
Elections , Newsline

The Political “F” Word Will Backfire On Harris

Posted on Sunday, October 27, 2024
by David P. Deavel

Joy comes in the morning, as the Psalmist says, but by late evening of an incompetent political campaign, the paranoid bitterness really takes over. That’s what we’re seeing in the late stages of the Democrats’ ill-conceived attempt to win with a deeply unpopular and incompetent candidate who never received any primary votes. The October Surprise is that (shockingly!) after nine years of facing Donald Trump, the Democratic Party has no surprises. Like some ill-educated drunk, all they can do is sputter the “F” word over and over. In this case, we refer to “Fascism.”

That lack of a real surprise shouldn’t be surprising. As anybody with a passing acquaintance with the retail political skills of Kamala Harris (Top Chef champion: Word Salad division) or the titanic weirdness of Tim Jong Walz (Elmer Fudd impersonator and Supreme Leader of the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota) knew that the campaign of “Joy” was not to last. The Harris-Walz Campaign’s flailing finally landed this week exactly where the parody/prophecy publication The Babylon Bee predicted in July: “Dems Announce Comprehensive Plan To Win Election By Calling Trump ‘Hitler’ Again.”

Yes, this week, with help from The Atlantic and New York Times reports of disgruntled former Trump staffers such as John Kelly making odd claims, Kamala Harris turned again to the tired account of how Trump is really like Hitler. Perhaps sensing that the campaign isn’t going far enough, The Atlantic published a breathless account by Anne Appelbaum of how Die Orange Führer is using the powers of all the great modern dictators. It was titled “Trump is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.”   

For anyone who really believes this, I have some good psychological counselors I can recommend.

            The fact is, though, that it’s not really working. As of October 26, 2024, the RealClearPolitics national average of polls has Trump beating Harris by 0.1% and 0.9% in the battleground states. He’s never polled better. And the betting markets average has a Trump victory at 60.5% with a Harris victory at 38.3%.

Nothing is guaranteed, but even left-wing Vox seems a bit dubious about choosing the “Trump is a fascist” strategy as a “closing argument.” Writer Christian Paz’s explainer piece about why the campaign took the Democrats’ road continually traveled explains that it has arisen from desperation: “According to polling, she’s been largely unable to make more inroads with independents or continue making gains with swing-state voters after an initial burst of support after taking up her party’s nomination.” And yet, Paz also observes that this iteration of “F” word bombing isn’t really that different from Joe Biden’s “democracy and Dobbs” approach, which wasn’t successful: “Based on Biden’s polling, that message wasn’t working.”

            It’s pretty clear why it isn’t working to gin up support from those independents in swing states or anywhere else. Again, The Babylon Bee explains it best: “Democrats Explain Trump Was Going To Be Hitler During His First Term, But He Forgot.” All sorts of people were very upset by Donald Trump’s first term. Along with death and taxes, the certainty of this proposition is pretty absolute. But nobody can really point to anything remotely fascist or Hitlerian during his term as POTUS. Far from it, this father and grandfather of Jews (Ivanka and her children with husband Jared Kushner) moved the U. S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—a desideratum of every president since, ahem, Bill Clinton.

And, despite egging on campaign crowds in chants of “Lock Her Up” about his then-opponent, Hillary Clinton, he did not use the power of the United States government against his political enemies—even in the case of Mrs. Clinton, whose illegal use of a private server for government business should have resulted in a conviction. Trump saw that putting a political opponent in jail after his election would harm the country. It is considerations of this nature that should cause the Harris-Walz Campaign to see that the “F” word campaign they are running is likely to be more than merely ineffective. It is likely to blow up in their faces. 

How might it blow up? To take the mildest case scenario, it’s likely to make Democrats who are not terminally online start to think about the level of ridiculousness they have been and are being asked to swallow. For even Democrats are likely to learn, find out, or recall from their repressed memory banks that every Republican nominee has been called a fascist, Hitlerian, or Hitler himself for decades.

