
Elections , Newsline

The “Widespread” Misinformation Campaign on Voting Fraud

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor

(Chuck Muth) – For years now, whenever someone on the right raises the issue of voting fraud, the “fraud deniers” respond by using one word to disingenuously negate the claims…


They can’t say there isn’t ANY voting fraud because there have been too many proven cases of it.

So they try to mislead the public by constantly inserting the word “widespread.”  Here’s a recent example from just this past Thursday…

A coalition of 126 left-leaning groups penned a letter to Congress in opposition to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act which has been proposed to require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.

In it they wrote that “there is simply no evidence of widespread noncitizen voting in elections.”

Of course, there IS evidence that noncitizens ARE voting in our elections.  So they have to insert the word “widespread” to cover their butts and mislead the public.

Some other examples…

  • “There is no widespread fraud in US elections.” – CNN Politics
  • “Study Finds No Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud.” – NBC News
  • “The top U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have concluded that there was no widespread voter fraud in the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election.” – Reuters
  • Widespread election fraud claims by Republicans don’t match the evidence.” – Brookings Institute
  • “GOP lawmakers heading into the legislative session take aim at voter fraud, despite no evidence of widespread” – Texas Tribune
  • “(F)ormer President Trump and his allies insist, without evidence, that widespread voter fraud led to a stolen election.” – Judy Woodruff, PBS
  • “There is no report from any electoral organization confirming widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.” – USA Today
  • “Arizona AG: No evidence of widespread voter fraud found in 2020 election.” – FOX 10 Phoenix
  • “Election officials and major news channels reported there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.” – Mary Yang, NPR
  • “Numerous independent studies and government reviews of the 2020 election found no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” – Missouri Independent
  • “The founder told ABC News that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” – ABC News
  • “The partial release of a Georgia grand jury report…determined that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 contest…” – The Hill

Three things in case you ever run across this deceptive wordplay and want to respond.

First, as Hans von Spakovsky of the Institute for Constitutional Government points out…

“We don’t have ‘widespread’ bank robberies, but we have enough of them that we take very detailed security precautions to prevent them.  Election fraud is exactly the same.”

Secondly, as former U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams (an Obama appointee) wrote on Twitter on June 6, 2022…

“If even one vote has been illegally cast or if the integrity of just one election official is compromised, it diminishes faith in the process.”

Thirdly, as the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) notes on its website, there have been at least 617 elections over the last twenty-some years that have ended in a tie and another 146 that were decided by one vote.

Just ONE illegally cast ballot could have changed the results in those elections and diminished faith in the process.

So don’t fall for the left’s widespread use of the word “widespread” when talking about election integrity.

It’s a widespread, disingenuous tactic designed to trivialize the very real concern about securing our elections.


“Elected officials of all political stripes should want to prevent election fraud.” – Las Vegas Sun

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.

Reprinted with Permission from The Pigpen Project

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Fred Noel
Fred Noel
9 months ago

Bill Barr openly said that there was fraud in the 2020 election. Just not enough to overturn the results. How come no one was charged with fraud by the DOJ, if Barr knew there was?
It’s like saying two guys held up a bank. However we are not prosecuting them because they didn’t get all the money in the bank.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

Any voter fraud is too much.

9 months ago

The Dems strongly support voter fraud AND Illegal immigrant voters.!!! OMG!
I am thinking that by allowing human trafficking across intentionally open boarders they ARE increasing more Democrat VOTERS!!!! THIS IS UNETHICAL AND ILLEGAL!!!! THEY ARE DESPERATE TO WIN THE ELECTION !!!!! THEY .. used COVID CRISIS TO INTERFERE IN THE 2020 ELECTION!!! VERY SNEAKY TACTIC, AND IT WORKED!!!!!!



Dan W.
Dan W.
9 months ago

A stalemate between the fraud deniers and election deniers. Nobody is changing any minds; the state legislatures aren’t doing anything and local enforcement of existing laws is a patchwork.

Turnout is the antidote. GO VOTE !!

