
Elections , Newsline

ICYMI: REBECCA WEBER: Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens From Voting

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2024
by AMAC Action

Bohemia, NY – AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber published an op-ed in Townhall on the pressing threat of noncitizens illegally casting ballots in American elections. Amid the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border and lingering concerns about election integrity, Weber calls on Congress to take immediate action to secure the ballot box, including by passing the recently introduced Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

As Weber says, “Many in the corporate media and the political establishment have assured Americans that they need not worry because non-citizens voting, or even registering to vote in federal elections is already illegal – and indeed, this is the case. But this prohibition has been effectively neutralized by caveats and special carve-outs in dozens of states’ laws which create ample opportunity to violate federal election law.”

You can read the op-ed in its entirety here. See excerpts below:

“With less than six months to go until Election Day, Americans have ample reason to be concerned that a wave of non-citizens casting ballots could undermine the integrity of our elections. Urgent federal action is needed to address this threat before it is too late.

Many in the corporate media and the political establishment have assured Americans that they need not worry because non-citizens voting, or even registering to vote in federal elections is already illegal – and indeed, this is the case. But this prohibition has been effectively neutralized by caveats and special carve-outs in dozens of states’ laws which create ample opportunity to violate federal election law.”

“To help guard against non-citizens voting, many states have wisely implemented Voter ID laws. But even these safeguards might not be enough.

For instance, in 28 states, including the swing states of Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, a student ID counts as a valid form of identification for voting. But student IDs do not distinguish between citizens and noncitizens.”

“Instead of addressing this problem, the Biden administration has actively made it worse. Under the provisions of a 2021 Biden Executive Order, the U.S. Marshals Service is now required to provide everyone in its custody information on how to register to vote. This apparently includes illegal aliens who are ineligible to vote under federal law.”

“One simple step Congress could take right now is to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a common-sense bill introduced this month which gives state officials important new tools to crack down on non-citizens voting.

Specifically, this bill would fix the shortcomings of the 1993 Voter Registration Act by requiring voters to provide documentary evidence – in person – that they are a U.S. citizen and an eligible voter.”

“The American people deserve the confidence of knowing that their elections are secure. For too long, loopholes in state laws and unaccountability from elected officials have undermined the integrity of the American electoral system, and changes are overdue.

AMAC members and millions of other Americans have sent this message loud and clear to our representatives in Washington. It is time for them to listen.”

Read the full op-ed here.

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Deborah Wood
Deborah Wood
4 months ago

Proof of citizenship, to vote, should have been law from day one!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

When Brandon packs in 80,000 people at a rally innNew Jersey too, I’ll believe it if he wins. Biden can’t get more than 100 to show up if they served free punch and pie.

Richard Adams
Richard Adams
4 months ago

So. People here Illegally is a Federal Crime and if they vote, that’s another Federal Crime. WOW!

4 months ago


Gary F Fanning
Gary F Fanning
4 months ago

Beyond diminishing the value of citizenship, these non-citizens will in some cases be determining how who and how my/our tax dollars are spent. For example, by electing officials that advocate for sanctuary city/state status to spend on illegal immigrants! Even local officials spend federal dollars in block grants and out right local run/federal funded programs! I don’t want illegal/non-citizens making those kinds of decisions. It is bad enough what liberals do to us!

4 months ago

proof of usa citizenship to vote. can we vote in their countries?

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Congress as such is a body that looks after it’s own interests Sure there are some that mean to do the job but only a few On the whole it is just a drain on a taxpayer Career blood suckers

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

This article says: Specifically, this bill would fix the shortcomings of the 1993 Voter Registration Act by requiring voters to provide documentary evidence – in person – that they are a U.S. citizen and an eligible voter.”

For people who do not have a REAL ID, does that mean that those people have to produce both a birth certificate and a valid state issued picture ID in order to vote ?

John S
John S
4 months ago

If democrats are resistant to SAVE they should be forewarned that not passing it makes them liable for chaos that would folllow a Trump loss. SAVE is the best insurance they have.

4 months ago

Why have Biden and his “mentor” Barack Hussein Obama not been charged with high Treason?? Is not compromising our border by both of them and letting in unknowns from over 150 plus nations not a deliberate and with malice attack on our safety and sovereignty? Every single person who’s crossed this border should be rounded up and shipped back to Mexico and let them deal with it. Yeah it would be a monumental task…BUT…didn’t we read a year or two ago about 85,000 ‘new’ IRS agents….? Let them, the ATF (better known as jack booted thugs) and every democrat who sanctioned this deliberate attack on this nation be forced to get off their butts and get the millions of unknowns out of here! There was a system in place for over 100 years plus for folks to become American citizens. They took classes, learned our history, our ways, our language and legitimately became citizens who added to this nation, not suck it dry.
Unless there is a massive push back, fight or outright war against the enemies of this nation America is gone…maybe it already is…after all the demorats are also giving illegals medical care, housing, money, food, etc. while we have veterans of wars living on the streets. No doubt America will have a slight name change; Amerika.

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