
Elections , Newsline

Where Does the Money Come From? Elderly Democrats Say Donations Made in Their Names Aren’t Genuine

Posted on Thursday, January 9, 2025
by Outside Contributor

Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue may have raked in millions through fraudulent donations, according to the testimonies of elderly Americans who said federal election records do not reflect their giving. 

Eighteen registered Democrats in Connecticut, all over the age of 70, appear to have donated $1.9 million to Democratic causes, including ActBlue, through hundreds of thousands of small donations from 2016 to 2024, according to a review of Federal Election Commission filings by Dominic Rapini, cybersecurity company CEO and a former Connecticut Republican candidate for office. 

Curious about the donation patterns, Rapini tracked down some of the Connecticut residents and asked them if they really did make thousands of small donations, sometimes multiple in a day, through ActBlue.

Several of the supposed donors told Rapini they did not make any of the reported donations, nor did they know anything about how their names were being used, Rapini told The Daily Signal.

An 88-year-old retired Yale University professor, for example, supposedly made 7,539 donations for a total of $213,163, according to FEC records. After Rapini informed him about the significant donations in his name, he signed an affidavit saying, “I believe this does not reflect my donation frequency or dollars I have donated.” 

According to Rapini, who has analyzed numbers for three decades in the tech industry, this is a possible case of alleged identity theft and money laundering. A contribution made by one person in the name of another is illegal.

“When I examine the donation patterns tied to these alleged ‘smurfs,’ the irregularities jump off the page, revealing behavior that defies both human logic and common sense,” he told The Daily Signal. “To safeguard trust in our election process, we must confront these anomalies head-on.”

Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the House Administration Committee, told The Daily Signal he’s aware of similar reports from across the country. 

“In response, last fall, I shared the findings of our investigation with several state attorneys general,” Steil said in an emailed statement. “The committee and I remain fully available to collaborate with any state law enforcement officials who wish to access the information we have gathered on this critical issue.”

An elderly acupuncturist and registered Democrat appears to have made 17 donations in 2022 through ActBlue totaling $317. In an email to Rapini, she promised she hasn’t made political contributions since 2016. 

“I can promise you I have NOT made donations myself to the [Democratic National Committee] or Democratic local party since 2016 … ,” she said. “Anything past that are fake and/or manipulated donations.” 

A 91-year-old woman appears to have made 2,591 donations totaling $41,000, according to FEC filings. She signed an affidavit with Rapini denying making the reported donations. 

Another 75-year-old woman looks to have made 4,270 small donations adding up to $32,323. She too signed an affidavit with Rapini denying making the donations in this frequency or quantity.

ActBlue is currently under congressional investigation for alleged laundering of foreign money laundering. 

ActBlue came under fire on Oct. 29 because of its donor-verification policies. In a letter that day to ActBlue, Steil said foreign actors from Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and China could use the platform to launder illicit money for use in U.S. political campaigns. 

The Democratic fundraising platform admitted in 2023 to Steil that it didn’t require contributors to use a card verification value, or CVV, to donate on its website with a credit card. Those security codes are meant to ensure that the person making a purchase physically possesses the credit card. 

ActBlue responded to The Daily Signal’s request for comment about the affidavits by referring The Daily Signal to a post on its blog, which says, “Because of how reporting works for intermediaries, contributions made on platforms like ours often show up more than once in public FEC records, because both ActBlue and the receiving campaign or committee must report the contributions.

“FEC rules require ActBlue to itemize every contribution made through its platform, regardless of amount,” the post says.

“Additionally, FEC reports often lump multiple donors with the same name together,” the post continues. “This can make it difficult to easily identify which contributions should be associated with each individual donor, especially donors with common names.”

Rapini said whether the suspicious donation patterns come from “sloppy data systems at the FEC” or “nefarious actors laundering money through unsuspecting elderly donors,” an investigation is needed.

“Transparency and accountability are nonnegotiable when it comes to protecting the integrity of our democracy,” he said.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Tom Adair
Tom Adair
1 month ago

What? You thought the democratic party and their funding apparatus was above board and transparent? All parties blur the lines but democrats take it to an art form, apparently to the point of defrauding their constituants. Democrats in power are the opposite of the Air Force Academy. They will lie, cheat, steal, and tolerate those who do. Pelosi and Schumer didn’t become millionaires on their congressional salary’s or their shrewd, skilled, and completely unassisted investing in the stock market. Don’t feel bad though. Their constituants have been duped for decades and still vote party line.

1 month ago

“Transparency and accountability are nonnegotiable when it comes to protecting the integrity of our democracy,” he said.