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
9 months ago

I have not paid much attention to “widespread” voter fraud. I have been incensed with the constant use of “false claims” of voter fraud. Repeatedly news reporters and commentators introduce most of us as making “false claims” of voter fraud. Everyone with an ounce of intelligence recognizes we have experienced massive VOTER FRAUD.

Charles Pont
Charles Pont
9 months ago

I live the city of Philadelphia. The reason that the leftwing media claims there is not “widespread” voter fraud is because it is only concentrated in heavily Democratic urban areas like Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia etc. while the other areas of Michigan, Illinois and Pennsylvania are relatively voter fraud free. Thus, the claim that voter fraud is not “widespread” In my area of Philadelphia, every four years we have a large number of people with New Jersey license plates voting in Philadelphia. We also have many non-PA resident college students registering and voting overwhelming Democratic in Philadelphia who maintain out of state drivers’ licenses. They never file PA State Income Taxes. They also claim when they are called for jury duty in Philadelphia based on the fact that they registered to vote here that they claim that they are ineligible to serve on juries in PA because they are not residents of Philadelphia. Additionally, these Non-PA college student residents only vote in Presidential Elections and never vote here again. A fact that are overwhelmingly Democratic newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, never discloses to the public

9 months ago

The reason why no-one wants the ten Commandments on the wall of schools,prisons ,hall of Congress, the White House and Capitol is because they have broken everyone of them. Sorry Pelosi and Biden, taking communion will into get you past the pearly gates. This country is “IN GOD WE TRUST” not in my way or the highway…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Yesterday, I received an absentee voting ballot I never applied for because Nevada Democrats have you “opt out” every election apparently because I opted out the last election! In 2008, they sent me one when I lived in andvregistered in Arizona (and yes I did notify them when I moved)! So tell me the system is NOT FLAWED (at least)!

9 months ago

I picked up on that word, “widespread” after the 2020 election. Every lame stream fake news media was using it.

9 months ago

They don’t need widespread fraud to steal the elections. They just need fraud in vital districts in vital states, and that’s what they ALWAYS perpetrate.

9 months ago

Democrats have never won a fair election.

9 months ago

These “democrat-degenerates” would endlessly campaign to redefine “produce” as something other than vegetables and fruit….. if the payout was desireable.

James DeBona
James DeBona
9 months ago

We are supposed to be a nation of laws!
There is no minor or insignificant breaking of a law, just breaking it!
Whether it’s one vote or one thousand shouldn’t matter at all as far as the law is concerned.
The problem right now is that we are conditioning people in this country to accept certain levels of crime! Because crime almost always escalates, this is a horrible idea!
People coming into this country illegally is still a crime!!!! Now we have 15 million + new criminals residing here.
We need to get back to enforcing the law at every level starting with the smaller so-called minor offences or we will not be a sovereign country for long!

John Riley
John Riley
9 months ago

The greatest fraud is happening right now in allowing non-citizens to vote in local and State elections. The fraud begins by allowing illegals to be counted the same as citizens. The number of citizens in a state dictates the number of Representatives each state has in the House of Representatives. Members of the House of representatives are elected in LOCAL elections, ergo non-citizens can sway votes in national affairs and laws.

9 months ago

This has to be a landslide vote for President Trump, Senators, and Representatives. I truly believe Americans are figuring out that “ BUILD BACK BETTER” isn’t working. America must have a widespread RED vote in November because the left will cheat and immigrants will vote. I can’t wait until this administration is FIRED. GOD BLESS THE USA !

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

The NGOs & Dems etc seeded this day 1

9 months ago

We pray

9 months ago

We have sworn affidavits from truck drivers hauling semi trucks full of pre-voted ballots from NY to PA. We have election counts showing more votes than registered voters. And when cases are taken to court, the judges throw out the cases on “standing”, not because there is no evidence of fraud. Basically, the judges don’t want to touch these cases.

9 months ago

Article did not mention AG Bill Barr findings on 2020 election & it seems to me that DOJ would have a lot of manpower to investigate the election. Please advise on this & remember that even Ivanka Trump later said she agreed with Barr findings which did not go over very well with another family member.

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