After a dumpster fire of an election season for Democrats in 2024 — losing the presidency, the House, and the Senate — conversations about who will emerge from the pack to challenge Republicans for the White House in 2028 have already begun.
Kamala Harris, the former vice president, and the unduly anointed 2024 Democrat presidential nominee, currently stands apart as the 2028 frontrunner. Even after President Donald Trump overwhelmed Harris this past November, multiple polls are reporting that she would lead the liberal pack should she decide to run again in 2028.
According to an Echelon Insights poll of 447 likely voters out earlier this month, the former vice president received 36 percent support in a prospective field of 18 candidates, by far the top vote-getter. Former Transportation Secretary and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg came in a distant second at 10 percent, followed by Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (9 percent), California Governor Gavin Newsom (6 percent), and New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (5 percent).
Two other polls from J.L. Partners and McLaughlin & Associates found similar results, with Harris leading the field at 30 percent and 35 percent, respectively. Both polls also had Buttigieg in second with less than 10 percent support.
These numbers are significantly higher than any primary support Harris received in the past. According to Real Clear Polling, Harris’s peak during the 2020 primary was 5.5 percent in November 2019 – just one month before she dropped out of the race entirely following a dramatic collapse in support. Despite the fact that, as NPR reported, Harris was initially “among the top tier of candidates in both polling and fundraising,” she withdrew two months before the Iowa caucuses.
Harris’s 2024 bid for the presidency was even more disastrous. Her $1 billion, 107-day campaign — the shortest in history — was a total failure. She lost every swing state to Donald Trump and, perhaps even more embarrassingly, performed worse than Biden in every state that both she and Biden won. Democrat voters made clear that they had no interest in Harris in 2020, and the American people seconded that notion in 2024.
That Harris is still the clear frontrunner to be the Democrats’ nominee in 2028 should thus be setting off alarm bells within the Democrat Party apparatus, both about the party’s unwillingness to change course and about its lack of political talent to draw on in the years ahead.
Of course, Harris may decide that she has had enough of the national political spotlight and stick to her home state of California, where she has had far more electoral success. Speculation is already swirling about a gubernatorial campaign in the Golden State to fill the seat of Governor Gavin Newsom, who is term-limited. Harris is currently a front-runner in that race as well, with almost 60 percent support in a hypothetical primary.
Should Harris decide to run for governor, it would theoretically leave Buttigieg as the “favorite” for the presidential ticket – although with less than 10 percent support, it would still be anyone’s ballgame. Buttigieg did last longer than Harris in the 2020 Democrat primary, earning 26 delegates before the abrupt end to his campaign following the 2020 South Carolina primary.
But his tenure as Secretary of Transportation, particularly his lackluster response to the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, leaves plenty of reason for voters to doubt his ability to serve as president.
The candidate with perhaps the most room to rise is Gavin Newsom. As Biden faltered last summer following his debate debacle against Trump, some media reports suggested that Newsom was angling behind the scenes to box out Kamala Harris to secure the nomination for himself, or at least to force a contested primary.
Newsom ultimately denied those rumors and threw his support behind Harris, but it’s no secret that the California governor has his eye on the Oval Office. With plenty of connections to wealthy California donors and a relatively weak primary field, Newsom likely sees plenty of opportunity for himself in 2028. As the leader of the nation’s largest state, he is one of the most recognizable state-level politicians in the country.
Another possible scenario, however, is that the Democrats’ 2028 nominee is not even on the radar of political analysts. 10 percent of likely voters in the Echelon Insights poll said they were unsure whom they would vote for if the Democrat primary was held today.
It’s worth noting that in February of 2005, Barack Obama was just getting settled into his office as a first-term senator from Illinois. In February of 2013, Donald Trump was still focused on growing his business and real estate empire. Few could have imagined more than three years before a presidential election that either man would be on his way to the Oval Office.
Nonetheless, Democrats have some big leadership questions to answer in the months ahead. The 2024 election was a lesson in the perils of nominating a far-left candidate — one that, if these polls are any indication, Democrats have not yet seemed to learn.
Kamden Mulder is a senior at Hillsdale College pursuing a degree in American Studies and Journalism. You can follow her on X @kamdenmulder_.
OMG I cannot believe the Democrat voters are this stupid. Harris/Buttijieg?! Two of the worst candidates in American history with nothing to offer no accomplishments and no ideas. What is it that attracts voters to either one? Way beyond me…
JD Vance will win in a landslide.
Harris for Demo candidate for 2028? NOT VERY ORIGINAL and A NIGHTMARE unless, of course, the Demos plan to stuff the ballot boxes again.
