
Elections , Newsline

Tim Walz, World-Class Liar

Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Following Kamala Harris’s selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, former Attorney General Eric Holder—who was charged with leading Harris’s VP vetting—reflected upon the accelerated timeline for the selection process: “It was daunting, but the time was so short that you didn’t have time to get too anxious about it,” Holder said. “It was only at the conclusion that you said, ‘I hope we got everything.’ And I think we did.”

But now, several weeks after Holder officially gave Walz the green light, it has become abundantly clear that his vetting office did not, in fact, get everything. As a result, Tim Walz has quickly emerged not only as the single most radical vice presidential nominee in American history, but also as a serial liar, embellisher, and fabulist whose track record of falsehoods and deceits puts some of Washington’s most notorious fibbers to shame.

Seemingly every week that he has stood alongside Harris on the campaign trail, Walz has become embroiled in a new scandal perpetrated by his own lies—calling into question his commitment to being truthful and transparent to the very voters he is seeking to bring over to his side.

Perhaps the most notorious instance of Walz’s barefaced duplicity has been his dishonesty surrounding his military service.

In 2018, Walz referred to “weapons of war” that he ostensibly “carried in war” as a servicemember. However, as many were quick to note, there is just one problem with Walz’s claim: he never served in a combat zone. His false assertion that he “carried” “weapons of war,” therefore, is nothing more than a brazen embellishment meant to mislead American citizens about the nature of his service.

Walz has also faced criticism for abandoning his fellow servicemembers right as they were preparing to deploy to Iraq. He falsely claimed he did not know his unit was being deployed even though his own press release signaled that he did in fact know.

As J.D. Vance and other Republicans have repeatedly clarified, they are not attacking Walz for his service—but rather for lying about it. For someone running to be the Vice President of the United States, flagrant dishonesty about his military service should be disqualifying.

In Walz’s and Harris’s recent CNN interview, Walz laughably attempted to chalk up his stolen valor claims to his “grammar” not always being “correct”—implying that, despite his flagrant dishonesty, his “heart” is in the right place.

Walz has also come under fire for falsely claiming that his wife received in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments in a shameful attempt to attack pro-life Republicans. In reality, Gwen Walz used intrauterine insemination, a wildly different fertilization treatment, to conceive their children.

This is just the beginning of Walz’s laundry list of lies, mistruths, and embellishments. During his 2006 congressional campaign, Walz stated on his website that he received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his work with the business community. The only problem? He never received such an award. “We researched this matter and can confirm that you have not been the recipient of any award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce,” a letter from the chamber’s president read.

Walz’s 2006 campaign also spread lies about details surrounding his arrest for driving under the influence in 1995, bizarrely insisting that Walz had not actually been under the influence at the time of his arrest – even though Walz admitted in court that he had been drinking when law enforcement pulled him over.

Reports have also indicated that Walz lied about his political origin story at a George W. Bush rally in 2004. Furthermore, one of the Harris-Walz campaign’s primary rallying cries thus far has been their elevation of Walz’s status as a “coach”—with the campaign going so far as to produce t-shirts and signs brandishing the word “COACH” in all caps. In reality, however, he was a volunteer assistant coach who was not responsible for, as Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar suggested at the Democratic National Convention, turning “a team that was 0-27 into state champions.”

In the end, all of Walz’s lies are part and parcel of a systematic effort by the Harris campaign, the corporate media, and Walz himself to portray him as, in the words of one left-wing analyst, “America’s dad, America’s football coach… [and] America’s teacher” with a folksy, “centrist” Midwestern attitude. But voters of all political persuasions are coming to see that Walz’s faux “likeable” persona is nothing more than a smokescreen meant to cover his extraordinary radicalism on nearly every policy issue.

Given that Walz has been in the national spotlight for less than a month, the public may well be in for more rounds of shocking revelations in the weeks leading up to Election Day.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 month ago

He is a bigger nut job than Kamala!

1 month ago

I can see a trend here – in order to make Obama appear more intelligent than he really was (not that I think he’s stupid, he performed relatively well) but he found Biden, who, for 50 years had basically done nothing except suckle at the government teat. Then Biden picked Harris, someone who was from California and couldn’t get anyone to support her but made Biden look more intelligent than he was as he continued to do nothing (“Ain’t nobody gonna get rid o’ Biden ’cause that’d mean Kackles would be Prez). So now we have Harris – who the Dims wanted out of there six months ago but now are praising…and who did she pick? Oh yeah, Walz, AKA “The Great Walz of China”, if he’d ride Kamalalala’s pantsuit tails and get in and would run on his own later, he’d have to pick an eggplant for VP to make him look good, at least an eggplant won’t lie.

