
Elections , Newsline

Prepare for Emotional Exhaustion

Posted on Wednesday, November 6, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Hemingway wrote, “The sun also rises.” Interestingly, having worked with many in politics, from presidents and cabinet members to congressmen and local candidates – one phenomenon repeats itself each election: People run and vote, let out a sigh, and find they are emotionally spent.

Candidates, at every level, whether they win or lose, whether returns are fast or slow in coming, find they are so drained of adrenaline, serotonin, and endorphins, that they literally collapse, shut down, sleep for days, and only gradually regain their bearings, focus on next steps, and go forward.

In this election, oddly in my experience, more than half the nation has been engrossed – completely or almost completely consumed, in some cases to distraction, and preoccupation, as if watching a hurricane, tsunami, or big asteroid approach. This is, if I may say, not normal.

To be blunt, this is not how American politics usually works, not how we have historically viewed our shared political spectrum, which has been – until recently – relatively centered, both parties seeking similar ends by different means, more or less conservative, not hysterical or irrational.

This election cycle – perhaps the last two or three – is of a different cut, far more emotional, at times unhinged, harder to tame as people got hard over, obsessed with ideology, personality, and imagining a kind of Armageddon-style, end-of-the-world outcome if they should lose.

The rational argument for being consumed can be made since one party has lost its historical moorings. Democrats rifted away from their FDR, JFK, LBJ, even Carter, Scoop Jackson, San Nunn, and Tip O’Neil sensible-but-centralizing roots, to an almost unrecognizable, neo-Marxist brand.

Democrat leaders arguably did something worse than disorient their following; in many states, and across many demographics, they lost them. The national party became something almost unrecognizable, which for those center-left, center, and center-right, was deeply disturbing.

Many modern Democrats have allowed a historically unacceptable way of thinking to infiltrate their approach to the people. Intentionally or by accident, signs are everywhere and have been during this cycle. Pushed has been an ideologically leftist, top-down, dictate-and-enforce view.

Frankly, as various races settle and results are finalized, this shift is one part of why this election cycle has been so emotionally exhausting, and uncommonly stressful. People are frankly scared.

Another factor, now that the big day has passed, should be spoken of honestly. Anger over political dodging … Americans are roiled by a poor economy, costly energy, mandates on everything from cars to stoves, illegal immigration, crime, drugs, suppression of parents, cultural decay, disrespect for religion and rule of law, and public corruption. Many of these were largely sidestepped, often boldly ignored, instead addressed by double-talk. That too raised stress levels.

A third source of the emotional drain was the media – and a self-appointed cabal of rabble-rousers, finger pointers, and “emotionalizers” who decided the election was only about personality, Donald Trump’s. Personal attacks were over the top, scary, twice nearly caused his assassination.

Speaking bluntly again, that is not how Americans have typically run campaigns, and not how our media has typically behaved. What has happened is that demonizing, and inviting physical harm to a candidate, after seeking to jail him for his views, has become one party’s approach. That is scary.

Finally, the mere volume during this cycle – the strangely personal rants, speech canceling, sign pulling, threats against people of all kinds, just for holding a view, for exercising a 1st Amendment right, has been outsized, nothing seen in prior elections cycles.

So, here is the takeaway. As final results are tallied, and as various factions decide what comes next, most candidates and most voters are going to be exhausted. It will either hit you or creep up on you. It may just tire you, irritate you, frustrate you, even depress you. But this too will pass.

In the grand scheme of things, political elections are exhausting, and all-consuming for candidates, often for supporters, and then the storm passes. In this case, the election was brutal, arguably off-base, historically out of line with American politics. That only makes it more exhausting. So, take a breath, sit back, pause, and rest. As Hemingway wrote, “The sun also rises.”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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4 months ago


While I understand you’re trying to be extremely charitable to what the Democrat Party has become or simply thought they could afford to show the public who they really are, and thus you are trying to mitigate the damage a party that openly advocates for very thinly veiled Marxism has been actively seeking to accomplish here in the United States, you do no one any favors by trying to gloss over and excuse what has been a concerted effort to re-make the nation into a carbon copy of what currently exists in communist China, Putin’s Russia or Maduro’s Venezuela.

