
Elections , Newsline

Why Would Republicans Want Biden to Resign?

Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by Herald Boas


It is obvious that Joe Biden has just gone through the worst month of what is still the early part of his presidency.

His conduct of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan has drawn near-unanimous sharp criticism at home and abroad, and he is beset with crises and challenges in domestic and foreign issues, many of his own making.

As a result, many Republican officials and some conservative commentators are calling for him to resign.

The question is whether such calls make good political sense for the opposition party, or are even good for the country.

The 2022 national mid-term elections will enter their home stretch in less than a year. Republicans, as of now, are poised to make substantial gains in the U.S House, likely regaining the majority. The GOP also looks primed to win a small net gain in the U.S. Senate, thus reclaiming control. And Republicans are also expected to expand their lead in governorships and state legislatures. This circumstance existed before the debacle in Afghanistan, and if anything, has been enhanced by it.

Mr. Biden and his supporters are counting on voters to forget Afghanistan by next November — although hundreds of Americans remain stranded there, and the new Taliban regime’s ability and desire to stop terrorist and jihadist groups’ acting from there is questionable at best.

Recent polling suggests that the political damage to Mr. Biden is quite serious, and possibly more than short-term. Most polls, including those which formerly were very generous to the President, now show his approval percentage deeply in the negative. A USA Today poll had his positives at 41%. Most other polls have him in the low-to-mid 40s. An Emerson Poll had him losing to former president Trump 46-45 — indicating that many independents and quite a few Democrats are having second thoughts about 2020. Since such polls reflect the popular vote, including the large populations concentrated in heavily Democratic states such as California, New York and Illinois, the one-point poll lead indicates a theoretical landslide in the electoral college vote for Mr. Trump.

As other issues come to the fore, the anger about Afghanistan will subside — but would it be forgotten, especially if Mr. Biden were to leave office before the end of his term? And if he did resign, his successor would be Vice President Kamala Harris who, so far, has given no indication she is ready or able to assume the presidency. If Ms. Harris did become president, the next in line would be Speaker Nancy Pelosi — until a President Harris nominated a new vice president who might be even further left than she is. Moreover, any new president would likely have a honeymoon period with many voters, and if this took place now, it could alter the course of the 2022 elections.

Mr. Biden now has to face the issue of a clearly worsening U.S.-Mexican border crisis, sudden economic inflation, lingering pandemic issues, Chinese provocations in Asia, ongoing Middle East debacles, and resistance to radical proposals (such as defunding the police) originating in his own party (but opposed by many voters.)

The past several weeks have also seen the unprecedented abandonment, probably temporarily, of the mainstream media from protecting Mr. Biden — as it has done since the 2020 presidential campaign. In regard to the Afghan disaster, liberal editorial pages and commentators were often even more brutally critical of Mr. Biden than their conservative counterparts. Although already showing signs of softening, suddenly the Biden administration no longer has the guaranteed support the mainstream media once provided.

With the president’s standing impaired, he might be more of a hindrance than a help to Democratic candidates in 2022. In the weeks and months ahead, the real pressure for Mr. Biden to resign is more likely to come from within his own party then from any Republican.

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3 years ago

If he resigns or is impeached, look at what our next two options are. This doesn’t get better until the left is no longer in power.

Jim H.
Jim H.
3 years ago

We are screwed either way, weather he resigns or not. If we don’t regain control in 2022 our country is going to be beyond repair!

Richard S.
Richard S.
3 years ago

The flip side of this is that no one is removed from office for multiple impeachable offenses. “They” will keep doing this until they are stopped and severely reprimanded. Harris can’t think her way out of a paper bag. Would rather see JB punished and removed.

3 years ago

So, we just leave the demented old man in to continue? Either way, America loses. What needs to be done is charge him with treason and dereliction of duty, along with the border czar that has been everywhere except the border. Get them both out, then go after Nancy for fake impeachment BS on Trump. All of these people are traitors and they need to go.