1 month ago

Walz was chosen because he fits the bill for the current criteria that Left higher handlers need for control over the government.

Daniel A. Hennessy
Daniel A. Hennessy
1 month ago

I’m astonished that anyone would consider putting this man in the nation’s executive office. As a grateful American, this disturbs my view of the American people, especially those aligned with the Democrat party. I was a Kennedy Democrat for most of my life, but if I’d remained one, I would be exiting the party now. And Harris? Don’t get me going…

Rick V
Rick V
1 month ago

These people are a dime a dozen, they are evil and they don’t even know it. We deserve better than the bottom of a barrel.

1 month ago

It’s not like Walz is somehow unique in terms of having a lot of skeletons in his closet. If you scratch below the surface on a lot of Democrat politicians, you’ll find a lot of them have lied or fabricated about a number of things. Most are unfit to hold elective office.

The problem is the MSM will ignore anything detrimental to most Democrats, because the MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. So, most of the public that just watches the MSM will either be completely uniformed or will choose to ignore the truth should they hear it elsewhere.

Yes, Walz is clearly a devout Marxist and should never be anywhere near the White House or any public office, but the real question is are the half of the people that robotically vote Democrat going to care even if they learn what Walz actually is? If history of how Democrat voters vote is any guide, based on other Democrat candidates that either have stolen valor issues or obvious Marxist sympathies, then the answer is no.

Michael J
Michael J
1 month ago

The problem when you select a political candidate is that you not only accept their integrity and morality, you also get their handlers as well. Like minded people tend to keep simular company.

Daniel A. Hennessy
Daniel A. Hennessy
1 month ago

Having been a Kennedy Democrat for most of my life (I am now a Libertarian) I’m tragically astonished that anyone would or could vote for Walz or Harris. It undermines my faith as concerns the American people. We’ll see. If they are drubbed in this election some faith will be restored. I love my country. I’m hoping we do the right thing here and send this ticket packing with a good drubbing in November.

1 month ago


1 month ago

If he were a “world class” liar, he be there with Obama, Clinton and a lot more dems. This clown is so bad at it, he’s nothing more than a loud mouthed blowhard.

1 month ago

Kameltoe and tampon Timmy is a creation of the powers that be in the democrat party. They got rid of ole Joe through a coup. Ole Joe got them back by nominating Kameltoe, which they had to make into a smart, the best candidate ever. P and S are enamored with her O is furious. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, but that is what the dems did. And so far they are succeeding. Then Tampon Timmy was added to the debacle. A person that ran the state of Minnesota as a communist dictator. Children can be mutilated without parental consent as young as 11. People can rat out their friends, families and neighbors via a hotline. And on and on. What is happening in Minnesota will soon be the law of the land. In Harris/Walz we have the two worst candidates ever. Biden/Harris was bad enough we all saw it in 2020 and the past 4 years confirmed that suspicion. Tampon Timmy is a blowhard and a liar, with a brain the size of a pea. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE in 2024 to bring dignity and sanity back to America.

1 month ago

He is a Democrat! Nothing else needs to be said. They are all liars and cheaters. He’s just a classic Democrat, is anybody surprised he’s a liar? They can never win unless they cheat and lie. The thing that amazes me is they know they’re doing it and we know they’re doing it but why do we let them get away with it?

1 month ago

Tim Walz looks the part, and so is Harris a World Class Liar. The gruesome twosome. Only God knows the horror these two phonies are going to put on the American people. Sad!

1 month ago

What is he doing, trying to out fib uncle Joe?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

They complement one another. Cut from the same cloth.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Tommy Flanagan would be a better choice for Vice President! He even comes with his own campaign slogan: “Yeah, that’s the ticket!” This guys got so much baggage, he has to hide from Sam Brinton!

1 month ago

Eric Holder? Yeah, that guy inspires confidence. I’m sure his vetting was fast and furious.

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
1 month ago

Walz has pretty much destroyed Minnesota financially. He took an 18 billion surplus and spent it on numerous expensive programs after promising to return it to the taxpayers. We are now the highest taxed residents in the country and the Dems are looking to increase taxes in the state.
We are basically California without the great weather. This guy is more than stupid. He’s dangerous. And yes, he is a Marxist.

