
Elections , Newsline

Kamala Harris, Pro-Crime Candidate for President

Posted on Monday, September 16, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The negative effects of California’s Proposition 47 are well known—a surge in theft, chaos, and lawlessness. Prop 47, a ballot measure approved by voters in 2014, reclassified nonviolent larceny as a misdemeanor so long as the value of the goods stolen is less than $950. 

This results are seen in horrifying videos of criminals brazenly riding bikes into drugstores and plundering shelves, stealing bags full of merchandise while impotent clerks and security guards haplessly watch the crime unfold.

What’s less known is that Vice President Kamala Harris was a key champion of getting Prop 47 approved. 

Progressives like Harris often bemoan what they describe as “food deserts,” a lack of grocery stores offering more healthy foods in poorer areas.

The truth is, politicians such as Harris who encouraged the very lawlessness that drove out the drugstores and grocery stores don’t advise constituents to stop looting. They punish business owners instead.

The good thing is that California voters have a chance to repeal Proposition 47 through a countermeasure this fall called Prop 36. If voters approve the ballot question, Prop 47 will die.

Harris, however, wants to impose her terrible California worldview nationwide. Harris, the state’s former attorney general, supports ending cash bail for violent criminals. 

Democrats’ presidential nominee even helped raise bail money for violent rioters in 2020, including murderers and serial domestic abusers in Minnesota during the George Floyd riots. Sadly, one of those criminals Harris helped free from jail went on to kill someone. 

Harris claims to be a candidate of law and order, yet she proposed allowing dealers to sell drugs without fear of criminal prosecution. She prefers that drug dealers face charges only after the third time they are arrested.

“Kamala Harris was the most liberal and progressive district attorney I worked with in over 30 years in the SFPD,” said Kevin Cashman, former deputy chief of the San Francisco Police Department. 

Now that’s a difficult title to claim in a liberal city like San Francisco.

But this title makes sense when you know that Harris released a violent MS-13 gang member, Edwin Ramos. Ramos was convicted of murdering a father and his two sons after being released.

Harris shielded illegal immigrant drug dealers from prison. She wiped clean their criminal records and coddled them with job training, even as millions of U.S. citizens are unemployed. Unfortunately, one of these illegal aliens violently assaulted a woman, fracturing her skull. 

Harris refused to seek the death penalty against cop killer David Hill. Even the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., disagreed with Harris’ blatant disregard for the law. She criticized Harris for it. 

Harris allowed criminals who punched and spit on cops to avoid jail time.

As district attorney of San Francisco, Harris was weak on gun-carrying criminals. The San Francisco Chronicle reported in 2006: “Police have also challenged Harris over whether she is living up to her promises to get tougher on gun crimes.”

Harris also failed in the courtroom as a prosecutor. San Francisco Weekly reported in 2010: “In the first quarter of 2010, things got worse. During that time, Harris’ office secured guilty verdicts in just 53 percent of its felony trials —a remarkable figure, revealing that defendants accused of serious crimes who took their case to trial had an even one-in-two shot at winning an acquittal.”

Harris’ record as San Francisco district attorney, The Washington Free Beacon reports, includes “lenient plea deals and probation for a string of career criminals—a serial domestic abuser who later murdered his girlfriend, a repeat felon who gunned down a newspaper editor in Harris’ hometown of Oakland, and others.”

Harris was such a crime-friendly district attorney, SF Gate reported, that San Francisco police were forced to do an “end run around Harris’ office by taking several gang-related homicide cases to federal prosecutors.”

For the first time in the history of California, which was founded in 1850, the state is losing a congressional district. That means California is losing people big time. 

Residents are fleeing California’s crime for places such as Florida and Texas because of Harris’ failed policies and governance, in San Francisco and statewide. 

If Harris becomes president, Americans will have nowhere else to flee because she’ll be running the entire country. We deserve better.

Carrie Sheffield is a senior policy analyst at Independent Women’s Voice.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Carrie Sheffield

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
6 hours ago

The fault is with the people voting the criminals in and keeping them in. Anyone living there must have seen she does not give a fig about the state, communities or the residents Yet she stayed in. She did what voter allowed her to do Why? That is the question only voter can answer. Not much between ears of either one. Results are devastating Those incapable of rational decision gave power to even less able. .

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
5 hours ago

If you don’t see how bad the policies of Kamala for our country, then you are either asleep or biased or uninformed. Please research to save our country.

3 hours ago

Why this isn’t being yelled from the rooftops is completely baffling. Look at the past from this leftist district attorney, state attorney general and now vice president. How on earth can we allow this woman who didn’t get one primary vote this year have a voice in the direction of our Great republic? It’s completely mind blowing that she is the democrat nominee for President of the United States! Talk about democracy dying before us! C’mon people wake up!

3 hours ago

the giggling communist.

3 hours ago

Harris is running on the lore that has been passed down among the colored community. That police are there to kill them. There are no colored criminals only white criminals. She lets all people with a different color skin than white go. And makes perps of those with white skin. Everything is blamed on slavery of over 150 years ago. Everything is not that black and white. Not every policeman is a racist out to kill colored people. Not all policemen are white. But isn’t it easier to get revenge on the white race to get them all killed or make them pay for the slavery committed by both sides, eons ago. The colored do not have personal responsibility, just go rob and steal all in the name of equity. Walz set up the COVID/vaccine rat line. Get the scoop on those not obeying him and Kameltoe thinks the same way. It’s about control and money. You have enough of both, you control everything. Let’s give America back to the people to decide the fate of the country. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE. May God protect him every day.

3 hours ago

Trump needs to challenge Harris to a debate hosted by Fox. Hannity should be one of the moderators. Why does democrats always get their way. If she refuses, that should be national news.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
3 hours ago

With all the shooting going on plus the attempted assassination of Trump, yes the soft on crime policy is here.

2 hours ago

We know this, but, the World does not. This info must get out to educate what this Veep is all about.

3 hours ago

It doesn’t take Al Einstein to see that Harris wanted potential immigrants “back home” to know they would be accommodated here. She also supported her boss’s criminal activity and non-feasance in office.
What a champ.

3 hours ago

Ms Harris does not have the capability to be President. Why did the Democrats even have her installed as Vice Resident with the Biden?

3 hours ago

A vote for Harris may as well be a vote for Putin

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
3 hours ago

Camel Face the flip-flopper. During the Debate she said she was for everything that we are for. Or was that the moderators?

1 hour ago

If only the main stream media would report on these points. Why can’t people who lose loved ones to Harris, sue her, sue CA, sue until someone STOPS this ridiculousness. People are going to elect her because she is a woman.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
1 hour ago

One of the most bizarre aspects of our current situation, to an old outlaw biker (NO not the spandex variety), is the Biblical aspect being revealed. The demonicrat party is literally demonic! Good Lord CommieLaw’s wretched giggle is definitely demonic!

z zhu
z zhu
40 minutes ago

there are some anti chinese bigots on here who hate chinese people even ones in america

z zhu
z zhu
41 minutes ago

please vote for kamala harris to make the whole world better

z zhu
z zhu
51 minutes ago

trump is a criminal for working with russia to steal the presidency form clinton and trying to steal the election president biden won

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