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Six Questions GOP Candidates Should Ask NBC Moderators at This Week’s Debate

Posted on Saturday, November 4, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Democratic Presidential Candidates debate stage hosted by NBC Television in Paris Theater, Las Vegas

As the third Republican presidential primary debate in Miami approaches this Wednesday, conservative groups are increasingly sounding the alarm about the long-established anti-conservative biases at the debate’s host network, NBC News—and urging the debate’s moderators, Lester Holt and Kristen Welker, to remember that they are in fact moderators—not participants—in the debate.

In late October, Doug Truax, president of Restoration of America, sent a scathing letter to Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel demanding that the RNC “immediately switch gears and retract your offer allowing NBC to moderate the upcoming debate.” He continued: “It is amazing this letter is necessary. It is beyond comprehension that the RNC would give a conservative smearing, round-the-clock misinformation network like NBC the right to host a Republican presidential debate.”

Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, agreed. “[Y]our past performances moderating debates and your slanted news coverage on behalf of NBC make me very doubtful whether you can be effective in this process,” he wrote in a letter to the NBC moderators. “But I write this out of eternal optimism that anyone can learn.”

A recent Daily Caller column reiterated this same point: “If Holt or Welker’s past reporting is any indication of what the debate will look like, just know it’ll be oozing with liberal bias.” Others have recalled former RNC Chairman Reince Priebus’s decision to officially suspend NBC News as a debate partner during the 2015 primaries thanks to the network’s long-established “petty and mean-spirited” bias against conservatives.

But unlike Reince Priebus, the RNC under McDaniel’s leadership has once again partnered with the left-wing network for the third GOP primary debate—granting corporate media executives at NBC the same chance to deride Republican candidates, disparage Republican voters, and prop up left-wing narratives.

Despite conservatives’ frustration with the RNC’s continued partnership with liberal media giants, however, Wednesday’s debate can provide GOP candidates looking to stand out with a much-needed opportunity to turn the tables on the media and hold them accountable for contorting every major news story into an attack on Republicans.

Here are five questions candidates should ask network moderators at this Wednesday’s debate.

  1. Before I answer your question, Mr. Holt, let me ask a question of you. What do you and your network’s corporate leadership say to the millions of voters watching this debate who believe that NBC is a singularly left-wing organization committed to advancing the agenda of the Democrat Party and progressive activist class while turning virtually every political story into an attack on Republican candidates or conservative views? What do you say to conservatives who view you as far more powerful than the Democrat Party and think of you as the real opposition party?

To conservative voters, it’s no surprise that mainstream media operatives at networks like NBC play a massively outsized role in American politics. With every passing election cycle, it becomes clearer that the media establishment—not the Democrat Party—poses the most significant threat to the American way of life. Without the left’s lackeys in the media, the universities, and the Deep State, it is difficult to see how Democrats would remain a powerful force in American elections.

As such, Holt and Welker must be forced to reckon with their role in the corruption of the American media landscape and take responsibility for their participation in selling Democrat Party talking points as bona fide objective journalism.

Though the debate moderators will almost certainly attempt to deflect from these accusations while hiding behind a false guise of journalistic integrity, Republican candidates should not let them—and should not hesitate to hold their feet to the fire. Though candidates like Chris Christie, who previously raked in $400,000 a year from ABC and whose campaign is widely seen as an audition for his next cushy media gig, is unlikely to target the media in this way, the candidates alongside him have every reason to raise these questions.

  1. Ms. Welker, before I answer your question, let me ask you this question. Legal scholar Jonathan Turley has stated that a public official using his office to enrich family members violates several federal criminal statutes. Furthermore, there are now bank records confirming that Joe Biden received personal checks from his brother and sister-in-law, paid with money they laundered from Communist China. When is NBC planning to tell viewers about Biden’s potential criminality and show them pictures of the checks made out to him by his family members?

