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‘She Ain’t Made For This’: Harris Aides, White House Staffers Vilify Her In Expository Book

Posted on Friday, August 30, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A book written by progressives, about progressives, blasted Kamala Harris at a time when political observers speculated whether she would be replaced as Joe Biden’s vice president. In it, White House aides outlined Harris’s inability to define a political agenda and her total reliance on personality.

Now, with Harris in a tight race for the presidency with Donald Trump, the book has been resurfaced eight months after its release.

As recently as the summer of 2023, a cavalcade of Democratic party superstars like California Gov. Gavin Newsom were brandishing their leadership credentials as calls grew for Biden to step aside. Once that time passed, the left-wing whisper machine turned on Harris and her historically abysmal favorability numbers.

Enter “The Truce: Progressives, Centrists, and the Future of the Democratic Party,” which dropped in January. That was just enough time for the left to replace Kamala Harris and, one would think, supplied them with enough ammunition to do it.

“It was rotten from the start,” a top aide from her 2020 campaign noted. “A lot of us, at least folks that I was friends with on the campaign, all realized that: ‘Yeah, this person should not be president of the United States,’ the aide told the authors.

The book, authored by Hunter Walker and Luppe B. Luppen, was written and published long before Harris was coronated as the heir apparent of the Democratic party’s presidential ticket.

The scathing quotes from insiders of her failed 2020 campaign painted a picture of Harris as a vapid and ineffectual leader who offers no clear picture of who she is politically or how she would govern as the president.

Some staffers spoke of discord as a result of tensions between Harris’ family and the top consulting firm she hired to advise her.

Staffers described a high level of dysfunction centered on the relationship between Harris’s sister Maya, who served as the campaign’s chair, and Bearstars Strategies’ Juan Rodriguez, who was serving as her campaign manager.

The divide between Rodriguez and Maya Harris became so toxic they moved to opposite wings of campaign headquarters and would hold separate meetings with staff.

“It was the most awkward day of my life,” a senior staffer told the authors. “People were literally having a thirty-minute audit meeting with Juan about how the campaign was going and then they were walking across the hall into the same meeting with Maya … I remember Juan popping into my office to find out how the meeting with Maya went.”

Campaign dysfunction extended beyond the family affair, too. Poor management of funds was a common theme, staffers told the authors.

“She cared less about how much money I was raising for her and more about what I was doing to create a good inclusive workspace,” a consultant told the authors. When Harris dropped out of the primary in December 2019, she cited lack of funds as the primary motivation for her decision. 

The money management, however, was just one aspect of an overall “toxic climate,” the authors wrote.

In November 2019, the campaign’s state operations manager Kelly Mehlenbacher resigned in a scathing letter that was leaked to The New York Times.

“This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly,” she wrote.

” … because we have refused to confront our mistakes, foster an environment of critical thinking and honest feedback, or trust the expertise of talented staff, we find ourselves making the same unforced errors over and over,” Mehlenbacher wrote.

Rather than an isolated incident unique to her presidential campaign, the book’s authors say reports of toxicity came from staffers who worked with her in San Francisco, in the Senate, her presidential campaign and as Vice President.

The complaints “came from sources who signed up to work for her and, at least at one point, wanted her to succeed. It’s impossible to dismiss all of their critiques as entirely the result of prejudice,” they wrote.

One unnamed staffer described working for her as being like “Game of Thrones.”

As VP, she saw a shocking 91.5 percent turnover rate among her staff, according to an Open The Books review. Some notable departures included her “chief of staff, communications director, domestic-policy adviser and national security adviser,” according to The Atlantic.

Her fundraising woes briefly let up during her campaign, as she was the beneficiary of a fundraising boon on the back of her June 2019 debate performance when she attacked front-runner Joe Biden with a racial argument.

Harris, the only black candidate in a crowd of 10, went after Biden for his praise of segregationists. She spoke of her experience being bussed to school during California’s desegregation efforts in the 1970s.

The line of attack was, according to the authors, a “showstopper,” and resulted in a filling of her campaign coffers. “Everything we did for like a week turned to gold,” a campaign staffer said. The honeymoon, however, quickly subsided.

The Biden campaign meanwhile, challenged Harris to actually make clear her position on bussing.

“If you attack somebody for a policy position, it’s fair for you to ask, ‘What’s your policy position?,” Biden’s campaign manager Greg Schultz noted.

On debate night Harris advocated for a federal mandate, but a week later she waffled on that position. While campaigning in Iowa she told reporters that “while she would have supported federally mandated busing in circumstances like those that existed in the ’70s, she wouldn’t support it in contemporary America,” the book’s authors wrote.

This, the authors noted, was nearly identical to Biden’s position on the issue.

Her bussing ambiguity was just one of her notable flip-flops highlighted by the authors.