3 years ago

Until the American people stand up and say “enough!” “They will continue to destroy us…I mourn for our once great, free and common sense country

3 years ago

As described in your article- while not good for the U S – JB needs to remain in office (as a pet of the Republican strategy for 2022). He is obviously a puppet. The “options “ for the country in Harris/Pelosi/ and more radical others is even more dangerous for our country as they truly want the country to become a socialist/ communist country.

Marylin Bochert
Marylin Bochert
3 years ago

If we can’t get the voter fraud under control all of this is a moot point anyway. They stole 2020. They stole the Newsome recall. I don’t see a hope for this country to turn around from this down hill spiral.

3 years ago

America is at a cross roads that will ultimately determine this country’s path for decades. Biden doesn’t understand how to govern for he is set in his ways

3 years ago

This is about or Country!

A Thompson
A Thompson
3 years ago

Very on point. Keep Byden (not a misspelling) in place, it will help us on the Right.

3 years ago

God help all of us…what a mess…or is it?…is this God’s plan by design…is God giving us time to prepare…because what’s happening is wicked…

3 years ago

From a certain perspective, a total housecleaning that will entail planning and strategy; tantamount to internal forceful removal is not out of the question. To be accomplished, is there a political will on the part of the people to do it? I don’t think so. Complacency and laziness are our enemies.

3 years ago

Interestingly, the article does not address Mr. Biden as ‘President’ Biden like most media would.

Makes one wonder… from his deeds how could he possess the honorable title of ‘President’; he cannot! I for one do not recognize him as such! Perhaps Tyrant Biden would be a more suitable!.

How many of those republicans in office (and would be) are rhinos!

Just saying…

3 years ago

What America REALLY NEEDS Right NOW is a Modern Day JOE MCCARTHY! … It now appears that HE WAS CORRECT in trying to WARN US about Communists have infiltrated Government, both Federal and State, AT ALL LEVELS! As well as, our educational system, and again at all levels, but he was ridiculed as “crazy”! Too bad he died too soon, or was he murdered?

3 years ago

Electing Biden and Harris to the top 2 offices on the planet was a huuuge mistake. We have become a target of ridicule, mockery, and challenges from other countries and likely from terrorist groups as well. How stupid we were. Even the MSM have put a little distance between themselves and the progressives because it’s impossible to gloss over the monumental mistakes made by this administration.

I don’t think Pres. Biden will last until the end of his term. And if Harris or Pelosi takes over and amplifies their liberal nonsense, the American people will show up and we will speak up more loudly than ever before, and within our legal rights. I’m ready to go. As long as we don’t do anything, um, stupid, the next few elections should be easy wins. That’s assuming legitimate elections procedures, of course.

Susan Goodman
Susan Goodman
3 years ago

I agree with this article. My concern is election integrity for future elections. Still very upset with my US Senator James Lankford for certifying the electoral votes on January 6th without looking at election fraud!!!

3 years ago

Biden needs to go! He needs to resign or be impeached! Don’t even thing about putting Harris in for him. She knows shit! I hope you all have the brains not to put Pelosi in office! I hope the good lord is listening to me. I have had it with the Democrats and all their lies, the cheating that they have done. I am sick of it all!

3 years ago

As President Kamala will not have to giggle her way out of tough questions. She will be better scripted than Joey has been because she is even more ignorant and the puppeteer knows it.

3 years ago

NO GOOD CHOICE…We Need a New Commander and Chief in 2024-Trump and New Congress in 2022-Repblican…God Help The United states of America Until Than…????????✝️????

Michael Terrell
Michael Terrell
3 years ago

He don’t even deserve to be called Mr. Definitely not president.

John Munro
John Munro
3 years ago

Not sure why he was ever allowdto hold any office ever? Bragging about collecting to keep thugs ie BLM ANTIFA out of jail while they killed looted distroyed also kamila was in on it. She has been bring in millions of illegals. 13,700 in Del Rio TX currently. while sabotoching evrything possible. Who will actually stop this huge attack on our constitution? Republicans remain humble as always. while dems commit crime like 3 fat men fighting over a donut.

