the rhetoric.

The ad then goes on to catalogue some of the progressive left’s most shocking acts of anti-Catholic prejudice—from their embrace of transgender ideology to their flagrant persecution of Catholics who assent to the Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life.

The ad also makes note of Kamala Harris’s and Joe Biden’s celebration of the so-called “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday, the holiest day of the year for Christians, as well as their administration’s initial refusal to allow the Knights of Columbus to celebrate a Memorial Day Mass at Arlington National Cemetery.

Yet for all of Harris’s vulnerabilities on the Catholic issue in making its Al Smith decision, her campaign needed to look beyond the possibility of a Trump attack and understand that the far better course for her was a conciliatory and gracious speech that would give her a chance to tactfully escape the evening. Instead, the painful image of a future Trump attack was too much to bear during a week that had gone wrong—and Harris handlers bailed on an iconic American political event.

Don’t expect the media to notice. At least not yet. From the very moment Harris replaced Biden as her party’s standard-bearer in July, they have been a nonstop “hallelujah chorus” for the Harris campaign. Yet even they have noted some significant missteps. The selection of Walz as Harris’s running mate, for instance, was a grave error—and the recent loss of the Teamsters and Steamfitters Union endorsements was a painful blow to traditional Democrat politicians. Additionally, the decision to put Harris on stage in the debate may have thrilled Trump haters, but it failed to accomplish the one crucial task for the Harris campaign: winning over undecided voters by presenting an economic plan that addressed the struggles of families.

But last week was a particularly bad one for the Harris campaign—possibly even devastating. Kamala’s handlers capped off their previous errors with the disastrous decision to pull out of the Al Smith dinner, leaving the campaign open to charges of being in serious disarray and committing blunder after blunder, much like the 1972 George McGovern or the 1988 Michael Dukakis campaigns, which, once they entered a spiral of failure, couldn’t pull out of the crash and burn.

The real problem with the Harris campaign is the same issue plaguing the entire Biden administration. Unlike Bill Clinton, whose famous policy of “triangulation” aimed to attract moderates and even conservatives (famously, the Clinton campaign ran ads on Christian radio condemning abortion while simultaneously holding events at the White House for women who had undergone partial-birth abortions), the Biden administration has acted as if its only goal is to appease the far-left wing of the party, basking in the praise of CNN, MSNBC, and other networks for each extremist move.

While this dynamic should have spelled disaster for the Democrats in the 2022 midterm races, a skillful use of tens of millions of dollars in six key states—and without Trump on the ballot to counter their radical agenda—allowed the Democrats to stop the red wave that was evidently building. However, having learned nothing from that close call, the Harris campaign has followed the same strategy—focusing on thrilling the left, Trump haters, and the Democrat Party cheerleaders in the media, thinking this will be enough to win the presidential election.

But Harris’s strategy has never been a winning formula—and based on every indication, she is about to find out the hard way.

That doesn’t mean, however, that towards the end of the campaign, her team—at least those who have survived the Kamala purges—won’t be recommending another quick fix for what may become an even more pronounced problem with Catholic voters. As Fox’s Martha MacCallum recently pointed out, the candidate who wins the Catholic vote wins the election—and Harris is already trailing Trump by 10 points among the group.

In another fit of nerves, then, the Harris handlers—who put all their faith in the ephemeral reality of media events and hype—may make a move reminiscent of the Dukakis campaign’s now-much-laughed-at decision to reassure voters on national security by outfitting their candidate with a ridiculous tank commander’s helmet.

It will be something to see: Kamala before a late-campaign crowd, spouting empathy at Catholic voters while wearing a nun’s habit, or maybe even that distinctive shield-shaped episcopal headwear called a bishop’s mitre.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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5 months ago

Don’t worry. This decision by Harris to skip the Al Smith dinner won’t impact her campaign in the slightest. Her staff will continue to quit in record numbers no matter what, as no one can put up with insane ego and temper, her refusal to prepare for any event or to follow the directions from the handlers assigned to run the day-to-day operations of her campaign by the major donors funding this farce. So, business as usual will continue as we race towards election day. Of course, the MSM will continue to shield Harris from any potential fallout by either burying the story or deflecting in some way.

As for the author’s assertion that Harris skipping the Al Smith dinner will cost her the Catholic vote and thus the election. That may indeed have been true in normal times, but then the author misses the whole point of why the Biden / Harris administration erased our boarders and allowed at least 20 million unvetted, illegal aliens to stream into the country over the last 3 1/2 years in the first place. Put simply, the Democrats imported enough “useful idiots” into the country, that owe both their presence in our country as well as all the taxpayer funded handouts they are receiving, when added to the 40 million illegal aliens already here, to offset any lost votes from their usual Democrat voter base that may be walking away. Why do you think illegals are being granted drivers licenses as fast as possible, which automatically allows them to register to vote, via assistance from a number of Democrat funded NGOs in several Democrat run states across the country? At least that is the Democrat calculation that they are relying on to “win” (wink-wink) the election.