“Influence peddling is a form of corruption,” Turley said to the House Oversight Committee in late September. “The United States has signed treaties to combat this form of corruption around the world—and that is also an inescapable fact,” he said after agreeing that Biden’s actions have warranted the launch of an impeachment inquiry. And as Turley noted in his testimony, influence peddling is “commonly facilitated or followed by criminal acts”—meaning that while “the alleged Biden influence peddling may not be criminal, it is most certainly corrupt.”

In recent weeks, investigations have revealed that Biden received a $40,000 personal check from his family, as well as a $200,000 check from his brother originating from a distressed company.

As James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, observed, “Bank records don’t lie, and coupled with witness testimony, they reveal that Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain.” He continued: The financial records obtained to date reveal a pattern where the Bidens sold access to Joe Biden around the world to enrich the Biden family. As the Bidens were sealing deals around the world, Joe Biden showed up, met with, talked with, shook hands with, and had meetings with the foreign nationals sending money to his family.”

Predictably, NBC has failed to accurately cover Biden’s growing mountain of pay-to-play schemes and implication in possible criminal acts. GOP candidates should ask the moderators, will NBC reveal to voters the disturbing extent of Biden’s shady financial dealings?

  1. Before I answer your question, Mr. Holt, let me ask you this: why has NBC failed to run a story on the Biden DOJ’s political persecution of whistleblowers in the Hunter Biden cases?

In recent months, whistleblowers have testified that the Bidens received millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries, that the FBI knowingly covered up Biden’s bribery scheme with a Ukrainian energy company, and that Attorney General Merrick Garland has likely interfered with the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) investigations into the Biden family, among other groundbreaking revelations.

In other words, it is becoming impossible to deny the fact that Joe Biden used the pulpit of the vice presidency to accept bribes from foreign countries—enriching himself and his family at the expense of his commitment to public service and loyalty to the Constitution.

But rather than holding the Biden family accountable, the DOJ has repeatedly mistreated the whistleblowers who have brought the information forward. According to the House Oversight Committee, the “Department of Justice prevented investigators from following evidence that could have led to Joe Biden; divulged sensitive information to Hunter Biden’s attorneys; and allowed the clock to run out to prevent charging Hunter Biden with felonies.”

Meanwhile, whistleblowers have confirmed that they “were not allowed to follow evidence that could have led to Joe Biden” and have “faced retaliation from the federal government for providing evidence of politicization, misconduct, and wrongdoing.”

On Wednesday, NBC moderators should be forced to address their lack of coverage of these scandals, which virtually amount to a coverup of bureaucratic corruption and left-wing cronyism.

  1. Ms. Welker, before I answer your question, I would like to offer you the chance to take this moment to apologize to the American people on behalf of NBC News for more than two years propagating the lie dreamt up by Hillary Clinton and her lawyers that Donald Trump was a Russian operative, and then cover up the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell” story that is now precipitating what could be the worst public corruption scandal in U.S. history. Will you take me up on my offer?

Over the last few years alone, NBC has been complicit in discrediting the politically explosive Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 presidential election, proliferating the left’s now entirely discredited Russiagate narrative, and echoing Democrat Party talking points on a wide slate of issues.

According to the Media Research Center (MRC), NBC was among the networks that did “everything they [could] to avoid investigating the latest Hunter Biden bombshells.” MRC’s analysis of the NBC’s coverage from October 14-19 in 2020, right at the height of the controversy, found that the network spent only five minutes and two seconds discussing the scandal—a clear sign that NBC executives were working to ensure a Biden victory.

Thanks to NBC’s blatant refusal to honestly cover what would normally have been considered a game-changing “October surprise,” a post-election poll found that a whopping one in six voters would have changed their vote had they been aware of the Biden scandals—a testament to the extent of the media’s influence on voters.

NBC also played a consequential role in supporting the Democrats’ Russiagate narrative, which suggested that President Donald Trump was a Russian agent beholden to the wishes Vladimir Putin. Despite the fact that Russiagate has been entirely discredited, NBC and other networks have refused to apologize for spreading obvious lies.

This is just a brief overview of NBC’s abandonment of journalistic ethics in favor of boosting left-wing narratives. Candidates on the debate stage this Wednesday should ask the moderators whether they are willing to apologize directly to the American people for shamelessly and repeatedly lying to them.