3 years ago

You might not remember but before the election he was on some zoom or type call and said that they had a great Fraud Organization set up to help win the election. Go figure.

3 years ago

Ms. Harris was chosen VP by the left because she is such a poor choice for President, just daring Republicans to impeach Biden!! If we cave to the 2022 election cycle, there is no hope for America.

3 years ago

Well, I don’t care how he goes, he just needs to go. Tried and convicted of treason would be my preference, and you all know what they do with traitors, by law. Impeach his ass and his hyena VP for dereliction of duty would be good too. Take him out of office in shackles, followed by Harris, Nancy, Chuckie, and all the other swamp dwellers, make it a parade, with US flags and everything.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Yes 2 resign BUT who fills shoes:
Harris who IM told is Far worse.

3 years ago

Perhaps this is a case of the old “catch 22” , dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t. Leave the man in office, let him continue to fail and take the steps needed to assure balance of power with the mid term elections….that may be the best strategy, provided we are not too far down the path of destruction of the republic come Nov. 2022. My guess is, the liberals will eventually take action to remove him to turn the tide of destruction, perhaps the 25 Amendment ploy. They won’t impeach one of their own, but may need to get him out by some other means. The more he screws up, the less likely for the 2022 elections to come out to their advantage…..I say, let it play out, then pounce,( if there is still a capacity to pounce). I for one, have little confidence any of this will matter in the end, as we are already around the corner and on the down hill run to socialism.

David Mansfield
David Mansfield
3 years ago

Why would Republicans want Biden to resign and be replaced by an even worse alternative of Kamala?

3 years ago

2022 can’t come soon enough !!

Leland Eagleson
Leland Eagleson
3 years ago


3 years ago

So we wait until ’22, then we can start clearing house!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

I hate to say this, but I am afraid that the Republicans will be better off with Biden staying in office. In 2022 we will take back the house and the senate where we will be able to keep the democrats from pushing their agenda. Than in 2024 I believe we will elect a Republican President.

Bill Klocek
Bill Klocek
3 years ago

If China Joe is forced out, Harris becomes pres, McConnell now controls the senate and can block everything including a new VP. Quid pro quo China Joe will stay until he dies, 2024, or the progressives and their woke military take over.

3 years ago

More important is Congress. We have to spend all of our energy on stopping two huge bills – the one about spending and cradle to grave government ruling of our lives – the “infrastructure” bill – and the unconstitutional nationalization of election law, or the “For the People Act” – oy.

These must never be allowed to pass in any form. If either passes, the country is doomed to become a Communist, Islamist tyranny immediately.

Carol Bernice Cordier
Carol Bernice Cordier
3 years ago

I think your analysis is spot on!

3 years ago

Kamala is not fit to be president and we certainly do NOT want Pelosi up there!! So, we will suffer with Biden until our Lord decides or (?) he is replaced by Congress etc. It certainly IS a shame that the people choose “personality” rather than ability as their criteria! Pres. Trump ran the country as a business and it worked…Now they have someone who is acting like a child…(because “YOU” did this, I will get you for that…etc. but…what is waiting for us in line is the V. Pres. who knows not what to do…just cackles…it is truly a shame!..God…Please Bless America, again!

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
3 years ago

Recent developments in the Derek Chauvin and Kyle Rittenhouse cases portend the possibility of a fresh round of turmoil in the major cities. And while the riots themselves would be tragic, the effect Biden’s response to them will have on the Democrats’ political fortunes next November promises to be hilarious. Remember that Biden is as much the dyed-in-the-wool racist today that he was fifty years ago, and has a penchant for arrogating to the Federal Government powers that don’t rightfully belong to it. I see him responding to riots in an over-the-top manner that will spectacularly backfire on the Democrats right before the elections.

3 years ago

So many people are pinning their hopes on the mid term elections, Who is guaranteeing that a debacle similar to Nov. 2020 doesn’t recur? Or what just happened in CA. Do you believe the Derms are going to sit on their hands and let the obvious occur? No way.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

And now the idiot is suggesting you have a shot record to attend a sporting event. Kyle L.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 years ago

Too bad we can not get the whole administration and Democrat legislative leaders to resign. Maybe then, if there are any, level headed Democrats could take over until the next election.

