
Elections , Newsline

When Half of Americans Are Cult Members

Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

The great Rush Limbaugh used to call them “low-information voters,” the tens of millions of Americans who believe the mainstream media and who aren’t engaged politically. For them, if they do think about politics, it’s at the level of a meme, the conventional wisdom that “Republicans are greedy and Democrats care.” On Election Day their decision is based not on the Truth but on how much they drank in the disinformation of the Establishment. Today, matters are much worse. 

Today, we are not politically divided based on our attitude to simple concepts, such as whether or not government should “do more,” or whether the liberties of the individual should come first. Today, one of the nation’s parties has utter disdain for the Constitution and is supported by voters who act more like cultists than autonomous adults. The Democrat Convention in Chicago is Exhibit A. 

From the Planned Parenthood Taco-truck providing free abortions to the 20-foot high inflatable IUD and the platforming of those suffering from transgender body dysmorphia, this perverse circus would be unrecognizable to any Democrat of JFK, or even Bill Clinton’s era. 

Yet those who love America must win on November 5th. So what is to be done when tens of millions of Americans believe that 600,000 abortions a year are not enough and that a man can be a woman? Be strategic. 

The sad fact for those who are political junkies – including you, dear reader – is that elections are won in the middle. Or rather, by convincing those who aren’t interested in politics like you are. Most voters don’t read newspapers on a daily basis, or listen to multiple hours of talk radio (like I do!) They often don’t even like politics and just want to make sure they can make the car payment at the end of the month and afford a new pair of shoes for their children for the new school year. But these “floating voters” are the key to victory when both parties have a base that is locked in and when millions of voters have been utterly indoctrinated. 

So what is the message if we are to save the country from those who wish to amnesty all illegals, pack the Supreme Court, and lower the voting age? Follow the KISS principle: Kept is Simple Stupid. 

President Trump will not change his style for several reasons. For one, he’s in his 70s. Men in their 70s don’t change their style. Secondly, his no-holds-barred, pugnacious, Truth at all costs style is why he was elected in the first place. So the approach for the 74 days until the election isn’t about the style of the message, but must be about the content of the message, content that speaks to the unpolitical America who still lives in the real world and is paying the price for a 100% increase in their mortgage, and a doubling of gas prices. In the less than 3 months left, those who want to save America from the cultists should focus on the 3 things most deleterious to Americans living their lives as they want: 

  • Open Borders 
  • Rampant Crime 
  • The Economy / Quality of Life 

At the end of the day, there is nothing new here. In fact, the above profound issues all fall under the same question that worked so well for Ronald Reagan two generations ago. The Gipper asked his fellow Americans just one thing: “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” And it’s no surprise that when President Trump recently returned to Twitter/X, he posted exactly that Reaganesque question. Then he recorded a video from Bedminster showing the shocking increase in simple family staples under “BidenEconomics.” 

Yesterday on my show, the President’s attorney, Alina Habba, made the question even simpler. Just ask your neighbor, your friend, your co-worker: “How are you doing?” If they live in the real world they will admit the Truth about the last 4 years. Then you have our opening and you can simply ask one more thing: 

“Do you remember what it was like under President Trump?!”

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

I know my life was much better with Trump. I’m not just talking economically either. I felt safer, more secure. I could go to sleep at night knowing Trump was at the ready to protect me, my family, my community, my country. I don’t care if you hate Trump the man, this country was a much better place with him at the helm. We all know it, even if you don’t want to or like to admit it.

Betsy Leggett
Betsy Leggett
6 months ago

As with all LOW INFORMATION VOTERS … the consequences elude them!

