
Elections , Newsline

Learn How to Protect Senior Voters in Care Facilities

Posted on Friday, October 20, 2023
by AMAC Action
Large roll of I Voted Today stickers ready for voters in the US elections with senior mans hand

Mature Americans who reside in nursing homes face challenges when exercising their right to vote. Age-related issues present special circumstances that can make the process of voting for seniors confusing and hard. This creates scenarios where seniors rely on and trust others to help them vote. Unfortunately, these situations make conditions ripe for voter fraud.

AMAC Action and its coalition partner, the Election Integrity Network (EIN) work to protect the ballots and political voice of seniors both at home and especially in residential facilities. We encourage you to join a virtual workshop to learn how to protect vulnerable voters in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior independent living housing, and other care facilities from being exploited during each election cycle. These sessions are collaborative and interactive and include providing usable resource materials for attendees on every call.

Please click here to view workshop availability and to register for the session that best fits with your schedule. Feel free to contact Kerri Toloczko at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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10 months ago

If there’s a way to CHEAT, Democrats WILL FIND IT!

Penny Duer
Penny Duer
10 months ago

I work at the Paulding OH Board of Elections and we sent bipartisan teams to our local Assisted living facilities to help each resident vote. I’m proud to have been a part of this effort to keep voting safe here in OH

10 months ago

This was a huge issue in the 2020 election, and it was exploited by bad players all across America.

10 months ago

Adult group homes for the mentally disabled should also be protected as they too are ripe for exploitation, threats, abuse, and fraud. The same also goes for therapeutic residence facilities which rehabilitate drug addicts, many of those places which are politically connected and often grovel at the feet of corrupt politicians for money and donations. Those in-pt rehabs are Samaritan Village, Daytop Village, Phoenix House and many others.

April "S"
April "S"
10 months ago

There was an instance of a group home resident telling of wanting to vote for George W. Bush and being threatened by a caretaker if he didn’t vote for John Kerry.

Carole Vick
Carole Vick
10 months ago

This is very needed in these facilities…many times the elderly are misinformed and intentionally misled in the information they receive. They need support, respect, and accurate factual information. Additionally, the exploitation must stop.
Best wishes in your endeavor on behalf of our seniors and protecting their vote.

10 months ago

Since I work, I will not be able to attend any of these workshops. Can you make at least ONE in the evening after 5pm?

10 months ago

Defrauding the vote and taking advantage of our vulnerable elderly voters is a serious concern. I registered for the workshop. Thank you for this information and opportunity to help protect our Seniors.

10 months ago

In 2020, I had a disabled Vietnam vet tenant that called in to see how he could vote. They checked, then told him he’d already voted! He tried to assure them he hadn’t, but how can you prove it? Thats just one I know about. How many others are there?

10 months ago

There is zero doubt in my mind that, if my in hospice 93 year old mother is still alive, that she will cast a vote however the nursing home wants her to vote. Given I am 1000 miles away and disabled myself there is absolutely nothing I can do.

10 months ago

No doubt about issues. Seniors need advocacy Example; new legislature about seniors who return to work force r/t economic need, will have penalty of $1 deducted per SS paycheck per every $2 EARNED HOW ABOUT THAT AMAC!!!! Fact or rumor??????

10 months ago

“Woman Prevents Assault”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

No worries: My dad passed away in 2006 but I’m pretty sure he’s voted Democrat in every election since!

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Senator Rick Scott with images of social security card and medicare card in the background
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Black and white image or Donald Trump with vintage American flag in the background

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