Indeed, the only fault one can find with “Reductio ad Hitlerum: 60 years of Democrats falsely calling the Republican nominee a fascist,” Christopher Tremoglie’s article in the Washington Examiner this week, is that this trend didn’t begin with Barry Goldwater in the 1960s. The October 26, 1948, issue of the New York Times blared the following headline: “PRESIDENT LIKENS DEWEY TO HITLER AS FASCISTS’ TOOL; Says When Bigots, Profiteers Get Control of Country They Select ‘Front Man’ to Rule DICTATORSHIP STRESSED Truman Tells Chicago Audience a Republican Victory Will Threaten U.S. Liberty TRUMAN SAYS GOP PERILS U.S. LIBERTY.”

That’s right. Before Donald Trump. Before the milquetoast Mitt Romney. Before John McCain, who alternated between fascism and being a brave “maverick.” Before George W. “Bushitler.” Before his father and before Reagan, Nixon, and Goldwater, there was the original Republican Hitler, Fascists’ Tool, and Dictator-in-Waiting…Thomas Dewey!

As Daffy Duck was in the habit of saying, “It is to laugh.”

But there’s a greater danger to Democrats than the electorate merely ceasing to take seriously this now-74-year-old schtick. Because Democrats constantly accuse Republicans of tyranny, authoritarianism, and dictatorship, more voters are starting to consider whether it is now time to apply Rush Limbaugh’s famous dictum: What they accuse you of they are doing right now. After all, Donald Trump did not pursue his political enemies with the power of the DOJ. The Democrats did.

Too many Americans now understand that the various legal cases concocted against Trump are without merit. That’s why “convicted felon” and all the rest of these silly phrases for Trump are not sticking.

They are remembering how the DOJ went after parents upset at school boards adopting DEI and LGBT agendas without informing the parents. They remember pro-life activists being arrested at gunpoint in front of their families.

Americans who hear all this talk of fascism are being reminded of the Covid-era tyranny of figures such as Tim Walz, whose own terrible record included not only the closure of businesses, mask mandates, and an insane policy of sending Covid patients back into nursing homes, but also an official government snitch line and the right of the State of Minnesota to hand down $1000 fines and 90-day jail sentences to Covid policy violators.

And they are being reminded of how the federal government worked with private tech corporations to stop Americans from finding out the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Covid studies that contradicted the federal agencies’ approved positions, and anything the government didn’t want them to say or know about.

On any serious definition, fascism involves the combination of private and public power at the expense of the citizenry.

Most importantly, Americans hearing about fascism and authoritarianism are being reminded that both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to use federal power to shut Americans up again and keep them from exercising their religious liberty rights.

Walz has been clear for years about his own views. As he told MSNBC a few years ago, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, especially around our democracy.” But as we get closer to the election, Walz has been asked whether he still holds this view more than once. As legal scholar Jonathan Turley has written, Walz’s answer to this question from Fox News Channel’s Shannon Bream was “a flagrant example of misinformation.”

Turley reminds readers that “the Biden-Harris administration has helped fund and actively support the largest censorship system in our history, a system described by one federal court as ‘Orwellian.’” Not surprising, for, as Betsy McCaughey recently observed, Harris as Attorney General of California tried to pressure conservative non-profits to reveal donors and pro-life clinics to advertise for abortion. In 2019, she argued that Twitter should ban Donald Trump. And to demonstrate how much she supported the Orwellian system she helped preside over, she chose Rob Flaherty as her deputy campaign manager. Flaherty was the chief censor in the Biden-Harris Administration, cited in court filings as the one who pressured Twitter, Facebook, and others to censor views they didn’t like. It’s no wonder Turley labels Harris-Walz “the most anti-free speech ticket in centuries.” 