Earle Bluff
Earle Bluff
1 month ago

Greetings: Keeping in mind numerous salient points presented, it amazes me how the office of President (and even Vice President) has been brought so low by those who either have occupied it or seek to do so. Remember Bill Clinton and ROTC? Weasel, charlatan, liar come to mind. Bill Clinton and his intern? Plain out adultery … Bill Clinton and Paula Jones – a massive payout there. Bill Clinton impeached … who vetted him? And he seems to be something of a ‘legend,’ along with his wife, in Democratic circles – still Today! Funny how the mainstream media does not rub Billy’s nose in the REAL baggage he brought to the presidency. There is more about him, but I am trying to avoid a massive tome. Tim Walz served in the Minnesota National Guard (MN NG). He had an obligation to his Soldiers, his Superiors, ultimately, this nation, – and short of a deployment to a combat zone, he skipped out. How much extra work he definitely put on that unit to cover for this massive change (I remember a somewhat similar situation in an Army Reserve unit wherein a Command Sgt Major somehow got out of a deployment to a hazardous duty area. Although he did not retire, I do not remember him being well respected afterwards). However, Mr. Walz never completed the requirements to retain his rank – and had to retire as a master sergeant. Yet, how often he campaigned for his congressional seat as a former ‘Sergeant Major.’ I question how, at his level, he could equate ‘one person’s socialism, may be another person’s neighborliness’ – Not an exact quote. Interesting how many of the people from those old Soviet Bloc countries left that ‘neighborliness’ if they had the chance. I even read recently in a story by Fred Lucas of the Daily Signal, that many of Walz’ relatives are actually supporting President Trump ! – ‘ 6 Takeaways From Trump Town Hall That Was Supposed To Be a Debate.’ I keep praying for GOD to pour out HIS SPIRIT on this nation, mainly to bring us back to a Constitutional Republic and for people NOT to waste their votes on those who would eventually destroy the fragility of this nation. ‘ Either you will control your government, or government will control you.’ – President Ronald Reagan. Christians, pray for this country and for the results of the upcoming election – that we will successfully prevent non-citizens from voting, and ensure election integrity, and whatever else is needed to ensure proper, legal elections. Thank you. 2 Chronicles 7, v 14.

1 month ago

Just one I would like to see a Lair’s Pants Catch on Fire!
Only Half-wits and Moron’s will vote for Harris/Walz’s, Oh and Commies.

1 month ago

Tampon Tim’s lies about his service is absolutely disgusting. As a veteran myself, and having never served in a combat zone (by God’s Grace), it’s just something that we just don’t do. EVER. It’s an insult to those who have served in combat and their loved ones, especially those who (as Lincoln stated) gave their last full measure of devotion, or were wounded in action. Those who served honorably in combat zones bear visible and invisible scars that warrant a great degree of distinction , gratefulness and respect that should be reserved for them and them alone.

1 month ago


Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Tampon Tim has stated that the First Amendment does not protect “hate speech” or “disinformation.” If that were true, MSNBC and CNN would have to shut down immediately and only a few DIMMs could ever talk! Actually, the First Amendment was specifically added to protect ALL speech!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
1 month ago

Thank you for writing this article. Tim Walz is a real live, honest to goodness fraudster, a fake, a phony! Kamala isn’t much better, maybe worse given she chose him to be her running mate! Eric Holder is ultimately responsible for the Walz vetting despite short window of time his staff had for the process. Eric Holder is one of Obama’s right hands! This is all about players in place to destroy our country! And Obama continues to run the show hidden behind the curtains! They are all sheep in wolves clothing!

Paul B.
Paul B.
1 month ago

To see who Tim Walz really is, read the book “They’re Lying” by Liz Collin. He was just one of the liars in the George Floyd lying festival. Starting with Walz as Governor, the Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, the Chief of Police Medaria Arradondo, the prosecutors, and not least, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and the greatest racist of all, Maxine Waters. They are all liars. If you don’t want to read the book, at least watch the YouTube video “The Fall of Minneapolis.

1 month ago

Since communism is based on lies and the dem party is now communist, one must expect nothing but lies large and small from them. Communist thinking, so called, doesnt rest on central truths. Communists say whatever they need to say in order to sway dupes into buying their brand promising endless free stuff . Useful idiots who usually dont steal will readily accept the fruits of government theft because they didnt do the actual deed. .

1 month ago

Maybe Tampon Tim our mighty warrior (LOL) was one of them going down streets shooting people with paintballs for being out after curfew, thus he considers that as carrying a weapon in war!

1 month ago

Sounds like he might be a bigger liar than Joe Biden……and that’s saying something!

