
Elections , Newsline

Kamala Gives Voters Whiplash on Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities

Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Throughout her entire political career, Kamala Harris has been at the forefront of Democrat extremism promoting open borders and sanctuary cities. But in a new ad out this week, the Harris campaign is now outrageously portraying the vice president as a champion of border security.

“As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades,” a narrator states in the ad. “And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris.”

“Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crime. As a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border,” the ad continues.

Another ad released late last month attempts to favorably contrast Harris’s actions on the border with those of former President Donald Trump – just as incredibly suggesting that Biden’s “border czar” somehow has a stronger record on the issue than the president who created the most secure border in decades.

The approach represents just another in a series of policy 180s for Harris, ranging from her supposed newfound support for fracking to now opposing banning private health insurance and mandating gun buybacks – both policies she supported as recently as 2020.

But Harris’s border policy flip-flop is perhaps the most egregious of all given her direct role in exacerbating the current border crisis. Moreover, her history of radicalism on immigration policy gives voters zero reason to trust her on the issue as she looks to claim the Oval Office.

Harris’s initial entry into public office was in 2003 when she was elected as San Francisco’s District Attorney. The city had officially declared itself a “sanctuary city” in 1989, and Harris fully embraced that label, telling CNN shortly after she was elected, “We are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.”

Five years later, in 2008, Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, committed triple homicide in San Francisco. Ramos had an extensive juvenile record and was a known MS-13 gang affiliate. His offenses included a gang-related assault on a bus passenger and attempted robbery of a pregnant woman. However, in accordance with sanctuary city policies, Harris’s office refused to refer Ramos to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and then refused to seek the death penalty after he brutally killed three innocent people.

Despite these failures, California voters rewarded Harris by making her the state’s attorney general. As promised during her campaign, Harris made California a “sanctuary state,” actively working to undermine the efforts of federal immigration authorities to detain and deport illegal aliens, including violent criminals. Harris specifically issued guidance to local law enforcement leaders that they were not required to “determine an individual’s immigration status or to enforce federal immigration laws,” and clarified that requests from federal immigration authorities for local law enforcement to report illegal aliens were “voluntary.”

Notably, Harris’s office had little to no involvement in combating cross-border drug trafficking and human smuggling, as her ad claims. Gang members that her office did prosecute were mostly local offenders, rather than international criminal groups.

In 2015, Attorney General Harris also sent an open letter to the U.S. Senate urging them to block legislation that would ban sanctuary cities. The bill, S. 2146, the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act, would have withheld federal funding from cities that refused to comply with immigration authorities. “Criminal justice policy should not be conflated with national immigration policy,” Harris wrote, suggesting that local authorities have no legitimate role in enforcing federal law.

As a senator, presidential candidate, and now vice president, Harris has only added to her radical record. During her 2020 campaign, she explicitly called for abolishing ICE, demanded the U.S. accept more asylum-seekers from terrorist hotspots, and supported closing down every illegal alien detention center.

Then, of course, came Harris’s tenure as vice president and Biden’s point person on the border and immigration. As Harris refused to actually visit the border, viciously slandered border patrol agents, and denied that a crisis existed at all, the country shattered records for illegal border crossings and saw a flood of known terrorists, drugs, and human trafficking. The “toughest border bill in decades” that her campaign ad mentions would’ve in actuality made the problem far worse.

Now, however, in spite of twenty years of evidence to the contrary, Americans are supposed to believe that Kamala Harris cares about being “tough” on the border.

This audacious gaslighting attempt should make two things abundantly clear.

First, that Harris recognizes just how vulnerable she is on the border and illegal immigration.

Second, that Trump has clearly and undeniably won the national debate over border security, as the Democrat presidential nominee is now attempting to run to the right of him on the issue.

Both of these revelations should energize Republicans to continue hammering border security in the final months of the race. Specifically, the GOP must make clear the role that Harris and her Democrat allies have played in sowing chaos and tragedy at the border and expose the dishonest and cynical 180 they are now attempting to execute.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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7 months ago

The dead are rolling in their graves with the amount of FALSE RHETORIC that MSM is spewing out about VP Harris’s career. Of course, as usual, there will be those who will believe every word and fall for these lies.