Harris also doesn’t like the other part of the First Amendment. She told Hallie Jackson of NBC News this week that she could not allow religious liberty exemptions in the case of abortion. Christian health providers and medical systems would be forced to participate in this evil or be forced out. She’s not kidding, either. As a Senator, she sponsored the Do No Harm act, which, if passed, would have taken the guts out of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

 Walz is similar to Harris. His Covid record included much harsher rules for churches than for retail outlets. In 2023, he signed a law that would forbid any school that required students to sign a statement of faith from being able to offer dual-credit college courses. Faith-based schools sued, and though the state isn’t enforcing it during the litigation, they are still defending the law in court. He signed into law a 2023 amendment to the Minnesota Human Rights Act that did away with religious exemptions, meaning that churches and faith-based schools and organizations would be subject to legal complaints if they did not accept someone’s “gender identity or expression.” Because of the pressure, he did return the exemptions this year. But it’s pretty clear he does not believe in any robust notion of religious liberty. He wants religious people to accept his extreme ideology.

Calling Republicans Hitler and the political “F” word is still exciting to a certain sort of true believer Democrat. They may not understand that it’s as traditional—and stale—as a Christmas fruitcake. To most Americans, it has lost its capacity to shock and persuade them to run from Donald Trump and the Republicans. And to many of them, it may well start them thinking about the fact that Democratic behavior might be more fittingly described with these terms.   

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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Michael J
Michael J
4 months ago

When you fail to learn history you tend to fall prey to it, but when they fail to teach history, you’ll believe anything.

Stephen Leonard
Stephen Leonard
4 months ago

This whole “fascist” and “Hitler” ploy is such offensively stupid nonsense, you would think even CNN would recoil from airing it. Anyone who has studied even a little bit about what fascism was, let alone the unspeakable horrors perpetrated by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei should be disgusted and repulsed by Democrats’ efforts to portray Donald Trump as something similar.
It is Democrats, not Trump, who unleashed wave after wave of blatantly political prosecutions against their political opponents. It was Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, who threatened to unleash F-15s against his opponents. It is Democrats, not Trump or any Republican, who endlessly stir up racial discord, resentment, and even violence. It is Democrats, not Trump, who try to censor opposing views, and threaten online platforms that dare to publish unapproved stories. It is Democrats, not Trump, who sic the IRS on anyone who questions them. And it is Democrats who are even now threatening to throw every legal trick they can muster to prevent Trump being inaugurated if he wins this election.

4 months ago

The democrats need to start with Harris was appointed by the leaders of their party to be the democratic nominee. She was not voted in as the nominee by the people by the democrat constituents. Nobody will ever convince me that this was the democrat game plan the whole time. They knew she would never make it past the primaries so they got Biden to win the primaries and then appointed her to be their nominee with ZERO votes from their constituents. How much more communist can you get. Persecuting the biggest threat to their power using bogus BS, communist. Here is the man….find the crime no matter what. These people are the scum of the earth!

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Obamites have no argument or workable plan only failed ideology and demagoguery. They are determined to stay in by the hook and by the crook. They’ll say and do anything , use any means.There is no low low enough for them to use it.

4 months ago

None of them, even Kelly or Milley have ever properly defined how he’s a fascist. I guess the old saying if you just repeat it often enough, and get everyone to repeat it, it just becomes true. Funny how the lefties are the one always talking about “the big lie” lol

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
4 months ago

Obviously, the “F-word” is the meme of the week in Kamala flailing campaign. But above all, harridan Hillary takes the cake with accusations of a Hitler rally redux for Trump at MSG.
So Hillary, didn’t Bubba accept his presidential nomination at the same venue in 1992? Stage IV TDS is dreadful, isn’t it?. Stay off the Grey Goose and get help!