Some of these authors really need to get out of D.C. some more, because they are missing a lot of what the Democrats are doing all across the country to try and ensure they can’t lose any future elections by any means necessary.

5 months ago

Harris disastrous campaign for the nomination in 2020 that never won one a single delegate or vote Democratic voters soundly rejected her. Black voters overwhelmingly rejected her. Before Biden was forced out in a coup there was widespread effort to replaced her because of her record low approval ratings as VP.
Harris is extremely unlikable. She shares the lead in a space formerly owned exclusively by Hillary Clinton. Pretty much everyone who knows Harris doesn’t like her. She is just mean and nasty. The constant stream of multiple staff members that leave after just a few months working for her is well documented. At last count 92% of her staff has resigned to get away from her. That number starts when she began her political career as a DA in California and goes to the last 3.5 years as VP. 

5 months ago

The impact of skipping the dinner is miniscule compared to the impact of vote fraud. Already, just in Arizona, there are 98,000 voters illegally registered to vote, and some Leftist judge has already ruled that votes from those “voters” must be counted despite the illegality. As in past elections, if the vote is close, we’ll have no idea who really “won”. Sigh.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
5 months ago

We held a Republican Trump rally this weekend in small southern MA community. Expectation was for about 200 attendees. We hit just short of 500. We had Democrats in the audience and a passel of independents. God only hopes that this is an augur of November 5.

5 months ago

From what I have read, seen and heard, I do not trust or want that red-diaper, Marxist anchor baby in the WH>

5 months ago

You watch. The Oprah interview will be her undoing. Mark my words, in two days she will have dropped a few more points.

Felipe Yanes
Felipe Yanes
5 months ago

Do we have data on what the staff turnover was for other senators during that same period over which Harris lost 92% of her people? Harris is such a BOZO, I can’t believe anyone would vote for her – even with Trump’s considerable character shortcomings being considered.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Of course she won’t show since, unlike the convention, Catholics won’t let her set up abortion vans to hold Satanic human sacrifice in. Like the American flag, you’re hard-pressed to find “God” in that party… Allah maybe… but never anything “Christian”.

kitty hogan
kitty hogan
5 months ago

kamala is a chicken. knows she is not capable of this job

5 months ago

Thanks to the Harris Haitian voodoo invaders it appears that her campaigns goose is cooked.

5 months ago

I’d appreciate an entire column on the inside baseball on the top dozen or so polling organizations—their origins (briefly); their track records in, say, the last half-dozen national elections (& their regional records, if any, too); and especially their current partisan biases. Such a “lies, damn lies, and statistics” primer would be a huge help to readers.
But—back to the charity event—if there’s a problem that can be solved with obscene amounts of money, Democrats needn’t panic. And I’d expect Trump’s going to speak pejoratively of Harris at the Al Smith dinner whether she’s there or not. True, the only impression she can make with her absence isn’t an ennobling one (unless she’s off somewhere donating a kidney): so afraid of the playground ruffian, she’s pusillanimously stayed in the classroom for recess. (Can she, if elected, just skip tough meets with int’l hard cases?) Political withholding, on par with Biden’s basement campaign.
And do we really think Democrats have left Harris—whom they hardly trust in front of local affiliate anchors—in charge of firing and hiring her campaign staff? As with virtually every aspect of policy, I suspect the DNC has long since taken over personnel matters too. At this point, Kamala’s a passenger on a Dem express train.

5 months ago

Radical Islamic Terrorism…Not middle class

carol exposito
carol exposito
5 months ago

If it weren’t for the sad spectacle of watching a Political Party implode and making the greatest republic in the history of the world embarrass itself, we should be laughing our heads off at this ridiculous woman thinking of herself as “Presential Material”. She’s vapid, she lies with impunity and laughs at her own silliness like a bad stand-up comedienne. What other qualifications do we need?

5 months ago

Sure wish we didn’t live and die by the “polls”.

5 months ago

Lord Jesus bless you all!

5 months ago

Yes, it’s dispiriting that Democrats (in & out of the media) are the architects of Harris’s Potemkin campaign. But more disturbing is their commitment to removing any vestige of objectivity in both journalism and political polling. They’re galloping authoritarians who deeply distrust even their primary voters, say nothing of the general electorate.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Oh, common man, as if any of it matters. There are more voters in reserve for her than we can count.

5 months ago

Let us just be. That is what we are fighting for, not against. To just be.

5 months ago

Whenever Kamala is asked a question, I am in awe of the lengths she will go to confuse people and never answer the question she was asked. It is truly scary to think there are people out there who think she is a great Candidate. Putin will need to have a gallon of Vodka at the ready just to get through a meeting with her. The past 3+ years has been nothing but confusion first from Joe who could not keep up with his own conversation and statements. Then the Word Salads from Kamala could make anyone take up drinking. And to top it off, Kamala was never nominated by anyone other than BO to run for the Office of the President of the United States. The voters of the Democratic Party were snowed and most of all, they were robbed of their Constitutional Rights to choose the Candidate they felt most qualified. But they can’t see it or don’t care that their entire Election Process was stolen from them. They are either totally blind or they are just that Stupid.