7 months ago

The largest invasion in history has occurred on the US border under Biden/Harris.

7 months ago

Don’t tell us! Get this information out in the MSM..somehow. Or at least Fox, Newsmax, AMAC articles (not just newsletters), etc!

7 months ago

Sadly, there are people that will believe all of her crap!

7 months ago

Just look at her resume’ as border czar. Once again kumbaya is lying to get votes, and it’s tragic that millions of idiots believe her verbal CRAP.

7 months ago

Why isn’t she and Biden in jail for treason?? It looks like we are no longer a Republic and nation of laws.

7 months ago

Harris was a partner in the duo in the WH which makes her responsible for the invasion by illegals. If you haven’t read the article on Harris by Major General Geoffrey Higgenbotham, you should.

7 months ago

Kamala’s border turnaround is an example of Democrats’ shameless and blatant dishonesty. Only the ignorant and clueless would vote for her.

7 months ago

That a person would waste their right to cast a vote on this “thing”, a right paid for with the blood sweat and tears of so many who’ve sacrificed their lives and limbs and peace of mind, simply for her gender and ethnicity, is beyond comprehension. If she and Walz end up stealing the election, I wonder if the useful idiots will have the presence of mind to regret their disposition when the U.S. is a smoking hole in the ground, literally or figuratively, by her hand. Of course by then it’ll be too late to ask, “so how did that work out for you?” Regrettably, I doubt it. They’d likely be told blame it on Trump.

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
7 months ago

Democrats have their perfect candidates for President and VP because the voters know almost nothing about either one. Since they would have no chance by running on their radical leftist agenda, they are exposing their candidates real policy positions as little as possible in the hope that they can successfully portray them as “moderate” through their propaganda. It worked, possibly to some degree along with voter fraud, in 2020 and they are trying the same plan again.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
7 months ago

She Lies At The Drop of a hat, and when you corner them on they say they didn’t say it. Or they were misquoted or you didn’t understand what they meant. And then there is the media who lies about everything just to build up their liberal base ,and shut down anything a Conservative says!!!!

7 months ago

The Socialist party is not stupid they know the sheep young and old only get their info. from the MSN and they control all of it ,,, 2025 and beyond is not looking near as good as it did a few weeks ago ,,, GOD HELP US ALL

7 months ago

The dems and especially Kameltoe along with Tampon Tim have been undermining border security for years. They are more interested in the invaders coming into America than the legal citizens. The lies continue and her popularity soars. In one month’s time she went from being kicked out as VP to being the savior of America. Oops I mean the dem party. The lies we have endured are coming out more and more. They were subtle about it now they lie openly. Don’t believe them. They will destroy America and all its citizens. You know “reshaping” America. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE in 2024 to save America.

7 months ago

Kamala Harris is not changing her firmly held positions on anything. She’s simply putting on act . She is not pivoting on any issues . Her CLAIMED reversal of position is nothing more than fodder for the Leftist Main Stream Media to spread around in an effort to trick her own voters . That’s right, her own voters. Most Democrat voters actually agree with Trump on the issues of Immigration and inflation . Kamala wants Democrat voters to stay with her . The only ones who will stay with her are the abortionists and the anti-Israeli groups . The rest of the Democrats are worried that the Democrat Party is abandoning them . They will either vote for Trump or stay home . Enter the un-solicited paper ballot . After Trump win, watch for the Democrats to “find” paper ballot votes in the day, days, week , weeks , month , and months AFTER the election . After the election , the Democrats will fire up their printing presses and then supply the necessary number of paper ballots to try to put Kamala over the top.

7 months ago

Harris’s slogan should be ‘Promises made, promises broke’.

7 months ago

She’s going after the mal-informed because we the people know that all she’s been doing and will keep doing in her political carrier is being a servant to the deep state.