Over a year before she launched her presidential campaign, Harris signed on to Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’s “Medicare for All” bill. The bill would enroll every American into a single-payer healthcare system, a position well to the left of any mainstream Democrat.

But, while initially defending the plan, she began to walk back her position and maintained her plan would still carve out an outsized role for private insurers.

Her refusal to go full bore on a single-payer plan “hurt us,” a staffer on her digital team told the authors.

“That hurt our fundraising numbers. That hurt us with Democratic activists, and that’s a problem. The last thing you ever want to be seen as is wishy-washy or flip-floppy,” the staffer said.

The issue underpinned an overall inability to define herself in any meaningful way or pick a direction for her campaign.

“Harris seemed to be trying to straddle the left flank and middle ground, but she ended up nowhere,” the book’s authors wrote.

Despite Harris’ failed campaign — she dropped out of the primary in December 2019 without earning a single delegate — she still found her way on to the presidential ticket. But her selection did little to alleviate her staff’s concerns.

“While Harris’s campaign was unquestionably successful in the sense that it elevated her to the second-highest office in the land, those closest to it were left with deep-seated doubts about her ability to lead.”

Democrats writ large struggled to envision Harris being able to win the White House.

“The fear was Kamala Harris could not win a race against Donald Trump, or perhaps against any Republican at all,” the authors wrote.

In fact, she was so deeply unpopular that left-friendly pundits suggested Biden replace her on the ticket.

“Biden could encourage a more open vice-presidential selection process that could produce a stronger running mate,” Washington Post columnist David Ignatius wrote in September 2023.

At the time, her favorability ratings hovered between 39 and 40 percent, according to polling site

Others, like New York Magazine’s Eric Levitz, suggested Biden swap her out for the likes of Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Democratic Senators Raphael Warnock of Georgia or Tammy Duckworth of Illinois.

Her lack of policy positions meant she was leaning heavily on her charisma, something those close to her questioned.

“Harris struggled to decide what she was offering voters beyond her compelling persona,” the book’s authors wrote.

“That’s a lot of the reason people supported her,” a senior staffer said. “But you’ve got to back that up with ‘What are you going to do?’”

The clairvoyant quote from the staffer has proven to be quite prescient as, just over five weeks after Biden dropped out and endorsed Kamala, she’s hardly outlined any policy positions at all. 

The only policy positions she’s personally vocalized are plans to implement price controls as a way to curb grocery store price gouging and tax proposals that include expanding the Earned Income and Child Tax Credits.

Beyond this, nearly all of the information regarding her presidential plans have come from anonymous staffers’ slow-drip leaks to news outlets.

Her lack of concrete proposals and continued reliance on charisma and vibes continue a pattern her aides said made her unfit for the presidency.

“Kamala is not ready for prime time,” a senior White House staffer told the authors. “She ain’t made for this.”

Robert McGreevy is a reporter for The Daily Caller.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Caller – By Robert McGreevy

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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1 month ago

The Democrats are ready to let this country go down the drain rather than admit their candidate is totally unfit for the job! Why is she even their candidate? You can’t tell me there’s not one single person in the democrat party more qualified or more important more CAPABLE! than that total airhead . She can’t even really formulate a comprehensible sentence! unless it’s a catch phrase.

Fritz Beiermeister
Fritz Beiermeister
1 month ago

Problem is they don’t care, they just need to elect anybody anyway they can because the really bad stuff is already in place:
Uncontrolled Borders will continue
Title IX men now in girl sports
Trump cuts expire, taxes for all up
Approved emission standards force electric cars 
Only Trump will stop this!!!!

1 month ago

Just what we need….a wishy washy, flip floppy person to run our country. SMH! She can’t make a solid decision on domestic issues, God help us when it comes to foreign policy and decisions that could very well lead us straight into WWIII.

1 month ago

Unfortunately, obtuse indoctrinated democrats will read this and still vote for this hollow pathetic individual. Anything Obama and Nazi Pelosi tells them to do, the will do and do “joyfully”. Sycophantic to the core and brainwashed, only one word to describe them -pathetic.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 month ago

Stop the presses !! The progressives didn’t like Harris.

I wonder if any of those progressives have changed their minds in the past few weeks (or during the next couple of months).

1 month ago

As usual, most Democrats do not like their POTUS candidate. Unfortunately, Democrats were not in the majority at the convention. But, as usual, ALL Democrats fall into line behind their nominee. It’s the Party first. Always and ever. America doesn’t matter- the people do not matter. Democracy doesn’t matter. and certainly the Constitution doesn’t matter. Only POWER and control matter. What a great time to be a Democrat!

1 month ago

What election has SHE won?? How did this communist marxist get to this election?? WHO would chose this radical progressive big mouth?? Despite Harris’ failed campaign — she dropped out of the primary in December 2019 without earning a single delegate?? DO NOT even consider her IF you love your country and way of LIFE. Vote her and her chinese sympathizer buffoon away. MAGA 2024.

