
Elections , Newsline

The Left’s Latest Scheme to Permanently Change Elections in America

Posted on Tuesday, April 9, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Imagine a Super Bowl referee bending the rules to give his favorite team the win. Few would call that fair. Yet that is precisely what the Left wants to do to America’s elections. From noncitizen voting to lawsuits inviting activist judges to rewrite our election laws, left-wing activists are taking every opportunity to change elections permanently for partisan gain.

Their latest tactic is to undermine the basic principle of “one person, one vote” with a new scheme called ranked choice voting.

As we speak, liberal special interests are leading a sophisticated national campaign to push ranked choice voting in nearly every state. They have hired lobbyists, formed astroturf activist groups, and are financing state ballot measures across the country. This year alone, more than a half-dozen states, including battlegrounds such as Arizona and Nevada, are facing initiatives to change their elections with ranked choice voting.

Ranked choice voting’s proponents cloak it in deliberately misleading messaging. Advocates say it “make[s] elections more fair and more democratic.” Nothing could be further from the truth. 

In fact, ranked choice voting makes voting harder and puts the public’s trust in elections in jeopardy. 

The most common form of ranked choice voting being pushed nationwide is called “Final Five Voting,” and it is designed to upend elections in two fundamental ways. First, it replaces party primaries with California-style jungle primaries in which all candidates compete in a single contest. That means no more Republican and Democratic nominees and no guarantee that voters will have a choice between the two parties in November.

Then, for the general election, voters must rank up to five candidates in each ranked choice voting race. In federal election years, ballots typically feature a dozen or more major races. That means voters must wade through and carefully rank 60 or more candidates each election.

It only gets more complicated from there. If no candidate wins a majority of the vote, ranked choice voting manufactures one. Tabulators strike the candidate with the fewest first-place votes and redistribute his or her ballots to each voter’s next-highest choice. These elimination rounds continue until someone (often the person who initially came in second or even third place) wins a majority of the remaining votes. Needless to say, the ranked choice voting process takes much longer to tabulate, leading to delayed results, recounts, and frustrated voters.

Only a few dozen localities and two of the smallest states, Maine and Alaska, use ranked choice voting. Their experience shows how quickly ranked choice voting can go off the rails. In 2022, for example, officials in Oakland, California, certified the wrong winner in a school board race and failed to catch their own mistake. It took four months and a lawsuit to seat the true winner. In Alaska, officials concealed full election results for 15 days while the state labored to gather and tabulate votes. 

Ranked choice voting’s track record is a litany of failed promises. Studies show ranked choice voting makes campaigns more negative, makes candidates more reliant on “dark money” groups, discourages turnout, and disproportionately harms minority voters.

Unsurprisingly, buyer’s remorse is common with ranked choice voting. Oakland is now trying to junk this troublesome system, and Alaskans will have the chance to vote on a citizen-led ranked choice voting repeal this fall. Aspen, Colorado, repealed the system after just one election. And in Utah, half of the cities that signed up for a ranked choice voting pilot program have walked away.

Ranked choice voting pretends to be a bottom-up, bipartisan reform. But it is actually the product of a concerted national campaign bankrolled by an elite group of liberal megadonors such as John Arnold and George Soros. The backers of ranked choice voting on the Left are spending tens of millions promoting it, backing ballot measures to lock ranked choice voting into state constitutions, and hiring consultants and lobbyists, including voices on the Right — all to peddle a voting scheme aimed at pushing politics to the Left.

Fortunately, conservatives are fighting back. Our organizations are proud partners in a national coalition dedicated to stopping the spread of ranked choice voting. This important task is being carried out in states across the country. So far, five states have banned ranked choice voting, and more are advancing bills this year to halt this partisan scam in its tracks.

That is remarkable progress, but the fight for fair elections is far from over. Progressive elites are doubling down, aiming to lock as many states as possible into their partisan scheme before voters realize how flawed ranked choice voting really is. If they succeed, 2024 may be remembered as the year the Left permanently changed elections in America for their own gain.