  1. Mr. Holt, before I give you an answer, let me give you the opportunity to address this. In 2020, the New York Post reported that former NBC personality Chuck Todd (who had no experience as a reporter prior to his post with NBC, and one time worked for far-left Senator Tom Harkin) was once the landlord of former presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) with significant financial transactions. Todd has also been the subject of other conflicts of interest—yet, NBC has failed to disclose them. Do you think NBC’s refusal to disclose these relationships was appropriate, and will you ask NBC’s general counsel to conduct an investigation?

As the New York Post reported in early 2020, “Klobuchar and her husband, lawyer John Bessler, rented a 3-bedroom home owned by Todd in Arlington, Virginia.” Despite the lack of public disclosures surrounding this relationship, the Post continued, it had not been “a secret among Beltway insiders that Todd rented the home to Klobuchar.” Nevertheless, Todd interviewed Klobuchar at least eight times during her 2020 run, in addition to his moderation of a primary debate.

Additionally, as revealed in Alex Marlowe’s 2021 book Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, Todd’s wife—a Democrat consultant—was paid more than $900,000 by the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2020 and more than $1.5 million in 2016. Given NBC’s refusal to disclose these clear conflicts of interest or otherwise acknowledge them as problematic, who is to say what other suspicious relationships the network continues to keep secret?

Todd has also repeatedly interviewed figures like Democrat Senator Tim Kaine as well as former Senator Jim Webb (where he invariably lobbed them softball questions) even though his wife had done business with both.

On Wednesday, candidates should raise this issue directly with the moderators—and press them on what other inappropriate relationships they refuse to disclose to the American public.

  1. Ms. Welker, before I answer that question, let me ask you about two incidents that some people believe began your network’s decline in ethical journalism. As you know, NBC was rocked by the Brian Williams scandal—and perhaps even more telling is your network’s treatment of Lisa Myers, who left NBC on account of its refusal to honestly report on Obamacare when she discovered the Obama administration was deliberately lying to the American people about its content and promises. Do you feel these incidents marked the beginning of what has become a culture of unethical behavior at NBC News?

Many Americans attribute NBC’s journalistic collapse to the network’s treatment of Lisa Myers, who worked as a senior NBC News correspondent for more than three decades. During the Obama administration, Myers reported the now-infamous story that Barack Obama was, in fact, lying when he repeatedly told Americans that they could keep their health insurance after the enactment of the Affordable Care Act.

According to New York Magazine, when Myers discovered that “the White House knew as far back as 2010 that some people would lose their insurance policies under Obama­care,” NBC reporter Brian Williams was unwilling to air a segment on the revelation. A frustrated Myers shortly thereafter posted the story on NBC’s website, where it went “immediately viral.” She left the organization just months later.

“Overall, the mainstream media has been less eager to hold this administration accountable than it was to hold the Bush administration accountable,” Myers said following her resignation. Shortly after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Jonathan Gruber—widely seen as the architect of the legislation—infamously told a panel that the “lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” thereby instituting the putative ‘right to lie’ for elected leaders.

On Wednesday, Republican presidential hopefuls should ask why NBC allowed itself to become a political proxy for the Obama administration—and whether it believes it has the right to mislead the public.

An October 2023 Gallup poll found that Americans’ trust in the media has plummeted to its lowest on record. And it’s no wonder why. Until NBC executives and personalities can acknowledge their complicity in this waning trust, our nation’s much-needed media reform will remain an impossibility.

For the sake of honor, honesty, and transparency in our media, every American of good will should hope that the media can reckon with these mistakes—and there could be no better opportunity than this Wednesday’s debate.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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11 months ago

An excellent article which will never happen because the candidates are too afraid to stand up to the left wing media. Actually they should not have to be interrogated by NBC’s left wing socialist commentators who will only criticize what they have to say.

11 months ago

This debate is irrelevant because none of these debaters can or will replace Trump as the People’s Choice!