1 month ago

When I watched the Dana Bash interview of Harris and Walz, I was sickened by the adoring looks Kamala was giving him whenever he spoke. It was either a proud mama or a love-sick gal looking at Walz as he answered a question — take your ick, but it was very telling re: Kamala and her fellow Comrade.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

ALL Dems Lie day 1

Kenneth Westenkirchner
Kenneth Westenkirchner
1 month ago

Walz is a phony. EX: Personal experience tells me tasking units for deployment is a 12-18 month process allowing both active duty & national guard units to prepare for deployment up too & including logistics, field training, coordinating leadership, administrative & medical/family preparation etc.
Remember the national guard is owned by the state. This adds another layer of prep & coordination deploying national guard units assigned under federal control.
The individual soldier in national guard usually works full time & must coordinate leave (12 mos+) from their job. Not an ez task for some. Walz and his leadership team knew well in advance of their deployment.
If he didn’t it just reinforces his poor leadership & coordination skills

1 month ago

That the Democrat party keeps rolling out worse and worse candidates for office, tells us much about the quality of their leadership, ideas and honesty. I would question how reasonably sane (?) people can still claim to be a member of the Democrat party except that I am aware of the extreme efforts of the media to cover for their ineptness. If they only follow the mainstream media, they simply don’t know the truth and most are unwilling to do any research.

1 month ago

Satan = the father of ALL LIES.

1 month ago

This whole liberal democrat election joke is NOTHING BUT lying and hiding. It all started with “I did not have sex with that girl”. Then after Trump, and in the middle of the pandemic the crime family boss joe started with lie’s from him and all his administration. Kackels who rose up the ladder of success on her knees was side by side with this injustice to the American public. Tim Walz has quickly emerged not only as the single most radical vice presidential nominee in American history, but also as a serial liar?? We HAVE to vote them away. Trump is NOT trying to give us ANYTHING. He is trying to return what he had already given US. Stolen by the lies and socialist plans of the liberal elites. VOTE them gone. If theres a “d” by a name then their not GOOD for me.

Kurt Edwards
Kurt Edwards
1 month ago

Walz fits perfectly with Kamala, Eric Holder, Obama, Clinton and Amy Klobuchar as they all are serial LIARS and purveyors of untruths everytime they speak.

1 month ago

this should be no surprise to anyone who is familiar with this administration – it is all about lies, telling the people what they want to hear, then turning around and doing the complete opposite!

George Holzman
George Holzman
1 month ago

It.s OK for dems to tell lies in order to perswade uninformed voters to vote for them. This has been the norm since Obama. born in Kenya . was aloud to run for Pres.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Who needs a Vice-President who is full of lies? Not good for our country.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
1 month ago

Just as in barack’s brother voting for Trump, the Walz family choosing DJT over their own, speaks volumes. I mean Billy was an ass, but at least he voted for Jimmy.

Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
1 month ago

Wait till his brother spills the truth!

1 month ago

Not only world class liar, but serial liar…

1 month ago

So what else is new! Dems are liars and deceitful. Their only hope is to discredit Trump with bogus charges and to wear him down.

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
1 month ago

From the choices be in made within the democrat party, it seems they must all be the results of those who fried their brains on drugs.

1 month ago

Hmmm, Walz is now branded as the worst VP candidate, because he embellished his accomplishments about his service. Other exaggerations are being revealed.
Curious this is the same pattern that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used in their political office pursuits. So in the inferred contest of the “worst” looks like a 3 way tie for VP, BUT Joe Biden has one up on Harris/Walz, he actually continued the plagiarism, exaggerations and outright fabrications of his experiences as a President! Too bad our current MSM journalists are not dedicated enough to the point of digging for the TRUTH.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 month ago

Whoever recommended him for Command Sergeant Major should fired if they are still around. I just checked. Only 8% of enlistees reach Command Sergeant Major. The pay range is 78K-112K. The average CSM salary is 98K. A putz shouldn’t be in that position.

1 month ago

There is an amac mole on this site who sometimes prevents people from commenting AND lowers comment review scores. This should stop.

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 month ago

Does this puke have a Combat Infantry Badge (CIB)?

1 month ago

Not wanting to be obtuse or imply a,”personal” problem but in the case of an intrauterine insemination process not typically utilized unless the natural common method not available…for whatever reason. Maybe similar reason he had to lie about not going to Iraq with his unit and maybe not the best character to have in leadership when the chips are down.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 month ago

The 8% below should read .8%

FBI website
kamala harris
ohio state flag
prescription drug costs

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