The call for a return to what you refer as normal American politics can only happen if as you say both sides share a common goal but executed from slightly different approaches. If you look at what the Democrat Party has morphed into and what they want to transform this country into, you’ll find that there are literally no so-called common goals. The Democrats frankly want a Marxist style government, where they mandate from on high in Washington, D.C. to the powerless peons that make up the masses. They want to crush free speech similar to what is going on all across the EU to varying degrees, strip the American public of the ability to defend themselves and finally impose a rigid set of rules and regulations that virtually dictate every facet of day-to-day human existence under penalty of arrest and prosecution by a fully weaponized justice system.

People are frankly fed up with being told all this being done for their benefit and to supposedly “protect democracy”, while at the same time taking more and more control of their lives away as they are being made poorer each day. Was this election exhausting? Sure, but that is what naturally happens when people are trying to protect the values and liberties that this country was founded on from those that seek to become rulers instead of representatives of the People. I understand that Trump is not the kind of politician that the old guard Republicans wanted as President, but Trump is the kind of POTUS that this country needs at this time to clean up the mess that the so-called establishment helped the Democrats create over the last 35 years. Cleaning up huge messes before things become impossible are usually an exhausting experience but it is sorely needed, if the country is to survive.

Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
4 months ago

Whatever you do, don’t let your guard down. Be prepared for the next round of stupid to hit the country as the Marxist Left won’t take NO for an answer.
Semper Vigilans.

4 months ago

What you say in your article is true about how it used to be, but those days are gone now. The Democrats used to be America loving patriots too. No longer. The Democrat party has been taken over by people who hate the USA and all it stands for and want to destroy it.

4 months ago

RBC, at this point, the country has a reprieve from the Adversary. The fight will continue. Already MSM, is proclaiming “cheating” on the Republican side. Looks like a repeat of Pres. Trump’s first term of office where MSM will spew out false allegations against him.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

There was a time when I would vote for the person no matter the party, but one party has made a 180 and has lost touch with most AMERICAN citizens.I don’t know when this leftist crap started,but it came to a head under herr obama and has gotten worse with the last group.

4 months ago

After replying to a comment, I decided that I need to post it for everyone to read: ————It started in the late 50’S early 60’S when the “Liberals/Leftist” started taking over the Federal Education department. They got the Bible taken out of all public schools under the guise of “Separation of Church & State” since most people were not familiar with the fact that separation of Church & State means The Federal Government can not designate ONE RELIGEON for the :MASSES” to belong to as was done in the past and still is in some countries. After removing the Bible the Marxists slowly started dumbing down the curriculum and eliminating anything about the founding principles of the USA to the point that now most people under 50 don’t understand how our country is supposed to be run and most college grads can’t make change without a computer. And that’s why it is getting easier and easier for the Democrat/Socialist/Communist party to convince a large part of the population that their MARXIST IDEAS are the best thing since “Sliced Bread”.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if they already had impeachment articles drawn up… Adam Shifty won so he can bring his “files of evidence” he never produced last time. Some in Hollywood are demanding to be “unfollowed” so make them happy and unfollow them and stop buying their music and movies! Hard to do since I’d never pay to watch a Bette Midler or John Cusak movie anyways…

4 months ago


3 months ago

I’ve been emotional exhausted for the last 4 years…

3 months ago

You have been completely indoctrinated by the lies of the mainstream media and the leftist talking points. Stop believing this fabricated narrative that is baseless.

William G Huprich
William G Huprich
3 months ago

I personally can not negotiate with power at any cost, Economic Ignoramus, treasonist enablers of Terrorist. This is the Democrap party today.

3 months ago

I place much of the blame for the current political climate on technology/social media that whips up the emotional responses of young and impressionable people. No proof, just a suspicion.

4 months ago

Spectacularly WRONG. You and your ilk LOST, badly. Go away????!!!

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

Americans should pay attention to the scribblings of Mr.Charles when he apologizes for his supporting role in diversity hire General Colin Powells genocidal acts against the Iraqi citizenry.
NEVER forget when Colin Powell held up that vial of baking soda, sugar or whatever it was, in front of Congress lying about it being Anthrax and thus a reason for the US to carpet bomb the innocent people of Iraq. All the while Powell, his coffee boy Robert Charles and the entirety of the Defense Department were laughing at the idiocy of the American people for once again buying their lies.
As you age out Mr. Charles, consider what eternity has in store for your soul. General Powell has found out of that I can guarantee.

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WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

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