JD Vance has done more in one month that Kamala Harris did in 4 years except spend over a billion dollars in less than six months.
My mommy always said, stupid is as stupid does. Ronald Reagan said you can’t fix stupid.
There’s a common theme here, if you look real close.
Those pollsters must be on drugs (or think that we are).
There is 0% chance that the Dems will nominate either Harris or Mayor Pete in 2028.
With all the negative results under a Democrat governance that the DOGE investigation is uncovering, it is foolish for anyone to even consider voting for this party again, because trust is gone. They defined themselves as untrustworthy based on their governance record.
All of this is good news for the “right”. Dems don’t have a prayer unless major leaders in the Republican party mess up but don’t see that happening. Really interested in the mid term elections and if the momentum continues. It must if things are to get done while President Trump is in office. Looking forward to a possible J.D Vance presidential run in 2028.
I thought that headline HAD to be a joke. Not sure if I was looking at AMAC or Babylon Bee!
Then I looked at the pack of potential losers listed as other possible appointees. That explained everything. How sad for them.
Harris is pathetic and like 90% of the Democrats a enemy to America!
These MORONS will NEVER GET IT. But this is PERFECT. A guaranteed win for Vance. I hope the Damnocraps stick with Horizontal Harris. She, being a LOW IQ, bumbling incompetent IDIOT, has NOTHING to offer but radical socialism, HIGH taxes and a LOT more of them, wars and the world on fire AGAIN, open borders, crime, drugs and riots in our streets across America, drugs, gangs, child trafficking, rapes, perversions, war on women, America-LAST, and the master of nothing but WORD SALAD (just a sampling of what this ‘thing’ will bring with her). Yes, a real class act – Fifth Class that is.
Please, please, please run the Kackler again! With her IQ, she doesn’t have a chance in the real election. If that’s the best the DIMMs have to offer, they should fold their tents and go home.
I don’t know who would be a worse choice. Newsom is one scary governor and has ruined CA. Harris is incompetent. They will need to look again!!!
Go ahead…run here in 2028. She’ll never make the primary.
Another quote of Ronald Reagan: “The trouble with our democrat friends is not that they are ignorant, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so”. Although, unfortunately, with the passing of time they are proving over and over again that maybe they are ignorant and stupid.
Kind of sad, but considering the other choices–she might be the best the Dems can do
The definition of insanity is trying the exact same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I say go for it Dems. ????
Harris is the next Democratic Adlai Stephenson. A real loser! LOL
This is shameful by democrats if they run her. She does not have the mental capacity to be governor of a dog kennel. If she is elected we should extend the border fence to Canada along the eastern border of California, Oregon and Washington.
That’s the best they have?! She is a COMMUNIST and GLOBALIST puppet. Her track record as the “border Czar” during the most corrupt presidency in US history says it all. A bag of hammers has more intelligence and leadership potential than she does.
That would be an instant replay from H___. What on earth are they thinking? There isn’t one legitimate name in this list who anyone in their right mind would vote for. But wait…..I did mention ‘right mind’ didn’t I. I don’t even want to think about this. We need to help President Trump and VP Vance MAGA for the next 3+ years. They can’t do it alone.
Harris and Buttigieg? This must be an attempt at a diversion while the witches are stirring and chanting around the pot.
“Pete Buttigieg came in a distant second at 10 percent, followed by Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (9 percent), California Governor Gavin Newsom (6 percent), and New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (5 percent)” What’s the expression that comes to mind? Oh yeah, a race to the bottom.
This just shows the weak state of the Democrat party, they don’t have much of a field to draw from.
One thing I never hear from anyone pushing polls in our face, (even AMAC) is just who these pollsters are, what their affiliations are and how they did their work. Polls are designed to twist opinion and propagandize information, plain and simple. Very few polls are unbiased and balanced in process. Echelon Insights? Never heard of them. They poll 447 people and that’s supposed to be a reliable base? C’mon people! And how about good ole NPR….the leftist propaganda machine stealing tax payer money to survive. So, AMAC, spend a little more time giving us supports on these polls and not just a few names and numbers. We all know statistics and polls are about as easy to manipulate as a three year old with his eye on a lollypop.
California pioneered voter fraud. There hasn’t been an honest election since Grey Davis was recalled years ago. A CA Demoncrap doesn’t gain much when winning an election in CA is on their resume! Let’s hope the ones in that poll remain the only candidates. No one in their right mind would vote for any of them.
Run back the cackling hen? They are lost.