Barry Obummer, Kenyan By Birth
Barry Obummer, Kenyan By Birth
4 months ago

TRUMP 2024

4 months ago

Unfortunately the typical left leaning American emotional voter will not read this article and if they did they would merely double down on the “F” word theme the neoconservative Republicans

John C
John C
4 months ago

I hear both parties complain and complain about warmongering candidates. Sometimes wars are necessary to put down bad leaders or governments. I would rather have no wars but oppressive governments are even worse.

4 months ago

The democrats are accusing Trump of exactly what they ARE doing themselves. Look at the base of this party.
You have George Soros financing all the BS going on and he was a member of the Nazi youth movement when he was young. He IS a Nazi and fascist.
Then you have his puppet, Obama, who was found and groomed by Soros to be elected president. That presidency was illegal because Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii. His grandmother stated in one of his books that he was not born in the USA, so he never should have been able to even run for the office. But Soros created a fake birth certificate for him and the ignorant and uninformed bought it.
Biden had dementia even before he was elected but that election was so rigged that he never should never have been put in office. But that was OK with the dems because Soros and Obama were pulling the strings.
Now the democrats have picked a brainless bimbo who can’t complete a whole sentence that makes sense. She just rambles through words she remembers and sounds pretty much like she has dementia as well. Plus that ridiculous cackle. She is trying to pass herself off as black but look at her parents, they are Hindu and Kamala is a Hindu name. Look it up!
Is she the best the democrats can do?? It does not matter to the dems because, once again, Soros and Obama will be pulling the strings.
Wise up, democrats, you are being snookered by a very evil deep state that wants to bring America down and form a New World Order. Do some research and learn the true facts.
A vote for kamel toes is a vote for loss of freedom and the America we know and love.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Those calling Trump fascist should take a closer look at BLM movement. The ideology and tactics.

4 months ago

Bottom line, most of the people they are trying to influence with the word ‘fascist’ , they dont know what fascism is.
But Dems too ‘sophisticated’ to know that…..

4 months ago

The FAILING and FLAILING Damnocraps are well beyond the PANIC MODE and are well into the INSANITY MODE. 1. Everything they now accuse Trump of being or wanting to do, THEY are the ones doing it – ALL OF IT. “He’ll be a dictator and use LAWFARE to lock up his opponents”. This is EXACTLY what the Damnocraps have been doing for years. 2. “Trump is a fascist”. NO, Harris and the puppeteers behind the scenes ARE THE FASCISTS. 3. “Trump is a threat to Democracy”. NO, the leaders in the Damnocrap Party are the THREAT to Democracy. They are the ones who willfully forced the voters ELECTED candidate, by way of a coup, out of the race and dumped a completely UNQUALIFIED, FULLY INCOMPETENT, pathetic substitute, who received ZERO VOTES, as their candidate.

4 months ago

Trump discusses what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s inexcusable, and what needs to be put in play to fix all the problems. Like him or not, he expresses his views and presents his path-forward.
Harris discusses none of the above, leading voters only a “hunch” about her actual intentions.
Anyone for whom this choice is not obvious should not be voting.

Robert L Smalser
Robert L Smalser
4 months ago

Leftist Alinsky doctrine taken from Goebbels says blame your opponent for what you yourself are guilty of. Hence the portrayal of deregulating, decentralizing conservatives as authoritarian Nazis. Witness Trump decentralizing pandemic authority to the states. More than dishonest, it’s stupid.

Stefan Lammens
Stefan Lammens
4 months ago

If I would sell something, and A and B wanted to buy it, I would not be interested if A told me: ‘don’t sell to B, it’s a fascist, a dictator, or whatever’, while B offers me a good price. I would ask if A offered me more. What about Harris explaining what she would give to voters, something they want, instead of only insisting ‘not Trump!’?

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

I have to laugh whenever I hear a “democrat” spew the words “fascist” or “racist” at Donald Trump or anyone who isn’t voting for komrade kacklin’ kammy…lol All anyone with half a brain needs do is look at everything the “democrats” have done, are doing, or will do to see who the real fascists and racists are. If it sounds like BS, looks like BS, and doesn’t pass the sniff test, then it’s safe to say it is BS!

