
Elections , Newsline

Swing States Notch Major Victories for Election Integrity

Posted on Monday, August 26, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

The 2020 election saw widespread allegations of election fraud that led to serious questions about the legitimacy of the outcome. While there remain noteworthy areas of concern heading into this year’s elections, a handful of key battleground states have made great strides in fortifying election integrity.

Here are some of the most notable advancements that will help ensure fair and transparent contests this fall.


In a massive win for efforts to prevent illegal aliens from casting ballots, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled by a 5-4 margin that Arizona can enforce a 2022 law requiring proof of citizenship for individuals who are registering to vote. The ruling follows an emergency appeal from the Republican National Committee, which requested that the High Court pause a lower court ruling against the law.

“This is a major victory for election integrity that upholds a simple principle: American elections must be decided by American citizens,” said RNC Chairman Michael Whatley following the ruling. “While Democrats have worked to undermine basic election safeguards and make it easier for non-citizens to vote, we have fought tooth and nail to preserve citizenship requirements, see the law enforced, and secure our elections. The Supreme Court has sided with the RNC, and the American people, to protect the vote in November.”

Although the provision of the law that requires individuals to present proof of citizenship upon registering to vote is now in effect, the Court declined to issue a broader ruling that requiring proof of citizenship when individuals actually show up to vote.

Even so, Arizona citizens can now be more confident that illegal aliens are not unlawfully influencing the outcome of their elections.


Another victory for election integrity came in the Peach State, where the Georgia State Election Board recently voted to allow discrepancy checks on ballots before the results are certified—empowering election officials to investigate any discrepancies between the number of cast ballots and the number of voters in each precinct.

Democrats and the corporate media have predictably spiraled into a fit of outrage following the rule change, baselessly claiming that the new rules will disenfranchise voters and sow confusion among the public. But as election integrity experts have pointed out, the law will give the public more confidence that their elections are being conducted fairly and accurately.

“I was astounded by the opposition to this rule that just says that votes cast and counted should match the number of people who came to vote,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a scholar at the Heritage Foundation. “The fact that anyone opposes it is unbelievable.”

With national polling in Georgia showing a potentially razor-thin race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this new rule is even more urgently needed.


In the all-important swing state of Pennsylvania, a judge recently upheld a decision from the Butler County Board of Elections that prohibits voters from “curing,” or attempting to “fix,” defective mail-in ballots.

The Keystone State requires voters who submit their votes by mail to place their ballots in an inner secrecy envelope. During the 2024 primary elections, several votes cast were rejected by the Butler County Board because the ballots were submitted without being placed in the secrecy envelope.

“The actions of the Board in adopting a narrow cure policy that applies in such a way as to uphold voting deadlines and ensure secrecy in voting is maintained, but that allows electors the greatest possible chance of having their vote counted, does not violate either the Election Code or the Free and Equal clause of the Pennsylvania Constitution,” ruled Pennsylvania Judge S. Michael Yeager. “It is the voter’s burden to ensure they have completed the steps necessary for their mail-in ballot to be included in the tabulation.”

Allowing election officials who may have their own partisan motivations to tamper with voters’ ballots is a serious threat to election integrity. This Pennsylvania decision goes a long way toward addressing that concern – although the ruling is now facing an appeal that may or may not be decided by November.


In one of the most seismic victories for election integrity to date, earlier this month, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed a landmark Executive Order mandating that elections in the Old Dominion will be administered with only paper ballots.

“The Virginia model for Election Security works. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines. In Virginia, we don’t play games and our model for election security is working,” Youngkin said in a statement.

“We use 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody. We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet,” he continued. “We do not use mass mail ballots. We monitor our drop boxes 24/7. We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters, but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it, like the deceased, individuals that have moved, and non-citizens that have accidentally or maliciously attempted to register.”

Though conventional wisdom among the media class holds that Donald Trump will fall short of the threshold needed to secure Virginia’s 13 electoral votes this fall, recent polling indicates that the Commonwealth is very much in play—and Youngkin’s landmark executive order will help ensure that voters can be confident in the outcome either way.

For the good of election integrity, transparency in our voting laws, and the cause of American democracy itself, every voter—Republican, Democrat, and Independent—should be grateful for these changes and urge other elected officials to follow suit.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
1 month ago

Well damn, if Virginia’s election integrity is robust, why aren’t more states adopting this method? It takes away a lot of election fraud. This is what every state should be doing!!! WTH?!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Yet they’re still filing new lawsuits in Nevada trying to keep RFK off the ballot. “One vote, your voice” so long as its THEIR choice made FOR you!

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
1 month ago

It’s pretty clear as to why the democrats don’t like this, so just ignore the idiots for goodness sake.

fred smith
fred smith
1 month ago

Wow! I’m so glad to see this from these swing states! Americans are losing faith in their election system because of the outcome of the 2020 election! The left cheated in several different ways and they always say, “where’s your proof?” Just watch the movie 2000 Mules for the answer to that question and don’t believe leftist democrats when they say, “oh that movie has already been debunked!” No it has not been debunked! Democrats think as usual that if they repeat a lie enough times that it will automatically become the truth! That’s another lie!

1 month ago

I’m still skeptical and I’m voting early. I encourage everyone who wants MAGA to return, to also vote early. The liberals will try everything—-no matter how bombastic and obvious it will look to the general public—-to cheat and steal the election. Like I said before, polling places will either close or have major delays on Election Day due to exploding toilets, “counting machine” breakdowns, traffic congestion caused by protests, or some made-up public health emergency announcement by the WHO.