Consequences outweigh intentions in reality. You can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

We will not have commie Kamala and TamponTim in our White House. Period.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
6 months ago

Good article Mr. Gorka, I had to give some thought to your use of the word cultists initially , but came to the conclusion that it is appropriate to describe those who support the negative anti American , just plain evil things going on .And it makes sense to have some sort of identifier for that element . Whenever I hear the word cult first thing that comes to mind are groups such as the Charles Manson gang or the Jonestown cult ( under the spell of Jim Jones ) and the evil connected to those criminal devils. . So, that consideration leads to the question about how much more wrong will the wrongdoers here and now in 2024 America do if they are out of touch with law, out of touch with morality , out of touch with civic responsibility ? The answer to that is probably beyond the knowledge of anyone at this point , circumstances influenced by many factors could change the situation considerably . I do believe that those of us who value the Constitutional Republic here in the United States should be at the ready to defend the freedom we have and at the foundation of doing that would be having a high level of intelligence , courage and a strong sense of how to be resourceful. This article is appreciated Sebastian , In the spirit of respect for the value of Faith, Family and Freedom .

6 months ago

I sure miss Rush Limbaugh!With that being said, we must keep in mind that it’s not the people who have decided today’s cowardess! No they are followers. It’s the mainstream media who is the blame for this mis information era! Free speech is not a right of the politics of this Country or the mainstream media. Every statement made by a politician or media organization must be scrutinized! I am also not opposed to terms limits, after several terms some men lose sight of what his/her constituency needs are.I am very opposed to abortion, just a simple word for murder. That’s not to say that in cases of incest or rape that a woman shouldn’t have a choice.For now this is all I have to say.

6 months ago

Yes. One of the biggest things is the tax advantage we were given for those of us that are married was the huge raise of the standard tax deduction. This year for 2024 for those of us that in that category that will be $29,200.00 + an additional deduction of $1,550.00 per person over 65 or a total of $32,300.00 which makes not having to worry about itemizing your taxes. But guess what and I am sure most of you know this that will be going away at the end of 2025 since it was not made permanent.
Now the democrats (as always) are telling you that they want to tax the rich and raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and only will be applying taxes to those that make over $400K. Pay close attention to what they are saying and how they are actually going to tax you and your savings.

6 months ago

We the People need to take a look around us at our family, friends, co-workers.Do we want to keep punishing ourselves and them instead of admitting that we made a mistake Voting for the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades.Or will we have the courage to realize that we need change.God help all of Humanity if we Don’t because the shinning light that is America will be extinguished.

6 months ago

I would say that low or no-information voters should also be experiencing the same pain we’ve been enduring under Joebama, but I tend to forget that these voters live in mama’s basement and have no financial responsibility to enlighten them about how bad off our country is.

6 months ago

How can Republicans win with corrupted voting machines and systems? After watching Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” and Professor David Clement’s “Let My People Go” and listening to Mike Lindell about the last election, I don’t see how a Republican win is possible. The deck is stacked. Winning will require an act of God! Everyone please pray for our nation!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Took them three and a half years but apparently they know “what’s a woman?” now albeit a “reproducing human needing an abortion”. At the 2028 convention, they’ll have “Pedophiles for Kamala” and perform abortions, vasectomy and gender surgery right on stage!

Jimmy Lang
Jimmy Lang
6 months ago

Well, Trump isn’t perfect and no one is but whoever gets in is in Gods hands: Trump we get a reprieve! Ding bat Harris we will reap The Whirel wind!!

6 months ago

The attention span of the average voters is like “thirty seconds”. That’s why commercials on tv today have become shorter and shorter. They don’t remember what it was like during the Trump administration , all they remember is what they were told about the 34 felonious convictions, twice impeached, POS that is trying to destroy democracy and take away your right to kill your unborn child……which is what they heard in the last 30 seconds.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

My little terrier is fed twice a day, has her little bed, is walked and let out as she pleases, is groomed and taken care of. Why should she care who is in the White house?

6 months ago

Perhaps, maybe, these people like being hungry, cold, homeless, insuranceless and broke. There really is no other explanation.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Truth & they allow Dems to WIN

Mike Kennedy
Mike Kennedy
6 months ago


6 months ago

I don’t know I think I have to fact check it let’s just stop with all of the trashing of people we have no idea about Rush l.would’ve done this he was above all of that let s on homer rush by trying to be the man he was. Great man that is gone to soon.

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