
Elections , Newsline

Judge Backs America First Legal Bid to Secure List of 218K Voters Without Citizenship Proof

Posted on Friday, November 1, 2024
by Outside Contributor

America First Legal (AFL) won its lawsuit against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) on Thursday over 218,000 voters who were incorrectly registered as providing proof of U.S. citizenship.

The Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County ruled on Thursday that Fontes must provide the list of more than 218,000 voters who did not provide proof of U.S. citizenship by Monday.

“Defendants shall release to Plaintiff no later than noon on Monday, November 4, 2024, the original list of approximately 98,000 Affected Voters as specifically identified in Richer v. Fontes,” the court order reads.

“Defendants shall release to Plaintiff no later than noon on Monday, November 4, 2024, any other datasets, compilation of information, lists, or communications from MVD containing personally identifying information (PII) about Affected Voters,” the court added.

AFL senior legal counsel James Rogers said in a statement Thursday: “A majority of Arizonans no longer trust the election system of our state. One of the reasons is the lack of transparency from our state’s elected officials.

“When Secretary Fontes discovered the glitch that allowed 218,000 individuals to register without providing proof of citizenship, he should have immediately shared the list of affected individuals with Arizona’s county recorders, who are in charge of verifying the citizenship of voters. Instead, he has jealously guarded the list, refusing to share it with anyone. This suit was about restoring transparency and ensuring that county recorders can do their jobs by verifying the citizenship of voters. It is unfortunate that Secretary Fontes so aggressively opposed our common-sense efforts to help restore trust in our state’s election system. This was a case we never should have needed to file.”

AFL sued Fontes earlier this month, after the secretary of state’s office said that an additional 120,000 Arizona residents were found to have been placed on the state’s voter rolls as providing proof that they are U.S. citizens, despite the fact that they had not done so.

Approximately 79,000 Republicans, 61,000 Democrats, and 76,000 Other Party members have been affected.

The secretary’s announcement came two weeks after he explained that there was an error in state systems that labeled roughly 98,000 voters as having provided documented proof of U.S. citizenship when they had not done so.

Arizona is a state with the unusual situation of bifurcated elections, in which residents who provide proof of U.S. citizenship can vote in all elections while the others may vote only in federal elections, resulting in ballots cast by voters who haven’t proven their U.S. citizenship.

AFL argued in its lawsuit that the secretary of state’s office illegally withheld the list of 218,000 voters who have not provided citizenship proof. Fontes’ office rejected a public records request for the list and county recorders have also not received the list, despite state law requiring the local offices to investigate voters registered without citizenship proof.

Natalia Mittelstadt graduated from Regent University with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication Studies and Government.

Reprinted with Permission from Just The News – By Natalia Mittelstadt

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

Wish someone would do a deep dive in MN. With SOS Simon’s change -all who get a DL are auto regist. to vote, then Scum Walz (TheFallofMinneapolis. com- should you watch- if you are not angry after watching then ???- Floyd OD’ and they KNEW it! Mpls/ares still not rebuilt!) passing the all illegals can get a DL- I have NO doubt about the shenanigans happening. Afterall, illegals get free college but not actual residents/citizens-Minnesotans. Destroying MN – Californizing MN. We are under corruptocrat control, and I would NOT be surprised if quite a few were installed. Announced knowingly using -proved to be (konnoco, CA machines) compromised machines- Afterall, Omar was implicated in illegal $ballot harvesting 2020 -with AG Antifa (he proudly claims) Ellison in charge- of course ‘investigation’ went nowhere. Since nothing was done- this practice now has become acceptable? How many others followed her lead. Did again 2022 and will 2024. Her 2024 Primary is/was under suspicion (but of course -nothing done)- so cheat again?? and who else? Lindell tried- (2020 proved MN is RED) but harassed, business harassed, his bank accounts closed on him -so much nastiness to him/business all for wanting to clean up MN. We rank 45th in election integrity! Huh! MN Wake up! Vote out ALL the dems- regardless- rigged? Make it too big for them to…. Then we need to demand Walz/ilk resign!

4 months ago

That is good news.

4 months ago

What the HELL are you bloody morons at AMAC doing to comments.? This is the second time in a week that I’ve had a comment vanish without trace.Ms Webber,you need to get control of your people.Pronto.

4 months ago

“Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times.” Saul Alinsky.Rules for Radicals.IMPEACH This so called “Judge”.He or she has violated The United States Constitution and Oath of Office.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Remember that harris is technically, legally, and Constitutionally NOT a legal presidential candidate since she received ZERO Votes as presidential candidate. biden is the legal presidential candidate, NOT harris. democrats will cheat any way they can for votes to stay in Power and Control including Illegal and Unconstitutional Votes from their Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.

4 months ago

Adrian Fontes was following orders from Katy Hobbs.She who as Secretary of State,stole the election for Governor from Lake.DEMOCRATS don’t care about the U.S CONTITUTION, THAT IS WHY THEY VIOLATE THIS SACRED DOCUMENT WITH SUCH IMPUNITY.Fontes is deserving of IMPEACHMENT BY ANY STANDARDS.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
4 months ago

Thanks and Bravo to the AFL of Arizona for this. We hope this will be an example for other States. May God bless them all.

John C
John C
4 months ago

Natalia Mittlestadt is a classic bully who neees to shut up.

John C
John C
4 months ago

AFL is a known fraudulent organization that should be completely shut down.

John C
John C
4 months ago

Because Trump won’t shut up about side issues I won’t be voting for him. I’ll vote for other more sane Republicans.

John C
John C
4 months ago

There were no illegal voters. I’m a Republican are we win on the economy and not these side issues.

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."
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