7 months ago

Paint her bright green and throw a bucket of water on her now! Khameleon harris is AGAIN lying to HIDE her past. Moreover, her history of radicalism on immigration policy gives voters zero reason to trust her on the issue as she looks to claim the Oval Office. Her and the fake VP pick of hers are trying to sneak into the white house on LIES and deceptions. VOTE them away and GONE for good. DO NOT let the socialist get your children!!

Scott Beck
Scott Beck
7 months ago

Harris is a pathological liar and honed her skills in California.

7 months ago

YES! Everything these very creative “Democrats” say is simply romance on short notice… with no intention to provide any follow-through, except what is required to further upstage or obscure the issue until another one commands enough short-lived attention, or a confusing, double-jointed redefinition enables a subject change.
The acceptance of this type of maneuvering is by the choice of an ignorant, complacent, American “Democrat” constituency, that is void of enough common sense to check the fuel level in their gas tanks by lighting a match instead of reading the gage.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

The woman is out of control and belongs on medication and supervision. Under normal circumstances she would not be a court clerk never mind the DA But circumstances are not normal thus not normal are in control of them.

7 months ago

If all the MSM has an FCC license all those licenses should be revoked.

7 months ago

In defense of Horizontal Harris, the FAR, LEFT-WING RADICAL, SOCIALIST COMMIE, I can honestly say that she doesn’t ALWAYS LIE. No sir. IT’S ONLY WHEN HER ‘TALENTED’ and LYING LIPS MOVE.
The Horizontal Harris/Stolen Valor Walz ticket is the ticket from the deepest socialist sewage pit in Hell.

7 months ago

She is akin to watching a ping pong game the way she jumps from side to side. Typical liberal saying what she thinks will get her the most votes.
Anyone who believes anything she says is just stump stupid.

7 months ago

Pure Propaganda—Joesph Goebbels would be envious

7 months ago


7 months ago

Both Trump and Vance need to constantly talk about these failures and crimes to American citizens at every rally, speaking engagement and especially in the debate forum. Instead of harping on both democrat candidates personally, remind everyone every day of their failures. Liberals don’t watch Newsman or RAV so get this message out in every commercial you can. They must be stopped.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

“The toughest border bill in decades” did NOTHING to close the border! It would finance more employees to help EXPEDITE the entry of illegals into the country. ALL of Kackler’s positions cause whiplash. As long as the corrupt media don’t call her out on her 180 degree changes, some uninformed voters might actually believe her LIES!
Guess we could ask Willie Brown about her “change of positions,” couldn’t we?

Richard Miller
Richard Miller
7 months ago

The early voting should not take place before October or not at all to be able to vent a candidate before voting. That is how Pa got stuck with Fetterman because of early voting before he had a stroke and became incompetent.

Cecyle Callahan
Cecyle Callahan
7 months ago

This woman only has a chance because she’s a female. Just like Obama because he’s black.
Stop being sucked down the rabbit hole.
Harris has done very little and what she has done isn’t worth much. Stop voting people into office if you are only doing it from publicity.

7 months ago

Saul Alinsky, and Cloward and Piven strategies being fully utilized by California Kamala, Tampon Timmy, the Legacy Propaganda Media, and the “Progressive” Democratic Socialist Party, Why didn’t we see this coming and prevent it???

Hector Bayate
Hector Bayate
7 months ago

                                             August 16, 2024
The significant actions from the Biden and Kamala Harris administration.

#1 The withdrawal from Afghanistan: 
This government abandoned (or left to them) an enemy terrorist organization, (Taliban) around 90 BILLIONS worth of military equipment! 
 (75,898 vehicles, 599,690 weapons, 162,643 communications equipment, 16,191 intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance equipment, 29,681explosive disposal equipment,  208 Aircrafts) 

Hundreds of American citizens and thousands of allied friends who fought along with our soldiers were abandoned to the mercy of one of the worst terrorist organizations, the Taliban.
The betrayal of those good people who fought on our side was in the worst and most shameful way possible, as the Biden administration gave the Taliban the tools to track them down  and be killed, their wives and children to be raped and made them slaves!

