
Elections , Newsline

Kamala Must Declare Position on California’s Radical Transgender Law

Posted on Monday, August 12, 2024
by Allison Schuster

California lawmakers have once again placed themselves at the forefront of anti-family policy – and perhaps created a major headache for Kamala Harris’s nascent presidential campaign – with their recent passage of the most extreme legislation on transgenderism to date.

Known as the “SAFETY Act,” this far-left bill, which Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law last month, introduces a sweeping set of mandates that deeply endanger parental rights and advance radical gender ideology as the official policy of California’s education system. Despite this legislation’s threats to the health and well-being of children and families across the Golden State, Vice President Kamala Harris, who has her own history of embracing far-left gender ideology, has studiously avoided commenting on it.

The SAFETY Act fundamentally alters how transgender issues are handled in schools and medical settings. It mandates that public schools allow students to self-identify their gender and access facilities that align with their gender identity, not their biological sex. Even more alarmingly, the law prevents individual school districts from requiring the disclosure to parents of this vital information about their children.

In other words, if a student begins identifying as the opposite sex or by a different name at school, California school districts are now not only required to adopt that self-identity, but their teachers and administrators are also prohibited from sharing that information with parents. This undermines the fundamental role of parents in safeguarding their children’s well-being and making critical decisions about their health.

Moreover, the SAFETY Act extends its reach further into schools by mandating that educational institutions accommodate and promote gender identity changes among students. This includes altering school records and facilities to reflect a student’s self-identified gender. These measures not only infringe on the privacy and safety of other students, but also impose ideological frameworks on educational environments, causing confusion and conflict among students, parents, and staff.

The requirement for schools to support these changes without exception also forces teachers to accept radical progressive, anti-scientific views on gender. This seriously infringes on the First Amendment’s protections for the free exercise of religion by forcing Christian teachers and administrators to support practices and ideologies that violate their sincerely held beliefs about gender and sexuality.

By enabling minors to make life-altering decisions without parental input, and furthermore treating parents as a potential threat to their own children, California is establishing a dangerous precedent that could have far-reaching impacts beyond the 5.8 million students in the California public school system. In other policy areas like vehicle emissions regulations and minimum wage hikes, California has served as a blueprint for liberal states and Democrat politicians at the federal level. Transgenderism could be no different.

In light of this, Americans deserve to know where Vice President Kamala Harris – who hails from California – stands on her home state’s radical new position on transgender policy. Harris has been conspicuously silent on the legislation since it became law, but her record as a U.S. Senator and vice president indicates that the SAFETY Act could be just the sort of thing Americans might expect nationwide with her in the Oval Office.

As the far-left publication Slate reported late last month, Harris has been “very progressive” on the issue of transgenderism over the course of her two decades in politics, with activist Shannon Minter calling her a “steadfast, committed, and well-informed ally.”

In 2019, for instance, Harris indicated that she would support taxpayer-funded gender transitions for incarcerated individuals. In 2017, Harris co-sponsored the so-called “Equality Act,” a far-left bill that would have enshrined transgender ideology in federal law and discriminated against religious Americans. As National Review reported at the time, “The Equality Act would redefine sex to include ‘gender identity,’ thus forcing every federally funded entity — most notably schools and colleges — to treat males who declare transgender status as if they were females.”

As vice president, Harris has also embraced a role as a champion of transgender and LGBTQ ideology. She has been a chief propagator of claims that efforts to remove sexually explicit LGBTQ materials from school libraries amount to “book bans,” and has touted her role in the administration’s Title IX rewrite, which gutted crucial protections for women and girls and requires schools to allow males access to girls’ restroom and locker room facilities.

Notably, the administration’s new Title IX rules discourage schools from telling parents if their child has chosen a new gender identity – effectively a slightly watered-down version of the California law. It is not a far leap to suggest that a President Kamala Harris could move to match California or even enact a nationwide blanket ban on schools disclosing such information to parents at all.