11 months ago

These are fun questions; but the real question is, why is Ronna McDaniel still leader or the RNC? She’s both incompetent….and highly biased in favor of the RINO division of the Republican party. She certainly doesn’t represent me, and doesn’t represent the majority of the party or its expected candidate.

11 months ago

Here is my take, NBC shouldn’t be asking any questions, because they hate all Republicans, except for maybe, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, the RINO types!

11 months ago

When the RNC does idiot stuff like this, it shows you that the two-party system is a sham and a con to fool people into thinking there are fair elections held in this country!

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Here’s a question. WHY isn’t anything being done about the Election Interference by Dictator Beijing biden with the illegal and unconstitutional FAKE indictments against President Trump who is the leading opponent? WHY are his 1st Amendment Rights being VIOLATED by corrupt judge’s?
What makes you think it couldn’t happen to you if you decided to run for office?

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Question candidates should ask is WHY does a Communist China owned company, PRIMAVERA CAPITAL
own hundreds of U.S. schools under Dictator Beijing biden’s administration?
WHY are our children being brainwashed under Communist China CONTROL in our schools in the United States?
WHY isn’t Dictator Beijing biden and the Dept. of DUHMACATION doing anything to STOP this?
Parents, check and see if your child’s school is under Communist China’s CONTROL.
YOUR children are being turned into Communist instead of AMERICANS.
This is NO BS.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

Question number one: why are we all wasting everyone’s time when we all know that Trump will be the nominee?

11 months ago

Why is our (R) Republican so spineless? Why would they allow the left-wing pinko-commie Democrat run NBC “news” be the ones to host any debate for us??? Why doesn’t any of OUR SIDE stand up to the EVIL left? It’s almost like they are paranoid of the thought of winning!

11 months ago

I have respect the this Articles Author intent. First, realistically NBC’s Staff Producers will never let this happen. The NBC Moderators are not going allow these sideways Questions. They’ll just Sideways Themselves off the Stage. Dealing with these Media Organizations requires Reagan Finesse.
One Example is the famous Reagan Comment when Media Producers trying to Shut Off His Mike. Reagan Quickly Put Egg on their Faces with Obvious Lack of Fair Play. Reagan acquired the Mike. Then He Boldly Assertively Exclaimed “I Paid For This Mike!”
President Reagan is know for His Polished Communication Skills to the American People. What is Less Know is President Reagan Lack of Patience with Unfair Media Bias. For which He Had Very Little Tolerance! He would quickly without Vulgarity but with Elegance Assertion or Thinly Shrouded Humor Shut Down their Bias! Another Words President Reagan Knew How To Go Toe to Toe on His Feet with these Folks!
Finally, we All Need to Stop Referring to these Media Companies ABC, CBS, and NBC. These Networks are All Owned by Major US Corporations and should Be Refer to as Such!
We don’t refer to the Mustang Company. Mustang is Part of Ford Motor Company. We don’t refer to the Cheerios Company. Cheerios is Part of the General Mills Company.

Simon de Montfort.
Simon de Montfort.
11 months ago

This is why Trump will be the nominee and none of these lightweights will be: he has do e a d will do some or all of this. None of them will.

11 months ago

Question: in an effort to promote transparency and objectivity with respect to MSNBC’s coverage of the 2024 election, would MSNBC agree to list the presidential candidates its news anchors and field reporters voted for during the past 5 presidential elections?

John Bass
John Bass
11 months ago

The debate is irrelevant, and as for a politician, any politician, especially a Republican to ask a serious or tough question towards any opposition be it political or otherwise, is pure fantasy.

Rich Leon
Rich Leon
11 months ago

It will never happen. McDaniels is a RINO, as well as most of those Republicans in office.

11 months ago

Won’t be able to watch this debate, unless Fox carries it. Our local NBC channel is in negotiations with our satellite provider, and we haven’t had programming from them for months…maybe good, since I don’t really want to listen to the left wing crapola…

11 months ago

Maybe the better question would be “why do you think the top candidate, the one selected by and backed by half of this country wouldn’t be caught dead in this venue of lies, deception and corruption?”

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
11 months ago

I so love the questions and wish our republican candidates woudl have the guts to ask them.