Those actions from the Biden’s administration were acts of treason against this country and a betrayal against all freedom fighters who fought against terrorists all around the world.

Those responsible in this administration should be prosecuted.  

#2 The opening of the border with Mexico:

 The Biden administration from the first day in office stopped the building of the fence ordered by the previous administration and opened the border to illegal immigrants, which, obviously included all types of criminals, terrorists, gang members, sex traffickers, drug traffickers, however, it was (and still is) denied by this government and ignored by most of the Media.

However, just the increase of illegal drugs coming through the Mexican border counts for hundreds of thousands of US citizens being killed every year.

That doesn’t count the huge increment in all types of crimes committed in the United States by illegals, and doesn’t count the many girls, children and women that are being raped everyday by cartel members who control the crossing, which it’s an estimate of 40 to 50 percent (perhaps more) however, it was (and still is) denied by this government and ignored by most of the Media.

Those actions done purposefully by the Biden’s administration aimed to stay in power forever might destroy the United States forever, if they are not stopped.

Those actions are acts of treason against this country and the many people guilty of it in this administration should be prosecuted.

#3 The unconstitutional mandates ordered by the Biden’s administration: 

Hundreds of thousands of people in this country and millions all over the world died due to the arbitrary laws applied during the Covid 19 crisis.
Those arbitrary laws were applied based on lies from the government and the media as any treatment for Covid 19 was blocked or obstructed.

Politicized corrupted Health organizations (CDC and FDA) were given power (illegally) to act or imposed laws supported by corrupted scientists such as Mr. Fauci along with his team of liars.

So, an improperly called vaccine and unproven to be effective as most data were hidden, was illegally mandated and millions of people have died and are still dying not from Covid19  but the vaccine, however, it’s still being promoted in spite of being proven to be a disaster, so logically there is a strong possibility that the ones in charge behind doors want the killing of people (the population)!! 

Those actions from the Biden’s administration were acts of treason against this country and humanity, and the many people guilty of it in this administration and from corrupted Health” organizations  should be prosecuted.

#4 Sanctions removed and billions of dollars given to a declared enemy of this country and the biggest supporter of terrorism, Iran:

In addition to the shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan the Biden administration removed all sanctions from the previous administration and gave 16 billions of dollars (known so far) to Iran.

Those disastrous policies in favor of terrorists, allowed or were responsible for the attack against Israel by Hamas and Palestinian terrorists as well as Hezbollah, from Lebanon.

The actions from Biden, not his words, have been since the first day of the attack against Israel, in support of the Palestinian and Hamas terrorists in hundreds of thousands of dollars

There has been an established help from the United States to Israel for decades, not only because Israel is the only real ally and friend, it’s beneficial for both countries.
However, all of “what” this Biden administration has done is criticized and pressured Israel, and holds or delays any help already been approved by Congress. 

Those actions from the Biden’s administration are acts of treason against this country and Israel, and those responsible in the administration should be prosecuted.

And to sum up disastrous policies,

The economic policies from Biden and Kamala Harris of raising taxes and government control Marxist ideas instead of free enterprise, (to impose control and regulations) they’re mostly based on unproven theories about climate change, that even if it were true, in 400 years the changes would be unnoticeable, however, it mostly supports socialists or communists ideas

The disastrous foreign policies from Biden and Kamala Harris helping terrorists in the Middle East and spending billions of dollars in the Ukraine war, a corrupt country that doesn’t allow any opposition nor any free press, Christians are persecuted, and they have the biggest concentration of nazis who are fighting along the government, where hundreds of thousands of innocents have been massacred for more than two years, and there has never been any intent for negotiations!

However, hundreds of thousands of US citizens die every year due to the open border with Mexico, and no actions at all.

These incompetence, or treasonous actions from this administration are taking this country and the world on a path to a nuclear war, and should be stopped.

                                            Héctor Bayate

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
7 months ago

She is telling too many lies about what she will do. We know that now of those ideas will come into play if she is elected!!!

