
Elections , Newsline

L.A.’s Soros-Backed DA Doubles Down on War on Police in Re-Election Bid

Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Police Line - Do Not Cross tape is displayed at the scene of a major motor vehicle collision during the day.
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, who has been heavily funded by groups linked to liberal megadonor George Soros, announced last week that he is officially running for re-election next year. According to an email sent to supporters just after his campaign kickoff speech, even as crime in L.A. spirals out of control, one of the pillars of his re-election bid will be “holding law enforcement accountable” – effectively a promise to continue treating police officers as the enemy instead of criminals. Gascon first won election in America’s second largest city in 2020. During that campaign, he rode a wave of backlash against police in liberal areas throughout the U.S. following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Gascon also became one of many district attorney candidates throughout the country funded by Soros’s network of nonprofits. His 2020 campaign received some $4.7 million from Soros-linked groups – just a small fraction of the more than $40 million Soros has poured into local prosecutor races in recent years. As has been well-documented, Soros DAs like Gascon all back a similar agenda of radical criminal justice “reform.” That agenda includes policies like the elimination of cash bail and refusing to prosecute certain “minor” crimes like robbery. As a result, crime numbers in jurisdictions with Soros prosecutors have predictably skyrocketed. Gascon has repeatedly refused to punish even violent criminals, often allowing them back onto the street where they go on to commit more crimes. Soon after taking office, Gascon announced that his office would no longer prosecute many crimes at all, including trespassing, disturbing the peace, minor possession of alcohol, driving without a license, driving with a suspended license, making criminal threats, drug and paraphernalia possession, being under the influence of a controlled substance, public intoxication, loitering to commit prostitution, and resisting arrest. Gascon was also a driving force behind L.A. County’s new “zero bail policy” introduced earlier this month, which critics have slammed as “catch and release” for criminals. The policy means that offenders of even the most serious crimes could be released immediately under “Magistrate Review.” Yet Gascon claims the new policy will “make us safer, because it’s going to create more room in our county jail to hold all the people that are dangerous.” Soros prosecutors have also made it their mission to target police officers rather than criminals – a goal Gascon has been particularly passionate about. His campaign website brags that he has prosecuted more than 30 police officers, while nowhere mentioning a similar effort to get violent criminals off the streets. Gascon was an early supporter of “reallocating” police funding, and has overseen a sharp decline in officers for the LAPD. Gascon has also sought disturbingly lenient sentences for criminals who target police officers. Earlier this year, he declined to pursue the death penalty against a man who executed a police officer in cold blood. Back in 2021, Gascon also dropped the death penalty for another man convicted of killing a police officer. Unsurprisingly, L.A. has become even more crime-ridden under Gascon. Theft is up 14 percent from two years ago. The city is also experiencing an epidemic of carjackings, and murders and assaults have steadily increased since he took office. The public backlash against Gascon has sparked multiple recall efforts – all of which have fallen short. It sems even rising violent crime isn’t enough for L.A. voters to abandon their affinity for progressive policies. As bad as the public backlash has been to Gascon’s tenure, the internal turmoil has been even worse. Numerous prosecutors have quit or transferred to other jurisdictions specifically to avoid working for him. They’ve described the environment in his office as “toxic” and “belligerent.” Gascon is also currently being sued by multiple former prosecutors under his jurisdiction who allege they were retaliated against or forcibly demoted for opposing his political agenda. Despite all the controversy, Gascon seems unshaken and utterly committed to his beliefs. Even with ample evidence to the contrary, Gascon claimed last year that he “knows how to keep communities safe.” Early polling indicates that Gascon may be in serious trouble, although it’s difficult to tell with more than a year to go until Election Day. A survey from the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs found that just 14 percent of L.A. residents would vote for Gascon if the election were held today. In deep-blue Los Angeles, the election of a Republican seems a far-fetched possibility. A well-financed moderate Democrat primary challenge could possibly be successful, and several candidates have already filed to run in the Democrat primary next March. Until voters have the chance to replace Gascon, however, Angelinos will likely have to look out for themselves, because it sure seems like their DA won’t be looking out for them. Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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1 year ago

Well it is my belief that anyone voting for a Democrat in the up coming elections is an AMERICA hating COMMUNIST! OR JUST STUPID!

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

If you’re stupid enough to re-elect him, then you deserve what happens to you. WHY would any sane person think getting rid of the police, AND coddling the criminals is a good thing? Vote the idiot OUT. OR you will have NO police, because there is NO way I would work to only find myself the guilty person. Want all those business to move out that the little thugs have raided and nothing happens to them??? Go ahead vote him in again.