4 months ago

One can only pray that the Lord opens these peoples hearts and eyes so that they can see the truth for what it is

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

OMG I just realized that Trump must be a fascist because both he and Hitler are both called “Hitler” plus if you squint your eyes reading the name “Trump” it almost looks like Hitler! Coincidence? I’m convinced!

4 months ago

Amen and Amen.

4 months ago

If majors in “Activism” replace History, slogans such as these are handy and kids don’t know any better.

4 months ago

The more I see Kamala’s lie-filled pol-ads, the more I want to vote TRUMP/VANCE . So go ahead you failure as vice president, continue the lies.

4 months ago

Harris is fabulously incompetent as a candidate, and would be more so as a “leader”. Not knowing herself well enough to make rational judgements about her own potential is a very nasty and risky set of circumstances… for ALL involved.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

I think that these anti TRUMPER generals and in their mind important entities screwed up and got fired,now they say.we are vindictive,lets get together and bash TRUMP.If trump was President 99 percent of bidens misfits would be burnt toast,FIRED for incompetency,as it should be.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
4 months ago

Once again, pure projection by the true fascists like Harris, Hillary et al. Please explain how conservatives are fascistic when they want less government control and more individual freedom.

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
4 months ago

Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! I meant “Hit her!”

Pat R
Pat R
4 months ago

I truly hope this article has a positive, common sense impact (or change if needed) on those who read it — one and all.

Nancy Stull
Nancy Stull
4 months ago

The only conclusion that I can draw about Harris that she has no people skills, doesn’t think before opening her mouth, and can’t tell the truth if her election depends on it.

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
4 months ago

What Democrats accuse the Right of doing or being is simply a mirror image of themselves.

4 months ago

AMAC/MS WEBBER,I’m getting tired of my comments being cut short and worse not appearing at all.Get rid of those 5th Colmnists who are censoring CONSERVATIVE views or risk losing members.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

harris has been doing nothing but pushing a Hate Speech campaign. Funny how democrats run off at the mouth accusing President Trump and Republicans of Hate Speech when he was in office but it was democrats who have been doing it for the past 16 years straight. Add h. clinton (Fake news buddy) with her Hate Speech with biden, Maxine Waters, aoc, The View, Fake News (msm), and the rest of the democrats. They are the most 2 faced hypocrites and Bullies in history. So why would anyone in their right mind vote for a 2 Faced democrat or believe anything the Fake news says. Another reason why I am voting for President Trump.

4 months ago

All the name calling they label Trump is what the Democrats are actually doing if you are honest on what you see. They should look at their mirror & see the real person doing all the rotten & corrupt things that are happening to us & in our country these days under the Biden/Harris governance. Lies & deceptions are the Democ’s forte. Listen to who God saved twice to save us….Donald J. Trump who is mentored by the Holy Spirit to stop WW111 most of all. May God bless us all with wisdom to do God’s WILL AND NOT OUR OWN FLAWED WILL. AMEN.

Christopher Michael Johnstone MDCLXVIII
Christopher Michael Johnstone MDCLXVIII
4 months ago

speedy gonzalez is gay

John C
John C
4 months ago

I’m a legacy Republican but I feel MAGA is like the far left on steroids.

The far left fawned over Obama which was ridiculous, yet now MAGA fawns over Trump to an even greater degree. Disgusting. The executive branch always holds too much power as it is.

The far left BLM riots were absolutely awful and cost America billions of dollars and were disrespectful towards police. Yet MAGA one upped them with the attack on our capitol building which was even worse because it undermined the entire government.

I voted McCain and Romney enthusiastically and reluctantly voted for Clinton, Biden, and now Harris since then. I don’t really like any of them but Trump, really? I wish he would go away and we’d get next generation candidates like Haley.

Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama walk together, Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in the Center Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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