1 month ago

The “Democrats” don’t want Democracy, despite claiming that they cherish it, and want to “save” it. They make it clear that they will do ANYTHING to hold the majority, even if illegitimate… as long as THEIR rights are not being trampled.

1 month ago

It seems to me that the vote used to be a privilege and it should be today, but when we allow children (most 18 year olds +) who live at home, have had no responsibility for anything except minor house chores and homework (which many don’t do), and who don’t have any “skin in the game” then our democratic republic is threatened. The candidates promise things that are unconstitutional and the youth listen to what benefits them. Voting age should be raised and should have other restrictions, LIKE BEING ABLE TO PASS A CIVICS EXAM AND POSSIBLY “ECONOMICS I” before being allowed to vote. The MSM know that their audience is uninformed liberals or the elite who have too much to be affected by their policies, so they are comfortable spreading lies. Barack Obama is the most arrogant person I have seen and his wife is just as bad. They only want Kamala Harris because she will be their puppet. If anyone dislikes what is happening to our wonderful free country, then blame them. People will vote against Trump because of his personality and think nothing of his ability to know how to govern and get America out of debt. How can they think Trump’s personality is worse than Obama’s? Trump is down to earth and loves America. Obama is arrogant and doesn’t.

1 month ago

Election Integrity is our last frontier for keeping America the country we all grew up in. I just finished Congressman Jody Hice’s book about election integrity, eye opener!! Great info that you can use to “educate” your liberal friends and neighbors. Examples of fraud cited, they can check since the media won’t.

1 month ago

If this election is fair the Donald will win handily and that will be great news for America and the world .

Michael J
Michael J
1 month ago

As long as it’s honest.

1 month ago

Thank goodness!!! Born and raised in Georgia…

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

We’ll find soon enough what integrity really means and if there is any left.

Linda M
Linda M
1 month ago

I believe that Nevada has been cleaning up the voter rolls too.

Evan Symonds
Evan Symonds
1 month ago

These are certainly good moves, but I find it hard to swallow that the Supreme Court has not mandated proof of citizenship when the person shows up to vote. Also, the DMV has, or some have anyway, been issuing to illegals voter ID’s along with driver licenses. Treasonous. The Supreme Court needs to act on this and require something like birth certificates or papers of naturalization citizenship acquired legally. Provable, traceable, since papers can be and are forged. Naturalization papers should bear to a unique watermark or some powerful proof of validity that would be wildly difficult to reproduce. When up against such treachery, we must use at least as intense measures.

Les Smith
Les Smith
1 month ago

The Dems can wave all the American flag they want, and they can talk endlessly about patriotism, but not wanting secure voting policies as the GOP has pushed, i.e., “easy to vote, hard to cheat,” giving illegal migrants “free government benefits,” and Biden removing the protections Trump had in place to guard against the PRC’s growing influence, shows the true agenda of the Dem Party, and it isn’t to eliminate voter fraud, to protect our borders and enforce our immigration laws, and address the PRC’s various avenues to steal military and commercial information, etc.

1 month ago

Not nearly enough to stop the criminal traitorous communist Democrats from stealing the elections.

Catharine Noel-Repetski
Catharine Noel-Repetski
1 month ago


Bert Peterson
Bert Peterson
1 month ago

The Pennsylvania trial court ruling will be appealed to state supreme, which, as the McLinko case demonstrated, is brazenly partisan (and not for Republicans.) The Georgia rule only applies to in-person voting, not the major problem of mail-in voting. The Arizona ruling again does not get to the issue of mail-in voting. Only Virginia does.

1 month ago

Election fraud exists, no matter how hard you work to unsee it. In a 2022 local Dem primary in Dallas there was a huge scandal. Over 300 suspicious mail in ballots were presented in bulk collected from mailboxes in heavily Hispanic precints…”jose” was found to be an election commission employee, colluding with a politician in that race. He pled guilty to (only!) 1count of fraulently voting those ballots.
Interviews indicate that was something he did frequently. That occurred in just one city in one state.
You will never see fraud if you don’t look.

1 month ago

And the democrats really want us to believe they care about democracy? Wow, you really can’t fix stupid.

1 month ago

The author chose a misleading title. Few if any of these provisions, will in effect in November. They may improve future elections, but until them, the only “cure” is to vote in massive numbers

Goblyn Bob
Goblyn Bob
1 month ago

In NY, we can only hope that real Americans go out to vote. If Houchol and her butt kissing minions get their way, all illegal immigrants will be voting, after all they were given money, exclusive hotels,meals, no protection or prison time for crimes committed. All on the taxpayers dime! All these deplorable actions have been committed by the greasy democrats in power. Including the back stabbed in NYC!

1 month ago

Unfortunately, we Wisconsin Republicans couldn’t get much done because of our corrupt Democrat Governor, Tony (cad)Evers, and our liberal-majority state Supreme Court.

1 month ago

Please in plain English tell us on what grounds did 4 Justices rule that non-Citizens have a Constitutional right to vote?

1 month ago

Explain to us how Pedo Joe got MILLIONS more “votes” than Barry ever got even when he had every black in America voting…
Try…try real hard.

Tim Browne
Tim Browne
1 month ago

Here we are, four years after the 2020 election … which was certified by every precinct, county and State. You’ve had all this time to audit and investigate to prove any shenanigans. Bottom line: MAGA lost and you cultists can’t take the loss and move on. You’re going to lose again this year, so I anticipate the same whining.

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