There is no one involved in the leftism religion who is honest. with their holy leadership trinity (Clinton, Obama, Biden) being the corruption example for all to follow.

11 months ago

Excellent questions to be asked! They will never be asked and if they were asked they would never be answered. I think the true solution is to refuse to participate. It’s not a debate. Everybody knows that in DC along with the rest of the media is just an arm of the Democrat Party. Refuse to play along. What if they gave a debate nobody participated? How would they report that? I still do not understand how Democrats can say making America great is a radical idea. Maybe somebody can explain it to me

Dr. George R. Rivera, Jr.
Dr. George R. Rivera, Jr.
11 months ago

Here’s a good question – where else can I turn to avoid such useless garbage as these “debates” . . . Gilligan’s Island, perhaps?

Karen Gorden
Karen Gorden
11 months ago

There’s no way those questions will be asked.

Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
11 months ago

Why does the GOP continue to have leftist mediators? It’s a phenomenon I have never understood. A good conservative mediator is what is needed to ask pertinent and common sense questions.

11 months ago

I so wish the candidates had the “nerve” to actually do this….in my dreams.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
11 months ago

GREAT idea, time to callout corrupt so-called Journalists like Lester Holt and Welker. I can still see Lester throwing beachball questions to Obama, anything to help his Marxist Brother Barack.

Lets get some legitimacy to these debates, real issues that affect all Americans

11 months ago

Good luck getting either of the moderators to answer, they will merely obfuscate and deflect. Will the questions be given to candidates, or will they ask them? Doubtful.

11 months ago

Great questions! Will anyone have the backbone to ask? Probably not. I’m not going to watch it anyway. Our family doesn’t watch any lamestream media.

A Voter
A Voter
11 months ago

First off let’s clarify something
(RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel The R in RNC and in the chairwoman’s first name are synonymous with RINO. Only a RINO would go to NBC to host the Republican debate(s).
Re-title this article to “6 Questions Republicans will NEVER ask The Moderators and even if they did the Moderators would REFUSE to answer.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Yeah I won’t be watching something more interesting then a bunch of second-placers arguing which one will lose first to Trump. Besides, the BBC is running a special called “condensation”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Why host debates:
Assult Trump time
Cant answer questions
Pence, Christie, Haley divide GOP
rigged moderators

Paul Hart
Paul Hart
11 months ago

I strongly believe Ron DeSantis would do much better if he had a different strategy. He has allowed the traditional Republican strategists and a focus on fundraising to hamper his ability to make a splash and attract voters. He has focused too much on the “early states” for purpose of fundraising and mere tradition. What he needs to do is have a joint press conference with Greg Abbott at the border and focus on appealing to people in the large states like Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania…instead he went to all 99 counties of Iowa.

11 months ago

When they say can we have a show of hands… they should all keep their hands down (the smart ones will) and when the wankers challenge them they should say “we’re not playing that game unless the same rules apply to both sides. Hold up your hand if you think NBC has responsibly and comprehensively reported on the hunter biden laptop, the Trump Russia collusion conspiracy, the biden family corruption, the FBI / DOJ dual justice or the southern border chaos.”
Their opponents aren’t the other people standing at their podiums, it is the ones sitting there pretending to ask serious questions.

Carol Expósito
Carol Expósito
11 months ago

Wouldn’t it be nice to hold NBC’s feet to the fire!!!

11 months ago

You are the idiot in the cult if you do not see the bias of NBC

11 months ago

A master lesson in “whatabout!”

Mr holt
Mr holt
11 months ago
  1. Before I answer your question, Mr. Holt, let me ask a question of you. What do you and your network’s corporate leadership say to the millions of voters watching this debate who believe that NBC is a singularly left-wing organization committed to advancing the agenda of the Democrat Party and progressive activist class while turning virtually every political story into an attack on Republican candidates or conservative views? What do you say to conservatives who view you as far more powerful than the Democrat Party and think of you as the real opposition party?

holt: id say you are not going to be President. Thank for trying. Ok who’s next?

R g
R g
11 months ago

Ha ha. You funny guy.

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