1 month ago

ActBlue needs to be shut down immediately and all records turned over to a Congressional Committee for investigation. This is criminal conduct that should never have happened except that the Democrats have been in charge and really don’t care where the money comes from as long as it fills their coffers!

1 month ago

Our government should be paid minimum wage 40 hours a week. And if you miss a day you don’t get paid. And have the same health insurance the American people have & NO perks whatsoever. Since when if ever will either party be honest to the American people let alone themselves. They have an excuse for everything.

Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh
1 month ago

The Marxist Democrats always cheat. This is Communist China money coming in to keep these morons in office. China likes “useful fools” like Biden, and Clinton.

1 month ago

Cheat cheat and never get beat. Democrat motto

1 month ago

Imagine that.????????????

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
1 month ago

So, what are they doing about this now? It is obvious that our enemies are funding the party they know will give them the favor they need and that is clearly the Democrat Party as reported here. If not corrected our elections can be bought by our enemies using a corrupt party???

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 month ago

This practice must be immediately investigated and corrected where found in concurrence with the article’s revelations. This is basic civic corruption.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

The party of fake voters has fake donors? Is anyone surprised? They worship the father of lies and their “sacraments” are abortion, drugs, and sodomy.

Papa T
Papa T
1 month ago

Of course Actblue didn’t have any idea they were accidentally laundering money. It’s not like there only function was handling donations. Oh, wait…

1 month ago

Where is the accountability?

1 month ago

How is this NOT considered identity theft? That is a crime and by not requiring the CVV for credit card donations, ActBlue was complicit in identity theft. A CRIME!!!

1 month ago

This sounds and looks just like what Democrats do every place they can cheat!

1 month ago

Well I will be the monkey’s uncle (or Aunt in this case). When Kamala claimed to bring in over $1 Billion in donations, that’s when everyone’s antennas went up.
The Democratic Party have all been corrupt for decades. It’s time to start charging them for all their idiotic actions and lies.

Ronald Troia
Ronald Troia
1 month ago

So glad I fled Connecticut for the sane state of South Carolina!!!!

1 month ago

Of course the dems deny everything and blame it on Iranian money launderers. Typical dem behavior. When the fires broke out in LA, Newsom right away made it political. Trump’s name was used again. You know put the blame on Trump. Now that has been shown Trump told Newsom in 2018 to make sure they had enough water flowing from the north to the south in Californië and also to do forest management and have evacuation plans in place. Of course Newsom did none of that. He destroyed 4 dams to save a fish nobody had ever heard of. Providing water to the Indians was commendable but a better plan should have been put in place that would have benefited the masses as well as just a minority. Only Newsom wanted to buy votes so he destroyed the dams and the water streamed into the ocean. Now Biden said the hydrants were dry because there was no electricity to the hydrants. What a fairy tail. Isn’t the power shut off in a fire immediately? What good do these hydrants do in a fire without electricity. I guess a demented person you can tell him anything and he’ll believe it. Somebody rich had to hide his donation to the DNC and these 18 people became the donors. And dang after giving so much they weren’t even invited to the White House by Biden. From that alone you can make up it was a scam. It’s not easy to launder 2 billion dollars you need regular folks to cover for the crooks. So much is coming out if Trump wanted to he could round up all the mucky mucks in the party and I bet the indictments would run into the hundreds. Hillary was a crook but Joe and company were actual criminals.

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
1 month ago

The socialist left knows that real live living registered voters are now voting more conservative today. In the reality of good v/s evil,the godless will justify any evil to have their way. The left justifies every evil tactic and scam they can pull, because they know their compliant accomplices in the media will never hold them accountable.

1 month ago

There is one way to fix this … that is to use the Constitutional Repair Kit that can be found at GITMO.

1 month ago

back when the nword got elected i looked at campaign donations for him and there were many many donations and i do not remember the exact number but like $453.79. not a round number like $500.00 but with an odd dollar number with cents attached. i thought, these numbers look like 500 of some country’s money converted into USA dollars. many of the address attached to those funny donations could not be found with google. odd or illegal? i say illegal. wish there was an honest agency that would reveal the truth.

1 month ago

If my name was on that list, I would want to take that amount off my income tax!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Well. At least it’s finally not Chinese money… baby steps! (Sarcasm)

1 month ago

If they can do this with someone’s name for donations, they can do this just as well with ballots; in person voting with voter ID. Note: it’s the elderly, the same as those in homes for the aged that have mysterious ALL DEM votes when many in those homes are there because they can NOT think and take care of themselves—but they’re “apparently” voting???

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 month ago

Gee, more election fraud by the Communists – er, I mean the Democrats. What a surprise.

1 month ago

More satanic evil from the left liberal front Democratic party- no party immune but the Dems have the demons in spades.