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
5 months ago

In the progressive world view, abortion is a secular sacrament. Clearly, a Church that emphasizes the Holy Sacrament should find such a aberration as anathema.

5 months ago

The dems run on lies and money to buy votes, people are paid and bused into Kameltoe’s rallies. While Trump has thousands and thousands showing up hours before his appearance and the overflow standing outside. No paid attendees necessary. The polls are the same. Every day a new poll. Stop with the polls. Remember the red wave in 2022. The 2020 election? The polls put out by the dems is to make us all think that Kameltoe is a winner. The woman is a laughing hyena who is incapable of forming a monologue about how to fix the country. Oprah was right in asking her what happened when you were endorsed by ole Joe and she was pushed to be the candidate. From an unknown to the Queen savior of the democrat party. She all of a sudden got smart? 92% of her staff resigned because she was hell to work for? She has no substance, no original thought where she wants America to go. She recites the same platitudes, sound bites, cliches over and over again. She is going to fix this and going to fix that. But how she can’t say. We get a word salad that makes no sense. That often doesn’t have anything to do with the questions asked. It was no debate. It was 100% to smear Trump with lies and innuendos. Nothing about what she would do going forward with the economy, the border, the wars in the Ukraine or the Middle East. There were no wars under Trump. America with its citizens was prosperous, calm and safe. The elites are throwing money at it 650 million so far and going up. With 350 million people in America that can buy a lot of votes. Why do we have early voting, why do we have voting by mail, why are no ID’s required to vote but getting into Kameltoe’s rallies you have to show ID’s. Why? All ways to manipulate the voters. Don’t believe the polls, don’t believe the dem propaganda. Snubbing Catholics or any other religion is a strategy that communists like to create. We have to pray at the altar of the dems and Kameltoe. No other Gods allowed.

Roseann Carpenter
Roseann Carpenter
5 months ago

I am still among many people that I know, wondering just exactly who is running our country? Who is the President? And for sure, why was Harris, allowed to assume this candidacy, without a single vote. Only President Biden’s support. Is he of mental state to make this type support decision, which effects every citizen who regards his vote; just asking.

Dapper one
Dapper one
5 months ago

She’ll be out courting the Hamas vote. That seems rather anti Catholic, in and of itself.

5 months ago

What and who is she hiding from?? Is she afraid the voters will actually tie her to her actions in the socialists slow jow biden administration?? Is she afraid the all her press conferences and media appearances while trying to beat biden for the president nomination be exposed? They were when she wanted to destoy ICE, destroy publid health care, decriminalize migrant crimes?? She is a radical communist with promises of destroying capitalism, the middle class, home ownership, our economy, and the Repubic itself. DO NOT let the marxist socialist into our government!! Maybe she can be the border czar for cuba??

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Good hope it costs Harris like Mondale did Bravo Dems

Guy Venturen
Guy Venturen
5 months ago

do illegal voters watch the al smith dinner?

5 months ago

An insider once told me that when a poll is taken the pollsters that take the poll do not consist of anyone other than those in the studio at the time. So if there are 8 people in the room and 4 vote for what ever it is then the pol will read 1/2 people say this…. or if its 6 people voting a certain way and 2 the other way then the pol shows that the majority of the people polled voted …… in other word, don’t believe ratings good or pols that say anything one way or the other. I have not been poled for my choice, and millions of others, so then how do they know who is voting for whom.

Robert Javorcic
Robert Javorcic
5 months ago

Harris is afraid of exposure. Even with scripted remarks, she risks a moment of unplanned spontaneity where her nervous cackle will surface as a cover for her brain freeze. She simply can’t help it. But she has nothing to fear! The Media will ignor it LIKE IT DIDN’T EVEN HAPPEN.

5 months ago

She is a Godless human that supports abortion. Her day will come and it won’t be nice.

5 months ago

Kamala appearing before Catholic voters while wearing a nun’s habit would be the same as Joe appearing with a very large, very dark palm ash cross on his forehead….both being very PHONY!

5 months ago

Who is the biggest loser… The media or socialists?

Howard Hirsch
Howard Hirsch
5 months ago

Note the irony of all this happening under the administration of only the second Catholic to occupy the White House.

5 months ago

The VP debate comes up in a couple weeks – in a era where it’s repeated that the VP doesn’t matter however in this game of inches every vote counts. It will only highlight to the few undecides left that Trump picks good people, Harris bombs. Vance will wipe up the floor with Walz, who yesterday told us we can’t take another 4 years of this…yes, that’s what he said and that’s just how truly dumb the guy is.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

Kackler’s support for murdering babies up-to and after birth would be embarrassing to REAL Catholics. [Il Papa doesn’t seem to care!} Plus, Kackler wants MUSLIM support, not Catholic/Christian support. Also, I don’t know if they allow teleprompters at the dinner. She certainly give a talk on her own!

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