This is demonstrative that rank and file Democrats have not gotten the message. We are not going to suddenly decide we want a mental midget for president which both Harris and Mayor Pete are in spades. I had to re-read this twice to make sure it wasn’t satire but it is still a joke.
First of all, don’t underestimate any of this. The MSM, which by the way is NOT dead, will do what it takes to make this happen. The most important thing right now is the 26 midterms. I am so sick of hearing how republicans ‘won’ the house. They kept the house, barely, actually losing one seat. And the Senate? Another joke. We allegedly have a 6 seat lead. Now, factor in Rino’s Murkowski, Collins and McConnel, and all of a sudden it’s tied. So much for unity. The only real lead we have is because of tie breaker Vance, Thank God! And if you think that the presidency is locked up, ask the farmers who voted for Trump if they got their aid yet. The MSM is gaining momentum by tearing DOGE apart, some of it being justified, and millions of people are believing them. We need to realize that the honeymoon is long over, slow down with DOGE, and put a huge amount of focus on the midterms. We don’t have 4 years, we have 2, and if we don’t win it’s all over.
kamala harris,pete buttigieg, tim walz, gavin newsom, and aoc (awful obtuse cretin) for potential communist/socialist/marxist/maoist, etc., POTUS candidates for 2028…SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!!!! SMH What is wrong with people that they would think these dirtbags would be good choices and the Citizens would rally around them? These cretins have been robbing us blind and trying to turn our Country into a 3rd world cesspool for the last 12 years. For crying out loud, everyone has hated harris since 2020 and you want to run her for POTUS in 2028. Are you that stupid??? Look at California to see a clear picture of how good ol’ newscum would ruin the Country. He was fired once in California. For the life of me, I don’t know how he got voted back into office. Tampon timmy wants to put them in all the boy’s bathrooms. AND…the awful obtuse cretin…what more is there to say? Again, this shows how out of touch and arrogantly ignorant these buttheads are. If this is the best they have to office…well…LOL Yaayyy?!?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot….Harris/Buttigieg…..a perfect ticket for the dems in ’28….perfect guarantee to loose big time, again. Go for it guys!
Now THAT’s funny. We can just pin Vance against her to wipe her out again
Good. Run her again in 2028. Please, please.
the dumb as crap are a losing proposition and only the most stupid/brain washed will give the dumbos any thought
Oh Please dear god.. Just tell her to go away.
There is no way to want that far right liberal mindset ever again. HELL NO.. No way..
It’s humorous that Kamala is the best the Democrat Party can do now. Talk about deterioration.
She can’t even get get waited on at McDonald’s. She walks in and they say what can I do for you and she says I’m not taking any questions
The modern Democratic Party is the Island of Broken Toys. We have (supposedly) educated people in America that openly claim they voted for Harris simply because she’s a woman. That just shows that education has nothing to do with intelligence. Tim Walz wants boys to use tampons and they all just want to tax and spend OUR tax dollars. The fact that anyone would even entertain Harris or Walz again, just proves how stupid Americans have become.
Now there is a stomach turning combination. Good grief, the Democrats are getting desperate if they think Kamala and Pete would make a winning ticket. One cannot put together an intelligent sentence and the other cannot find an intelligent thought.
Liberalism thrives on short memories.
I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind voting for any dimocrat, but few of them have a right mind!
Buttigieg and Harris are the Democrats TOP candidates. Let that sink in..
It’s sad that that is the best they have to offer.
Thank God!!!!! We are Guaranteed #MAGA For, at least, the next two Presidential elections. Thanks Dims.
Pete Buttgage … seriously????
Cackling Kamala, Governor Hairgel, The Boy Blunder, and Communist AOC, the Democraps are truly pathetic.
Cackling Kamala and Buttplug Buttigieg that’s hilarious.
And she can smell the smoke in CA. Was probably all weed.., cannot believe people can be this ignorant. SMH
Kamden I liked your article very much. The info was right on. My question to you which you didn’t touch on. How electable do you think Harris would be in 2028. You think her word salads will make sense by then? Let’s say they do. What is her vision for America? I forgot the dems have no vision for America. They only want power. Harris would be a figurehead and repeat speeches written by others. Not like Trump and give press conferences and takes all questions and answers them. Harris couldn’t answer not one of them without cue cards or a teleprompter. Time of having those and handpicked reporters submitting questions in advance are over. Kamden I would love to see you delve into that question who could get elected. Harris, Buttigieg, Walz???, Newsom? Are the voters of America ready to elect anyone of these four? Running for the office is totally different than getting elected.
So, dems still haven’t figured out why they lost and will lose again, IMO