1 year ago

If the residents of L A are dumb enough to re-elect this idiot they truly to dumb to be allowed to vote.

1 year ago

There is only one solution for people like this who have a 2×4 mentality…bleeding heart alert…until he gets to observe first hand his wife, children and grandchildren raped, tortured, mutilated, and murdered and he is standing over the dead bodies will he be able to say…I get it now, we need law and order. These people are abundant and very very very dangerous.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Gascon Wants More crime in LA

1 year ago

George Soros is the biggest enemy of the state, anyone who takes his money, support, or even believes in his Bulls##^, should never hold public office, or be allowed to work in Government!
There is not one little part of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, the only thing he might like is what he can use to destroy America, he is Hitler to the bone, if fact if you rolled all the despites of the world in to one, he is so bad he would be their ruler.
People need to check who the candidates get their money from and check to see if any of them are connected to old Georgie Boy.
God Bless America – beware the enemy is among us.

1 year ago

“Holding Law enforcement officials accountable”?? The voters in LA who leave their hatchbacks on their cars open so criminals can conveniently steal, and not have to break windows, will vote him back in. They do not have my sympathy, they are just stupid.

1 year ago

Our country is taking itself down. We don’t need outside forces to do it.
Allowing Soros candidates and Soros money has the smell of doom which is, I think, their intention.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I used to live in California (1974-1987) and left because you could see where the state was headed. Urban California is a s-hole; guess all I have to say is “we warned you”! Now reap what all you Democrat voters sown. And it will only get worse…

1 year ago

Boot the bum!

1 year ago

Are these California freaks ever gonna wise up? Is it going to take some want’a be a gangsta killing your kid in your front yard for his lunch money ta make you stand up and say, “That’s enough! ” Are you so brain dead that you can’t see that your leadership needs a change? Putting another liberal into the position is not going to fix the problem. It’s like pouring out your spoiled milk in your glass so you can fill it again with the same container of milk that you got the first glass from.

1 year ago

Granted, the Republicans haven’t shown much leadership recently BUT Democrats haven’t shown much leadership for decades!! If LA is rampant with crime, and if there is an opponent to this Soros funded jerk, that person should run on getting rid of crime!! They should, when elected, round up all of the criminals (and I don’t care if that makes the jails too crowded) and maybe some of the politicians, too, and put them all on quick trials and send them to prison!!! If someone could catch Soros and his crime family doing something wrong, put them in jail as well, then maybe some of this crap would stop happening!!

1 year ago

What you are supposed to say in California while being robbed, raped, carjacked, murdered is this: Only say Goodness, goodness, goodness oh sweet goodness. Over and over again. I lived there a while to double my paycheck. Until then, I thought I would never say money isn’t everything. I escaped in 2005. I finally moved to Idaho. A very prejudiced state, they will not let me vote 32 times, won’t let dead people vote. I wished I had moved here 41 years sooner. CHRIS

1 year ago

Stupid is as stupid does. They deserve what they get if they vote that idiot back in.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

you leftism religion followers are really stupid people.

1 year ago

That is the plan all along to get rid of the police and the existing laws. That way the DA’s can do what they want. Arrest the victims as perps because they are seen as enemy of the State. A concerted effort by these Soros bought DA’s to eliminate their opposition. Freedom of speech and thought is not allowed in sloppy’s government. Soros is buying all these DA’s because he hates the Republicans. Even the recall election of Gascon was rigged. When you have the law and those that have to implement them standing on your side. You can do anything and that is what is going on in America. Every opposing view has to be muzzled and if not, to be eliminated by charging them with a fake charge or making their life so impossible they leave America. Although Soros is everywhere or someone just like him. Rich billionaires with a power complex. The Rothschild and the Rockefeller’s ruled the world in the past and some of them still do today don’t forget the Gates the Bezos, Buffet’s and the rest of these billionaires in Bazel who influence and shape the world.
Money buys a lot and is the evil of the three C’s in the world. Only many sheep don’t see it or will never see it. My grandfather saw it 80 years ago and he had never been further away than 50 miles from where he was born. Had a 6 grade education but he knew. When are Americans going to stand up and see the dems and their puppets for what they are. Puppets of the billionaires who rule the world.