Paul Teller is the executive director of Advancing American Freedom, and Jason Snead is the executive director of the Honest Elections Project.

Reprinted with permission from the Washington Examiner by Paul Teller.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

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joe cool
joe cool
6 months ago

Pay attention, America! These weasels have breached the fence and they are in the hen house! They will not stop until the last chicken is in the bag. We are the chickens!

6 months ago

To “Democrats”, everything must revolve around THEIR greed and political needs, and public opinion be damned. They will stop at nothing to take what isn’t theirs from their own fellow citizens, and they will deploy the filthiest tactics imaginable. One glimpse of that manchild Biden is all it takes to see that “Democrats” will never be anything but depraved.

6 months ago

The liberals are always several steps ahead of conservatives when it comes to rigging elections.

6 months ago

One way to get rid of the Electoral College — no political parties involved! Can’t you just see it? When Alaska went to ranking, I thought it was lost and it was, as Lisa Murkowski did get back into the Senate when she should have lost handily. To make this the way we vote throughout the nation will be just another step towards fascistic authoritarian unfair elections. NOT election integrity which would be moot, a right we have that would be tossed away with the D.C. sewage. Who you want to know whether or not to support something, DO look at who is backing it, in this case Soros and his ilk, so beware and stay clear.

6 months ago

Joe would call it fair!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Hillary was fined $8000 and the DNC $100000 for their denial of funding the Steele Dossier. Meanwhile Trump is ordered to be in court for 2 months, a gag order in place, for a “crime” where, once again, there is no victim and NY State has no jurisdiction over (federal election finance law)… so tell me again, Dems, how you’re “saving Democracy”! Tell me how its NOT election interference.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
6 months ago

Leave it to the Dems, the party of election interference. Their moto might just as well be, ‘vote early and vote often.’

6 months ago

The results in Alaska are worse than described here. The jungle split the republican votes which were far more than the democrat votes, but when split there was not a majority for a republican. The result was Alaska “elected” the democrat. Many of us suspected that the redistribution of votes going on behind closed doors was not to be trusted.
In fact, we suspect the Covid-19 election that instituted ranked choice voting included many mail in ballots from outside of Alaska. We know that 17 absentee ballots were delivered to a fish packing plant in which those voters were temporary workers who were not even American citizens. We fought long and hard to have another chance to defeat ranked choice voting next November.
I like to think that will be Christian Visibility Day in America.

A Voter
A Voter
6 months ago

My prediction is that they will succeed. In 2020 when this was done in earnest for the first time in a major way, what did the opposition do? Nothing except look the other way. and pretend it didn’t happen.. What did the justice system do? Nothing except look the other way and pretend it didn’t happen. This reminds me of the bailout of banks that were “too big to fail”. So cheating is accepted on both sides and we have a puppet in chief asleep at the wheel while the deep state drives us over a cliff from the shadowy backseat.

6 months ago

The major point is that those votes for candidates not in the top five get re- distributed. Those votes then, are not determined by the voter. This eliminates one vote – one person. That is not democratic. It takes away thr basic right promised in “of the people, by the people, for the people”. While we are at it, we need to change terms for politicians to term. No politician should be in a position to make decisions that help them get re-elected. This would insure that we have truly given representation to the people, not political careers. By the way, judges can’t make laws….that’s unconstitutional.

6 months ago

I agree, 100%. Very good article.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Rerun 2020 & now add Lawfare on Trump
NO rigged again

Jim M.
Jim M.
6 months ago

American Patriots… All must get

6 months ago

I always smelled a rat here. I visited Massachusetts, and a Democrat woman plainly told me, she wanted ranked choice there as a means to destroy the Republican party.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I thought they’ve already done it, but this makes elections even worse…

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Monsters begetting Monsters.

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