7 months ago

Let’s see Kamala has been the Vice President for 3 1/2 years. She was recruited to be in charge of the Border which she never visited. Solutions she had none. Now, suddenly as she sees a majority of the voters want Border security she decides to tell voters she has solutions for closing the border. Does she think voters are that stupid?

7 months ago

I wouldn’t vote for the ‘cacklin’ ho’ if she were the only one running. Besides being a liar she is a complete MORON.

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
7 months ago

I meant none of her ideas.

Calvin Johnston
Calvin Johnston
7 months ago

Her actions show that she has no concern about having opposite viewpoints before elections and after elections.What she says to the public tends to reflect whatever she thinks the audience wants to hear. However, her actions indicate that her basic agenda is a close parallel to Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler and Hugo Chavez.
In other words, she believes in a wealthy elite ruling class which is all powerful and is immune from the laws while the general populace is equivalent to a plantation, thus a population who are essentially slaves to the government.
If you vote Democrat, that is what you are asking for, a tyranny which will crush the working class into grinding poverty.

7 months ago

Despite these failures, California voters rewarded Harris by making her the state’s attorney general.”

No, we didn’t! It was voter fraud that got kameltoe elected as AG. The CA fraud machine is still going strong and will destroy the November election.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

She has done nothing at the border but here in Wisconsin they are tell everyone that she has done so much to shut the border down just lie after lie for her here these super packs are pouring millions here to get the vote for her they hope to get her to the White House based on lies. That is the story of her life one big lie.

7 months ago

She makes me sick at heart just seeing images of her. What a Sicko.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

The Father of Lies is in control!

7 months ago

Kamala Harris obviously sounds like she will say anything to get the vote, but judging from all of her flip-flopping, if she does get voted for, I don’t believe a word she says. She will continue to be an extremist and a full-fledge communist.
She will never get my vote.

James DeBona
James DeBona
7 months ago

Kamala Harris only cares about telling the American voters what they want to hear!
Not what she wants to do or will actually do.
She’s just another extreme-left facade of a candidate that hasn’t received so much as (1) single solitary vote to get where she is right now! Just a rubber-stamp to be used for whatever her extreme-left handlers want.

7 months ago


Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
7 months ago

The border invasion began in 1986, yes 1986 under the Regan administration when 30,000 illegal Mexicans were allowed to come into the United States and given amnesty. I do not believe Mr. Reagan wanted this, but the Dark State Council coerced him into this. The Republicans made feeble attempts, if any to stop this. This clown vice President is just a false figurehead not unlike the charade known as, Homeland Security which a Republican administration created under George Bush.
Homeland Security secures the needs of the Dark State.
Harris is a simple-minded female who takes orders from the evil cobal ( the dark state). We have crossed the Rubicon with these invaders and their sponsors. If they are permitted to remain they will continue to murder, take our resources, and destroy us.
Americans cannot keep up with this inflation as well, while the invaders do not need to be concerned, because we are paying for our destruction.
Remember, Sen Tedd Kenedy changed the immigration policy in 1965 with the wretched President Lyndon Johnson who signed it.

7 months ago

Camel Hairs literally NEVER tells the truth.

7 months ago

Harris is an unrepentant pathological LIAR! She will say anything to get power and once she does we will pay dearly for the ruse will bite us in the A**!

Harvey Lyles
Harvey Lyles
7 months ago

She has changed her mind since THEN! Why are we to believe she WON’T change it again-IF like Biden -she has a mind!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Dems ONLY want votes for power ONLY, screw the voters.

Tony Duffee
Tony Duffee
7 months ago

One thing is certain, I don’t like her brand of border security. I’ve already seen her take on it. America can’t afford the Democrats policies on border security.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
7 months ago

A great many of the Democrat voters are to self involved to have any idea what’s going on in politics and probably shouldn’t be voting at all. If they hear the truth about democrats they just figure it’s to ludicrous to possibly be true so the lies democrats are feeding them sounds sensible. That’s why I now believe those who do not have a clue shouldn’t be voting. I will bet over half of the people voting Democrat are not full blown America hating communists as the people they are voting for are.

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