Parental rights have thus far remained a secondary issue in the 2024 campaign. But if Harris is held to account for her past record on the issue and pressed to take a stance on this recent development in her home state, it could explode back to the forefront of the public consciousness. If prior results are any indication, that would be a positive development for conservatives – and every American parent – come November.

Allison Schuster is a contributor for AMAC Newsline, the Federalist, American Greatness, and the Conservateur, as well as a proud 2021 graduate of Hillsdale College.

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Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
6 months ago

Harris, Walz, and the rest of the democrat party are bigger threat to this country’s children than parents could ever be. Parents, if you want to know what’s going on with your children do NOT vote for the democrats.

6 months ago

Krazy Kackling Khamelleon Kamala LIES EVERYTIME she speaks just like Jackass Joe! If she is “voted” into the Presidentcy it will PROVE that the election was stolen again! The REAL QUESTION is whether the Republicans ALLOW them to do it again?

6 months ago

If Harris wins, this will quickly become federal policy through the Dept of education, the first agency that should be on the chopping block when Trump wins! They can’t even teach kids to read or write but they’re happy to “help” convince them to change genders. How far we have fallen.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

All the preoccupation with the handful of people even special laws. Where is the law protecting all the citizens from criminals?

6 months ago

trump’s policies will save the usa

6 months ago

No she doesn’t, and she won’t. If you want to know her policy look to the democrat party. They are running her and will run her is she is president.

They are all for it, so she is all for it. even if she never utters a word.

6 months ago

she can’t refute it. she’ll lose all her pervert constituents

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Kamala needs to defend her sudden “born again” flip-flop on EVERYTHING she seems to have flipped on as well as her “CMSgt”-s acts as Governor. Go on Fox News Kamala… what are you… CHICKEN? Never happen though.

6 months ago

Chameleon Cackler has already declared her position. Just look at the drag queen/transgender shows and podcasts she’s been on.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Has Zero position

6 months ago

I am going to rant a little.1st there are two genders, male and female.2nd if you competed in the Olympics, compete as the gender you were born with.3rd if you do want to trans. ,then you pay for it don’t look for a handout from the taxpayers.I,m sure I going to ruffle some feathers

6 months ago

It’s all planned to destroy the fabric of our society, they have to start with the children. If they can get young kids to believe they are not the gender they were born, and get young males to take puberty blockers that stops them from ever producing offspring. Then they get different ethnicities hating each other so the country will be in turmoil, then the government sweeps in with new laws to even further eroding our rights. It’s all a plan, if the American people don’t wake up it will be too late to reverse the damage.

Jeri B
Jeri B
6 months ago

I totally agree with William, and tampon Tim wants tampon machines put in boys bathrooms. What a disgrace those two idiots are.

6 months ago

Minors are not allowed to purchase or use tobacco and alcohol products,they are prohibited from purchasing firearms and getting tattoos; yet they can legally consent to gender-affirming identification and medical/surgical interventions without parental notification. Emergency or urgent care of minors still requires parental notification and authorization. Scientific research has shown that a majority of “gender dysphoria” resolves during maturation. There is no science proving any early intervention in childhood is medically beneficial. After age 18, an individual reaches the “age of concent” and are free to legally exercise their autonomy. Proponents need to back up their position with multiple, sound peer reviewed medical research to support this push for governmental control.

6 months ago

Come on AMAC! The playbook says lie or ignore!

Dan McKenzie
Dan McKenzie
6 months ago

One does not need to rely on “firmly held religious beliefs” to oppose trans issues. Science is on our side. People cannot change gender no matter how many people say they can.

6 months ago

No one can believe the lies, nor determine the truth. See the truth, trust in policy, vote republican and stop anticipating the BS being tossed about by the decrepit crowd.

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

How about Communist harris take a position on Saving the U.S. Beef Industry instead of wiping it out and importing nasty tasting disease infested beef from Mexico and Brazil when the USA has the BEST Beef in the World?
That’s far more important than that sick transgender garbage.

6 months ago

Please! She’s a leftist aka Marxist everyone already knows what her position will be on everything.

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