1 year ago

Gascon, you are shameless

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Build more prison’s and keep them in there. Not bad for most of them. 3 meals a day and shelter. Food will be there. No robbing or stealing ,then selling items, then off to Burger King. Not bad for them. Kyle L.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Why would I be surprised when Soros helped the NAZIS kill Jews.
Now another NAZIS named George Gascon will protect criminals getting Americans attacked, raped, molested, and killed including giving Illegal Alien Terrorist more rights than Americans who is being supported by NAZIS lover Soros.
Only in Socialist/Communist/Fascist, LOSER WOKE democrat run states would this happen.
Remember, they are the ones with the Fake News, antifa, and blm that pushed and promotes Defund the Police. Look at all of their riots attacking Americans and destroying personal property, government property and burning down cities. All their crimes funded by Soros and promoted by pelosi, harris, and Dictator Beijing biden. All recorded ‘LIVE’ on Communist News Network (cnn).
President Trump supports the Police and YOU having a SAFE neighborhood and country.

1 year ago

I love the columns/newsletters that AMAC publishes. But AMAC does a huge disservice when the word liberal is used to describe the Democrat Party, George Soros and his lackeys, the L.A. D.A. Gascon, and others of that ilk. They should be referred to properly. They are leftists, communists, fascists, or socialists. Just choose one. They all are fitting.
America’s founders were classic liberals. Today’s true liberals are just stupid and confused, because they continue to vote Democrat.
Please get it right.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Defund the police let the criminals have they day and then bring down the iron fist

1 year ago

I have to believe that this clown and any others like him are NOT elected. California is a place of corrupt politicians. California might’s well be its own country. These clowns are where they are because of big, big money. Pelosi & Clintons did this for their entire careers. Why do people insist on believing that voting actually accounts for anything anymore. plan accordingly.

1 year ago

Anyone voting for Gascon or Dimocrap had better be well armed and trained in their use. Gascon is another socialist disciple of the foreign Globalist, George Soros and unless you are brain dead, you know that your security and protection will be 100% up to you, You will not have police or anyone else to protect you or your family, home and possessions.

1 year ago

You people in LA need to think about the crime that you are living with in your area and decide who is responsible for that crime!!! George Soros is partially responsible but so are you as voters!!! If you want the crime to stop, stop electing Democrats!!!!!

1 year ago

If the people of L.A. are stupid enough to re-elect this POS a they deserve what happens to them and their city.

1 year ago

Remember Soros’statement made in1996 to Newsweek interviewer “I hate America and Americans”.

Roberta Matula
Roberta Matula
1 year ago

We need to have limits on how much money anyone can put into a campaign

Bruce P
Bruce P
1 year ago

Give up on California! Those people are just as blind and stupid as the people in Chicago and Detroit. They get what they deserve for continually voting for those socialist idiots. All the real Americans can do is try not to get any of that on us, support the Conservative ones, and VOTE.

1 year ago

Are people really voting for their own demise or are election results being tampered with? Would e the first time.

1 year ago

Soros and his sons either need to be deported or put in prison as enemies of the state. They are ruining this country and that is their agenda. Their Open Society Foundation and all the NGOs underneath it such as Media Matters need to be disbanded for wreaking havoc and lies upon this country.

1 year ago

Idiotic! People do not want crime period!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

If Gascon knew how to keep communities for law-abiding citizens instead of criminals, he would be doing so.

1 year ago

Too bad all of the police would refuse to protect or escort this scum bag. If he had no protection, maybe he would change his opinion. Those who continue to support him should be allowed to live in their own ghetto with rules of their choice.

1 year ago

This is what happens when you don’t have law enforcement in LA county. The stupid dumbocrats need to be replace in order to have a law in LA county!

Terry Brinker
Terry Brinker
1 year ago

Why is there no mention of an attempt to recall Gascon since being in office?

1 year ago

If they vote gascon back into office, then they’ll reap what they sow . LA just like NY are circling the drain.

1 year ago

I thank my lucky stars I left the sh*tty state of California 6 years ago. It was perfect timing. I live in a red state now. For those that say “Good riddance, don’t come back.”, worries, I would’t be caught dead in CA.

1 year ago

Hopefully, the citizens of L.A. will vote for their own safety and defeat Gascon’s bid for re-election.

1 year ago

If the people of LA are stupid enough to vote for a Soros sponsored DA then they deserve what they get. LA can continue its downward spiral until it attains “sh*thole city” status like many of our other once great cities have.

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

I think George Soros is illiberal. He is antisocial and represents the absolute destructive elements of chaos theory.

1 year ago

I would guess 60% of LA voters have no idea who they vote for, as their ballots are turned over to whoever will do it for them. And we know which party does ballot harvesting.

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