1 month ago

democrats cannot help themselves they must cheat!

1 month ago

It’s despicable what’s been done, but didn’t these people notice the money missing in their accounts?

1 month ago

When are we EVER going to see this go to Trial, and Prison for the perpetrators???

1 month ago

Is there no limit as to how crooked and sneaky the Democratic party has become. They are truly acting like Marists.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
1 month ago

Is anyone surprised that funds for the Democrats are being donated illegally? I believe it is their policy to cheat and lie in any and all ways they can to get and retain power. These people who have claimed they did not donate these funds should be filing a class action law suit against the DNC and they need to find out where this “dark money” is coming from. The height of their dishonest in all things is reprehensible!

1 month ago

Term limits on members of congress eliminates the need to fund raise. The less time they are in office, the less opportunity to rig the system to enrich themselves@

Chris Baker
Chris Baker
1 month ago

We all KNOW that the democrats cheat. Biden would never have been president if they didn’t. How is this a surprise to anyone?

1 month ago

Will anything be done about this or like other frauds, be covered up?

1 month ago

TOTAL 100% SCAM. SUE ACTBLUE, AND INCLUDE ANY FOEIGN ACTORS. If proved guilt, give them what they deserve, execute with 2 shots, head & heart. NO APPEALS. DemocRats who backed the donations, include them to. Real justice is served.
ActBlue is currently under congressional investigation for alleged laundering of foreign money laundering. ActBlue came under fire on Oct. 29 because of its donor-verification policies. In a letter that day to ActBlue, Steil said foreign actors from Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and China could use the platform to launder illicit money for use in U.S. political campaigns.

1 month ago

…aaannnd nothing will happen. the judicial branch is full of Democrats

Robert T.
Robert T.
1 month ago


Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 month ago

I would like to say that I don’t believe what goes on with the left side of the isle,but,yes,I do believe it.When are the leftists going to fess up to their slimy tactics,you are correct,never.So patriots,we need to step up and challenge their tactics.DO WHAT IT TAKES,they will.

1 month ago

In general, Democrats are crooks, psychopaths, and perverts.

CountryBoy Wink
CountryBoy Wink
1 month ago

Act Blue is just another Fraudulent Democrat SCAM organization, just like ACORN was….
Over the years in Missouri alone are longstanding voter fraud issues involving ACORN. 
 12 ACORN members were prosecuted for voter fraud in 1986.
 6 ACORN members pled guilty to voter fraud, specifically registering dead people, in 2004.
 An ACORN member was found guilty in 2005 for hiring 30 people to do fraudulent registrations for a hotly contested mayoral race. Those 30 people sat in a restaurant and filled out 1500 fraudulent applications.
 In 2006 ACORN turned in nearly 1500 fraudulent registrations in St. Louis. Later, they turned in between 25000 and 35000 more fraudulent registrations, and admitted on camera that they were pushing those they registered to vote Democrat. Against the law.
 In 2007, 4 ACORN members were indicted for voter fraud and 8 more pled guilty to the same charge.

1 month ago

WAIT! The Democrats are liars and cheats? Who knew?

Nici Wallis
Nici Wallis
1 month ago

I received a thing in the mail saying I donated, never happened. Sent it to my state attorney.

Larry Wylie
Larry Wylie
1 month ago

Sadly, I believe both parties are guilty of this.

1 month ago

Elizabeth Warren and Gavin Newsome are using ActBlue to raise “funds for the SoCal wildfires” with the intent to use the information for more money laundering.

Patricia McGowan
Patricia McGowan
1 month ago

This author appeared to scrape up even more details about the devious Accounting pushed by ACT BLUE ????
In 2023 I discovered after making donations to HELP NATURE SITES that the ACT BLUE ???? organization would pop up after completing the transaction☹️????
That meant the money wasn’t going to conserve NATURE it was going to politicians under the ACT BLUE organization ‼️ ACT BLUE wasn’t even mentioned in the original post nor during the transaction! It only popped up after the money was accepted.
.I hope ???? Government can do a Thorough Accounting investigation and FINE Everyone involved in the Scummy Act Blue SCAM.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 month ago

Why do our politicians permit the slack controls on these organizations? Were they not permitted by legislation to begin with? Seems every door opened by the FED is accompanied by endless master keys to open the flood gates to fraud. Apparently Congress is inept at crafting legislation. Maybe we just do not need what they create!

David Greenberg
David Greenberg
1 month ago

And today Gruesome is soliciting funds for the CA fires. Another laundering opportunity.

1 month ago

OH NO, the democrats cheat and lie. I didn’t know, can it be true?? lol !!

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
1 month ago

so says a false witness

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