David C
David C
3 years ago

What makes any clear-thinking person believe that Joe Bidens’ resignation will help America. Here’s why. 1. Joe Biden is not running America; he is doing what the Marxist Democrats are telling him to do. He is nothing more than a feckless, empty suit. If he resigns the governance of our country will not change. 2. Kamala Harris is worse, she has no idea, no real leadership qualities that enable her to lead our powerful country. Look at the Border crisis, the fact that she cannot handle it, and that they don’t want her visible should be obvious to all.
Here is how we win. Support and encourage Conservative Republicans who are running for office on every level, local, county, state & federal.
Stand by your core values- do not compromise them. Failure to do so will be failure indeed

3 years ago

We won’t have any gains in the senate or congress if we ignore the election fraud and fail to fix the problems. Dominion machines and their software needs to be trashed and people need to go to jail. I see a lot of scurrying, but nothing being done.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

I don’t want the guy who is responsible for a dozen crises that are actually acknowledged by most Americans to be bad to resign. All Republicans at every level have to do is run against the Socialist-idiot in chief.

D. ONeil
D. ONeil
3 years ago

This commentary should be written in BOLD Letters so all will read. If you have not thought about this, you need to now as the resignation of Biden would leave us in a far worse position. The(we) republications need to get to work NOW, however I do think we need a game plan and a suitable leader OR get on the Trump Band Wagon and get going and push those RINO’s to the side.(throw them under the bus)

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

Has anyone noticed how media are bussy 24/7 with missing woman and her so called fiancee and nary a whisper about the boarder the cesspool called Washington disaster called Biden and his junta, Ashli Babbit, fate of jan.6 inssurecrionist priority first eh?

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
3 years ago

It is getting embarrassing to be an American. Joey forgot the name of the Australian Prime Minister, calling him the man from down under. He addressed the British Prime Minister by his first name.
No doubt biden has class. It’s all low, but he has class.

Diane Burger
Diane Burger
3 years ago

no point of looking to another election until the fraud from the previous presidential election is handled – remove the imposter from office as he was not elected.

3 years ago

Can we make the Taliban a charitable organization so all legal US Citizens can claim the 87 Billion we gave them in US Military equipment as a tax deduction. At least some good could could come out of this messed up administration.

Rod Dow
Rod Dow
3 years ago

I am glad to finally see an article outlining the serious and dangerous consequences of a Harris presidency.Without question, I believe Biden is nothing more than a puppet for the ultra far left socialist/communist wing of the democratic party and is destined to fail so they can take over the presidency and completely destroy all remaining constitutional and bill of rights freedoms that we still have.As patriotic, freedom loving Americans, we MUST stand together and do all we can (legally and politically) to prevent the ultra liberal left from succeeding.Support your conservative politicians, support conservative organizations that believe in the moral, ethical, and Christian values this great country was founded on, and individually take a personal stand for your rights and freedoms. Do NOT be intimidated by the dictatorial threats of a demented presidency.GOD Bless America… Land of the FREE and the BRAVE !!!!

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

biden is a puppet. A puppet that’s so pathetically addled that he doesn’t even realize that he’s not actually calling the shots. On top of his mental deficiencies he’s corrupt, compromised and a habitual liar that has been violating 5 CFR § 2635.702 for decades. With that being said, I highly doubt that his removal alone would change very much at all. We are in incredibly dire straits, with or without this moron pretending to be a president…and that’s putting it very mildly!

3 years ago

I would like the idiot known as Dementia Josie Biden to keep screwing up along with Kamala the hooker and high heels old bag Pelosi so the Congress/Senate/Presidency become a one nation Republican band of Winners// Get these losers out of the Dark House and the conservatives back in the former White House and 50 states with Republican Governor/s..It can and might happen with this buffon regime in control and my hope and dreams will be answered/////////////

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