Leonard P
Leonard P
1 month ago

She is just another puppet on a string like Joe, but will be even easier to control by the puppet masters. At least Joe had 50 years in public office so he had to have learned something. Kamala has very little experience on the national stage and what she did was a disaster. No this woman is not and never will be able to handle the rigors of running a country. Unbelievable that the DNC put her in this position, but then that’s the way the socialist Democratic Party rolls now days

1 month ago

Kameltoe is not ready to be the town dog catcher. She couldn’t make up her mind should she catch the dog or let it roam free. The same goes for being president. Should she cackle or do a word salad. She has no ideas, plans for this company. Only elevate her status. And the presidency of America is not a figurehead job. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE IN 2024 and save America from the Queen.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

EVERYBODY knows Kackler is totally incompetent but most are now willing to kiss her butt and pretend that she’s a genius! They have such a case of TDS that they will sacrifice our country!!

1 month ago

The fact that the treason party sticks with her indicates that they’re confident in their ability to cheat in the election. This probably means more than ballot stuffing. They’ve likely figured out how to control the electronic voting machines. Once ‘elected’, shes perfect for them; a sock puppet wholly owned by the shadow government.

1 month ago

Of all the choices the Democrats could have selected they chose her.
Yikes what does that say about humans?

golden eagle
golden eagle
1 month ago

The only talent she ever had was servicing Willie Brown.

1 month ago

“She ain’t made for this.” That should be obvious to anyone with road walking sense.

Frances O'Toole
Frances O'Toole
1 month ago

No, she is not ready and never will be. Lies too much about everything she has done or will do. Not trustworthy!

1 month ago

I have some neighbors who think she is a “breath of fresh air” and they rave about the joy she brings. I guess policy and knowledge don’t matter to them.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 month ago

She either has attention deficit disorder or their is something really wrong with her ,because she can’t formulate a sentence and se can’t stay on task when talking. Because she can’t stay on task and complete a sentence and she changes subjects in the middle of a sentence.and when she was asked about her policy changes she started talking about fixing pancakes and bacon for her nieces and playing with a puzzle. And she seemed to be concerned with time and it constraints Global warming but complete the thought on that either. And why Tim Walz was there I don’t understand because he never contributed a single solitary thing to the interview.And the other thing I noticed she couldn’t get the news commentator’s name right…..

1 month ago

Any body even giving her a thought after the softball interview with CNN?
I can’t wait to see the first Debate with Donald J Trump.

1 month ago

she’s stone cold stupid

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

Komarade kacklin’ kammy’s record speaks for itself. Anyone who does their research knows this ignor-anus isn’t about anything but tearing the United States down. She’s a disgrace and a traitor to our Country and Citizens. Her records as DA and AG of California, and her records as Senator and VP are abysmal at best. She has done absolutely nothing to make our Country better or to enrich the lives of our Citizens. She’ll do what she can for criminals though, especially illegal alien rapists, drug sellers, and human traffickers.

1 month ago

As long as she can suck-start a leaf blower, it’s all good.

1 month ago


1 month ago

What most boggles my mind is that come election day close to 50% of American people will vote for her. Really? That many people in this county are so brainwashed to Marxism and intent to destroy our constitution and free country they would probably vote for Vladimir Putin if he was on the ticket opposite Donald Trump.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 month ago

She was hired based upon her sex and gender. What do you expect?

1 month ago

Kamala/Walz are both incompetent!
Neither of them are worth our attention!
If you want Communism vote for these two IDIOTS!

Dick Yowell
Dick Yowell
1 month ago

I’m more ticked off at the shameless lying of the news media who are putting the lipstick on her. Without their lies, she wouldn’t have a fighting chance! They make up the lies and they tell them. That’s where the blame lies! The rank and file Democrats are just gullible puppets.

Venice Palm Press
Venice Palm Press
1 month ago

“Busing” not “bussing.” The latter means “kissing.” Thanks.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Make ALL Public

1 month ago

we knew that in the 2020 debates. there is no apparent improvement

1 month ago

Debate is scheduled for Sept 10th between Trump/Harris. I would like a question asked about NATO to both. I do not think that Trump realizes the importance of NATO & views it as a funded business. Trump told Russia to do whatever you want to country that is not paying their dues to NATO/ Trump has never had to live paycheck to paycheck & therefore does not realizes that people and countries can be short on money. It is totally wrong to just attack people that do not have money to exist, the USA has always been on the downtrodden side and not on the sides that attack another country. Trump will probably call this fake news , but he said this on media. Hope that we never become a country like THEY SHOOT HORSES DONT THEY.

1 month ago

She absolutely IS made for this. She is in fact the perfect deep state puppet.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 month ago


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anna hubert
1 month ago

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